All about Cytolife biorevitalization, reviews from cosmetologists and clients

The variety of products that promise rejuvenation and stable maintenance of skin quality is great. Finding the ideal option that best suits a particular case can be difficult. Manufacturers' advertising brochures are full of promising positive information about the products. Consumer reviews do not always confirm the veracity of promises. Biorevitalization Cytolife has proven effectiveness. Let's figure out why cosmetologists and patients value the Russian analogue of well-known gels that restore the beauty and youth of the skin.

Description of the drug

The Russian manufacturer LABORATORY CYTOLIFE has created a line of products to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin. The line of products contains preparations to improve the relief and maintain healthy skin moisture. Products are created using modern technologies from high-quality Japanese raw materials.

Cytolife produces gels for biorevitalization and bioreparation based on hyaluronic acid. A synthesized substance is used, which is subsequently treated with infrared coherent radiation. This allows you to increase the biological activity of the products, bringing the composition created artificially closer to the natural sodium hyaluronate produced by the body.

Most Cytolife products are supplemented with zinc, which allows for true tissue repair. A revitalizing effect, surface leveling, antioxidant effect, and safe fibrosis formation are achieved. To stabilize the substance and stimulated processes, the composition contains: phosphate buffer, water for injection.

About the drug liquid biothreads

Liquid threads from the company Cytolife, also known as Bodyfiller (liquid mesothreads, liquid biothreads), are a combination of balanced, highly concentrated hyaluronan and zinc chloride in a certain concentration.

Unlike standard mesothreads (Threadlifting), liquid mesothreads Cytolife (Cytolife) consist of an aqueous solution of highly purified hyaluronic acid with a molecular weight of 1.8 million Daltons and a phosphate buffer to pH 7.2 and zinc chloride with a molecular weight distribution of Mw/ Mn equal to 1.389


Zinc is an essential trace element, necessary for the normal functioning of any cell, is a cofactor for more than 300 different proteins, and 20% of its total volume is concentrated in the skin to protect it from free radical damage.

Liquid threads in appearance are a water-containing, sterile, transparent, pyrogen-free, colorless gel for medical use based on unmodified hyaluronic acid.

Cytolife liquid threads are produced in glass bottles with a capacity of 10 ml. The main effect of the drug is aimed at forming a subcutaneous framework for the correction of problem areas.

Indications and effectiveness of use

Cytolife products are designed to support skin with noticeable signs of aging. Injection procedures are recommended to be carried out in courses from 25–35 years of age. A cosmetologist will help you choose a product and detail the parameters of the manipulations.

Cytolife preparations help solve various problems inherent in aging skin:

  • restoration of impaired hydrobalance;
  • “revitalization” of internal processes;
  • normalization of appearance (elimination of unnatural color, bags, dark circles);
  • turgor stabilization;
  • leveling the relief of covers;
  • lifting the oval, individual parts of the face and body.

As a result, the epidermis takes on a fresh, vibrant appearance and begins to function in a natural manner. The aging process is inhibited, tissues acquire density, firmness, and elasticity. The skin becomes moisturized, velvety, and pleasant to the touch.

Indications for biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is a procedure whose action is aimed at improving the condition of the skin and correcting some minor cosmetic defects, therefore, for injections using the product there must be some compelling reasons, called indications for use. Among them are the following:

  • disturbed hydrobalance;
  • inhibition of intracellular processes;
  • uneven tone and prominent bags under the eyes;
  • decreased firmness and elasticity;
  • uneven skin texture;
  • slight sagging of the dermis.

Thanks to the introduction of the product, turgor is restored, a lifting effect is achieved, the work of skin cells is activated and the aging process slows down. Injections help to achieve hydration and nutrition results.

Types of biorevitalizants

Cytolife offers a series of products based on hyaluronic acid from the Japanese company SHISEIDO. Options are designed to solve different problems. Cytolife never ceases to delight with new products. For example, Goldgial, Conturgel, hyaluron X5. The basic line of products contains:

  • HA hialuronic acid (concentration options: 1%, 1.2%, 1.5%). The product is intended for classical skin biorevitalization. Provides healing to dry skin with signs of aging. Normalizes hydrobalance, “revives” tired tissues. The option, like most Cytolife injection products, is available in a volume of 5 ml.

