Will it hurt during and after a thread lift?

Consultation with plastic surgeons with over 20 years of experience is free! Make an appointment by phone. Waiting for you! A low-traumatic procedure to improve the shape of the mammary glands - a breast lift with threads - allows the patient to avoid anesthesia, scars and long-term rehabilitation. The tempting prospect of returning the breasts to a firmer shape without incisions forces women to undergo this rather controversial technique.

Plastic surgeons at our clinic have abandoned breast lifts using threads, since only surgical mastopexy provides reliable and effective results for many years

Advantages and disadvantages of breast lift with threads

Among the advantages are:

  • Painless procedure and quick effect;
  • The method does not require long-term rehabilitation; after the procedure, the girl can go about her business;
  • Mesothreads are inexpensive and accessible to every woman;
  • After installing the threads, the process of natural rejuvenation begins, this will have a beneficial effect on the surrounding tissues.

Girls often ask, are there any disadvantages to thread lifting? Like any procedure, they exist and it is important to remember them. This:

  • The method is effective only with slight breast ptosis;
  • For those with size 3-4 breasts, this method will not help;
  • Thread lifting cannot eliminate stretch marks;
  • The effect does not last for life, as after surgery, but from 3 to 9 years.

Breast lift: assessment of initial breast condition

Our patient has grade 2 ptosis of the mammary glands (the nipples are below the level of the inframammary groove), slight asymmetry (the right breast is slightly larger than the left), and the nipple-areolar complex (NAC) is located laterally (outward). The tissues of the gland are elastic and dense. The skin on the chest is of good elasticity, elastic, there are no stretch marks. With this condition of the gland tissue itself - the parenchyma (let’s call it, according to A.M. Borovikov, “filler”) and the skin (let’s call it, probably, a little offensively for patients, the word “cover”), the prognosis for this patient regarding the stability and longevity of the result of the operation will be good . She can plan a breast lift without an inframammary horizontal suture, since there is a harmonious correspondence between the volume of the “filler” and the size of the “cover”, and there is no significant excess skin. For example, in patients with pronounced sagging, stretched gland tissue (the so-called “empty breast”, albeit large in volume), as well as pronounced excesses of sagging skin with stretch marks, the prognosis for the long-term effect of the operation will be much lower, and the result will be less stable . In addition, with this type of operation, it will most likely be necessary to perform an “anchor” mastopexy due to the discrepancy between the physical properties of the “filler and the cover”.

How does a thread breast lift work?

A breast lift is not an operation, but a procedure that requires the cosmetologist to masterly use micro-instruments. The procedure provides a natural result. It is almost impossible to notice with the naked eye that a girl has improved the shape of her breasts with the help of mesothreads.

Local anesthesia is used for pain relief. The threads are installed into the skin using small punctures to a depth of up to 5 mm and attached to the collarbone. If the work is done well, not a trace remains of them afterwards.


A breast lift with threads is not performed if:

  • the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • if the breast size is too large;
  • if an inflammatory process is detected;
  • when there are skin diseases;
  • diagnosed with oncology, diabetes or any autoimmune diseases.

The presence of a number of chronic diseases, as well as poor blood clotting, can also interfere with lifting with threads, so it is recommended to undergo a full examination first.


A highly qualified plastic surgeon or cosmetologist achieves excellent results using the thread lifting procedure, but, unfortunately, only for a while. After the threads are absorbed into the skin, the breasts will sag again; this can happen after 2-3 years or after 7-9 years, depending on the type of threads. If a woman does not like the result, the consequences can be eliminated by removing the threads. This can be done within 3 days after thread lifting.

Do you want to get gorgeous breasts without surgery or painful interventions? Contact our clinic and we will select the ideal procedure for you!

Possibilities of thread lift

Most modern threads have a delayed effect, so the result, which is noticeable immediately, only intensifies in the future. Why is this happening? The fact is that in addition to obvious external changes, the procedure activates serious internal processes: tissues begin to produce their own collagen again, which slows down the aging process. Therefore, over time, the rejuvenating effect of the procedure increases.

Over the years, soft tissues sag, the skin stretches, folds and wrinkles appear, and the contours become blurred. Threads for face and body lifting can stop the aging process.

Thread lifting is a compromise method for correcting age-related changes and at the same time preventing aging and gravitational sagging of tissues.

