Rating of LPG devices. Review of Top 10 originals and analogues

LPG (LPZH, LPG, elpidzhi, lpdzhi) was developed in France in the 80s of the last century.
LPG Systems has patented this technology, and only this French company has the right to produce original devices under the LPG brand. But many analogues of LPG devices have appeared, many of which have become even more popular than the French ones, primarily because of the price. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Top 10 most popular LPG and vacuum roller massage devices in the Russian Federation. The rating includes both original devices and their analogues. Important!
We only consider devices for working with special suits. It was LPG massage with suits that became popular in Russia.

The most important characteristics of LPG devices

Original technology.

The LPG device operates on the principle of vacuum action combined with mechanical manipulation. As a rule, the original is always better than its analogues. Therefore, originality should always be valued higher.

Convenient controls.

Modern LPG devices are full-fledged computerized complexes with an intuitive interface and LCD screen. The first models did not have such parameters, although they were also lower in price. More convenient models in terms of handling can count on higher scores.

Variety of procedures.

There are devices whose purpose is to affect only the torso itself or only the face. Some models combine these functions. With the help of LPG devices, it is possible to carry out figure correction using endermological methods, direct lipomassage, LPG massage of the face itself, sports LPG massage, as well as LPG massage according to medical indications. The more versatile the device, the higher the scores.

Availability of certificate and RU.

Certification of equipment and the presence of a Registration Certificate used in the medical and cosmetology fields is very important. This speaks volumes about the quality and safety of the product. Devices with certificates and identifications receive more points in our rating.


The price of LPG devices can be quite high; analogues, replicas, and clones can cost significantly less. More budget-priced models receive high scores. Popularity and prevalence of the brand in Russia. More popular models have the opportunity to score more points.

Indications for LPG endermological massage

The abbreviation LPG comes from the name Louis-Paul Guitayc (Louis-Paul Guitay), who created endermology. In 1986, the French innovator was in a car accident and faced the problem of long-term rehabilitation from his injuries.

The apparatus he created was designed to facilitate this process. However, during its use, unexpected positive effects were discovered. LPG massage sessions not only eliminated the consequences of injuries and accelerated the restoration of physical fitness, but also contributed to weight loss, the formation of beautiful body contours and the natural rejuvenation of soft tissues.

Further improvement of the technology significantly expanded the possibilities of using the device. And after the technique received approval from the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration), it is successfully used in many areas of aesthetic cosmetology and medicine.

For aesthetic purposes for:

  • elimination of local deposits of subcutaneous fat and skin folds;
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • smoothing skin texture;
  • elimination of edema;
  • modeling beautiful body contours.

For therapeutic purposes for:

  • restoration of soft tissues of the body and their structures after diseases, lesions, operations and injuries;
  • eliminating muscle pain, spasms and congestion in tissues;
  • improving peripheral circulation and normalizing lymph flow;
  • posture correction;
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system and the body.

For preventive purposes for:

  • activation of local metabolism and lipolysis processes;
  • improving transdermal (percutaneous) detoxification and elimination of metabolites;
  • increasing local skin immunity.

In sports medicine for:

  • improving trophism (nutrition) and oxygenation (oxygen saturation) of tissues;
  • increasing the amplitude of muscle biopotentials and increasing their performance;
  • accelerated removal of lactic acid, muscle recovery after injuries and during the training process;
  • eliminating soreness, hypertonicity and “fossilization” of muscles.

Hardware massage using endermology technologies allows not only to eliminate visible and tangible body problems, but also to influence the causes of their occurrence.

An integrated approach guarantees the achievement of a positive result in a minimum number of procedures and with a prolonged (long-term) effect.

The effect of vacuum-mechanical massage

Research and reports from specialists at LPG Systems, which produces cosmetology devices for endermological massage, as well as reviews from clients of our clinic indicate the high effectiveness of the effect.

A full course of procedures allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Increase venous flow and lymph flow by 2 - 3 times.
  • Activate the functions of fibroblasts responsible for the synthesis of collagen, elastin and extracellular matrix.
  • Increase the production of new collagen by 27 - 130%.
  • Form a harmonious structure of soft tissues.
  • Improve the structure and texture of the skin.

