Negative and positive expert reviews on the effectiveness of ozone therapy for the face

Ozone therapy for facial skin is a procedure in which a doctor injects a special oxygen-ozone mixture using injections. As a result of ozone therapy, the face becomes fresh, smooth and clean, wrinkles and rashes are reduced, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. When carrying out ozone therapy, special ozone-rich serums are applied, injections are applied, ozone applications, solutions and oils are applied.

The successful use of ozone in medicine became known in the USA back in 1885. Ozone was first used in the form of injections in 1902 in Great Britain. In Russia, more than 100 years have passed since the first studies of the effects of ozone, but in our medicine it began to be used a little later - in the 30-40s of the 20th century in the treatment of purulent wounds, bronchitis, ENT diseases and hypertension.

Today, ozone therapy is used to solve cardiac, gynecological, urological problems, as well as in dentistry, surgery and dermatology. The widespread and successful use of this procedure is due to the therapeutic properties of ozone. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effects, improves metabolism and oxygen supply to tissues. Ozone kills many types of fungi, bacteria and viruses, while remaining harmless to human cells.

The use of medical ozone for medicinal purposes accelerates the regenerative abilities of various tissues, improves the restorative functions of the body, is a powerful antioxidant, relieves tissues from oxygen starvation and generally has a positive effect on the state of the human immune system. In addition, active oxygen removes toxins from the body, improves blood circulation and microcirculation.

In cosmetology, ozone therapy is winning rave reviews in the fight against imperfections such as cellulite, hair loss, fungal and bacterial skin lesions, age-related changes in facial skin, acne and inflammation, swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

Indications for facial ozone therapy

Due to poor environment, lack of sleep, poor diet, stress and a forced sedentary lifestyle, the skin suffers. The face loses its oval shape and becomes dull, the skin becomes flabby, pimples, blackheads, and circles under the eyes appear. These problems can be solved with ozone therapy. Thanks to its amazing properties, its range of applications is quite wide.

Acne treatment

Acne occurs due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. The pores become clogged and inflamed, and painful rashes appear on the face. Ozone therapy, due to its anti-inflammatory effect, successfully treats acne. For targeted effects, the cosmetologist introduces a mixture of ozone and oxygen directly under the inflammation. A huge advantage of ozone therapy is that ozone acts only on microbes that cause inflammation and does not damage cells.

According to patient reviews, one or two facial ozone therapy procedures are enough, and the rashes become much smaller and less noticeable. A course of treatment of 7-10 procedures allows you to forget about this problem for a long time. The skin of the face becomes smooth, matte and acquires a healthy shade.

Scar treatment

Untreated acne often results in scarring. Scars can also remain on the face due to improper tissue healing after wounds, burns or surgeries. Ozone improves blood circulation and promotes skin regeneration, due to which its texture improves, scars change color to the color of healthy skin, smooth out and become practically invisible.

Correction of age-related changes

Ozone therapy for the face is also successfully used in the fight against age-related changes in the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. The first wrinkles can appear quite early - after 25 years of age due to a slowdown in the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. The rate of cell renewal decreases, and the lack of moisture and oxygen and excess ultraviolet radiation aggravate the situation. The sooner we pay attention to the first age-related changes, the easier it is to prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles.

Ozone stimulates microcirculation in tissues, saturates skin cells with oxygen and removes toxins. Ozone therapy is effectively used for rejuvenation at any age. As a result, cell nutrition improves, the skin retains moisture more effectively and becomes elastic. The oval of the face becomes clearer, the chin area is tightened.

Treatment of rosacea

Cuperosis is a skin disease in which capillaries become fragile and local blood circulation is impaired. Most often, the disease is inherited. Couperosis looks like a red network of blood vessels on light and delicate facial skin.

For rosacea, ozone therapy is carried out both subcutaneously with injections and intravenously. The procedure enriches the blood with oxygen, dissolves clots in blood vessels and improves natural immunity.

Ozone therapy: the benefits of the procedure in the treatment of acne

When treating problem skin, local ozone therapy is often used. To deliver active oxygen to the subcutaneous layer, injection techniques or a mesoscooter are used. The depth of drug administration and dosage is determined individually. The use of ozone-oxygen mixture for the treatment of acne allows216:

  • soften infiltrates;
  • reduce the amount of purulent contents;
  • reduce redness and swelling in the area of ​​inflammatory elements;
  • accelerate metabolic processes in skin cells;
  • stimulate regeneration and tissue rejuvenation;
  • eliminate age spots;
  • improve skin texture.

