Ozone therapy for cellulite - description, effectiveness, contraindications

Treatment of cellulite is one of the most relevant in modern aesthetic medicine. Cellulite is a pathology of subcutaneous fatty tissue of a polyethylological nature. Clinically, this pathology manifests itself in the formation of “orange peel”, cellulite “nodules” and “bumps” in areas of the greatest accumulation of subcutaneous fat: under the skin of the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and less often - legs, shoulders and lumbar region. Cellulite occurs exclusively in women, mainly at the age of 30-40 years, so it is generally accepted that this pathology is associated with hormonal disorders. The development of cellulite is often associated with taking hormonal contraceptives.

Adipose tissue is formed by fat cells, loosely connected to each other and immersed in the intercellular substance, penetrated by a network of fibrous and elastic fibers. Fat cells surrounded by fibers form fat lobules.

Contrary to generally accepted beliefs, in a healthy state, adipose tissue is well supplied with blood, because it acts as an energy depot and requires the release of accumulated energy. Each fat cell is surrounded by a network of capillaries, which allows it to be in contact with the bloodstream.

With an increase in fibrous tissue, fatty lobules form a so-called “cellulite nodule,” which is detectable to the touch and visible on the surface. Due to the contraction of elastic fibers between individual nodules, a characteristic appearance of the skin surface, called “orange peel,” is formed.

Description of the procedure

The oxygen-ozone mixture consists of 95% oxygen and only 5% ozone, which is capable of oxidizing fats. This medical ozone is created in a special device (ozonizer) under the influence of an electric discharge.

Ozone therapy is aimed at improving blood microcirculation in the subcutaneous fat layer, due to which metabolic processes are activated in the tissues. Ozone increases the rate of breakdown of fat deposits, binds and neutralizes free radicals, and removes toxins from the body. In problem areas most susceptible to “orange peel”, exposure to ozone leads to breakdown of the fibrous capsule, which is responsible for the bumpy surface of the skin.

Fat cells (adipocytes) undergo transformations under the influence of ozone, due to the fact that the introduction of gas destroys their membrane. After this, adipocytes turn into a liquid state and are actively eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system.

A course of ozone therapy can improve lymphatic drainage and stimulate the skin to form elastin and collagen, so after the destruction of fat deposits, the skin will not sag, but will become taut and elastic.

Thus, the procedure is aimed at eliminating the causes of cellulite, adjusting the mechanisms contributing to the development of the disease, and eliminating its manifestations and consequences.

Ozone therapy is also used as a rehabilitation procedure after plastic surgery due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition to patients with cellulite, the procedure is prescribed for people suffering from acne, furunculosis, eczema, as well as those who experience facial wrinkles and aging skin.

Ozone therapy is an effective way of rejuvenation

After the administration of preparations with ozone, the improvement in the structural characteristics of the skin occurs due to the activation of microcirculation, tissue trophism, the synthesis of collagen fibers and elastin, and stimulation of metabolic intracellular processes. The pronounced aesthetic effect is visually manifested:

  • improvement of complexion;
  • improvement of skin turgor;
  • reduction of wrinkles, swelling, pigmentation, vascular reactions (redness).

Carrying out ozone therapy

Ozone therapy for cellulite should only be carried out under the supervision of qualified medical personnel, since incorrect administration of the active substance can lead to negative consequences (for example, getting a needle into a vessel can lead to the formation of blood clots).

Preparing for the procedure involves visiting a specialist who will determine the presence of contraindications. If the patient has an individual intolerance to ozone, then it is also not recommended to perform the procedure.

Ozone therapy consists of administering a specially purified oxygen-ozone mixture under the skin through thin needles 4–13 mm long. In this case, the patient experiences a feeling of fullness in the injection area, and with a high concentration of ozone, pain and burning may be felt (but they go away 1 - 2 minutes after the injection). In order for the mixture to be better distributed, after the injection it is recommended to massage the problem area a little. Sometimes it is necessary to change your position to distribute the ozone.

Some specialists use several needles through which the ozone cocktail is injected under the skin, while others prefer to carry out the procedure as a series of single injections.

Ozone therapy is applicable to the abdomen, buttocks, waist and thighs. The procedure helps burn fat and remove stretch marks on the skin. The duration of the session is 20 – 30 minutes.

After the procedure, do not apply alcohol-containing substances to the treated area. The result usually occurs after 4 sessions, and if you follow a proper diet, exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle, the effect of ozone therapy lasts for 3 years.

Acne treatment

The therapeutic effects of ozone therapy for problem skin include:

  • relief of inflammatory processes due to the bactericidal properties of ozone;
  • activation of lipid metabolism, normalization of the secretory functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • intensive saturation of tissues with oxygen, improvement of capillary blood circulation, which allows you to get rid of not only inflammation, but also hyperemic areas of the skin (stagnant spots).

Injection of ozone mixtures is absolutely safe, and the effectiveness of this cosmetic treatment has been clinically confirmed. At the same time, a decrease in the manifestations of inflammatory processes (redness, swelling, pain) occurs much faster than with treatment with traditional methods.


Ozone therapy gives the following results:

  • destruction of fat deposits and cellulite tubercles;
  • elasticity and smoothness of the skin;
  • removal of metabolic products, waste and toxins from the body;
  • reduction in body volume;
  • lifting effect;
  • immunomodulatory effect, stimulation of the formation of antioxidants;
  • rejuvenation and healing of the body.

The best results from ozone therapy as an anti-cellulite technique are achieved by adding massage courses and mesotherapy. Massage is best performed with oils that contain ozone.