Facial rejuvenation with threads

The technique of introducing threads to correct the soft tissues of the face is referred to as “thread facelift”. This procedure gives truly unique results, allowing you to improve facial contours, lift eyebrows and drooping corners of the mouth, restore the volume of the cheekbones, reduce the projection of the nasolabial fold, create a clear jawline, and change its shape. Indications for the use of threads for lifting also include a double chin and jowls.

Thread face lifting allows you to:

  • reduce the appearance of wrinkles and folds;
  • eliminate sagging eyebrows;
  • make your forehead smoother;
  • lift the upper eyelids;
  • correct and strengthen the oval of the face;
  • outline the cheekbones and strengthen the tissues of the middle third of the face;
  • remove the “jowls”;
  • give the desired shape to the chin, make the lower contour of the face clearer;
  • correct age-related changes in the neck area.

Photos before thread lift:

Facelift: BEFORE

2 Facelift: BEFORE

3 Facelift: BEFORE

Photos after the operation:

1 Facelift: AFTER

2 Facelift: AFTER

3 Facelift: AFTER

Body rejuvenation with threads

Reinforcing the body with threads helps restore (or create) tightened contours and shapes of the body, eliminate sagging skin, and strengthen sagging tissues. The procedure allows you to correct even areas that are inaccessible to other technologies.

Thanks to thread body lifting, it is possible to improve the condition and appearance of the tissues of the neck, décolleté, inner surface of the arms, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. This type of lift, intimate plastic surgery with threads, is in increasing demand.

Thus, thread body lifting makes it possible to:

  • tighten the inner surface of the arms and thighs;
  • eliminate the consequences of involutive changes in the mammary gland;
  • improve breast shape;
  • strengthen the sagging anterior abdominal wall;
  • eliminate ptosis and other defects in the hips and knees;
  • correct defects and age-related changes in the buttocks area;
  • solve functional and aesthetic problems in the intimate area.

The rehabilitation period averages 5-7 days. The patient may experience unpleasant sensations of tingling and tissue swelling, which then disappear.

To speed up rehabilitation, the patient may be recommended lymphatic drainage hardware and injection techniques (ozone therapy, microcurrent therapy, massage, etc.).

Removing threads if the result is unsatisfactory

Mesothreads can be removed, but this is rarely done. Most threads dissolve on their own over time—it’s safer to just wait. And if the thread has already begun to dissolve, then there is a possibility that when removed it will break up into fragments. Then it may not be possible to pull it out completely. The exception is permanent threads; their removal is problematic only in cases where the material has become “overgrown” with connective tissue.

A scar may remain in the place where the incision was made to remove the mesothread.

As a rule, only an unsatisfactory result is not enough to carry out such a procedure. The reasons for deletion are:

  • discomfort and pain associated with improper installation of the thread;
  • allergic reaction, infection or inflammation;
  • pronounced asymmetry, deformation, retraction or protrusion of certain areas of the chest;
  • contouring the thread under the skin;
  • performing plastic surgery (as recommended by the surgeon).

The procedure involves making a small incision where the thread passes through. Using a special hook, a “loop” is removed from under the skin, which is grabbed with tweezers, carefully pulling out the remaining part of the thread.

Recommendations after the procedure

Although the facial lasts less than an hour, swelling will persist for the first two weeks. To make the rehabilitation period go smoothly, you need to follow several points:

  • avoid active facial expressions for several days;
  • do not wear makeup for at least 12 hours
  • Microcurrent therapy and Zerona are recommended.
  • avoid physical activity for 14 days
  • give up alcohol for 5 days
  • do not visit solariums, baths, saunas for up to 14 days, swimming pools for up to 2 months
  • myostimulation procedures are contraindicated for 2 months.

