Tissue lifting thread lifting with COG Victoria Iris threads



Duration of the procedure:

30 min.

Number of procedures:



4,000 rub. by the thread

Recovery period: 7 days

Preparation: 4D threads with notches

It has become possible to rejuvenate the skin on the face with impressive results using mesothreads for tightening, which hold and strengthen sagging soft tissues. The thread lifting procedure is minimally invasive, without much trauma. And 4D threads with notches are an excellent prevention of the aging process.

Thread lifting is used when the patient is no longer helped by biorevitalization and mesotherapy procedures and they do not give the expected result due to pronounced changes in age.

Indications for face lift with threads

To rejuvenate the face with the help of threads, you need to have good reasons, and expression lines, minor creases and problem skin can be restored and improved using other techniques.

Facial threads should be used when problems such as:

  • beginning changes with the facial contour;
  • sagging contours of the oval, as they say, “the oval has floated”;
  • noticeable appearance of jowls and sagging collagen and elastin fibers;
  • the oval of the face loses its clarity over the entire surface;
  • the appearance of deep wrinkles, creases, folds;
  • the appearance of marionette lines with drooping corners of the mouth and overhanging nasolabial folds with real creases;
  • drooping of the eyelid over the eyes due to drooping of the brow ridges, drooping of the outer corners of the eyes;
  • the appearance and sagging of a double chin.

Rehabilitation period

Before the procedure, experts recommend stopping taking medications that contain anticoagulants and acetylsalicylic acid for 7 days. 2 hours before the procedure, it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages, smoke, play sports, or undergo other heavy physical activity.

Once the mesothreads are implanted, no noticeable marks remain. Sometimes you may notice slight bruising or swelling, which goes away on its own within 10 days.

For 14 days, experts recommend not showing too much emotion, refraining from physical activity, not going to the sauna or bathhouse, and not taking hot baths or showers.

4D Knurled Threads (Kogi)

Threads for mesolifting COG, which means tooth, are threads with notches in the form of teeth, with the help of which skin tension occurs - a type of filling apple, which is truly unique.

As a result, the contours of the oval face look clear, like in youth, and all this, without surgery. Cog threads work to the maximum, while being absolutely safe, have a biological composition, completely dissolve and are excreted from the body.

The lifting effect (as after an surgical lift) with maximum tissue tension is provided by threads from generation No. 4 - 4D threads , which have hooks in different directions, provide tissue fixation on all four sides, having a four-plane arrangement.

Initially getting into the depths of the dermis, the kogi threads already tighten the skin with their presence. When they are slowly absorbed, substances are released that give rise to connective tissue fiber, collagen, and elastin, which contributes to lifting and renewal of the skin.

After the biodegradation of the mesothreads, a compacted natural frame remains in their place, which maintains the desired shape for a certain time.

Progress of the procedure

Markings are first made on the skin and the entry points of the threads are indicated. An anesthetic cream is applied to the skin or local anesthesia is performed. The next stage is the actual installation of the threads. Kogi is introduced using a guide - a cannula, which does not injure blood vessels and nerves when inserted under the skin. The place where the threads are inserted is the temple area near the hairline. The threads are inserted into the subcutaneous fatty tissue and do not injure the upper layers of the epidermis, so there are practically no bruises, swelling or bleeding after the procedure.

Result from the introduction of threads

Visually, the result of the procedure is noticeable immediately, then, increasing every day for six months, it reaches its peak.

The advantages of the technique include:

  • the appearance of a long lasting, powerful lifting effect on any area of ​​the face;
  • the procedure is minimally invasive;
  • no rehabilitation required;
  • 2-5 threads are enough for one side of the face;
  • quick real results that retain their effectiveness for up to 1.5 years.

Result of the procedure

Using Cog threads for a facelift allows you to achieve a number of effects:

  • reinforcement and strengthening of the skin frame;
  • correction of the oval and contours of the face, enhancing their clarity;
  • skin tightening and lifting;
  • formation of an attractive and expressive cheekbone line;
  • smoothing folds and wrinkles;
  • eliminating ptosis and sagging skin, improving its turgor and tone;
  • skin rejuvenation by stimulating neocollagenogenesis and elastin formation;
  • elimination of asymmetry of facial features.

The result of the procedure is visible immediately after its implementation and reaches a maximum after 1.5 months. The effect of face lifting and rejuvenation lasts for up to 1-2 years.

The essence of the technique and its implementation

It all starts with a consultation with a cosmetologist, who will perform an examination, recommend how to prepare for the procedure, explain the essence of the procedure and subsequent care. Immediately before thread lifting, the skin is treated with a special agent, anesthesia is applied and markings are made using a medical marker.

The doctor installs threads with notches according to a certain order, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. The polydioxanone absorbable cog suture is contained within a sterile steel guide cannula needle. Having installed the thread, the cannula is removed. The procedure takes about an hour, with recovery time of 10-14 days.


A week before the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol and blood thinning medications, as well as avoid excessive physical and sports activities.

Immediately after the procedure, the patient can go home. In the first days, slight swelling and bruising in the correction area is possible, which is normal and goes away on its own. For the first 10 days after thread lifting, it is necessary to avoid excessively active facial expressions and sleep on your back, avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, taking hot baths and showers, as well as physical activity and sports.