Ozone therapy for cellulite - before and after photos

Ozone therapy for smoothing facial wrinkles

Ozone is such a strong oxidizing agent that it can stimulate redox processes in the body (and this is the essence of life), enhance the function of the immune system by two to four times, and improve the energy supply of cells.

Ozone restores microcirculation, in other words, “revitals” cells, therefore, after the introduction of ozone, tissue metabolism instantly improves, cells begin to renew, rejuvenate, and the skin becomes smooth. By removing the upper keratinized layer of the dermis, ozone evens out wrinkles and even small scars.

Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is compared with liposuction, since the effect of these procedures is often the same. Only ozone therapy for cellulite is a non-surgical intervention that requires a 2-3 week recovery period and wearing compression garments. The procedure has a number of significant advantages:

  • long-term preservation of the effect;
  • minimally invasive compared to traditional methods of eliminating “orange peel”;
  • visible results after 3 – 4 procedures;
  • the course consists of a small number of sessions;
  • does not require preparation;
  • there is no need for anesthesia and a rehabilitation period.

But at the same time, ozone therapy is a little-studied method, and if the procedure is carried out without observing antiseptic standards, there is a risk of getting an infection.

Recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of the procedure

  1. The result of the procedure becomes noticeable after 4 sessions. Many people give up after this, because the injections are quite painful. You should not stop, you need to complete the course to the end to maintain the effect for a longer time.
  2. Ozone therapy may be the only way to combat “orange peel” if the disease is at stages 1–2. In other cases, additional techniques should be used aimed at enhancing and prolonging the effect of ozone therapy - for example, lymphatic drainage performed immediately after the procedure (this will improve the outflow of lymph in the problem area).
  3. Diet adherence is one of the main criteria for the effectiveness of the procedure. You should not eat fatty foods, smoked foods, sweets (cakes, rolls), white bread, or alcoholic drinks. For those who prefer instant coffee, it is recommended to switch to natural coffee and drink no more than 1 - 2 mugs per day. You should drink about 2.5 - 3 liters of water per day.
  4. Moderate physical exercise, performed regularly, helps improve mood and long-term preservation of the results of ozone therapy. Exercises should be selected in such a way as to increase blood circulation in the problem area.

After some time, which is determined by the cosmetologist, it is recommended to repeat the course of ozone therapy to prevent the development of cellulite.


It is not recommended to perform ozone therapy:

  • in the acute period of infectious and chronic diseases;
  • for diseases of the circulatory system;
  • in the presence of tumors;
  • with liver and kidney failure;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in the presence of pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • for skin diseases and varicose veins;
  • in cases of wounds and injuries in the problem area.

Adverse reactions during ozone therapy are painful and unpleasant sensations, the appearance of swelling, the duration of which does not exceed 2 days (but usually disappears within a few hours). If a hematoma occurs in the injection area, it will resolve in 4 to 6 days. Very rarely, an allergic rash and soft tissue swelling may occur as a reaction to ozone.

You should know that ozone therapy as a means of treating cellulite has not undergone a sufficient number of clinical trials, which clients are always warned about in foreign clinics. In particular, the effect of ozone on the formation of tumors has not yet been thoroughly studied, so people who are prone to the appearance of tumors or have a history of cysts, papillomas and polyps are better off not signing up for ozone therapy.

Ozone to help treat skin stretch marks

Stretch marks (striae) are a defect in the epidermis replaced by connective tissue. The main causes of skin stretch marks include the following: - overstretching of the skin - endocrine-hormonal disorders during puberty

The tactics of ozone therapy in this case are identical to anti-cellulite therapy - the main goal is to improve subcutaneous adipose tissue. Due to the fact that ozone restores microcirculation, stimulates redox processes in the body, and also improves the energy supply of cells, in other words, “revives” them, it contributes to the partial resorption or complete disappearance of stretch marks.

Despite the fact that postpartum stretch marks are the most difficult to treat, ozone has proven itself to be an effective method in the fight against this disease. Thanks to its restorative properties, ozone stimulates metabolic processes in connective tissues in the area of ​​stretch marks. They begin to acquire the color of healthy skin and become denser. Also, the damaged tissue begins to change pigment, which indicates the formation of melanin in it, and therefore other necessary substances for the complete restoration of the epidermis.

How much does ozone therapy cost?

The number of required ozone therapy sessions depends on the stage of cellulite and the patient’s complexion; on average, 8–15 procedures are required to achieve the desired effect. It is recommended to perform no more than 2 sessions per week, since the skin should rest between injections.

The cost of the procedure for treating one zone is in the range of 500 – 4500 rubles, depending on the region of residence, the pricing policy of the aesthetic medicine center, and the area of ​​the problem area. If we take the average cost of one ozone therapy session as 2,000 rubles, then the entire course, consisting of 12 sessions, will require 24,000 rubles.

Three arguments to undergo ozone therapy for cellulite at NEARMEDIC

Highly qualified doctors
In the NEARMEDIC network, ozone therapy is carried out by certified certified specialists who are fluent in the necessary manipulation skills. When you undergo cellulite treatment with ozone therapy in clinics with a good reputation (NIARMEDIC - winner of the Moscow Quality, Consumer Recognition awards, first place in the rating of private clinics in Moscow in 2016), you can be sure of the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

A complex approach

NEARMEDIC offers its patients a wide range of cellulite treatments. In addition to ozone therapy, doctors have in their arsenal such modern effective methods of non-surgical correction as mesotherapy, microcurrent therapy, roller-vacuum massage, LPG, electromyostimulation and others.

Loyal cost of the procedure

From the point of view of the price-to-effect ratio, ozone therapy is one of the most budget-friendly and cost-effective ways to get rid of cellulite and shape your figure.

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