Laennec. Reviews from doctors, negative from forums, cosmetologists. How to use for weight loss, side effects

Laennec is a Japanese patented placental type drug. Reviews from doctors about it are both negative and positive, but the effectiveness and safety of the composition has been proven by many clinical trials. The scope of application is quite wide; Laennec injections are used in cosmetologists and medicine.

Before deciding on placental injection therapy, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the procedures, possible effects, a number of indications, and contraindications for their implementation.

Features of the composition

Laennec (negative and positive reviews from doctors can be seen below) is a biological prophylactic agent, which is a hydrolyzate of the human placenta, is a natural blocker of the aging process, an optimizer of the incorrect functioning of internal organs.

According to the international classification, Laennec is included in the category of hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory drugs.

Biomaterial is taken for the production of Laennec solution in accordance with a number of certain criteria:

  1. Placental tissue is collected only during natural childbirth without serious complications.
  2. Before collecting biomaterial, written voluntary consent from the donor must be obtained.
  3. A number of clinical and laboratory studies are carried out in advance.
  4. The donor must be healthy; the list of diseases is approved on an individual basis.
  5. After comprehensive testing and technological purification of the material, it is sterilized by ultraviolet filtration of the raw material through 0.1 micron membrane filters.

The mechanism of a broad positive effect on the body and basic internal processes is due to the natural component composition containing a rich biocomplex of elements, enzymes, growth factors, and other valuable components obtained using a patented pharmacological technology for the production of placental hydrolyzate.

The components of the solution are presented in the table:

Substance nameDirected action
Growth factors
Natural compounds to stimulate fibroblast growth, proliferation or differentiation of living cells. Function as signaling molecules for cellular interaction. Activate collagen synthesis, promote tissue renewal and restoration
Water-soluble cytokinesProtein signaling molecules involved in the chemo- and bioimmunoregulation of inflammatory reactions. Provide high-quality cellular interaction that contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes
Complex of amino acids and low molecular weight proteinsProvides protein synthesis, promotes cell division and healthy growth and nutrition
Vitamin complex (PP, C, B1, B2, B3, D)Helps strengthen the immune system, normalize the flow of internal processes of life support and regeneration, has an antioxidant effect
EnzymesSubstances necessary to improve the body’s protective properties against the negative effects of free radicals
Complex of minerals, nucleosidesThey have the property of immunomodulatory activity, help stimulate and accelerate metabolic processes, improve blood microcirculation, and replenish the deficiency of nucleic acids

Based on the characteristics of the natural component composition obtained using patented Japanese technology, Laennec is able to provide superficial and deep multidirectional positive simulation, improving the level of compensatory capabilities.

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To be included in the placenta during the production of the drug, it undergoes a series of studies. This substance cannot be produced synthetically; the only source is donation. The company that produces Laennec has a number of important requirements for the donor:

  • absence of diseases;
  • You cannot leave Japan during pregnancy;
  • absence of alcohol dependence;
  • compliance with a number of company criteria;
  • Regular visits to doctors for pregnancy management.

Prenatal examinations are associated with testing for diseases: AIDS, hepatitis, etc. The psychological state of the woman is also taken into account.

Pregnancy proceeds in stress-free conditions. The child must be desired. The placenta is taken only after signing official papers in which the woman consents to the taking of her biomaterials for medical purposes.

The resulting materials undergo careful processing and cleaning. After the first stage of preparation, they are sent to the laboratory for histology analysis and re-examination. The process meets all established global requirements.

pharmachologic effect

Laennec is an effective product of modern pharmaceuticals, although doctors' reviews about it are divided into both positive and negative.

Product with natural placental composition:

  • It has immunomodulatory properties, has a stimulating effect on the state of humoral immunity, and improves phagocytotic activity.

    According to reviews, Laennec strengthens skin immunity

  • Helps increase the bactericidal resistance of leukocytes, which manifests itself in the destruction of the pathogen.

A complex of natural growth factors and water-soluble cytokines improves the metabolic and supervisory function of skin cells. Bioactive elements included in the placental hydrolyzate improve synthesis and regenerative stimulation of hepatocytes, qualitatively increasing the level of detoxification properties.

Laennec is effective in reducing lipid and cholesterol deposits in cells and liver tissues . It is used to enhance tissue respiration activity, accelerate metabolic processes in the liver, and reduce connective tissue proliferation.

Scarring skin changes

Changes associated with the appearance of scars lead to a significant deterioration in appearance. The drugs in this group are effective when used in the correction of scars. Over a long period of research, cosmetologists have realized that the placental base is effective when used with other treatment methods. One of them is associated with the delivery of placenta hydrolyzate to the deep layers of the skin. This approach is a new stage in cosmetology.

To determine the main properties of the drug, studies were carried out with the participation of patients in the surgical department. The results indicate that the process of systemic restoration of the body is initiated when placenta hydrolyzate is administered by drip. The data obtained indicate the possibility of using the drug after major surgery to speed up the recovery process. This significantly increases the efficiency of the recovery phase.

