Non-surgical face and neck lift with Silhouette Lift threads

Thread lifting is a cosmetic procedure of implanting special threads under the skin. This technique does not require surgery and is an excellent alternative to surgery. The main purpose of thread lifting is face (and/or body) lifting, skin rejuvenation and lifting. At the same time, the natural frame of the face is restored, tissue elasticity increases, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Thread lifting is also used to tighten the chin, neck, décolleté and other problem areas on the body. Depending on how severe the problem is, the cosmetologist selects the optimal tightening technique using the required number and type of threads. As a result, the skin is tightened, smoothed, the severity of sagging and wrinkles is reduced - freshness and youth gradually return to it. And the best part is that the result of such a procedure intensifies every day, maximally manifesting itself after just 1-1.5 (and in some cases, less) months.

Use of anesthesia

Thread lifting is performed under local anesthesia. If barbed threads are used, infiltration anesthesia of the area may be required. In this case, dental painkillers are first injected into the area of ​​intended correction. When lifting with smooth threads (for example, mesothreads), a special anesthetic cream is applied to the surface of the correction area.

Minor pain may occur after the anesthesia wears off, but this pain is quite tolerable. Patients with a low sensitivity threshold are recommended to take painkillers in the first few days.

How much does thread lifting cost?

The answer to this question can only be obtained from a cosmetologist during an initial consultation, because the cost of installing mesothreads depends on their number.

The more pronounced age-related changes in the face are, the more threads are required to correct them. To make the supporting frame more elastic, multi-level “firmware” of the face with mesothreads is used, and their consumption increases several times. In this regard, our clinic operates a system of discounts - the cost of mesothreads is reduced if more than 20 of them are needed.

Brief description of the technique

The thread lifting procedure involves the introduction of special guide needles that already contain prepared threads.

The thread is inserted under the skin by a microscopic puncture (not incision) with a needle in the temple area, zygomaticotemporal area, or in another place - depending on the intended correction area. When placing mesothreads, the area of ​​rejuvenation itself will be the area where the threads are introduced.

The tension of the thread occurs in the direction opposite to the direction of insertion, as a result of which the notches are fixed in the tissues. This prevents sagging areas of the face and helps tighten the skin. After such a procedure, no traces remain in the form of scars or cicatrices: the puncture sites quickly heal and heal completely. In their place, only small crusts remain, which disappear on their own after 3-4 days.

The entire operation lasts no more than an hour.

How much does the procedure cost?

Installation of Aptos threads for the neck and chin lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. This is a minimal intervention method. Although, within a few days after the session, the puncture sites and insertion of threads will be noticeable. Despite this, the treated area does not require additional care. All recommendations will be provided by our specialist after the session.

The cost of Aptos threads for the neck only is 35,000 rubles. However, if you want to get a more pronounced chin lift effect, you should add submandibular threads. The price of a chin lift with Aptos threads is 40,000 rubles. You can also use nanothreads for tightening. Their price is calculated per number of units. The administrator of the Bionics clinic will help you find out the exact cost of the operation. Call the nearest center in St. Petersburg and make an appointment. The administrator will advise you on the possibilities of neck rejuvenation and calculate its cost.

Rehabilitation period

In patients with capillaries close to the surface of the skin, small hematomas (bruises) may appear during or after thread lifting at the sites where the threads are inserted under the skin. You shouldn't be afraid of this, because... they will completely resolve and disappear within 3-7 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin and care for it. Also, slight swelling may appear in the areas where the correction is performed, which is due to preliminary anesthesia and subsequent microtrauma of the skin during the cosmetic procedure. After 2-3 days (maximum, a week), the swelling will gradually subside and the patient will be able to return to his normal lifestyle.

The rehabilitation period after a thread lifting procedure is individual for each patient and depends on many factors:

  • quality of implanted threads (with or without notches);
  • number of threads (the more there are, the longer the rehabilitation, but also the more pronounced result);
  • techniques for setting threads;
  • correction zones (for example, the eyelid area will undoubtedly have greater swelling and bruising).

The average recovery period is from a week to a month. This time will undoubtedly pay off in the future with beautiful and tightened skin, which will make you 5-8 years younger.

The lifting result lasts up to 1.5-2 years.

