RF face lift: non-surgical lift of the lower third of the face

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  3. Circular face and neck lift in a clinic in Moscow

Circular facelift, or facelift, is an operation whose purpose is to reduce age-related changes that occur on the face and neck. Facelift restores the contour of the face and neck by returning sagging facial tissues to their previous position. During the operation, excess skin is eliminated, facial muscles are strengthened and a new contour is formed.

A priority direction of modern medicine in the field of surgical rejuvenation can be considered manipulations aimed at restoring young facial anatomy. Restoration of not only its external, but also internal structures. After all, facial aging is not so much caused by the appearance of excess skin. The main processes leading to age-related changes in the face are associated with deformation and changes in the position of fat, muscle tone and bone resorption.

The progress that has occurred in understanding the essence of age-related changes in the face has largely changed traditional approaches to surgical lifting methods. There has been a transition from simple facial skin tightening to its combined correction, working at deeper levels of the tissues of the face and neck.

The patient underwent surgical SMAS facelift. Previously, blepharoplasty was performed. During this operation, we corrected the oval of the face and neck.

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Indications for surgical facial rejuvenation

Indications for comprehensive facial rejuvenation are visible, as they say, to the naked eye: aging of the eyelids, sagging of the middle zone and loss of facial contours.

With age, changes occur in the facial area. By restoring the correct location of subcutaneous tissue, removing excess fat, and excision of excess skin, surgical rejuvenation of the face and neck can eliminate the visible signs of aging. A facelift can be performed as a stand-alone operation or in combination with other surgical procedures, such as forehead and eyebrow plastic surgery, blepharoplasty and lipofilling. Any operation in the facial area is combined with a lift except rhinoplasty, since the combination of these operations due to large swelling can worsen the result of nose surgery. Therefore, facial plastic surgery and rhinoplasty should be performed as two different operations with an interval of at least two months.

A circumferential facelift can only be performed surgically; non-surgical rejuvenation procedures cannot achieve the same results, but they can delay the need for a facelift and also complement the results. All rejuvenating operations in the face and neck can be performed comprehensively and combined with operations such as blepharoplasty, forehead and eyebrow lifting, and lipofilling.

Circular facelift indications for surgery:

  • Drooping (ptosis) of the skin of the forehead
  • Pronounced age-related changes in the upper and/or lower eyelids
  • Weakening and ptosis of tissue in the midface
  • Significant excess skin forming deep folds located under the lower eyelids
  • Deep folds from the nose to the corner of the mouth (nasolabial folds)
  • Fat that has moved from the upper to the lower third of the face as a result of ptosis
  • Loss of muscle tone in the lower part of the face, sagging cheeks, deformation of the oval of the face
  • Loose skin and excess fat deposits under the chin and jaw, which can develop even in a person of normal weight

The patient underwent surgical facelift , eyelid plastic surgery and mid-zone lipofilling. This way we get total facial rejuvenation, popularly called a “circular facelift”.

Contraindications to the ultrasonic SMAS lifting procedure

Absolute contraindications:

  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • general infectious diseases and skin lesions in the areas of intended treatment;
  • severe forms of acne, active systemic or local skin diseases in which the regeneration process is impaired;
  • oncological diseases;
  • endocrine diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • the presence of metal intradermal implants in the treatment area (except for dental implants);
  • decreased or absent threshold of pain (thermal) sensitivity;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Relative contraindications:

  • increased body temperature;
  • pulmonary heart failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • infectious diseases; diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • the patient has a pacemaker (consultation with a cardiologist is required);
  • neuritis in the area of ​​influence.

Surgical facelift methods at the Doctor Grishkyan clinic in Moscow

Photo from the operating room, face lift MAX lift with shortened scar.

There are several dozen facelift techniques. Some of them are widely known and used by many plastic surgeons. Some are aimed at rejuvenating all areas of the face, others are designed to rejuvenate a specific part. The leading role in modern modifications of surgical rejuvenation is given to the correction of the superficial muscular aponeurotic system SMAS (smas). This method can significantly improve the aesthetic result of the operation by eliminating age-related ptosis of the soft tissues of the cheeks and nasolabial folds, neck and chin areas.