Research into triggering and accelerating recovery after surgery is conducted every year. There are 100 patients under observation in the main group. The medical care provided concerns the reduction of acne, a problem that affects many people. Its manifestation significantly worsens the appearance of the skin. Classic methods of treatment do not give the desired results. Other studies are aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the drug in correcting scarring and skin color.

There are many confirmed research results on the Internet, in which the recovery process is determined by ultrasound scanning. This method allows doctors and other specialists to evaluate the restoration of the dermis with local or intravenous use of the created drug.

Inflammatory processes in the body affect many aspects of life. Some experts recommend the use of topical medications and various intravenous analogues as treatment. However, their decision is practically unfounded; numerous research results indicate the greater effectiveness of meso injections performed in several procedures. A good effect concerns inflammatory processes of genesis, which are manifested by spots characteristic of this problem. Mesotherapy is considered prevention, since the effect it provides reduces the likelihood of recurrence of the inflammatory process. An important requirement is that the procedure is carried out only in the absence of pustular inflammatory elements, that is, the disease must be in remission. The effectiveness of the procedures has been documented in numerous studies.


Confirmed information on the pharmacokinetics of Laennec has not been received. This fact is due to the fact that the use of standard pharmacokinetic methods is impossible to study the pharmacokinetic parameters of the placental product, since the composition is represented exclusively by physiological components present in the human body.

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Laennec as a hepatoprotector and immunomodulator

The drug "Laennec" is not only a hepatoprotector

In 2008, it was registered as an immunomodulator
. It is in this capacity that we use this drug in cosmetology.

In Russia, the drug began to be used in 2002; in Japan, cosmetologists and other specialists have been using it for more than 50 years in their work.

The manufacturing process determines the safety of this drug. Laennec is the only drug in the world approved for intravenous drip administration, which indicates a very high standard of purification of the drug. Scale of administration: intramuscular, application.


There are a number of main indications for the use of injections and drips of Laennec therapy.

A course of placental treatment or prevention is used:

  • in the presence of an acute herpes infection in the active stage;
  • for liver diseases (hepatitis, cholangitis) of any etiology, including alcoholic, metabolic cirrhosis;
  • for systemic skin diseases, moderate and severe stage dermatitis, psoriasis, acne;
  • for the purpose of general external rejuvenation in aesthetic cosmetology;

  • to improve skin structure, color, elasticity, pH value, eliminate hyperpigmentation;
  • relieving alcohol intoxication;
  • to normalize men's health, prevent sexual dysfunction, increase sexual activity;
  • to relieve menopausal syndrome;
  • restoration of reproductive function, treatment of gynecological diseases (endometritis, miscarriage for various reasons, chronic inflammation);
  • increasing tone, restoring the body’s energy reserves, improving performance;
  • normalizing hormonal levels, strengthening the immune system;
  • in a complex of anti-cellulite programs for the purpose of losing weight;
  • for hair restoration, treatment of alopecia.

Placental Laennec therapy is used as a preparatory stage before plastic surgery, during the rehabilitation period.

Laennec for herpes

Therapy with the drug "Laennec" for the prevention of herpes infection during cosmetic procedures is aimed at improving the detoxification function of the liver (reducing the amount of free radicals and toxins).

Also, placental therapy with the drug “Laennec” in the fight against herpes normalizes metabolic processes and regulates the production of alpha and gamma interferons.

Herpes often accompanies cancer processes and chemotherapy. When treating herpes, in this case, only a dermatovenerologist has the right to treat with Laennec.

In this case, injections can be intravenous and intramuscular. When treating herpes, antiviral therapy is first prescribed, and during the period of remission, the drug Laennec is prescribed.

General application features

Laennec (negative and positive reviews from doctors can be read below) is an effective immunostimulant, synthesized using special pharmacological technology from human placenta. Before undergoing a course of placental therapy, the patient will be recommended to undergo a series of medical tests, including ultrasound of the internal organs.

It is necessary to undergo a series of laboratory tests to check hormone levels, the presence of infections, undergo fluorography, and do a glucose tolerance test. The drug is universal, based on patient reviews, tolerated without complications, can be combined with many medications, but under the supervision of a specialist.

Laennec therapy is carried out using several methods:

  • intramuscular injection;

  • in cosmetology using pharmacopuncture at points;
  • mesotherapy with nanoneedles invasively;
  • intravenous drip.

The most effective method of administration for the purpose of preventing and treating various kinds of diseases, as well as for increasing stress resistance, performance, and improving the emotional background, is recognized as the drip method with intravenous administration.

Thus, the solution penetrates directly into the blood, allowing it to effectively influence the body as a whole at the cellular level, awaken reserves, accelerate the process of renewal, synthesis, and regeneration. Only a qualified specialist in specialized medical institutions has the right to administer Laennec using this method.


