Bioreparant "Gialripayer". Reviews from cosmetologists, description of the procedure and effectiveness

Bioreparation is a cosmetic procedure whose purpose is to restore facial skin cells susceptible to aging processes and other negative environmental factors. The effect is achieved through the injection of active substances, which, staying in the dermis for a long time, contribute to its revival. The skin is naturally rejuvenated and takes on a healthy and fresh appearance. In the article we will look at the bioreparant “Gialripayer”, reviews of which will be presented to readers in detail.

What is Hyalrepair?

“Hyalripayer” preparations for cosmetic bioreparation are liquid active substances based on modified hyaluronic acid and vitamins, amino acids or peptides added to it. The main feature of the bioreparant is an innovative method of polysaccharide modification, consisting of three phases. This method has gained worldwide recognition, and only a few pharmaceutical companies have a patent for its use.

What is its revolutionary nature? The method allows you to perform a spatial configuration of the structure of hyaluronic acid, simultaneously adding useful substances to it in the form of amino acids, vitamins, and peptides. At the same time, the properties of the polysaccharide remain unchanged. The configuration is carried out without the use of third-party chemical compounds, which ensures the naturalness of the Hyalripayer preparations. Consumer reviews support this fact with mild susceptibility to the substance and the absence of allergic reactions.

Benefits of Modified Hyaluronic Acid

Why is the usual polysaccharide structure so different from the modified one and what is the benefit of it? To begin with, this is the best method for creating a complex cosmetic preparation with hyaluronic acid, aimed not only at treating dehydration of the dermis, but also at providing high-quality skin care.

The main advantage is the resistance of the modified compound to enzymes of the hyaluronidase group, which break down hyaluronic acid, destroying its structure. The polysaccharide component “Hyalripayer” remains in the skin for up to 3 weeks and does not undergo enzymatic breakdown during this period, like the substances attached to it. This ensures a prolonged effect of the drug, deep hydration and nutrition of the skin.

Action provided

Hyaluronic acid, as you know, is the main component of a woman’s beauty. The polysaccharide binds water molecules, thereby maintaining optimal moisture in the dermal cells. In addition, the compound directly affects the production of collagen and elastin - the main proteins the skin needs for elasticity and youth.

With age, as well as due to the harmful effects of the environment, poor lifestyle and frequent stress, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the dermis decreases, which triggers the process of dehydration, which is synonymous with withering and aging of the skin. Following a decrease in the concentration of polysaccharide in the middle layer, the amount of collagen and elastin produced also decreases. The skin becomes flabby, loose and wrinkled, often dry or too oily.

In this case, “Hyalrepayer” comes in handy, a bioreparant, reviews of which give hope to people who have not yet tried its medicinal properties. During the period of its viability (about 3 weeks), the active substances of the drug manage to establish metabolic processes and successfully launch skin regeneration. Acid molecules act as “transport”: they move to the desired cells and give them the necessary nutrients. Collagen synthesis is resumed. Wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out, and small ones disappear altogether.


"Gialripayer" leaves positive reviews. Users note the natural composition and high quality of the pharmaceutical product. The Hyalrepair line consists of various bioreparation products. They include:

  • vitamin C – participates in stimulating collagen synthesis, strengthens blood vessels and acts as a powerful antioxidant, reduces pigmentation;
  • lysine, proline, glycine - proteins from the “builder” category, are high-quality and irreplaceable material for protein structures (including elastin and collagen);
  • cysteine, glutathione – antioxidant amino acids, protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and free radicals, reduce pigmentation;
  • L-carnitine – burns fat, participates in lipid metabolism;
  • vitamin B2 – stimulates the process of tissue regeneration, ensures cellular and tissue respiration;
  • modified hyaluronic acid.

The obviousness of the naturalness and usefulness of the components cannot be ignored even by a person who is not interested in medicine, pharmaceuticals or cosmetology. The drug is aimed at treating all possible skin defects caused by dehydration. The product "Hyalripayer", reviews of which are no worse than those of foreign bioremediates, is universal and suitable for any age category and any skin type.

Composition of the drug

The basis of the drug is hyaluronic acid, which itself works great, moisturizing the skin, which is especially necessary to restore the natural process of its regeneration. However, the peculiarity of the bioreparant is that the key role in the rejuvenation process is played by the components attached to it through a chemical reaction.

Hyaluronic acid with elements attached at the molecular level is called modified. In the drug Hyalripayer-08, hyaluronic acid is modified with vitamin C and L-carnitine.


  • Hyaluronic acid is the base of the biorepair, ensuring the successful connection and interconnected operation of the components. It has moisturizing properties and creates an optimal environment for the proper functioning of dermal cells.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and element that actively stimulates the body's natural production of collagen.
  • L-carnitine is a substance biologically related to B vitamins that has a direct effect on the metabolism of adipose tissue.