Regardless of the causes of acne on the face, the first changes are usually noticeable after 2-3 procedures. The full course of treatment consists of 4-6 sessions, which are carried out every 5 days. Some patients require longer courses (up to 10-15 procedures).216

As a rule, the complex consists of 4-6 procedures, which are carried out every 5 days. But up to 15 sessions may be required. Local anesthetics are commonly used to reduce the discomfort associated with injecting the drug under the skin.216

What else is important to know about facial ozone therapy

The number of procedures and their frequency are prescribed by the doctor during the consultation and depend on the individual characteristics of each patient. Usually the course consists of 5-15 sessions, the break between them is 1-4 days.

How does the procedure work?

  1. The face is prepared for the procedure: cleaned, treated with an antiseptic and anesthetic;
  2. A sterile preparation for ozone therapy is created in a special apparatus - an ozonator;
  3. The composition is injected under the skin with an ultra-thin needle, the number of injections is approximately 15-25;
  4. Upon completion, a soothing protectant is applied.

Sometimes there are reviews that talk about pain during injections. But you shouldn’t be afraid of the process itself: thanks to the professional approach and attentive attitude of the clinic’s cosmetologists, the procedure becomes tolerable and practically painless.

What not to do after facial ozone therapy

  1. Touch or massage your face;
  2. Wash, use alkaline products;
  3. Take a hot bath or shower, visit the sauna and swimming pool;
  4. Apply decorative cosmetics;
  5. Engage in physical labor and active sports;
  6. Drink alcohol.

Immediately after the doctor’s office, small traces of injections will be noticeable, but within one or two days they will heal.

Why do we need ozone therapy and mesotherapy?

Ozone therapy involves the subcutaneous administration of ozone enriched with oxygen. The procedure allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • remove excess fat deposits;
  • start the metabolic process in tissues;
  • saturate tissues with oxygen.

Mesotherapy involves the introduction of natural and synthetic components by injection. If ozone therapy gives a versatile effect, then mesotherapy provides a narrower effect. The result in this case depends on the chosen drug.

The main advantage of ozone therapy over mesotherapy is the absence of side effects and the risk of an allergic reaction.

Price of facial ozone therapy

NamePrice for 1 procedurePrice per course of procedures
1 element (carried out in conjunction with the main procedure)350 rub.
Acne treatment2,000 rub.
Acne treatment (5 procedures), course 1 month1,800 rub.9,000 rub.
Face2,200 rub.
Face (5 procedures), course 1 month2,000 rub.10,000 rub.
Face, neck, décolleté3,500 rub.
Face, neck, décolleté (5 procedures), course 1 month3,000 rub.15,000 rub.
Chin area1,800 rub.
Chin area (5 procedures), course 1 month1,500 rub.7,500 rub.

Rehabilitation after acne** treatment with ozone

The result of the procedure depends not only on the professionalism of the doctor or cosmetologist, but also on the patient. Typically, recovery after ozone therapy takes about 2 days, but during this period it is important to follow medical recommendations216:

  • the treated areas should not be touched with hands;
  • in the first days you need to completely stop using cosmetics;
  • Until the skin is completely restored, avoid visiting the solarium, swimming pool, or sauna.

After ozone therapy for acne, it is also necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun until the end of the rehabilitation period.216


There are four options for the procedure - injection, meso-ozone therapy, rubbing the face with ozone cocktails or washing with ozonated water at home.

Each manipulation has an individual technique. They can also be combined for a more impressive effect.

Mezoozone therapy

Mezoozone therapy is the application of therapeutic cocktails externally. Before the procedure, the specialist treats the skin using special cosmetic products that also contain ozone.

It can be foam, mousse or tonic. Then, you need to disinfect your face with suitable means. As a rule, they do not contain alcohol, so they do not harm even very dry epidermis.

After all the manipulations, the specialist applies an ozone mixture with a roller, alternately massaging all problem areas.


The introduction of oxygen-ozone mixtures into the subcutaneous fat is the most effective method of treating all existing problems on the face.

The effect occurs from the inside, making it possible to nourish the deep layers of the epidermis, and not just its surface.

For injections, a thin syringe is used, with a very small needle, which is inserted no more than half a centimeter. However, the depth of injection is varied by the cosmetologist in a particular case, which is influenced by the intensity and severity of wrinkles and neglect of the skin in general.

After the injection, a bubble appears on the surface - this is an absolutely natural, permissible process.

To distribute ozone throughout the face, the doctor uses his hands to massage all areas treated with the substance. The average duration of the procedure is at least half an hour.