  • Cytolife Repare 0.6% +Zn. The product is intended for biorevitalization of the scalp. The composition helps to improve the health of the skin, prevent baldness, and improve the quality of hair.

  • Mesolift HA (concentration options: 0.5%, 0.9%). A product called “liquid mesothreads”. Ideal for face lift. Eliminates ptosis and wrinkles.

  • BODY FILLER HA 1.3%. The product is intended for tightening and strengthening the oval, abdomen, arms, hips. The combination of hyaluronic acid and zinc in Bodyfiller allows for true tissue repair. The body version is available in a volume of 10 ml.

  • CYTOLIFE VISION HA 0.6%. Product for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes. Gently acts on delicate areas. Eliminates fine wrinkles and signs of fatigue.

  • Remodulator HA 1% +Zn. Product for aging skin (40+). Has a pronounced lifting effect. Tightens and strengthens sagging skin.

Attention! With the help of a skillful combination of products you can completely transform your appearance. Experienced cosmetologists can use ready-made preparations or create individual cocktails based on them for their patients, focusing on the detailed description of the substance attached to each product.

Technique for introducing liquid mesothreads

Liquid threads are introduced using 22G, 25G, 27G cannulas or 25G-27G needles using a linear-retrograde technique into the deep layers of the dermis in an amount of 0.1-0.2 ml. for one introduction.

Cosmetologist's comment

Oksana Grigorievna (@kosmetolog_krd)

Dermatocosmetologist, 12 years of experience


Read more about the difference between cannulas and a regular needle in this article. Its use is less traumatic for the skin and blood vessels, which allows the patient to look aesthetically pleasing immediately after injections of liquid threads. Papules at injection sites will spread deep into the skin within 12 hours.

The most appropriate technique for introducing liquid mesothreads is multiple batch parallel injections at a distance of 2-3 mm. from each other in several rows.

On a note:

The distance between the rows should not exceed 0.5-1.0 cm, and liquid threads with a volume of no more than 3.0 ml are introduced. per injected area.

Instructions for the procedure

Despite the simplicity of biorevitalization, the intervention must be carried out by a qualified doctor. This will protect the patient from various complications and ensure high effectiveness of the procedure.

Before the intervention, it is necessary to have a consultation with a cosmetologist. The doctor will select the optimal treatment option, prescribe a treatment regimen, and explain the nuances of preparation.

On the day of the procedure, the cosmetologist performs cleaning, disinfection of the integument, and, if necessary, anesthesia. The doctor injects Cytolife biorevitalizant in microdoses into the surface layers of the skin. The cosmetologist performs the treatment of the skin according to a pre-planned scheme. Possible options:

  • infiltration;
  • micropapules;
  • superficial nappage.

The procedure is completed with antiseptic treatment of the integument. The session lasts 20–60 minutes. The duration is related to the volume of work.

Recovery period and care after the procedure

The recovery period is considered one of the most important factors influencing what effect will be achieved and how long it will last. During rehabilitation you should avoid:

  • sudden temperature changes;
  • intense sports;
  • parallel implementation of anti-aging procedures.

You should not be alarmed if papules, pain and swelling are observed on the treated area of ​​skin, as this is considered normal for the period immediately after the completion of the injections. It will take a little more time than a few hours for small hematomas at the puncture site (ecchymosis) and swelling to subside - on average, they disappear without a trace in about a week. If they persist for more than 7 days, you need to seek help at the hospital.

Healing period

Immediately after the procedure, residual effects may be observed on the skin: papules, pronounced puncture sites, swelling, redness, pain. Symptoms disappear within 1–3 hours. Swelling and bruising may linger for 2–5 days. Mild symptoms do not require additional measures to eliminate them.

The rehabilitation period takes 2–5 days. At this time, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics. The doctor will indicate the need to avoid:

  • baths, swimming pool, sunbathing;
  • physical activity;
  • skin treatments.