A little about the manufacturer

The line of drugs for bioreparation was developed in Moscow through long research work. The effectiveness of the products has been clinically proven by the Moscow Institute of Plastic Surgery and confirmed by the Academy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – Russian laboratory “Toscani”. When creating drugs, raw materials imported from Europe and Japan are used. The finished pharmaceutical product meets all the requirements of standards not only of the Russian Federation, but also of the EU countries.

A series of products are registered as drugs for medical purposes. The substance is released in vials or directly in injection syringes. Use is recommended only with the help of a qualified specialist. Distributor.

Representatives of the Hyalrepair family

The line of products is represented by drugs in two directions: for bioreparation or mesolifting. The first group consists of three bioremedies, and the second of four. Let's consider the purpose of each of the procedures and the differences in the composition and functions of the drugs developed for them.

Bioreparation with Hyalrepair-02/04/08 is based on the use of a durable modified hyaluronic acid molecule. As already mentioned, it has increased resistance to the effects of enzymes of the hyaluronidase group. Depending on the purpose and final purpose of use, each of the products contains additional caring components (vitamins, amino acids, peptides, etc.).

Mesolifting is based on the use of Hyalrepair M 06/07/08/10 products, which contain low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. The procedure is a type of mesotherapy that is aimed at improving the condition of facial skin. The product also contains beneficial substances that help nourish, moisturize and regenerate the skin. The components are introduced to a depth of 5 mm and are active for a week. It is worth noting that “Hyalripayer” receives equally good reviews from cosmetologists and patients both for a series of mesotherapy drugs and for bioreparation products.

Benefits of HYALREPAIR-PRP therapy

  • Maximum implementation of plasma-associated effects.
  • Immediate effect (moisturizing and increasing turgor, improving complexion).
  • Uniform integration of HYALREPAIR-PRP matrix gel components with growth factors between the fibers of the dermis (not only at the site of the injury itself, but also around) and subsequent obtaining a uniform stimulating effect.
  • Direct stimulation of the synthesis of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans.
  • Prolonged action (maintaining processes initiated by growth factors at the physiological level for a long time).
  • Expanding the possibilities of the procedure due to the additional effects of HYALREPAIR-PRP matrix gel (rosacea, pigmentation).
  • Reduced risk of side effects (due to the antioxidant effect, hyperemia subsides faster, the risk of exacerbation of acne is significantly reduced).
  • Increasing the safety of autoplasma therapy (binding and neutralizing “cellular debris” of plasma).
  • Reducing the volume of blood plasma required for the procedure (one tube instead of four).
  • Possibility of using any existing centrifuge (no need for a special centrifuge).

The HYALREPAIR-PRP therapy procedure is indicated for:

  • Age-related changes in the skin (decreased turgor and elasticity, wrinkles of varying depths, deformation of the oval of the face).
  • Signs of photodamage.
  • Dry skin.
  • For sensitive skin and disorders of the lipid-epidermal barrier.
  • For the treatment of rosacea.
  • For hyperpigmentation.
  • For skin damage after aggressive influences.
  • For the treatment of edema of various etiologies.

The purpose of HYALREPAIR-PRP therapy: increasing skin turgor and tone, reducing the severity of wrinkles and folds, lifting the oval of the face, improving skin color, increasing drainage.

Recommended course: 1-3 procedures, depending on indications and goals. Interval between procedures: 3-4 weeks.

Characteristics of Hyalrepair products for bioreparation

The stable structure of hyaluronic acid in combination with caring and beneficial components is produced weighing 14 mg/ml in a volume of 1.5 ml. The substance is enough to treat several areas of the face, décolleté and neck. The kit includes two thin injection needles. The recommended course of treatment is 3 procedures with a rest period of 3 weeks after each. As a preventive measure and to maintain the effect after the main treatment, use the product once every 2 months.

"Gialripayer-02" - designed specifically for sagging and dry skin. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the composition contains: vitamin C, lysine, proline and glycine. A complex of beneficial substances helps combat dehydration, deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The result of treatment is noticeably firmer, more elastic skin with less severe dryness. It is also used as a preparatory stage for chemical peeling and laser treatment. Effectively resolves atrophic scars.

"Gialripayer-04" is actively used in the fight against photoaging. Contains additional components such as cysteine, glutathione and vitamin C. The product allows you to restore the skin after the negative effects of sunlight and the external environment in general: strengthens the walls of blood vessels, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates pigmentation.