The resulting biomaterials are suitable for research and treatment. Many medications are created based on the human placenta. It belongs to the universal biomaterials.

Hormone therapy

Human skin maintains hormonal-dependent homeostasis. As pregnancy progresses, the hormonal balance is disrupted and the condition of the skin is disrupted. This situation worsens the general condition of the pregnant woman. The problem also arises in other situations of hormonal imbalance.

Placental drugs affect hormonal balance. They restore the function of self-regulation. This improves skin condition and function. The results of other tests indicate an increase in the effect of treatment with proper therapy under the supervision of a physician. The special composition shortens therapy and increases the period for which the achieved clinical and aesthetic result is maintained. Peptide factors promote systemic and local action.

Experts know that hormones alone are not enough to restore skin cells. Cells require organic and other acids, as well as minerals. Only when the necessary nutrients are supplied are the restoration processes activated.

Anti-aging therapy

Anti-aging therapy is considered a fundamental tool for cosmetologists. "Laennec" has the ability to reduce the severity of inflammation. Even short-term therapy restores skin cells and its functions established at birth. The drug also has hormonal effects.

Cells regulate metabolic and trophic processes. Steroids are used for this. The required concentration is established by the regulation of all processes. For this purpose, the necessary active components are included in the composition.

The main effect of the therapy is to reduce the number of wrinkles and age spots. The nature of their origin is associated with the aging process, when cells are unable to maintain recovery at the required level. Tone and elasticity increase, which have an effect on the appearance and its protective properties.

As evidence, the main page of the company’s website contains the results of scientific research. 108 individuals participated in the program and were divided into two groups. The main group received the main composition of the drug in the form of injections over four weeks. At this stage of testing, the emphasis was on the Cooperman index. A comparative analysis indicated an almost twofold drop in value due to application.

Another study was conducted on women aged 40 to 64 years. They used the drug as primary therapy for eight weeks. As a result of the treatment, the number of points on the menopause scale decreased. Researchers recorded an increase in estradiol levels.

Use in elderly patients

The solution can be administered to elderly patients, but all manipulations should be performed with extreme caution, only if there are strict indications.

Due to the fact that many processes slow down, in addition to the standard preparatory stage with clinical and laboratory tests, a specialist may prescribe additional methods for diagnosing the functioning of the body.

Application in cosmetology

Laennec (negative and positive reviews from doctors can be seen below) is widely used in the field of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology.

With placental therapy you can:

  • strengthen the protective properties of the skin;
  • increase tone and elasticity;
  • improve color and structure, eliminate hyperpigmentation;
  • eliminate facial and age wrinkles;
  • cure alopecia;
  • smooth out turgor, eliminating traces of post-acne, scars and cicatrices;
  • carry out skin lifting for ptosis of varying degrees;
  • restore the hydrobalance of dry atopic skin with thinned hypodermis;
  • normalize the lipid barrier of the epidermis.

The drug with natural active ingredients is used in comprehensive rejuvenation programs.

By acting at the cellular level, Laennec allows:

  • increase lymph flow and blood circulation;
  • improve antioxidant protection;
  • provide nutrition to hair follicles;
  • reduce melanin production;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The anti-age program is developed by the doctor after collecting an anamnesis and assessing the cosmetic problem that is to be solved through injections or Laennec pharmacopuncture mesotherapy.

In order to improve regeneration and recovery, the drug is also prescribed for preparation or after contouring or softlifting surgery, aggressive chemical or mechanical peels, deep dermabrasion, laser resurfacing.

Laennec for aging skin

Placental therapy has shown its effectiveness in preventing age-related skin changes. These are conditions of the extracellular matrix (flabbiness, loss of skin elasticity caused by a natural decrease in the amount of collagen)

. The main question in the fight against sagging is how ready the skin is for collagen stimulation. If the skin is not ready, it must be prepared for stimulation.

“Laennec” in this case helps stimulate proliferation and activate their synthetic activity. It also maintains optimal balance among representatives of the fibroblast differential, regulates the processes of neocollagenesis, and the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans.

In the prevention of flabbiness, the placental drug “Laennec” has the following effects:

  • Normalizes the functioning of immunocompetent cells;
  • Optimizes melogenesis processes;
  • Provides antioxidant protection;
  • Normalizes tissue respiration;
  • Regulates apoptosis.

To prevent the condition of the extracellular matrix, subdermal administration of the drug is proposed.

The participation of the Laennec drug in regenerative processes during thread lifting regulates skin homeostasis and ensures the normal functioning of resting and activated cells.

Placental therapy with the drug also enhances regeneration processes and wound healing

, normalizes microcirculation of neoangiogenesis, improves antioxidant protection. The listed properties of the drug are especially important when working with mature skin. With age, these natural functions are lost, which prevents the optimal results of the thread lift procedure.