Implantation of gold threads

Anesthesiology and resuscitation

Service codeInternal codeNamePrice, rub
B01.003.004.00737.1.1Spinal anesthesia lasting up to 1 hour8 000
B01.003.004.00637.1.2Epidural anesthesia lasting up to 1 hour14 000
B01.003.004.00837.1.3Spinoepidural anesthesia lasting up to 1 hour20 000
B01.003.004.00937.1.4Total intravenous anesthesia up to 20 minutes6 000
B01.003.004.00937.1.5Total intravenous anesthesia from 20 minutes to 60 minutes12 000
B01.003.004.01037.1.6Endotracheal anesthesia from 1 hour to 2 hours20 000
B01.003.004.01037.1.7Endotracheal anesthesia from 2 hours to 3 hours26 000
B01.003.004.01037.1.8Endotracheal anesthesia from 3 hours to 4 hours34 000
B01.003.004.01037.1.9Endotracheal anesthesia from 5 to 6 hours58 000
B03.016.01137.1.10Express analysis of blood gases and electrolytes2 000
B03.016.01137.1.11Advanced express analysis of blood gases and electrolytes2 500
B03.016.01137.1.12Artificial ventilation for 12 hours7 200
B01.003.004.01037.1.13Endotracheal anesthesia up to 1 hour14 000
B01.003.004.01037.1.14Endotracheal anesthesia from 4 to 5 hours40 000
B01.003.004.00237.1.15Conduction anesthesia of the 1st category of complexity4 000
B01.003.004.00537.1.16Infiltration anesthesia (large volume or area) up to 30 minutes3 000
B01.003.004.00537.1.17Infiltration anesthesia up to 15 minutes1 400
B01.003.004.00437.1.18Application anesthesia1 000
B01.003.004.00937.1.19Drug sedation with hemodynamic monitoring3 000
B01.003.00437.1.20Prolonged regional anesthesia (days)8 000
A11.12.00137.1.21central vein catheterization10 000
A11.23.00237.1.22TAP TEST12 500
A11.23.00137.1.23Diagnostic spinal (lumbar) puncture3 500
B01.003.004.00737.1.1.2Spinal anesthesia from 1 hour to 2 hours14 000
B01.003.004.00737.1.1.3Spinal anesthesia from 2 hours to 3 hours17 000
B01.003.004.00737.1.1.4Spinal anesthesia from 3 hours to 4 hours20 000
A11.23.003.00137.1.2.1Placement of an epidural catheter8 000
B01.003.004.00637.1.2.2Epidural anesthesia from 1 hour to 2 hours17 000
B01.003.004.00637.1.2.3Epidural anesthesia from 2 hours to 3 hours21 000
B01.003.004.00637.1.2.4Epidural anesthesia from 3 hours to 4 hours24 000
B01.003.004.00637.1.2.5Epidural anesthesia from 4 hours to 5 hours28 000
B01.003.004.00837.1.3.1Spinoepidural anesthesia from 1 hour to 2 hours22 000
B01.003.004.00837.1.3.2Spinoepidural anesthesia from 2 hours to 3 hours26 000
B01.003.004.00837.1.3.3Spinoepidural anesthesia from 3 hours to 4 hours27 000
B01.003.004.00837.1.3.4Spinoepidural anesthesia from 4 hours to 5 hours30 000
B01.003.004.00937.1.5.1Total intravenous anesthesia from 1 hour to 2 hours20 000
B01.003.004.00937.1.5.2Total intravenous anesthesia from 2 hours to 3 hours24 000
B01.003.004.01037.1.9.1Endotracheal anesthesia from 6 to 7 hours65 000
B01.003.004.01037.1.9.2Endotracheal anesthesia from 7 to 8 hours70 000
B01.003.004.00237.1.15.1Conduction anesthesia of the 2nd category of complexity5 000
B01.003.004.00237.1.15.2Conduction anesthesia of the 3rd category of complexity6 000