  • Advanced facelift SMAS - SUPERFICIAL MUSCULAR APONEUROTIC SYSTEM LIFT , currently the most famous facelift technique in the world. SMAS is a concept that stands for superficial muscular aponeurotic system of the face. She takes part in facial expressions. During the extended SMAS lift operation, incisions are made both in front of the auricle and behind it. Behind the ear they can be continued into the scalp. During the operation, sagging facial muscles are captured and tightened and then fixed in a new position. This method is quite traumatic and has a long rehabilitation period. However, it allows for the most complete facial rejuvenation and lifting at almost all levels of the muscular aponeurotic system of the face.
  • MACS LIFTMINIMAL ACCESS CRANIAL SUSPENSION LIFT . This type of facelift is understood as facial plastic surgery with a short skin incision and a vertical vector of tissue lifting. This is one of the most modern facelift techniques. And at the same time the least traumatic. This type of facial surgery is performed through minimal incisions that are made in front of the ear. MACS lift also allows you to rejuvenate the upper neck, chin area and correct jowls. During the operation, nasolabial folds can be smoothed out. The technique allows you to remove a large amount of excess skin, and tighten and firmly fix sagging facial tissues in the vertical direction. This operation can be performed on patients of all groups. MACS LIFT can be supplemented with lipofilling and eyelid surgery.
  • In patients with severe neck laxity, platysmaplasty - PLATYSMA LIFT . A neck lift combined with a SMAS facelift is considered the best solution for rejuvenating a sagging, aging neck or jaw area. During a neck lift, plastic surgery of the pastisma, the superficial muscle of the neck, is performed. After tightening and removing excess fat, its edges are stitched together. It is possible to perform isolated platysmaplasty. In this case, incisions are made only in the fold around the earlobes and in the chin fold.
  • Endoscopic face lift - SUBPERIOSTEAL FACELIFT. This is a progressive technique that allows you to perform facial rejuvenation with the least amount of scars and a fairly short rehabilitation period. The operation is performed using special instruments: a video camera, which is inserted through small incisions (up to 2 cm) in the scalp. Sometimes, if necessary, an additional incision is possible in front of the ear and in the mouth. Tissue tightening is carried out subperiosteally. Excess skin is not removed. That is why endoscopic facelift is indicated mainly for patients with stage 1 of aging.

Thus, we have looked at some popular methods of surgical facial rejuvenation. Some techniques can be combined with each other. Each tightening technique has its own characteristics. The correct choice of the required technique always depends on the surgeon. In our practice, we use almost all methods, both independently and by combining them. We determine the method together with the patient during diagnosis and consultation.

“Circular lift” is a complex of surgical procedures for total facial rejuvenation

All anti-aging surgeries in the face and neck area can be performed in combination with other anti-aging surgeries, such as blepharoplasty, forehead and eyebrow lifting, and lipofilling.

Since the aging process is extremely individual, age-related changes may occur unevenly, or affect some areas of the face more than others. A circular facelift allows you to solve all the problems of an aging face, as it involves a combination of the lift itself (as a rule, when we talk about a facelift, we mean its lower third) and a set of other anti-aging operations that allow simultaneous correction of all areas. In plastic surgery, zonal division of the face is common.

  • For example, to correct age-related changes in the upper third of the face, lifting of the forehead and eyebrows is performed. This operation allows you to return the eyebrows to their original anatomical position, if desired, raise the lateral (outer) edge of the eyebrow, making the look more youthful and open. Often this procedure is combined with lipofilling of the upper eyelids, temporal region and eyebrows, thereby restoring the youthful anatomy of this part of the face.
  • Eyelid surgery today includes not only excision of the skin, but also restoration of the smooth contour of the upper and lower eyelids. In our clinic, we achieve results by redistributing or introducing additional portions of fat in this area of ​​the face.
  • The middle zone is one of the first to age. Due to the heaviness of the cheeks, a large amount of subcutaneous fat, as well as weak muscle attachment in this area of ​​the face, the middle area of ​​the face is susceptible to ptosis. Depending on the severity of age-related changes, thread lifting (silhouette lift) methods may be offered for correction. As well as lipofilling of the midface with correction of the nasolacrimal groove, alignment of the eyelid-cheekbone transition, nasolabial fold and formation of high cheekbones.
  • If necessary, it can be combined with liposuction of certain areas of the face to create the correct shape and harmonize features. To radically change the middle zone, it is possible to perform a check-lift operation, which allows you to eliminate sagging, tighten your cheeks, and restore volume in the cheekbones. Often this operation is associated with a change in the shape of the eyes - a slight elevation of the lateral corner of the eye occurs.
  • A facelift is an operation aimed primarily at correcting age-related changes in the lower third of the face.

Is it painful to do the ultrasonic SMAS lifting procedure?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, because during the procedure, different devices use different levels of energy, different distances between points, and the sensitivity of each patient is different. Application anesthesia is useless, since the effect occurs on the deep layers of the skin.

But sometimes some cosmetologists are guided by the principle “I’ll squeeze harder so that the effect is more noticeable.” Some equipment manufacturers have begun to disable this feature at the hardware level.

Therefore, until you try to give the patient several impulses, you will not know. And the sensitivity of each area of ​​the face will be different.

Surgical facelift cost in Moscow at the Doctor Grishkyan clinic

Facial plastic surgery in Moscow, cost of surgery

Operation nameCost in rubles
SMAS SMAS face and neck lift with shortened scar and vertical axis of tension (MACS-LIFT STANDART method)400000 350 000
SMAS SMAS face and neck lift with a shortened scar and a vertical axis of tension (MACS-LIFT ADVANCED method) and correction of the midface and jowl area500000

Forehead and eyebrow plastic surgery cost

Operation nameCost in rubles
Temporal lift180000

Neck plastic surgery, platysmoplasty surgery cost

Operation nameCost in rubles
Plastic surgery of the central part of the neck150000

See all prices

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