Therapy with Laennec in preparation for medium peels

helps to avoid the attachment of secondary infections after a course of procedures, reduces the formation of dyschromia during and after mid-peelings. The drug increases the ability to resist infections in the post-procedure period, when the protective functions of the skin and body are reduced.

Application for weight loss

One of the areas of placental Laennec therapy is weight loss programs.

The basic principles of such a complex:

  1. A hydrolyzate is administered for weight loss and elimination of cellulite of varying degrees using a pharmacocupuncture method at biologically active points.
  2. By influencing the body at the cellular level, the active components contribute to the breakdown of fats, strengthening and normalization of lymph flow, restoration of hydrobalance and natural removal of toxins from the body.
  3. Reduction of body fat occurs naturally after detoxification and normalization of the hormonal profile.

The action is aimed at eliminating swelling and activating metabolic processes. Placental therapy for weight loss is more effective when combined with physical activity, adjusting eating habits and lifestyle.

Laennec as a restorative drug

First of all, you need to focus on the regenerative abilities of the drug: the possibility of cell restoration, tissue respiration, and control of the inflammatory reaction.

The use of the drug in the prevention of premature aging is aimed at relieving stress, fatigue, and restoring the body after severe psychological and physical stress.

Placental therapy with Laennec a month before active cosmetic procedures (threads, laser) can comprehensively prepare the skin. The clinical effect of the drug "Laennec" on human skin has been well studied, which makes it possible to widely use it in cosmetology.

The drug successfully eliminates the consequences of inflammatory elements at different ages: enlarged pores, uneven skin texture, vascular changes, scars, dyschromia.

The older the skin, the less ready it is for aggressive procedures aimed at combating post-acne, the less ready it is for subsequent restoration, and the reparative ability of the skin becomes lower. The drug "Laennec" is aimed at increasing the skin's ability to regenerate at any age. This allows the drug to be used in the fight against scars.

special instructions

Before administering the solution, you must familiarize yourself with a number of special instructions:

  1. Age is not a barrier to invasions, mesotherapy or hydrolyzate droppers. But, due to the natural age-related slowdown of many processes occurring in the body, the solution is administered strictly according to indications and under the strict supervision of a doctor.
  2. In pediatrics, Laennec is not used due to the lack of confirmed data on the safety and effectiveness of the drug for children and newborns.
  3. No precise data have been found on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles.
  4. Dosage for the treatment of chronic recurrent herpes, atopic dermatitis, liver disorders - 10 ml. The solution is administered dropwise, intramuscularly, for a course of treatment or prevention - 10 sessions.
  5. In the field of aesthetic cosmetology, the mesotherapy technique is used; the solution is administered with nanoneedles using a pharmacocupuncture method. The course of rejuvenation is from 5 to 12 procedures, no more than once every 6-7 months.

It is not recommended to use the therapy to treat or solve cosmetic problems under the age of 18. Before using the hydrolyzate, a series of studies must be carried out for a possible allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to individual components of the placental product.


The drug "Laennec" is the basis for many rejuvenation procedures. This drug is prescribed by a specialist. Its properties:

  • restores the life cycle of the cell;
  • cellular respiration is activated;
  • protection of cells from the effects of antioxidants appears;
  • detoxification processes are launched to improve general condition;
  • helps fight inflammatory processes.

It is used in anti-age products. The main direction is to slow down the process of cell death.

Contraindications for use

The product has passed all the necessary clinical studies, during which its safety for the human body was confirmed. But before administration, you should familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications.

Laennec therapy is not carried out:

  • during lactation and pregnancy at any stage;

  • with hypersensitivity, the presence of polyvalent allergies to individual components;
  • under the age of 18;
  • if autoimmune processes occur in the body;
  • in the presence of malignant neoplasms.

All contraindications are absolute, therefore the use of Laennec in this period is strictly not recommended.

About clinical studies

The scientific community has long been looking for a way to slow down aging and restore skin cells. Over a long period of time, biological products have become the main component for medical preparations. This is due to the idea of ​​triggering natural mechanisms by artificially provoking them. An attempt to force the body to restore itself so far remotely resembles the desired result. These processes are very active at an early age, when wound healing is rapid and recovery is more effective.

Many studies have been conducted with control and normal groups to list the effects of using Laennec. The results were usually published in scientific journals. A closer look at the results points to several things:

  • The data presented relate to results that in practice may not have any impact on the recovery process. This is interpreted as a change in the state of the cells, but this is not enough to start the rejuvenation process.
  • The process of selecting patients who are already receiving other treatments is also being considered. Therefore, it is difficult to correctly evaluate the results, since there is no exact method for determining which caused the improvement in the condition.

This information indicates an attempt by the manufacturer to distort the real results of treatment and inflate the effectiveness indicators, which are presented as proven facts of the studies being conducted. Ideal research conditions involve taking only one drug when patients have similar health conditions. So far, no such studies have been conducted.