Thread lifting

Service codeInternal codeNamePrice, rub
A16.30.058.00637.22.1Implantation of gold threads – Face40 000
A16.30.058.00637.22.2Implantation of gold threads – Cheeks45 000
A16.30.058.00737.22.3Implantation of gold threads – Neck50 000
A16.30.05837.22.4Implantation of gold threads – Neckline70 000
A16.30.05837.22.5Implantation of gold threads – Hips90 000
Biorevitalization with lifting effect
A11.01.01337.31.1Excellence Visage 1 cat.10 000
A11.01.01337.31.2Excellence Visage (Excellence Visage) 2 cat.25 000
A11.01.01337.31.3Excellence Visage (Excellence Visage) 3 cat.35 000
A11.01.01337.31.4Excellence Visage 4 cat.45 000
A11.01.01337.31.5Excellence Visage 5 cat.55 000
A11.01.01337.31.6Excellence Elegance (Elegance) 1 cat.5 000
A11.01.01337.31.7Excellence Elegance (Elegance) 2 cat.12 000
A11.01.01337.31.8Excellence Elegance (Elegance) 3 cat.20 000
Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method
A16.30.058.00637.32.1Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method – eyebrows 1 cat10 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.2Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method – eyebrows 2 cat.18 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.3Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method – eyebrows 3 cat.25 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.4Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method – eyebrows 4 cat.35 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.5Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method – middle face area 1 category12 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.6Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method - middle face area 2 cat.20 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.7Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method – middle face zone, category 328 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.8Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method - middle face area 4 cat.35 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.9Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method – mental area 1 category10 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.10Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method - mental area 2 cat.15 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.11Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method - mental area 3 cat.25 000
A16.30.058.00637.32.12Facelift using the Aptos Thread 2G method - mental area 4 cat.35 000
Aptos Needle facelift
A16.30.058.00637.33.1Facelift with Aptos Needle method - middle face area 1 category10 000
A16.30.058.00637.33.2Facelift using the Aptos Needle method - middle face zone, category 225 000
A16.30.058.00637.33.3Facelift using the Aptos Needle method - middle face zone, category 335 000
A16.30.058.00637.33.4Facelift with Aptos Needle method - middle face zone 4th category45 000
A16.30.058.00737.33.5Facelift with Aptos Needle method – neck 1 cat.10 000
A16.30.058.00737.33.6Facelift with Aptos Needle method – neck 2 cat.25 000
A16.30.058.00737.33.7Facelift with Aptos Needle method – neck 3rd category35 000
A16.30.058.00737.33.8Facelift with Aptos Needle method – neck 4th category45 000
A16.30.058.00737.33.9Facelift using Aptos Needle method – chin 1st category10 000
A16.30.058.00737.33.10Facelift using Aptos Needle method – chin 2nd category25 000
A16.30.058.00737.33.11Facelift using Aptos Needle method – chin 3rd category35 000
A16.30.058.00737.33.12Facelift using Aptos Needle method – chin 4th category45 000
Facelift using Aptos Needle 2G method
A16.30.058.00637.34.1Facelift using Aptos Needle 2G method – eyebrows 1 cat10 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.2Facelift using Aptos Needle 2G method – eyebrows 2 cat.15 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.3Facelift using Aptos Needle 2G method – eyebrows 3 cat.25 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.4Facelift using Aptos Needle 2G method – eyebrows 4th category35 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.5Facelift using Aptos Needle 2G method - middle face area 1 category10 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.6Facelift using the Aptos Needle 2G method - middle face area 2 cat.15 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.7Facelift with Aptos Needle 2G method - middle face area 3 cat.25 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.8Facelift using Aptos Needle 2G method - middle face area 4 cat.35 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.9Facelift using Aptos Needle 2G method – mental area 1 cat.10 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.10Facelift using Aptos Needle 2G method – mental area 2 cat.15 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.11Facelift using Aptos Needle 2G method – mental area 3 cat.25 000
A16.30.058.00637.34.12Facelift with Aptos Needle 2G method – mental area 4 cat.35 000
A16.30.058.00737.34.13Facelift with Aptos Needle 2G method – neck 1 cat.10 000
A16.30.058.00737.34.14Facelift using the Aptos Needle 2G method – neck 2 cat.15 000
A16.30.058.00737.34.15Facelift with Aptos Needle 2G method – neck 3 cat.25 000
A16.30.058.00737.34.16Facelift with Aptos Needle 2G method – neck 4 cat.35 000
Lifting labial chin folds
A16.30.058.00637.35.1Lifting labial chin folds (“sadness wrinkles”, “marionette lines”) Aptos Spring 1 cat.15 000
A16.30.058.00637.35.2Lifting labial chin folds (“sadness wrinkles”, “marionette lines”) Aptos Spring 2 cat.25 000
A16.30.058.00637.35.3Lifting labial chin folds (“sadness wrinkles”, “marionette lines”) Aptos Spring 3 cat.50 000
Thread techniques using Aptos NANO
A16.30.058.00637.36.1Thread techniques using Aptos NANO 1 cat.5 000
A16.30.058.00637.36.2Thread techniques using Aptos NANO 2 cat.10 000
A16.30.058.00637.36.3Thread techniques using Aptos NANO 3 cat.15 000
A16.30.058.00637.36.4Thread techniques using Aptos NANO 4 cat.25 000
Threading techniques using Aptos BODY
A16.30.05837.37.1Thread techniques using Aptos BODY 1 cat.15 000
A16.30.05837.37.2Thread techniques using Aptos BODY 2 cat.23 000
A16.30.05837.37.3Thread techniques using Aptos BODY 3 cat.29 000
A16.30.05837.37.4Thread techniques using Aptos BODY 4 cat.35 000
Treatment of complications of thread lifting
A16.30.06637.38.1Removing threads 1 cat5 000
A16.30.06637.38.2Removing threads 2 cat.10 000
A16.30.06637.38.3Removing threads 3 cat.15 000
A16.30.06637.38.4Removing 4th thread20 000