You can undergo the thread lifting procedure with Cog threads in Moscow at the Medial clinic. The price of the procedure may vary depending on the volume of correction and the number of threads used. You can find out the cost of thread lifting and make an appointment with a doctor by phone or through the feedback form on our website.

Who should not use 4D threads with notches?

  • Pregnant and lactating;
  • for various inflammations;
  • when taking medications;
  • blood diseases and oncology;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • prone to keloid scars;
  • patients with weakened immune systems;
  • young people under 20 years of age;
  • having ulcers at the site of placement of the thread and metal implants on the face;
  • those suffering from herpetic rashes at this stage;
  • sick people with heart and liver pathologies, central nervous system disorders.

Overview of manufacturers and types of mesothreads

A cosmetologist will help you choose a material for correcting a particular area of ​​the face or body.

Types of Kogi threads:


Contains polylactic acid, which makes it possible to achieve a lifting effect similar to the use of fillers. Thanks to enhanced collagen synthesis, the results will last for 18 months. The length of the plla thread is used from 90 to 150 mm, reinforcement is carried out for different areas of the face, as well as in the neck area. The cost is an order of magnitude more expensive than PDO materials. They are distinguished by their special strength, more pronounced effect, and long-lasting results.


The guide needles are made of medical steel, and the body of the thread itself is made of polydioxanone, a linear polymer that does not cause tissue rejection. Upon completion of implantation, they resolve within 6–9 months. After creating a collagen framework, the result lasts up to 2 years.

Double cog

The body of the thread is covered with double-sided notches located one to the other inside the guide needle. The V configuration provides secure support in areas where there is excess soft tissue. Cost from 700 to 1500 rubles.


The notches are located on one side only, but their direction is alternate. The structure provides effective tightening for unexpressed age-related changes and shallow wrinkles. The cost of unidirectional threads is about 800 rubles. for a unit.


The notches are located around the body of the thread; the configuration ensures smoothing of the mesh of fine wrinkles with a deficiency of fatty tissue. Used for complex cases, fixing large volumes of skin. Price from 800 to 2000 rubles.


  • Omega;
  • Beauty lift V Line;
  • EVE COG;

Thread lifting 4D threads - Photos Before / After

Preparation for the procedure

Before prescribing the procedure for installing threads, the surgeon conducts a survey of the patient and finds out information about his general health. It is necessary to tell the doctor about allergic reactions, surgical interventions performed, and skin diseases. The condition of the patient’s tissues is also assessed, the amount of work and the type of materials are determined.


  • You must stop taking medications 14 days before;
  • For a week it is not recommended to drink alcohol, smoke, or perform hardware procedures;
  • For a few days, a gentle regimen should be provided and physical activity should be limited.


Restrictions on implementation will prevent possible undesirable consequences. To determine the patient's health status, the doctor may order additional tests.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • postoperative period;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • implants in the area where threads are installed;
  • hypertension;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • infectious diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • oncology.

Reinforcement with threads is not carried out in case of severe sagging of the integument, and also in case of obesity, the procedure will not be effective.

Advice. In case of pronounced age-related changes, it is recommended to use a variety of hardware and invasive procedures.

Doctors' recommendations and possible side effects

After thread eyelid lifting, you need to follow simple rules. This will not only enhance the effect of the procedure, but will also help avoid unwanted consequences. Among the main ones are:

  • restriction of facial movement for several days;
  • for 14–20 days, avoid visiting saunas, solariums, etc.;
  • Facial massage is contraindicated in the first 60 days after the procedure.

In some cases, after the procedure, tingling, thickening, and local swelling in the eyelid area may be observed for several days.

Our clinic uses three types of threads:

1. Silhouette Lift Soft - threads consist of absorbable polylactic acid, biologically compatible with the human body, equipped with transparent elastic cones that act as hooks for fixing them. As they dissolve, the thread cones become overgrown with collagen tissue, which allows the effect of the procedure to be prolonged.

2. APTOS threads - threads made of caprolactone, have notches along the entire length, ensuring fixation of the thread in the tissues; these are also absorbable threads with the effect of stimulating collagen production.

3. DermafilDoubleNeedle threads (Promoitalia) – a bidirectional thread with converging notches; after inserting the notches, the position of the thread is fixed, providing the necessary lifting effect, absorbable threads made of caprolactone.

“Their own” threads have been developed for lifting each area of ​​the face and body. The choice of the type of thread used and its characteristics are selected individually by a cosmetologist, depending on the specific problem being solved, as well as the constitutional characteristics of the body area.

Features of eyelid thread lifting

The procedure is preceded by an initial consultation, during which the doctor selects the most effective technique and draws up a tightening chart. During the correction process, reinforcing threads made of hypoallergenic material with closely spaced notches are introduced under the skin using a needle, fixing the tissue in the desired position.

The thread stimulates the production of collagen, making the skin smooth and elastic. Over time, fibrosis forms around it, supporting the tissue after the thread is absorbed.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is performed on an outpatient basis. The very next day you can return to work, and a week later - to your usual physical activity. The usual minor consequences - bruising, swelling, skin gathers around punctures - quickly go away without treatment.

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