Doubts arise due to the different results that are published by subject matter experts and resources. A columnist for indicates the use of the drug in cases of chronic fatigue. At the same time, it says nothing about the features of cell restoration and rejuvenation. The manufacturers of the drug immediately took care of standardizing the composition of their product and spent a lot of effort to carry out official procedures in comparison with other natural analogues.

The only unbiased research is considered to be the treatment of chronic fatigue. Moreover, the experiments were carried out by only one group of scientists who were interested in carrying out this work. The published results do not provide adequate answers. Combining several treatment methods in the case of research is unacceptable.

Side effects

Laennec (negative and positive reviews from doctors are presented below) is a safe and pyrogen-free drug with a stable component composition that has undergone testing and clinical studies. Considering the invasive method of introducing the product, as well as the peculiarity of obtaining the hydrolyzate, in some cases negative side effects may occur.

It could be:

  • development of a negative reaction such as skin itching, erythema caused by dilation of capillaries;
  • development of anaphylactic shock due to a severe allergic reaction;
  • painful sensations, the appearance of hematomas, numbness of tissue at the site of invasion;
  • gynecomastia, but its connection with the action of the solution has not been proven.

As a negative effect, after using Laennec therapy, men may experience breast enlargement. In general, the drug is safe, there is no subsequent psychological or biological addiction. This is due to the nature of the drug, which is not medicinal, but is a biological prophylactic agent.


The term “menopause” is derived from the Greek “menos” (month) and “pausos” (end) and means the permanent cessation of menstruation or menstrual cycles, caused by a pronounced decrease and/or cessation (switching off) of ovarian function.

Depending on the time of onset, the following types of menopause are distinguished:

  • timely (45-55 years, average 49-52 years);
  • premature (36-40 years);
  • early (41-45 years);
  • late (over 55 years old).

Timely menopause is the most striking manifestation of the menopause or transitional period in a woman’s life. “Climacteric” (from Greek - step, ladder), the terms “menopause”, “menopause”, “menopause” are synonyms denoting the transition from the reproductive period to old age. This period is divided into premenopause, menopause, postmenopause and perimenopause. What is most characteristic of this physiological period? It is characterized by a gradual decrease and exclusion of ovarian function from a complex ensemble of endocrine glands. First, reproductive function decreases and turns off, then, against the background of progressive depletion of the follicular apparatus of the ovaries, menstrual cycles stop (menopause), and 3-5 years after menopause, the hormonal function of the ovaries also turns off.

Both premature and late menopause require close attention and correction of possible disorders. Due to the fact that it is always difficult to estimate which menstruation was the last, it is customary to estimate the date of menopause retrospectively, namely: one year after the last menstruation.

The age of menopause often depends on heredity, which is convincingly shown in identical twins, when the difference in the age of the first and last menstruation in twins ranges from 4-6 months. However, illnesses suffered by the individual and environmental factors play an important role.

Premature menopause is quite rare (1-2%), but there are many reasons for its occurrence. Often the true cause is quite difficult to establish.

The ovary is a complex structure within which the cortical and medulla layers are distinguished. In the ovarian cortex, eggs are laid in utero, surrounded by granulosa cells, forming follicles with eggs. By the time of the first menstruation in puberty, 300-400 thousand of these follicles are found in the ovaries. During the 25-30 years of the reproductive period, follicle maturation, ovulation and death (atresia) of follicles through apoptosis constantly occur in the ovaries. Only 0.1% of the number of follicles ovulate and can give birth to offspring, and 99.9% are atretic. By the age of 40, an average of about 10 thousand follicles remain. In addition, both female (estrogens and progesterone) and, to a lesser extent, male sex hormones are synthesized in the ovaries. These hormones are involved in the formation of a typical female physique and monthly prepare the reproductive organs for pregnancy.

Receptors for estrogen and progesterone have been identified not only in the reproductive organs. Hormonal receptors (representations), through which sex hormones exert their effects, are found in the heart and walls of blood vessels, in the central nervous system, bone, genitourinary and other organs and systems of the body. Since a young woman secretes sex hormones in a cyclical mode, then the organs and tissues experience their effects also in a cyclical mode.

With premature menopause, the cyclic release and influence of female sex hormones on various organs and tissues that have been exposed to this effect for decades ceases. In addition, the woman also loses the ability to conceive.

In recent years, the opinion has become increasingly widespread that it may be more appropriate to call this condition not “premature menopause”, but “premature ovarian failure”. Although, in essence, we are talking about the same process, from the point of view of deontology, it is more appropriate for both the doctor and the patient to call this condition “premature ovarian failure.”

The main causes of premature ovarian failure:

  • genetic factors;
  • autoimmune process;
  • viral infection;
  • iatrogenic (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery on the uterus and ovaries);
  • idiopathic (environmental toxins, fasting, smoking - more than 30 cigarettes per day).