Rubbing with ozone cocktail

This method of saturating the skin with oxygen is the safest, but no less effective. It helps fight minor imperfections and is also suitable for their prevention.

The essence is to wipe the face with special compounds. Such manipulations will not get rid of serious problems, however, they can normalize skin color, reduce the number of acne and prevent the appearance of the first expression lines.

Carrying out at home

To ensure that your skin is constantly recharged with ozone, you can carry out the procedure at home. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a special device called an ozonator, with which you can saturate the water with oxygen.

Such a device is relatively inexpensive, its price covers 1-2 salon procedures, after which there is an obvious monetary benefit.

In addition, the device can ozonize water for bathing and even drinking, which will have a beneficial effect on the health of the whole body. An ozonizer can be purchased at a local hardware store or ordered on a Chinese website.

At home, you can also wipe your face with ozone cocktails, which should only be purchased on the recommendation of a competent cosmetologist.

Home manipulations are no different from salon procedures. The skin must first be cleaned, treated with an antiseptic solution, after which a cocktail is applied to it.


Before performing ozone therapy on your face, you should carefully prepare. It is necessary to tell the cosmetologist about all concomitant diseases, pregnancy or breastfeeding, if any. This will help the specialist make the right decision about the advisability of such treatment.

Blood tests may also be needed to check blood clotting and platelet counts. The procedure must be planned according to the menstrual schedule.

A few days before ozone therapy, it is undesirable to drink alcohol and alcohol-containing medications; if this is not possible, you should reschedule the date of your visit to the clinic.

Contraindications for prescribing ozone therapy

Despite the relative safety and gentle effects of gas, this type of physiotherapy is contraindicated in some conditions. You should not register for a session if:

  • intolerance to ozone-oxygen mixture;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • acute cardiovascular diseases;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, especially hyperthyroidism;
  • convulsive activity.

The procedure is performed with caution during pregnancy. In some cases, gas is needed to eliminate pathologies and complications of this period. However, if there are no indications, it is better to sign up for the course after childbirth and lactation.


Despite its high effectiveness, ozone therapy has a number of significant disadvantages, due to which it remains underestimated by many women.

Because of such disadvantages, only a few of those who need it resort to such treatment.

Disadvantages of using ozone:

  • a relatively high price, due to which the course of treatment costs the patient a pretty penny;
  • the presence of many contraindications and subsequent complications;
  • cosmetic imperfections after injection of cocktails;
  • insufficient number of medical studies on the benefits of such therapy;
  • duration of the course.

Such reasons force some girls to abandon oxygen treatment in favor of using creams and anti-aging serums.

How is mesotherapy for hair performed?

If you are distressed by hair loss, treatment using mesotherapy cocktails will solve this problem. With the help of injections, vitamins, components that affect hair growth, amino acids and other useful elements are delivered into the deep layers of the skin.

The visible result is strengthening the hair and improving its structure, healing the scalp and growing new hair. By searching for “hair mesotherapy Moscow” you will find that dozens of clinics offer their services. But keep in mind that the effectiveness of mesotherapy depends 80% on the experience of the doctor. It is the doctor who decides what cocktail to administer to you, how many injections to give, how many sessions to prescribe and how often to carry out the course.

For example, you may be prescribed a weak cocktail that will not have any effect. Or, on the contrary, to be on the safe side they will introduce a strong one, and you will suffer from unpleasant sensations, although your problem can be solved with the help of less painful compounds.

We employ experienced doctors. We have been doing mesotherapy for more than 5 years and have our own proprietary developments to solve any problem. Mesotherapy for hair in our clinic is prescribed in a course of 6-10 procedures. The effect of this procedure is increasing, and the results of the course can be fully assessed after 5-10 months.


Mesotherapy for hair reviews

“Before coming to LIPS, I did mesotherapy for hair in another clinic. I don’t know what they injected me with or how, but the pain was unbearable, so the doctor had to persuade me for a long time to try again. And a miracle! I can’t call it anything else – it doesn’t hurt and it’s fast. The effect cannot be expressed in words - my hair has regained its second youth. They shine, shimmer, become thicker and no longer fall out. Thank you for your patience and work!”

Ekaterina Alexandrovna (55 years old)

“I have already done eight mesotherapy procedures. I have procedures done once a week. The effect has become noticeable only now, after two months - the hair has become smoother, denser, does not split at the ends, and has stopped breaking off. My hairdresser immediately noticed the difference and praised the condition of my hair. So I’m delighted with mesotherapy and recommend it to everyone!”