"Gialripayer-08" is a bioremediation agent, the reviews of which are very good. Users say this is the best product for oily skin and face contouring. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the composition includes L-carnitine and vitamin C, which have a complex effect on excess fat deposits, promoting their synthesis. It is used not only for the skin of the face, but also for the body: hips, abdomen, elbows, neck - “Gialripayer-08”. Reviews about it confirm its effectiveness on sagging skin. It turns out that light liposuction is possible not only with a scalpel.

Indications for use of the drug

Bioreparant Hyalripayer-08 has a significant rejuvenating effect on the skin. The active elements included in the drug directly affect the causes of age-related changes, triggering the processes of repair (restoration of DNA molecules) and regeneration (stimulation of cell renewal) in the skin.


  • age-related changes, including wrinkles;
  • decreased overall skin tone;
  • swelling (pasty) of the face;
  • visible fat deposits in the chin, cheeks and under the eyes;
  • aesthetic imperfections of the lower third of the face, including gravitational ptosis.

Mesolifting line

Mesotherapy products consist of injection solutions with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (2 mg/ml). Hyalrepair-M is available in 5 ml bottles. It is recommended to use according to the following course of treatment: 6 procedures are performed at intervals of 7–10 days, after which 2 more procedures are performed once a month. The main treatment ends here. Maintenance procedures are used once every one and a half to two months.

The line of mesotherapy products consists of:

  • Hyalrepair-06M – additionally contains vitamin C and B2. Recommended for use for the treatment of age-related changes and inflammatory processes, such as acne and post-acne, stagnant spots. Effective for dry and dehydrated skin.
  • Hyalrepair-07M – consists of amino acids (cysteine, glycine, valine) and vitamin C. An ideal product for dry, sensitive and atonic skin. Eliminates sagging, restores water-alkaline balance, and also fights the first age-related changes.
  • Hyalrepair-08M – contains L-carnitine and vitamin C, intended for correcting the face with fatty deposits and combating cellulite. Promotes lipid synthesis, thereby dissolving excessively accumulated fat.
  • Hyalrepair-10M – consists of vitamin C, cysteine ​​and glutathione oligopeptide. Fights signs of photoaging and harmful environmental influences. Smoothes wrinkles, increases elasticity and overall skin tone. It is used for rosacea, hyperpigmentation, disorders due to smoking or stress.

As can be seen from the characteristics of the products, in the series you can find a product ideal for a specific skin type, type of disorder and the reasons for its formation. Users consider “Gialripayer” and “Hyalripayer Mesolift” to be a godsend among cosmetic pharmaceuticals. Reviews confirm this.

HYALREPAIR in syringes and vials.

In 2018, the MARTINEX Group introduced a new generation of HYALREPAIR bioreparants, it uses the latest innovative technologies and international standards (ISO 13485):

  • The substance for the drugs is produced in Switzerland.
  • The new generation uses HA of the latest generation pharmacopoeial class with the highest degree of purification.
  • An ideal HA molecule for skin rejuvenation (molecular weight is 2 million Da).
  • The new packaging has a modern, stylish design, tamper evident, and updated blister shape and labeling.

*Patent No. 2382050

H YALREPAIR – bioreparants, produced using a unique patented technology by adding natural biologically active components to hyaluronic acid using solid-phase modification.

HYALREPAIR technology is the only technology that launches its own processes of skin restoration and rejuvenation (Bioreparation).

The principle of creating drugs: HA and the necessary biologically active substances (vitamin C, amino acids, peptides) in the form of a powder mixture are placed on a Bridgman anvil, and under the influence of high pressure and shear deformation, strong chemical bonds are formed between the own hydroxyl groups of HA and the molecules of amino acids and vitamins.

Since all substances are in a solid state and their active groups are free to interact with each other, there is no need to use additional chemical cross-linking reagents (for example, VDDE, DEG).

Due to the “attached” biologically active substances, the spatial structure of HA changes, and it becomes unrecognizable to tissue hyaluronidases. At the same time, the chemical structure and functional potential of HA do not change.

Vitamin C and amino acids “attached” to HA using solid-phase technology are protected from destruction and rapid elimination. Their release occurs gradually as HA biodegrades and bonds with it are destroyed.

Biological agents are safe because they contain only components natural to the human body (HA, amino acids, vitamins, microelements, peptides) and do not use foreign chemical reagents in their production.

HYALRIPAYER-02 BIOREPARENT IN SYRINGES - stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, provides targeted delivery of active substances and promotes their retention in the skin for 3 weeks. Amino acids: glycine, proline, lysine as part of the main proteins of the intercellular matrix of the dermis are necessary to trigger the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin.