According to our practice, premature ovarian failure is often observed in mothers and daughters. Despite the fact that there are many reasons, processes in the ovaries mainly occur according to two main scenarios:

  • complete depletion of the follicular apparatus of the ovaries, the so-called ovarian depletion syndrome;
  • syndrome of resistant (silent, refractory) ovaries, in which follicles are detected in the ovaries, but they do not respond to their own gonadotropic stimuli.

Clinical picture

Common to both options:

  • secondary amenorrhea, infertility;
  • well developed secondary sexual characteristics;
  • FSH and LH levels are high;
  • estradiol levels are low;
  • symptoms of estrogen deficiency: hot flashes, sweating, insomnia, irritability, decreased memory, and ability to work;
  • during the first 2-3 years, osteopenia develops, sometimes osteoporosis; an increase in atherogenic lipid fractions (cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL) and a decrease in HDL;
  • occasionally genitourinary symptoms appear: dryness during sexual intercourse, itching, burning;
  • improvement occurs when taking sex hormones.

The main differences between the two forms of premature ovarian failure are as follows.

When the follicular apparatus is depleted:

  • with ultrasound - small size of the ovaries, absence of follicles in them;
  • persistent cessation of menstruation, symptoms of estrogen deficiency progress;
    improvement occurs with hormone replacement therapy (HRT); with ovarian resistance:
  • the ovaries are reduced in size, but the follicles are visible;
  • There are rare episodes of menstruation.

When the ovaries are depleted, the symptoms of estrogen deficiency or the symptoms of typical menopausal syndrome are more pronounced.

With resistant ovarian syndrome, estrogen deficiency symptoms are less pronounced, since it is possible, although extremely rare, to activate ovarian function and, accordingly, improve the general condition.

Tactics for managing patients with premature ovarian failure

  • Examination.
  • Study of anamnesis.
  • Determination of FSH, LH, TSH, prolactin, estradiol in the blood.
  • Craniography, for headaches - computed tomography or nuclear magnetic resonance, color fields of vision.
  • Ultrasound of the genitals with detailed characteristics of the ovaries and uterus.
  • Determination of blood lipids.
  • Mammography.
  • For long-term amenorrhea (more than 2-3 years) - densitometry of the lumbar spine and femoral neck.

Since menopause is premature, and at this age the ovaries normally function, therefore, premature deficiency of sex hormones can contribute to the earlier appearance of typical menopausal disorders, the frequency of which is 60-70%.

Classification of menopausal disorders

Group I - early symptoms (typical menopausal syndrome)

Vasomotor: hot flashes, chills, increased sweating, headaches, hypotension or hypertension, rapid heartbeat.

Emotional-vegetative: irritability, drowsiness, weakness, anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, inattention, decreased libido.

Group II - medium-term (after 2-3 years)

Urogenital: vaginal dryness, pain during sexual intercourse, itching and burning, urethral syndrome, cystalgia, urinary incontinence.

Skin and its appendages: dryness, brittle nails, wrinkles, hair loss.

Group III - late metabolic disorders (after 5-7 years)

Cardiovascular diseases (CHD, atherosclerosis), postmenopausal osteoporosis or osteopenia.

Individual selection of therapy

Taking into account the above, it seems important to develop an individual “program for restoring and maintaining health” for the long term, taking into account the family and personal risk of the main diseases of aging. Such a program should include regular examination, namely ultrasound, mammography, densitometry and/or determination of biochemical markers of bone remodeling, lipid profile, tumor markers, etc., as well as recommendations for lifestyle changes, such as increasing physical activity, a balanced diet, avoiding Smoking and other bad habits help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis.

In recent years, there has been a constant search and improvement of therapeutic approaches to the rational use of HRT in each specific patient (individualization of therapy). HRT preparations differ from each other only in their progestogen component, since the estrogenic component is represented by 17β-estradiol or estradiol valerate, which correspond in structure to ovarian estradiol. In addition, recently much attention has been paid to the choice of route of drug administration (oral or transdermal).

The type of hormone therapy is also selected taking into account the following factors:

  • a woman's desire to have a monthly "menstruation";
  • when indicating surgical interventions - indications and scope of the operation and the presence of the uterus;
  • the presence of fear of pregnancy, especially with resistant ovaries;
  • decreased or absent libido;
  • indications of heart attacks in young parents, recurrent miscarriage, liver disease, thrombophlebitis.

The goal of HRT is to pharmacologically replace the hormonal function of the ovaries in women with deficiency of sex hormones, using such minimally optimal doses of hormones that would actually improve the general condition of patients, ensure the prevention of late metabolic disorders and are not accompanied by the side effects of estrogens and progestogens.