Aptos thread lifting (APTOS)

Service codeInternal codeNamePrice, rub
A16.30.058.00714.18.13Aptos-lifting with Light Lift Thread 2G (2 units)48 500
A16.30.058.00714.18.14Aptos-lifting with Light Lift Needle 2G Soft threads (2 units)53 000
A16.30.058.00714.18.15Aptos-biorevitalization with lifting effect using Aptos Excellence Visage threads (1 unit)5 500
A16.30.058.00714.18.16Aptos-biorevitalization with lifting effect using Aptos Excellence Visage threads (10 units)49 550
A16.30.058.00714.18.17Aptos-biorevitalization with lifting effect using Aptos Excellence Visage Soft threads (1 unit)4 250
A16.30.058.00714.18.18Aptos-biorevitalization with lifting effect using Aptos Excellence Visage Soft threads (10 units)38 250
A16.30.058.00714.18.19Aptos Nano Spring 4 cm (1 unit)1 860
A16.30.058.00714.18.20Aptos Nano Spring 4 cm (5 units)8 950
A16.30.058.00714.18.21Aptos Nano Spring 7 cm (1 unit)2 500
A16.30.058.00714.18.22Aptos Nano Spring 7 cm (5 units)11 550
A16.30.058.00714.18.23Aptos-lift Aptos Vitis 4 cm (1 unit)1 860
A16.30.058.00714.18.24Aptos-lift Aptos Vitis 4 cm (5 units)8 840
A16.30.058.00714.18.25Aptos-lift Aptos Vitis 7 cm (1 unit)2 500
A16.30.058.00714.18.26Aptos-lift Aptos Vitis 7 cm (5 units)11 550

General hospital services

Service codeInternal codeNamePrice, rub
S01.001.00137.0.1Stay in a hospital ward (daily)6 000
S01.001.00237.0.2Stay in a hospital ward (daytime until 21:00)3 000
S01.001.00337.0.3Stay in the ward for accompanying persons (daily)6 000
S01.001.00437.0.4Stay in hospital room VIP 1 (daily)10 000
S01.001.00537.0.5Stay in hospital room VIP 2 (daily)16 000
S01.001.00637.0.6Stay in a hospital ward (daily, without meals)3 400
S01.001.00737.0.7Stay in the intensive care unit from 6-24 hours8 000
B01.047.00937.0.9Supervision by a therapeutic physician (1 visit)2 500
A11.12.00337.0.10Infusion therapy of expensive drugs4 000
A23.01.00137.0.11Extraction of surgical material using delivery means (calculated price)1 000
A18.05.01337.0.22Treatment using blood products (calculation, price)1 000
A11.12.00337.0.23Treatment using additional drug therapy (calculation, price)1 000
A23.01.00137.0.24Selection of implants (calculation, price)1 000
S01.002.00137.0.25Selection of compression garments (calculation, price)1 000
B01.057.00137.0.28Appointment with an operating specialist0
A11.01.01437.0.29Hemostasis using local hemostatic agent Zhelplastan 2.5 g6 600
A11.01.01437.0.30Hemostasis using local hemostatic agent Zhelplastan 5.0 g12 700
A11.12.003.00237.0.31IV drip infusion of Ferinject 500 mg (Ferinject, 50 mg/ml, 2 ml No. 5 in ampoules or 50 mg/ml, 10 ml in a bottle), duration up to 30 minutes8 000
А11.12.003.00337.0.32IV drip infusion of Ferinject 1000 mg (Ferinject, 50 mg/ml, 10 ml in bottle No. 2), duration up to 30 minutes15 000
S01.001.00837.0.1.1Stay in a hospital room (overnight)3 000
S01.001.00937.0.4.1Stay in hospital room VIP 1 (no more than 12 hours)5 000
S01.001.01037.0.5.1Stay in hospital room VIP 2 (no more than 12 hours)8 000
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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