The best devices for pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage: review, rating, expert reviews.

From this article you will learn:
  • What kind of procedure is pressotherapy?
  • What are the contraindications and indications for pressotherapy?
  • Types of pressotherapy for weight loss and procedure technology
  • What is the professional pressotherapy program?
  • Compatibility of pressotherapy with other types of massage and hardware procedures

Pressotherapy is one of the most popular hardware manipulations for weight loss. Cosmetologists claim that one session can replace ten intensive professional massage procedures.

You may have already come across other names for pressotherapy: pneumatic drainage, barotherapy, hardware lymphatic drainage massage. Despite the many names, the essence of the procedure is the same and is effective in most cases of combating excess weight and sagging skin. Let's take a closer look at this wonderful figure correction method.

Pressotherapy: what is this procedure?

Pressotherapy, or lymphatic drainage massage as it is also called, is a hardware procedure that uses compressed air on the body.
The therapeutic effect is due to the activation of lymph movement through the vessels and the acceleration of the release of fluid from the intercellular space. The technique was discovered back in the 19th century, and the first apparatus for pressotherapy appeared only in the 20th century. The operating principle of pressotherapy is based on the supply of low and high pressure compressed air through a special device (usually the cuffs of a pneumatic suit). Compressed air is supplied at certain intervals, the power is controlled, so you do not feel any discomfort during the procedure. You can influence both the whole body and individual parts: lower back, abdomen, arms and legs. During the procedure, a person is put on a special suit or cuffs in which air is pumped under pressure. Compression of the body, alternating with relaxation, stimulates blood circulation, removes fluid, accelerates the movement of lymph through the vessels, activates many processes in the body and starts the process of losing weight. Pressotherapy devices are designed taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the human body.

Pressotherapy has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect, which improves metabolic processes in the body, removes excess fluid, waste and toxins, increases the elasticity of the vascular walls, and dilates the vessels. The procedure also has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic and blood vessels, subcutaneous fat layer, muscles and dermis. Pressotherapy contributes to a general improvement in the appearance and internal state of the body. A pneumatic suit can consist of different sections: boots, sleeves, belt, gloves, corset, overalls. Also, for the procedure, you can purchase separate sections, with the help of which local lymphatic drainage massage is performed. Experts say that one session of pressotherapy can replace about 10 manual massage procedures in a beauty salon.

The result of the procedure is noticeable almost immediately: you will feel lightness throughout your body. After 2-3 procedures, the severity of the orange peel will decrease, and after 5, vascular disorders will decrease. To achieve a lasting and pronounced result, it is recommended to carry out a course consisting of 10-20 procedures with a sequence of 2-3 times a week. The effect of pressotherapy lasts for about six months (it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and lifestyle).

Main stage

During the session, the patient simply lies on the couch and enjoys a gentle but effective hardware massage.

The type of procedure and its duration are determined by a specialist; depending on the results of treatment, the course can be shortened or increased at the discretion of the doctor. Usually the problem disappears in 10-20 sessions, the interval between visits is 2-3 days.

The standard procedure takes 45 minutes, the first procedure takes no more than 35 minutes. The break between courses is at least 7 months.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure


  • Cellulite of varying severity
  • Skin laxity
  • Excess body weight
  • Decreased skin tone
  • Hematomas
  • Edema
  • Venous insufficiency, early stage of varicose veins
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Pain after excessive physical activity
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Heavy legs
  • Metabolic slowdown
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Muscle spasms
  • The period after surgical liposuction and cavitation


  • Dermatological diseases
  • Malignant and benign neoplasms
  • Diabetes
  • Tuberculosis in active phase
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy after three months and lactation period
  • Presence of a pacemaker and other electronic implants in the body
  • Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system
  • Hypertension
  • Thrombophlebitis of deep and superficial veins
  • Blood diseases, bleeding tendency
  • Neurological diseases
  • Feverish conditions
  • Non-union fractures
  • High blood pressure

Benefits of pressotherapy

  • No discomfort during the procedure;
  • Maximum muscle relaxation;
  • Complex effect on the whole body;
  • Relaxing effect both during and after the procedure;
  • Highly effective against cellulite and sagging skin;
  • Lack of rehabilitation period;
  • Massage effect without leaving home;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Improved digestion;
  • Beneficial effects on the nervous system, as a result of which sleep is normalized.