Basic principles and indications for prescribing HRT

  • The use of only “natural” estrogens and their analogues for HRT is indicated.
  • Estrogen doses are low and should be consistent with those in the early proliferation phase of young women.
  • The combination of estrogens with progestogens makes it possible to protect the endometrium from hyperplastic processes with an intact uterus.
  • Women with a removed uterus are advised to use estrogen monotherapy in intermittent courses or continuously. If the indication for hysterectomy was endometriosis, then a combination of estrogens with progestogens or with androgens, or monotherapy with progestogens or androgens in a continuous mode, is used.

Women need to be provided with appropriate information to enable them to make an informed decision to undergo HRT. All women should be informed:

  • about the possible impact of short-term estrogen deficiency, namely the occurrence of early typical symptoms of menopausal syndrome and the consequences of prolonged deficiency of sex hormones: osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, genitourinary disorders, etc.;
  • about the positive effects of HRT, which can alleviate and eliminate early menopausal symptoms, and also actually serve to prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases;
  • about contraindications and side effects of HRT.

To ensure optimal clinical effect with minimal adverse reactions, it is essential to determine the most appropriate optimal doses, types and routes of administration of hormonal drugs.

There are three main modes of HRT.

  1. Estrogen monotherapy. In the absence of a uterus (hysterectomy), estrogen monotherapy is prescribed in intermittent courses or continuously.
  2. Combination therapy (estrogens with progestogens) in a cyclic mode.
  3. Combination therapy (estrogens with progestogens) in a monophasic continuous mode.

Regimes 2 and 3 are prescribed to women with an intact uterus.

Estrogen monotherapy: intermittent courses (estrofem, progynova, estrimax, divigel, estrogel, climar patch, ovestin) or continuous regimen for 3-4 weeks with weekly breaks.

Combination therapy (estrogens with progestogens) in a cyclic mode:

  • two-phase drugs: intermittent cyclic regimen (Divina, Klimen, Klimonorm);
  • two-phase drugs: continuous mode (femoston 2/10 or femoston 1/10);
  • three-phase drugs in continuous mode (trisequence, triaclim).

With this regimen, a menstrual-like reaction is observed, which is extremely important psychologically for a young woman.

Monophasic combination therapy (estrogens with progestogens) in a continuous mode (cliogest, climodien, pausogest).

With a continuous regimen of hormone therapy, a menstrual-like reaction is excluded.

Livial (tibolone) has continuous estrogenic, progestogenic and weak androgenic activity.

If a hysterectomy is performed for genital endometriosis, preference is given to monophasic combination therapy (Climodien, Cliogest, Pausogest) or Livial in order to exclude stimulation of possible endometriotic heterotopies by estrogen monotherapy.

If the clinical picture is dominated by changes in the cardiovascular system and atherogenic fractions of lipids in the blood, preference should be given to two- or three-phase drugs in which the gestagenic component is represented by progesterone derivatives (Climen, Femoston).

If the clinical picture is dominated by weakness, asthenia, decreased libido, pain in bones and joints, and osteoporosis, then preference should be given to biphasic drugs with a gestagenic component - a derivative of 19-nortestosterone (klimonorm), as well as Divin (MPA with a weak androgenic effect) ( table).

For urogenital disorders in perimenopause, preference is given to local (vaginal) monotherapy with estriol without the addition of progestogens. When urogenital disorders are combined with systemic metabolic disorders (osteoporosis, atherosclerosis), a combination of local and systemic therapy is possible.

Cyclic two- and three-phase HRT, along with improving the general condition, contributes to the regulation of the menstrual “cycle”, as well as the prevention of hyperplastic processes in the endometrium due to the cyclic addition of progestogens. It is extremely important to inform the woman about the following:

  • when taking two- or three-phase HRT, a monthly menstrual-like reaction is observed;
  • HRT drugs do not have a contraceptive effect.

So, combined two- and three-phase drugs are most suitable for women with premature menopause, as they provide cyclic protection of the endometrium with progestogens, similar to what happens in the normal menstrual cycle.

For severe diseases of the liver, pancreas, migraines, blood pressure more than 170 mm Hg. Art., with a history of thrombophlebitis, parenteral administration of estrogens in the form of a weekly patch (Klimar) or gel (Divigel, Estragel) is indicated. In such cases, with an intact uterus, it is necessary to add progesterone and its analogues (duphaston, utrozhestan).

The following examination is recommended before prescribing HRT:

  • gynecological examination with oncocytology;
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs;
  • mammography;
  • according to indications - lipid profile, osteodensitometry.
    Contraindications for prescribing HRT:
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • acute severe liver disease;
  • acute deep vein thrombosis;
  • acute thromboembolic disease;
  • cancer of the breast, uterus and ovaries (current; if in history, then exceptions are possible);
  • endometriosis (estrogens monotherapy is contraindicated);
  • congenital diseases associated with lipid metabolism - hypertriglyceridemia, the use of parenteral forms is indicated.

If there are contraindications to HRT, the issue of using alternative therapy is decided: phytoestrogens (climadinon) or homeopathic remedies (climatoplan).