HYALRIPAYER-04 BIOREPARANT IN SYRINGES - stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, ensures targeted delivery of active substances and promotes their retention in the skin for 3 weeks. The sulfur-containing amino acid, cysteine ​​and tripeptide glutathione are powerful antioxidants that act at various stages of the free radical chain process of oxidation of biomolecules.

HYALRIPAYER-08 BIOREPARANT IN SYRINGES - stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, provides targeted delivery of active substances and helps to retain them in the skin for 3 weeks. L-carnitine strengthens cell membranes and normalizes the water-salt balance of the skin.

HYALRIPAYER-06 BIOREPARANT IN BOTTLES - indicated for age-related decrease in skin firmness and elasticity in combination with a tendency to the appearance of inflammatory elements, acne, changes in micro-macrorelief (enlarged pores, areas of hyperkeratosis), skin reactivity and sensitivity, atrophic scars (striae, post-acne) , xerosis of the skin or diffuse hair loss.

HYALRIPAIER-07 BIOREPARANT IN BOTTLES – for correcting age-related changes and restoring skin hydration, strengthening blood vessels, combating hyperpigmentation, with involutional changes in the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, inner thigh, inner shoulder, hands, etc., xerosis of the skin, scar conditions (including stretch marks and post-acne scars), as well as as preparation and rehabilitation of the skin before and after plastic surgery, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, chemical peels.

HYALRIPAYER-08 BIOREPARANT IN BOTTLES - skin rejuvenation, biological aging of skin with excess fat deposits in the corrected area, small local fat deposits in the face and body (including the chin area, the area around the knee and elbow joints), cellulite, ptosis and sagging skin of the face and body in patients due to loss of volume against the background of correction of excess fat deposits, swelling, tendency to pastosity.

HYALRIPAIER-10 BIOREPARANT IN BOTTLES - correction of age-related changes and restoration of skin hydration, strengthening of blood vessels, hyperpigmentation, acne, changes in micro and macrorelief (enlarged pores, areas of hyperkeratosis), skin reactivity and sensitivity, atrophic scars (striae, post-acne), xerosis skin, seborrhea, including the scalp, diffuse hair loss.


Educational phone numbers : 8-812-248-99-34, 8-812-248-99-38, 8-812-243-91-63, 8-929-105-68-44

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Hyalrepair Chondroreparant

"Gialripayer Chondroreparant" is a line of preventive agents recommended for use during physical activity, injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The drug is based on hyaluronic acid and currently has no analogues. Its unique properties make it possible to successfully use the product for medical rehabilitation. Effectively restores tissue in and around joints.

Available in 2 ml syringes or 5 ml bottles. "Hyalripayer Chondroreparant" managed to receive positive reviews. Patients note its effect on tissue restoration processes. Treatment proceeds much faster and less complicated than without the use of the drug.

The recognition of the products in the medical community and their widespread use not only for cosmetic but also for medicinal purposes prove the high quality and effectiveness of the “Hyalripayer” series. Reviews from patients repeat the same thing many times: the product really works and works well.

HYALREPAIR-PRP therapy in Vladivostok

A new method allows us to make plasma therapy even more effective, which is what patients of the 21st century demand, expand the range of its capabilities and at the same time increase the safety of the procedure: HYALREPAIR-PRP therapy!

HYALREPAIR-PRP therapy is a unique therapeutic method aimed at physiological tissue regeneration and long-term maintenance of optimal synthetic cell activity. It is based on the use of an innovative product for plasma enrichment: HYALREPAIR-PRP matrix gel (Lab, TOSKANI, Russia),

Technologies of the new technique

HYALREPAIR-PRP matrix gel is a plasma enricher based on hyaluronic acid of biosynthetic origin, modified with vitamin C, cysteine ​​and glutathione, “sewn” to it by solid-phase modification without the use of cross-linking agents. To ensure fine mixing of plasma and enrichment, they are subjected to joint centrifugation.

Effects of the fortifier

  • Promotes the release of growth factors from platelets.
  • Hydrates the dermis, restores the optimal microenvironment (straightens the intercellular matrix) for its cellular elements.
  • Promotes uniform distribution of autoplasma growth factors in the gel and then in the skin.
  • Retains blood plasma components in tissues for a longer period (compared to plasma injections) necessary for physiological regeneration.
  • Binds “cellular debris” of autoplasma (free radicals, salts of heavy metals, etc.), ensures detoxification of the intercellular space.
  • Selectively increases the synthetic activity of fibroblasts and stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Due to additional components, it strengthens the vascular wall and lightens pigmentation.

Thus, the combined use of plasma and HYALREPAIR-PRP matrix gel allows you to summarize the effects and obtain the most pronounced effect on age-related skin changes, including vascular changes and photoaging, expand the range of indications and prolong the effect of all components included in the drug.

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