Preparation for the thread lifting procedure

Thread lifting has long become a common cosmetic procedure and, of course, does not require such careful preparation as a surgical operation. But, if you want everything to go without complications and the result to please you for a long time, of course, some simple rules will still need to be followed:

Two weeks before the procedure:

  • Do not take analgesics or medications containing aspirin
  • Stop taking vitamins E and C
  • Avoid tanning
  • Do not visit baths, saunas and public swimming pools.

Also, 5-7 days before your scheduled session, stop drinking alcohol and coffee.

Benefits of thread lifting

When choosing among a variety of modern techniques for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body, many patients choose thread lifting. And this is quite understandable. Here are just some of the facts that speak in favor of this procedure:

  • The session lasts only about half an hour;
  • lifting is carried out on an outpatient basis;
  • local anesthesia or anesthetic cream is used;
  • the lift does not leave scars, scars or other traces of correction;
  • the face looks natural and relaxed;
  • the shape of the face is visually sculpted;
  • instant results can be seen immediately after the procedure;
  • the rehabilitation period is no more than a month;
  • low cost of thread lifting compared to surgical lifting;
  • relatively small list of contraindications.

It should be borne in mind that the thread lifting procedure does not eliminate the need to contact a plastic surgeon, but it significantly delays it.

Indications for face lift with mesothreads

You should think about a facelift with 3D mesothreads after 35 years. Indications for its implementation are:

  • deep nasolabial folds and nasolacrimal grooves;
  • gravitational ptosis of the cheeks;
  • loose skin;
  • wrinkles around the mouth, on the forehead, in the glabellar and periorbital area;
  • drooping corners of the eyebrows, eyes and lips;
  • “puppet wrinkles”;
  • loss of clarity of the lines of the lower cheekbones;
  • sagging skin of the chin;
  • facial asymmetry.

To maintain a harmonious appearance, cosmetologists recommend tightening the skin on the neck and décolleté at the same time as thread lifting.

When is a thread face lift performed?

Indications for thread lifting are:

  • age-related changes in the period 35-50 years;
  • sagging skin, loss of elasticity;
  • vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead;
  • drooping outer edges of the eyebrows;
  • crow's feet around the eyes;
  • presence of sagging cheeks;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • “folds of sorrow”, i.e. folds in the corners of the mouth;
  • formation of a double chin, etc.

This cosmetic facial skin tightening procedure is most often recommended for patients with moderate severity of the above manifestations. However, in exceptional cases, pronounced signs of age can be corrected using thread lifting. At the same time, however, it is very important to understand that the achieved result will not be as pronounced as with plastic surgery.

In any case, before performing a lift, the patient must make an appointment and get a consultation with a cosmetologist.

How to do a facelift with Aptos biothreads

Lifting using Aptos threads has been successfully used for:

  • correction of facial oval;
  • eliminating the “double chin”;
  • raising the eyebrows and/or corners of the mouth;
  • smoothing wrinkles in the nasolabial area and corners of the mouth.

After a thorough examination of the facial structure, the doctor determines how many threads and in what direction should be laid in order to perfectly tighten the skin. Computer modeling is used to mark the tightening zones. Biothreads are pulled under the skin using a specially designed needle and fixed in the required position. Excess skin evenly gathers into tiny folds, which disappear after 5-7 days.

Facial reinforcement with Aptos biothreads lasts on average 30 minutes. After the procedure, the skin texture is smoothed out within two weeks, redness and swelling disappear, and bruises at the injection sites disappear.

What are the contraindications?

There are a number of contraindications, the presence of which prohibits the use of this facial rejuvenation technique. Among them are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reaction to anesthesia or components of suture material;
  • diseases of the blood (clotting disorders) and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • presence of cancer and autoimmune diseases;
  • acute viral infections;
  • inflammation;
  • pronounced ptosis (drooping) of tissues;
  • inflated patient expectations.

In all other cases, if there are indications, you can safely carry out the procedure.

Who is contraindicated for mesothread lifting?

Reinforcement of the face with mesothreads is not done for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for:

  • allergies to suture material;
  • hemophilia and bleeding disorders due to taking anticoagulants;
  • any infectious diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • damage and inflammation of the skin in the area of ​​intended exposure;
  • exacerbation of herpes.

Cosmetologists at the PRAGA clinic carefully examine each patient. If they have doubts about contraindications, mesothreads are installed only after additional tests or consultation with specialists.

Types of threads for lifting

Thread lifting procedures may differ from each other both in the type of threads used and in the method of their placement.