It is appropriate to note that if a woman has a severe reaction to “menopause” and fears of pregnancy, it is quite possible to use low- and micro-dose combined oral contraceptives: Logest, Mercilon, Novinet, Marvelon, Regulon, Yarina - since the number of contraindications increases with age.

Hormone therapy should be continued until the age of natural menopause (50-55 years); in the future, the issue is resolved individually, taking into account the woman’s wishes, her state of health, and reaction to hormonal drugs.

Premature menopause (premature ovarian failure) is a condition characterized by premature shutdown of the ovaries and the development of an estrogen deficiency state. Women with this condition are indicated for hormone replacement therapy to improve their general condition, improve quality of life, and prevent premature aging and diseases of old age.

V. P. Smetnik, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Composition of biphasic drugs for HRT registered in Russia

A drugEstrogensDose, mg/dayProgestogensDose, mg/day
Divinaestradiol valerate2IPA10
Klymenestradiol valerate2cyproterone acetate1
Klimonormestradiol valerate2levonorgestrel0,15
Femoston 2/1017β-estradiol2dydrogesterone (duphaston)10
Femoston 1/1017β-estradiol1dydrogesterone (duphaston)10

Drug interactions

It is permissible to combine Laennec with other medications, but under the strict supervision of the specialist conducting the therapy. Hydrolyzate helps enhance their positive effects and neutralizes negative manifestations.

When combined with products with a pH level above pH 8.5, the effectiveness of the hydrolyzate may decrease.

No clinically confirmed interaction of Laennec with any drugs has been identified. In order to enhance the effect in cosmetology, placental therapy can be combined with other procedures.

How it works

The combination of pharmacopuncture and intravenous methods of placental preparation allows one to obtain pronounced and long-term results of general rejuvenation of the body.

Using the tool you can:

  • influence the regenerative potential of the body;
  • restore detoxification and immune defense functions.

The use of "LAENNEK" in cosmetology allows you to restore the natural balance of the most important systems and organs. The resulting aesthetic effect is a reflection of the restored homeostasis of the body.

Storage conditions and periods

One of the requirements for the use of a placental product is compliance with the terms and conditions of its storage:

  • the solution is stored in a place inaccessible to children and protected from direct sunlight;

  • permissible temperature range - from 18 to 25C;
  • Shelf life is 3 years from the date of production of this batch.

Rejuvenation with Laennec

The rejuvenating effect is achieved after several courses of administration of the drug. The procedure is based on the technology of repeated exposure to the correct points of the body. Scientists have long learned about the points of “youth and health,” the restoration of which provides a complex effect on the body. Before visiting the clinic, several factors are taken into account:

  • The duration of therapeutic procedures is related to the patient's condition. On average, they are divided into 10 procedures with a frequency of 2 times a week.
  • Depending on the affected area, no more than one hour is allocated for preparing the patient and administering the drug.
  • The composition of the drug does not have a negative effect on the skin and muscle tissue. Therefore, local or general anesthesia is not required, since the patient only feels the injection itself. The correct technique of exposure reduces pain to a minimum.
  • After administration of the active substance, a small nodule or compaction forms at the injection site. It only takes 40 minutes to dissolve. Special care in the injection area is not required, however, the area where the nodule forms must be protected from mechanical or other impact as a preventative measure.

The injection requires the drug itself and a syringe with a long needle.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Laennec belongs to the category of prescription drugs. The solution is dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. The average cost of a package of Laennec (10 ampoules of 2 ml each) is 13,300 rubles.

Laennec is a certified multifunctional product.

Positive reviews from doctors, as well as from patients who have undergone Laennec therapy, are much more common than negative ones. The effectiveness and safety of the product has been confirmed, but all manipulations are performed strictly in a clinical setting under the supervision of a specialist.

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya

Reasons for doubt

The drug has not undergone clinical trials with the correct legal documentation of the procedure and publication of the results. It is not taken seriously by cosmetologists and doctors. Therefore, manufacturing companies invest a lot of money in marketing.

In this case, the published results raise many doubts among experts. An example is an article on the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Initial data indicate that a quarter of patients have a severe form. However, their distribution among the control and Laennec groups is not indicated. If the control group included a large part of seriously ill patients, the result was already artificially distorted. There is no information about what treatments were given before the study or in parallel. The control group did not receive a placebo, meaning the disease was treated with other methods. A similar situation applies to other studies.

The review takes into account the lack of registration of the drug in Europe and America. For now, the manufacturing company has the right to sell it in the CIS and other regions.

Every year they talk about the drug more and more. This is associated with the desire of women to find a way to regain youth. The effect of its use has been proven to a lesser extent. There is also no information about harm to the patient. Therefore, injections are recommended when performing anti-aging procedures to enhance the effect. Also suitable for accelerating recovery after surgery. Clinics provide this service. It is carried out only by doctors; you cannot use the drug yourself.

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