Irina (40 years old)

Mesotherapy for hair price

Oligoelements No. 12600rub
Oligoelements No. 23900rub

When ordering 10 procedures - 10% discount!

Please note: in our clinic doctors-cosmetologists (trichologists) conduct consultations. Additionally, you may need to consult a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and other doctors for a comprehensive solution to the problem. If necessary, our doctor will tell you about this during a free consultation.

Sign up for a mesotherapy procedure by phone. +7 963 964-79-76 or leave a request - we will call you back.

Visible result

By the end of the course of procedures, patients note that:

  • the double chin disappeared, the cheeks became less plump;
  • wrinkles and folds smoothed out, pores narrowed;
  • no bags or circles under the eyes;
  • the complexion improved, it became fresher and healthier-looking;
  • dryness, oiliness, swelling and sensitivity of the skin have decreased;
  • inflammation has receded: acne, pimples, comedones, acne;
  • age spots and spider veins disappeared;
  • the skin became smooth, elastic and toned, no longer sagging;
  • the oval of the face has become clearer and more expressive;
  • the sides, tummy and “breeches” on the hips disappeared;
  • the waist has become thinner and stands out even from the back;
  • the breasts, hips and butt became elastic and beautiful in shape;
  • there are no signs of cellulite, the “orange peel” has decreased or completely disappeared.

In addition to the visible results, women note that after a course of ozone therapy, their mood improved, their immunity and performance increased.


If it is impossible to carry out such therapy, you can resort to alternative methods that have a similar effect, but are not prohibited for use in a particular case.

What you can try instead of ozone exposure:

  • microcurrent therapy – treatment using current;
  • biorevitalization – introduction of hyaluronic acid;
  • alginate mask – applying a special product to the face;
  • contour plastic surgery with fillers - the introduction of special preparations into the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • mesotherapy – various vitamin injections.

A competent specialist will help you choose the most appropriate treatment. The patient's decision should not be altered by the cost of the procedures.

The further choice should be influenced by the analysis of existing contraindications and preparedness for certain complications.

Prices for hair loss treatment

Plasmolifting of the scalp4900-8900rub
Ozone therapy2500rub
Placentotherapy MELSMON6900rub

Please note: in our clinic doctors-cosmetologists (trichologists) conduct consultations. Additionally, you may need to consult a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and other doctors for a comprehensive solution to the problem. If necessary, our doctor will tell you about this during a free consultation.

Sign up for treatments by phone. +7 963 964-79-76 or leave a request.

Plasmolifting for hair

Plasmolifting of the scalp4900-8900rub

When ordering 10 procedures - 10% discount!

Please note: in our clinic doctors-cosmetologists (trichologists) conduct consultations. Additionally, you may need to consult a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and other doctors for a comprehensive solution to the problem. If necessary, our doctor will tell you about this during a free consultation.

Sign up for the plasma lifting procedure by phone. +7 963 964-79-76 or leave a request.

Why do these hair treatments work even in advanced cases?

Let's tell you a secret: all hair loss treatments - both folk and expensive professional ones - do not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. They are unable to awaken dormant hair follicles, so it is useless to expect hair growth from using external products!

If your current problem is hair loss, treatment in our clinic will help you, because we act directly on the hair follicles. We treat hair loss in men and women using injections of meso-cocktails, ozone or plasma, which deliver the medicine into the skin.

According to our patients, after treatment:

  • hair loss stops;
  • new hair begins to grow in areas of baldness;
  • dandruff and itching disappear;
  • hair becomes dense and shiny;
  • There is an improvement in the treatment of skin diseases.

If you have never had hair treatments done in a salon or clinic, you will be interested in learning more about these treatments.


Ozone therapy for the face and body has a number of benefits, including:

  1. Efficiency. The first results are observed after 1–3 procedures. The effect reaches its maximum towards the end of the course.
  2. Persistence. Depending on age, severity of the problem and skin condition, the effect lasts from 6 months to a year.
  3. Painless. Thanks to the treatment with analgesics, ozone therapy does not cause discomfort.
  4. Safety. Ozone is well tolerated by the body and causes virtually no adverse reactions. No recovery period is required.
  5. Versatility. The method has no age or gender restrictions and is suitable for most people. However, ozone therapy is most in demand among young and middle-aged women.
  6. Compatibility with contour plastic surgery, hardware and manual procedures: myostimulation, lymphatic drainage, electrolipolysis, various types of massage. These techniques make the results of injections more lasting and noticeable.
  7. Availability. The method is much cheaper than plastic surgery and contouring.
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