Hardware LPG massage affects all layers of the skin: epidermis, dermis and, most importantly, subcutaneous fat, triggering revolutionary changes in it.

At the same time, there is an increase in microcirculation and lymph flow, elimination of stagnation and increased permeability of fat cell membranes, which makes it possible to activate the processes of natural lipolysis (breakdown of fats). LPG is a kind of lipomassage that “unseals encapsulated” fat cells, improving and accelerating the natural “burning” of fat.

How does the procedure work?

LPG massage of the abdomen, thighs and other problem areas is carried out in an elastic suit that protects the skin surface from any kind of damage. After selecting an individual treatment program, the doctor at our clinic processes it with a handpiece, in the chamber of which an area of ​​reduced pressure (vacuum) is created and two rollers rotate.

The skin fold formed by vacuum is captured by one roller and smoothed by another. Thus, while working with the manipulator, a kind of “wave” is created throughout the body, which runs throughout the entire problem area. At the same time, the rollers change the direction of their rotation, which contributes to the most intense and deep tissue treatment.

Hardware massage of the body and its problem areas does not take much time. The average duration of 1 session is 30 – 40 minutes.

There is no pain or discomfort during the treatment. On the contrary, endermological massage is one of the most comfortable procedures in hardware cosmetology. It helps to relax, relieve accumulated fatigue and neutralize the negative effects of daily stress.

LPG massage: pros and cons

LPG massage provides an aesthetic, therapeutic and restorative effect. The advantages of the technique are obvious!

  • Versatility - no restrictions on gender, age, skin type of the client.
  • Non-invasive – no damage to the skin.
  • Safety – lift massage and other types of LPG effects do not cause pain or harm to the body.
  • An integrated approach – eliminating existing problems, the causes of their occurrence and effective prevention.
  • Individual approach - the vacuum strength, the distance between the rollers, their rotation speed and other parameters of influence are easily changed, depending on the client’s problem.
  • Quick visible and tangible results - after 1 - 2 procedures you can evaluate the positive changes that increase as you progress through the entire course.

The method has only one drawback – the presence of contraindications.


All hardware manipulations have a number of contraindications. Only a specialist can recommend endermology in each specific case. You cannot self-medicate, because... this can have a negative effect on the body. The B-flexy procedure has the following contraindications:

  • hernia, radiculitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • neurological disorders;
  • oncology;
  • restrictions from the genitourinary system: the presence of an intrauterine device, the first days of menstruation, urolithiasis, fibroids, cysts;
  • the presence of damage to the skin (rosacea, rash, dermatosis, scratches, pustular wounds, abrasions in the correction area);
  • varicose veins (thrombophlebitis);
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, presence of a pacemaker, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, bleeding disorders;
  • pregnancy, because such exposure can provoke premature birth or miscarriage;
  • tuberculosis, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, accompanied by fragility of blood vessels.

Efficiency of the procedure

To begin with, the massage specialist examines the patient, enters into the diagnostic chart all the necessary parameters, problem areas and the presence of contraindications. The specialist also gives recommendations on drinking regime and nutrition before the procedure.

Vacuum massage is carried out in a special suit. The rollers act on the fat layer with wave-like movements and absorb the skin, lifting it.

The most important areas of influence are the upper and lower extremities, riding breeches, abdomen, face, hips and shoulders.

Girls cite a reduction in body volume and the return of elasticity as the primary effect as the results of an LPG massage The texture of the skin improves, the shade becomes healthy. The swollen face acquires a clear contour, wrinkles around the eyes and mouth disappear. Stretch marks disappear without a trace.

And although the result after the procedure lasts for about six months, many salon visitors ask how often it is necessary to do an lpg massage . You can achieve the desired result after 10-15 sessions, this range is individual and depends on the degree of complexity. Experts advise maintaining the condition and repeating the procedure monthly to maintain skin condition, reduce fat deposits and have an overall healing effect on the body.

