Freckle removal with laser - technique, price, reviews

Freckles are a type of age spots. These spots appear in places where melanin accumulates and become brighter and more noticeable during the period of maximum active sun - in spring and summer. Some people even like these “kissed by the sun”, but not everyone. Those who want to get rid of hyperpigmentation were previously advised to use whitening creams and herbal decoctions. However, it is difficult to call these methods really effective. Modern hardware cosmetology copes with the problem much better. One of the most effective methods is laser freckle removal . At the BL clinic in Moscow, this method has been successfully used for many years.

Is it possible to remove freckles with a laser?

Freckles appear in spring and summer on exposed areas of the skin: face, neck, décolleté. The pigment melanin gives them a color that ranges from yellowish to dark brown. And if dark spots on the face look cute in childhood, adults find such seasonal skin changes irritating and upsetting. The use of whitening creams does not give a lasting effect, and cosmetic polishing removes not only freckles, but also areas of normal skin. Today, laser freckle removal is more effective, which is carried out using special equipment by a cosmetologist. This method is suitable for both women and men.

Freckle removal with laser

Freckle removal in our clinic is carried out using light pulses from an alexandrite laser. Their impact leads to the destruction of the coloring pigment of the skin melanin, accumulations of which form freckles. They are not dangerous in nature and appear as tiny pigment spots, colored yellowish or brown.

Favorite places to localize freckles are exposed areas of the skin that are more exposed to ultraviolet rays - the face and hands. In more rare cases, pigmentation appears on the shoulders, back, décolleté and lower extremities.

Small spots may have an irregular or round shape and do not cause any discomfort. However, laser freckle removal in Moscow is a fairly popular cosmetic procedure, which is due to the desire of women and men to have evenly colored skin without age spots.

Features and benefits of laser freckle removal

The appearance of freckles is due to the individual characteristics of pigment metabolism - under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the concentration of melanin in the epidermis (upper layer of skin) increases sharply, which is especially noticeable in those with fair skin. Local accumulations of melanin form freckles, which can be removed with a laser.

The high efficiency of laser freckle removal is based on the natural properties of light energy and melanin - the coloring pigment actively absorbs light pulses, heats up under its influence and is destroyed.

It is impossible to achieve a similar effect using home remedies (creams, tinctures, ointments). Just like skin resurfacing, topical products only exfoliate (remove) the top layer of the epidermis, which leads to temporary lightening of age spots.

While the laser affects the cause of their appearance - it destroys melanin. Therefore, it is possible to remove freckles with a laser forever.

Indications for the procedure and its results

Freckles are not a disease. Therefore, there are no indications for their removal. The cosmetic procedure is carried out solely at the request of the clinic client who wants to remove them from his face, hands or body.

This can be achieved in a minimum number of procedures - after the first freckle removal, the treated area of ​​skin actively peels off and becomes noticeably lighter.

Depending on the number of spots and the total area of ​​their localization, 2–5 laser skin treatments will be required, which are carried out once every 14 days. It is necessary to take into account that getting rid of freckles forever is only possible if the patient takes preventive measures - during the period of solar activity (spring/summer) he applies sunscreen to the skin.

How long does it take to recover after the procedure?

Immediately after the procedure, redness of the skin is observed and a slight burning sensation may occur, which is a normal reaction to laser exposure. The discomfort goes away on its own within 24 to 48 hours.

During this period and throughout the course of procedures, the treated area of ​​skin must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays - it is recommended to apply sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 50 units.

The duration of the course is selected individually for each client. You can find out how long it will take to solve the problem at an appointment with our doctor.

An experienced specialist will answer your questions, talk about the intricacies of the procedures and predict their number. The final price for freckle removal also varies individually, as it depends on the total duration of the course.

How is removal carried out?

Before removing freckles with a laser, you should consult a cosmetologist. He will assess the condition and type of skin, the size of the skin that will be corrected in order to determine the number of laser therapy sessions.

If laser removal of freckles is possible, the removal surface is thoroughly wiped with disinfectants and covered with anti-allergenic gel for better penetration of the laser beam. The device is tuned to a specific wavelength of light. When the ray hits the topmost layer of skin, melanin absorbs it and becomes discolored.