There are four types of threads used for lifting, depending on their quality composition:

  • Non-absorbable (gold, platinum, Aptos threads and similar in principle, Gore-Tex Teflon threads);
  • Long-term absorbable (for example, Tissulift threads);
  • Absorbable (3D mesothreads, Anchor lift and Happy Lift threads);
  • Combined (non-absorbable thread and absorbable cone, such as Silhouette lift threads).

The most common types for lifting are smooth surgical threads or threads with notches (cones, hooks, knots, etc.), which dissolve over time. Special notches on the threads make it possible to better hold the skin, which means that the lifting effect of such threads will be more pronounced. Gold and platinum threads are not used so often due to their high cost. However, they are not always reliable. Aptos threads, mesothreads and some others are becoming increasingly popular in Russia.

A cosmetologist will help you choose which threads and the method of placing them, assess the possible risks and discuss the pros and cons at a preliminary consultation.

Threadlifting with mesothreads - instant facial rejuvenation

Mesothreads for the face are made from polydioxanone and coated with polyglycolic acid. For their introduction, very flexible hollow needles with a cut, the shape of which ensures minimal tissue damage, are used. Therefore, facial reinforcement does not require general anesthesia—local anesthesia is sufficient.

By laying mesothreads along pre-marked lines, the doctor pulls the soft tissues and skin up and fixes them. This alone is enough for the patient to immediately after the procedure begin to look like in the photo from 4-5 years ago.

But this is far from the final result of rejuvenation - for about another 4 months, the quality of the skin improves due to:

  • Angiogenesis - the formation of a network of new capillaries in areas of tissue damage;
  • activation of fibroblasts.

The peculiarity of a facelift with mesothreads is that initially the soft tissues and skin are supported by an artificial frame, and as the polydioxanone is absorbed, strands of young, elastic fibers of its own collagen and elastin are formed in the places where the threads are laid.

The rejuvenation effect lasts up to two years, after which thread lifting can be repeated.

The cosmetologists of our clinic have mesothreads and needles of different diameters at their disposal. They select them depending on the thickness of the skin and the degree of gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues. All materials and tools used are certified. This guarantees high quality and safety of the procedure.

To further improve the condition of facial skin, the doctor may offer chemical or laser peeling, plasma lifting, mesotherapy, RF lifting, Fraxel and other hardware rejuvenation techniques.


The results of thread lifting can be noticed immediately after the procedure, but over time (on average a month) the effect only increases. Wherein:

  • sagging skin is reduced or eliminated;
  • the aging process slows down;
  • tissue elasticity is restored;
  • wrinkles and folds are smoothed out;
  • the oval of the face is restored or simply becomes significantly better;
  • provides a facelift.

Thanks to thread lifting with absorbable material, it is possible to maintain a pronounced result for about 1-1.5 years or even longer. Its duration depends on a number of reasons: the patient’s age and lifestyle, skin type and skin care, as well as many other significant factors. However, in any case, the possibilities of such a cosmetic procedure allow the patient to quickly solve a variety of aesthetic problems.

Thus, we can safely say that of the many modern techniques aimed at combating skin aging, thread lifting is one of the most reliable and proven ways to turn back the clock and preserve the youth of the face and body without unnecessary sacrifices.

How much does a facelift with biothreads cost?

The price of installing biofilaments depends on many factors. For example, an at-home procedure can cost several times less than in a professional cosmetology clinic. But very often the result of such savings is not an improvement, but a significant deterioration in appearance.

At the PRAGA clinic, thread face lifting is performed only by certified specialists. It is prescribed after examining the patient using modern diagnostic equipment, which eliminates the risk of complications.

It is impossible to say in advance how much it will cost to install biothreads - the doctor must assess the condition of the face.

To make the rejuvenation results even more impressive, after reinforcing the face with biothreads, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin using peelings, biorevitalization, plasma lifting, Botox injections and other procedures.

The skin of the face has a collagen-elastin framework that keeps it from sagging. When the fibers that form it lose their elasticity and stretch, and the tone of the facial muscles decreases, the skin and soft tissues sink under the influence of gravity. This causes the appearance of age-related wrinkles and folds, the formation of jowls and a “double chin”.

Reinforcing the face with mesothreads eliminates gravitational ptosis and initiates skin self-rejuvenation processes.

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