A minimum of contraindications allows the procedure to be used by almost all girls who have problems with cellulite and excess weight. Indications also include sagging facial contours, bags under the eyes, age-related changes and stretch marks on the body. After a few procedures, you will be surprised how your well-being will improve, how pain and spasms in muscles will disappear and how the texture of your skin will improve.

By following a diet and drinking regimen, you can achieve a more lasting effect. Many girls prefer to combine the lpg massage procedure with other salon procedures, for example, wraps, cavitation, pressotherapy and others. The most effective effect is achieved by the mesotherapy procedure in combination with lpg massage.

Features of choosing LPG devices for facial massage

Before purchasing an LPG device, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Manufacturer. It is preferable to use patented LPG brand devices.
  2. Availability of a document for the device. It must contain information about the manufacturer, as well as the model, number and production series of the device.
  3. Special purpose. Depending on the nature of the procedure itself, as well as the area of ​​application (face or body), programs on massagers, as well as attachments for them, may differ significantly.
  4. Ease of use and intuitive interface.
  5. The need to purchase additional consumables - special oils or original suits designed to protect the body from excessive exposure, and the device itself from microparticles accumulated on the surface of the skin.
  6. Warranty service.
  7. Opportunity for training operators-cosmetologists.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of using cosmechanics is the disappearance of swelling and reduction in volume. In addition, the tissues actively begin to get rid of fluid, toxins and waste, so the patient can feel that the waist has become one centimeter thinner after the first procedure. Also, the advantages of endermolift are:

  • multi-purpose focus: fat breakdown, lifting (tightening muscle structure), improving skin condition;
  • long lasting effect;
  • safety;
  • versatility (lpg massage can be performed on any part of the body);
  • noticeable visual result, quick effectiveness;
  • deep effect on muscles, skin;
  • complex effect (cosmetic, health, aesthetic).

The disadvantages of endermolift are:

  • a large number of contraindications;
  • you need to additionally buy a special suit;
  • After the procedure, it is necessary to constantly maintain the body in shape, i.e. you should exercise and diet;
  • the price for the whole course is high;
  • preliminary diagnosis is needed.

Description of the method

The impact on the skin and subcutaneous structures is carried out by a device with special attachments - maniples. They imitate the work of a massage therapist's hands: warming, kneading, stretching, and vibration movements.

The mechanical rollers of the device are additionally equipped with vacuum suction cups. A doctor or massage specialist places the device in the right places, the skin is deeply massaged, and the vacuum effect enhances the effect.

The method was named after the first letters of the name of its inventor, Louis-Paul Guitay. He was a specialist in the field of cosmetology and massage, but after an injury scars formed on his skin, and he was looking for a way to get rid of or at least reduce their severity without getting tired of long self-massage and without becoming dependent on the quality of work of his colleagues. The mechanical-vacuum device he created met the inventor’s hopes, and then the LPG method spread and began to be used by professional massage therapists and rehabilitation doctors and cosmetologists to solve treatment, preventive and restorative problems.

Table - comparative characteristics of devices

To form a general understanding of various LPG devices, you should pay attention to the comparison table:

ModelUniqueness of technologyApplication areaEase of managementCertificates and additional training
PMG-i7patentedvacuum roller massage, RF lifting, acupressure ultrasoundLCD screen, virtual consultantmedical equipment, requires special skills
LPG Integralpatentedvacuum roller massage of face and body, lymphatic drainageautomatic programdoes not require
LPG Cellu M6 Endermolabpatentedvacuum roller massage of face or bodybuilt-in virtual assistant, automatic programsmedical equipment that requires training
Perfect-1000analoguevacuum roller massage of face or bodyautomatic programdoes not require
Vortexanaloguevacuum roller massage of face or bodycolor screenrequires additional training, free chickens possible
B-Flexyanaloguevacuum roller massage of face or body, lymphatic drainageautomatic programsdoes not require
Resoladyunique developmentvacuum roller massage of the face or body, RF lifting, low-frequency ultrasound, lymphatic drainageautomatic programs, manual control possibletraining is carried out by the manufacturer
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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