What other methods do we use?

We use not only laser to remove freckles. The following procedures are available at the clinic:

  • chemical peeling (glycolic, retinoic) - as a result of exposure to acids, it is possible to dissolve the upper layers of the skin, exfoliate them, and along with them get rid of unwanted pigment spots.
  • Fractional laser peeling - the destruction of age spots occurs as a result of targeted laser radiation.
  • Obagi professional cosmetics - it contains a complex of active substances that suppress melanin synthesis, as well as skin softening substances.

In some cases, the best results can be achieved through an integrated approach - for example, laser treatment, soft peeling or home treatment with professional cosmetics. The doctor selects and plans the course of procedures based on the skin characteristics of a particular patient, his age, lifestyle and other nuances.

How many procedures will be required

After the first procedure, the result is already noticeable. If the area of ​​pigmentation is small and the shade is light, then 1-2 sessions are enough. The darker the freckles, the more sessions are required to completely whiten them: on average 4-6 times. Also, the number of procedures depends on the intensity, which varies in price. But since freckles are hereditary, even after laser treatment it is impossible to get rid of them forever; they can appear again and again. To increase the duration of the effect of laser therapy, you need to follow the advice of a cosmetologist.

Can freckles appear again?

Yes they can. Laser treatment effectively treats spots, but does not affect the cause of hyperpigmentation - excess melanin production. Special care is needed; optimally, after a course of laser sessions, use special cosmetics that reduce pigment production. To prevent pigment spots from appearing again, you need to carefully care for your skin and avoid excessive sun exposure - which is why treatment is usually carried out only in the autumn-winter period.

To make an appointment for freckle removal in Moscow, call us +7 or leave a request online. Our clinic specialists will contact you to find a convenient appointment time. Visit us at: st. Marshala Rybalko, 2k6 (metro Oktyabrskoye Pole).


1. Is it possible to remove freckles over a large area with laser and peeling? I have them all over my shoulders, neck and chest.

Even a large area can be quickly treated with a laser; it is absolutely safe. This method does not damage the skin; it acts directly on the pigment.

2. How long should it take after the laser before the results are visible? Yesterday I had the procedure, the freckles are still there...

Pigmentation usually gradually lightens over about 2 weeks. The final result after the procedure is assessed after 1 month. If the spots are very bright, dark. You may need several sessions.

How to care for your skin after laser removal

After getting rid of pigmentation, no special skin care is required. But the following rules must be observed:

  • avoid using a sauna or steam bath for at least 2 weeks;
  • use sunscreen with SPF 50 or more (the time of year does not matter);
  • For showering and washing, use products with a neutral pH;
  • Avoid artificial solarium.

It is also recommended not to use decorative cosmetics temporarily.

Types of age spots

Depending on how deep the melanin accumulations are located, the pigment spots themselves differ in color and outline.

So, if the concentration of melanin occurs in the deep layers of the skin, then on the surface we see dark black-brown pigment spots - eumelanins, which can have clear boundaries and a convex structure. These are, in particular, birthmarks and the consequences of mechanical damage and irritation on the skin.

Less noticeable on the skin are pheomelanins - pigment spots that are predominantly yellow in color and have less clear outlines on the skin. These are freckles, moles and other disorders of the surface epidermis, age-related and solar hyperpigmentation.

Methods for eliminating age spots

Today, several methods for removing age spots are known, but not all of them are effective and safe. Here are the most common:

  • whitening cosmetics - can be based on hydroquinone or keratolytic drugs, delay the production of melanin or exfoliate pigment spots, can cause allergies and take a lot of time;
  • cryodestruction - elimination of hyperpigmentation with liquid nitrogen, when the problem area of ​​the skin is literally frozen and rejected, but after such a procedure a bleached area of ​​skin may be noticeable;
  • electrocoagulation - cauterization of spots with a device with high-frequency current, after which scars may remain;

Due to their low efficiency, cryodestruction and electrocoagulation are not often used to remove pigmentation.