Are there possible side effects?

If the regimen is chosen correctly and there are no contraindications, there can be no negative consequences. But due to the acceleration of lymph flow and the removal of excess fluid, more frequent urination is possible. When choosing the maximum compression mode, pinpoint hematomas may appear, which resolve on their own without any effort.

If extensive swelling is observed, swelling may appear in other areas of the body. This occurs due to increased blood circulation, active outflow of lymph in the areas affected by the device and its redistribution. For the same reason, women may experience bleeding during menstruation.

Pressotherapy: results

  • Swelling decreases;
  • The process of breaking down fat deposits starts;
  • Skin condition improves;
  • The severity of cellulite is reduced;
  • Regeneration processes are accelerated;
  • Excess volumes go away;
  • Slags and toxins are removed;
  • The skin is tightened;
  • The flabbiness of the skin is reduced;
  • The elasticity of the walls of blood vessels increases;
  • Blood circulation improves.

Pressotherapy can be combined with other cosmetic and hardware techniques designed to correct the figure and eliminate excess weight.

What effect can you expect

After a course of pressotherapy designed for 15 sessions, a general improvement in the body’s condition is observed. Along with the accelerated flow of lymph, stagnant fluid filled with toxins comes out of the space between the cells.

As a result:

  • The skin acquires previously lost firmness and elasticity;
  • The normalized water balance restores metabolism and blood circulation;
  • Inflammatory processes fade;
  • Immunity strengthens.

Pressotherapy does not eliminate fat; weight loss occurs due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.

People often ask how compressed air massage gets rid of cellulite. It is necessary to understand that the “orange peel” is not a fat deposit, but a consequence of impaired blood flow, which, in turn, occurs due to edema.

The effectiveness of pressotherapy for the body is much higher than classical massage: the desired result can be achieved several times faster with modern equipment. For comparison, 1 session of hardware compressed air massage is equal to 20 visits to a regular massage therapist.

But sometimes, due to health reasons, the patient is only recommended for manual manipulation.

Choosing a device for pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage

Device for pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage of legs Light Feet AMG 709 from Gezatone

  • Designed for pressotherapy of the calf muscles and legs.
  • Two intensity modes of press massage.
  • The timer is programmed for 15 minutes.
  • Powered by mains adapter and does not require battery replacement.
  • Relieves swelling and heaviness in the legs, improves the functioning of blood vessels, prevents varicose veins, eliminates muscle spasms, restores performance, improves the condition of the veins, and relieves blood stagnation.


Device for pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage of legs AMG 709PRO from Gezatone

  • Designed for pressotherapy of feet, legs and thighs.
  • Three intensity levels + three modes of lymphatic drainage of the limbs, equipped with an additional infrared heating function.
  • The smart timer is programmed for 20 minutes.
  • Powered by mains adapter and does not require battery replacement.
  • Reduces swelling, aching and buzzing of the legs, eliminates congestion, fights numbness of the legs due to insufficient exercise, reduces pain after physical overexertion, accelerates recovery from injuries, and prevents varicose veins.


Foot massager with pressotherapy function Sky Step 4 in 1 AMG 719 from Gezatone

  • Designed for professional roller massage of feet and legs, additionally equipped with a pressotherapy function.
  • Three intensity levels, three modes of exposure, three types of massage (roller massage, air compression massage, pressotherapy), infrared heating.
  • The timer is programmed for 15 minutes, controlled using the remote control,
  • Powered by mains adapter and does not require battery replacement.
  • Fights swelling, numbness of the limbs, fatigue in the legs, pain during physical activity, prevention of varicose veins and joint diseases, general relaxation of the body, restoration of performance and sleep.
  • Has additional cuffs to impact the shins for more intense impact