The positive effect of biorevitalization with Cytolife preparations is noticeable after 1 procedure. Turgor and skin texture improve, signs of fatigue disappear.

Important! A sustainable positive effect is formed after a course of interventions. Cosmetologists recommend 4–6 procedures with an interval of 7–14 days between procedures. The result lasts for 6–9 months.

Price list for skin tightening with Cytolife liquid threads (Laboratory Cytolife)

Services Price* Note

Lifting with Cytolife liquid threads (Laboratory Cytolife):

Promotion -5% 1 zone (face, neck, décolleté) 50002 zones (face + neck) 80003 zones (face + neck + décolleté) 120001 zone (shoulder area) 50001 zone (hips area) 80001 zone (abdomen area) from 80002 zones (shoulder area + hips, stomach) 120003 zones (shoulders + hips + stomach) from 15000* When registering online, there is a 5% discount on any of the procedures!

Neutralize the effect

The result of biorevitalization with Cytolife substances is not volumization of the contours. Injecting drugs allows you to improve your health and change the quality of the integument without disturbing the natural volume, as when using fillers. This allows you to get a mild anti-aging effect without negative consequences. Neutralization or minimization of the result is not required. Despite the fact that this can be achieved after injection of hyaluronic acid preparations using lidase and similar substances.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following can be said about the drug Cytolife, which is used for the biorevitalization procedure: it has both advantages and disadvantages.

The first of them is that the composition is completely safe, only high-quality raw materials were used to create the development, and the medicine itself has a wide spectrum of action.

The unpleasant thing, however, is that the product has recently appeared on the biorevitalizant market, which is why cosmetologists are completely reluctant to use an unknown medicine for injection.

Precautionary measures

The procedure will have to be abandoned if there are contraindications:

  • some dysfunctions of the heart and blood vessels;
  • significant endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • malignant tumor processes;
  • epilepsy, severe somatic disorders;
  • hemophilia, other serious blood diseases;
  • allergy to the components of biorevitalizant.

The intervention is carried out during the acute course of any disease, during pregnancy and lactation. It is unacceptable to carry out manipulation if there are dermatological problems in the area of ​​influence. It is not recommended to perform injections if you are prone to keloid-type scarring.

Biorevitalization is classified as a minimally invasive technique with a minimal rehabilitation period. The procedure rarely leads to complications. Typical occurrence after injections: swelling, bruising, redness. Manifestations disappear within 2–3 days. In some cases, the following may appear:

  • inflammation due to infection of puncture sites;
  • allergic reactions;
  • extensive, long-lasting swelling, bruising;
  • seals when using reinforcing compounds;
  • changes in tissue sensitivity;
  • necrosis of individual areas.

To prevent side effects, it is recommended to carefully choose a cosmetologist, strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, and take seriously the identification of contraindications.

Existing contraindications

A number of contraindications have been identified, in the presence of which the patient will be denied the biorevitalization procedure.
These include:

  • vascular and cardiac pathologies;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • malignant formations;
  • skin problems in the affected area;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • blood diseases.

To prevent the development of complications, you need to choose a specialist wisely and take existing contraindications seriously. It is also important to carefully follow the care instructions.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors are determined to try different drugs, to find options that are optimal in terms of price and quality of results. Cytolife products are used, but not always appreciated. Cosmetologists are disappointed by the pricing policy, the work of the manufacturer's managers, and are not always impressed by the effectiveness of the products. Doctors trust well-known drugs more.

The cosmetologist did not see the expected result and stopped working with Cytolife preparations.

The cosmetologist likes the Cytolife line of products.

The cosmetologist recognizes Cytolife as an advantageous option, but questions the effectiveness of the products for older patients.

Patient reviews

For injection administration, patients value well-known drugs more. Substances that are widely advertised have been used by cosmetologists for a long time and patients give more predictable results. Despite eloquent promises of stunning achievements, Cytolife did not gain mass popularity.

Patients consider Cytolife on a par with similar products from well-known manufacturers, but do not dare to try it.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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