The most common more modern and effective methods for removing age spots using lasers are:

  • laser removal of pigment spots is a painless elimination of hyperpigmentation with simultaneous skin rejuvenation, without leaving scars and other adverse consequences, carried out using the SmartXide device;
  • Fractional photothermolysis is a technology for influencing a pigment spot using a scattered laser beam (microbeams) on a Palomar apparatus.

What methods do we use?

We use laser skin lightening. This method is effective for both the face and body - after all, spots and freckles often appear on the arms, chest, and neck.

There are two main methods: fractional thermolysis and laser treatment of hyperpigmentation.

Fractional thermolysis involves treating tissue with an erbium laser. This method is preferred. when the pigment does not lie very deep. The radiation penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis, selectively affecting melanin. The technique is obligatory, that is, it damages the skin and therefore requires a rehabilitation period of 3 to 7 days. After the procedure, the condition of the skin as a whole improves: it becomes smoother, denser, elastic and lighter.

The principle of laser treatment is similar to the thermolysis mechanism described above. Unless this procedure does not give such a pronounced anti-age effect. The laser destroys melanin, lightening pigmentation - the complexion is evened out, and the general condition of the skin improves.

Why do freckles appear?

Pigmentation on the face in the form of freckles is caused by ultraviolet radiation and occurs due to a hereditary predisposition associated with the structure of the skin. Ephelides occur in people with fair skin. This happens due to the uneven production of melanin by skin cells, which is responsible for protecting the epidermis from sunlight. Freckles appear in the spring and reach their peak color in the summer. They are located on the protruding parts of the face: forehead, cheeks, cheekbones, chin, but can also cover the entire face.

Solar lentigo can also occur, which can be confused with freckles, but this manifestation of pigmentation is not associated with heredity. Appears under the influence of the sun, but does not change its color with the seasons and always remains unchanged.

There are freckles that are associated with age-related pigmentation. Occurs due to natural aging of the skin and weakening of protective functions.

Do age spots need to be removed?

Laser removal of pigment spots:

Pigment spots do not cause any harm to health, so the procedure is performed mainly for cosmetic purposes.

The principle of operation is quite simple - the beam penetrates the upper transparent layers of the epidermis and is absorbed by melanin. As a result, the pigment is destroyed and the skin regains its normal color.

The Gradient clinic uses a highly efficient selective laser - Candela GentleLase (made in the USA) to remove skin pigmentation. This is an alexandrite laser (755 nm), has high absorption by melanin. As well as the multifunctional M22 Lumenis platform, which combines several effective technologies.


This procedure has contraindications. As with any external intervention in the body, it should not be carried out during the period of exacerbation of various diseases, as well as in the presence of such diseases:

  • like oncological
  • infectious,
  • skin diseases,
  • decreased blood clotting,
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

This procedure is not recommended for persons under the age of majority.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • This method does not guarantee complete removal of stains.
  • The result depends on the doctor’s ability to work with such equipment, the structure of the skin and the number of spots.
  • In addition, it is possible that new spots will appear in other areas, because it is impossible to avoid sunlight all your life, and once they appear, they may appear again.
  • The procedure is not entirely painless. What may seem painless to one person may be quite the opposite to another.
  • And the cost of such a procedure is far from cheap, so it is not available to everyone.

Preventing the reappearance of freckles

To maintain the result after laser freckle removal, the doctor prescribes additional depigmentation products in the form of a cream or serum. A number of recommendations should also be followed:

  1. Regularly use products containing SPF of at least 50.
  2. In sunny seasons, wear hats that cover the face.
  3. Using decorative cosmetics with solar filters.
  4. Limit exposure to the sun at lunchtime.
  5. Include vitamin C in your diet.

For prevention, maintenance facial procedures may be prescribed. For example, massage effectively prevents the appearance of new freckles.

Where do freckles come from?

Freckles are small yellow or brown pigmented spots that cover the skin of the face and sometimes the entire body. They usually appear no earlier than six years of age and disappear after forty years. That is why such spots are never found on the faces of elderly people and infants.

They pose absolutely no danger to the health of their owners, and yet they cause many aesthetic problems.

However, today there is a solution to this problem. This is the removal of unpleasant stains using a laser.

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