The use of various cosmetic and medicinal products will help to enhance the effect of pressotherapy. Their choice depends on the patient’s diagnosis and the purpose of the massage:

  • Anti-cellulite creams and gels penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and activate processes that help reduce the number of fat capsules: they accelerate metabolism, blood circulation and lymph flow. They contain extracts of wild ivy, horse chestnut, horsetail, and seaweed concentrates that stimulate lymphatic drainage.
  • Fat burning products accelerate local blood flow, activate sweating, and neutralize poisons and toxins accumulated in tissues. Most often, these creams contain warming red pepper extract or cooling menthol. The active component of many lipolytics is aminophylline, a synthetic alkaloid that affects muscle fibers, relaxing them and relieving fatigue.

  • Basic massage products with the addition of essential oils of laurel, ginger, rosemary not only care for the skin, but also have a healing, lymphatic drainage effect.
  • The use of healing creams and ointments such as “Capillar”, “Detox”, “Sofya” (with leech extract), which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, will help with problems with veins and prevent the development of varicose veins.
  • Troxevasin ointment eliminates lymphovenous insufficiency, relieves pain and cramps, reduces swelling, and reduces vascular fragility.
  • For medical reasons, heparin ointment is used, which resolves blood clots, relieves inflammation, and is a powerful anesthetic.

These and other products are applied to the problem area before the session. The body is wrapped in plastic film, and a disposable waterproof overall made of hypoallergenic, pleasant-to-touch, non-woven material is put on top, excluding direct contact of the body with the main suit.

How to properly carry out pressotherapy at home?

  1. If previously pressotherapy could be carried out exclusively in specialized salons, then thanks to innovative developments, anyone can buy a pneumatic suit or separate cuffs, enjoying sessions at home.
  2. Before you begin pressotherapy directly, you need to prepare for it. It is not recommended to eat or drink two hours before the session - the stomach and bladder must be empty during the procedure. It is better to take a shower before pressotherapy. This concludes the preparatory manipulations, and you can proceed directly to the procedure itself.
  3. After you put on the suit or cuffs, select the optimal program or treatment mode. The maximum compression threshold is selected individually: in the first sessions, the pressure level should not exceed 60 mmHg. After you get used to the pressure, it can be increased to 120 mmHg. During the process of pressotherapy you will not feel any discomfort - only slight pressure on certain areas of the body (low and high pressure will alternate with each other).
  4. Thanks to this, blood and lymph begin to circulate better throughout the body, making the effect of the procedure more pronounced. On average, a pressotherapy session lasts about 30-40 minutes. During the procedure, you can lie quietly, read a book or watch a movie. Afterwards, no rehabilitation period is required, you can return to your normal lifestyle.
  5. A beautiful and slender body is the result of painstaking work on yourself! Thanks to a pressotherapy device for home, you can save money from visiting a manual massage, as well as time from working out in the gym. Remember, if you regularly carry out pressotherapy, exercise and eat right, the results of the procedure will please you much longer, and your body will always be in great shape. You can verify this by studying reviews of pressotherapy, as well as looking at the “BEFORE” and “AFTER” photos of people who used this technique.

Approximate prices

It should be noted that pressotherapy is a rather expensive service. Its cost consists of several factors:

  • class of the device used;
  • type of suit;
  • the required amount of auxiliary products: creams, gels, ointments, emulsions;
  • quality of disposable overalls;
  • time of the procedure;
  • the initial condition and diagnosis of the patient;
  • massage therapist qualifications.

Thus, in salons in Moscow and St. Petersburg the price for professional lymphomassage ranges between 800 and 3000 rubles. To save, you need to wait for promotions or purchase a discount card at one of the coupons.

A fantastic costume, unrealistic sensations and cosmic results - this is how pressotherapy can be described. Indeed, in just three days you will lose a couple of kilograms and five centimeters on your waist, gain smooth skin and tighten your figure. If you are satisfied with such prospects, then hurry to the salon and take the first step towards a new life.

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