"Lora" (serum with mesoscooter): reviews, description, instructions for use and effectiveness

Beauty requires sacrifice? Maybe. But first of all, it requires effort. Therefore, the business of promoting beauty salons, fitness centers and all kinds of manufacturers of medicinal cosmetics is thriving. First of all, the skin of the face ages and changes, so the main work is carried out in this direction. Serum “Lora” with a mesoscooter can provide significant help. Reviews about it appear with enviable regularity, and for the most part they are positive.

What does beauty require?

First of all, attention. If you treat your appearance with disdain, then facial wrinkles will soon appear, and the corners of your eyes and mouth will droop sadly. Secondly, beauty, oddly enough, requires money. Some products with really strong effects can hit your pocket hard. Thirdly, beauty needs the right attitude. If you systematically take time for yourself, notice positive changes, try to get enough sleep and frown less, then most problems will disappear on their own. To help your face stay youthful, you don't need to overload it with makeup. It is better to use the Laura product (Mesoeffect serum with a mesoscooter) from time to time. This product contains proven cosmetic ingredients that exclusively benefit the delicate skin of the face. It contains 4 types of anti-aging peptides, 3 types of hyaluronic acid and an anti-aging vitamin complex. It turns out a really powerful boost of energy, which only “Lora”, a serum with a mesoscooter, can give!

Preparation for roller mesotherapy

A dermaroller is a personal use device that cannot be “shared” with other people to prevent infection. Before each use of the device, it must be disinfected. To do this, simply immerse the roller for 5 minutes in a container with chlorhexidine or another disinfectant. The optimal compositions for disinfecting a specific device model are indicated in the instructions. After disinfection, you need to shake the device and dry it completely in a position in which the needles do not touch other surfaces.

Before performing roller mesotherapy, it is important to clean and dry the skin; you can additionally disinfect it. It is also necessary to wash your hands. If desired, you can use rubber gloves.

To obtain greater effect, the dermaroller is used in conjunction with special cosmetic preparations: meso-cocktails, gels, serums. They are applied to the skin before rolling a needle roller or immediately after this procedure.

The main requirements for products for roller mesotherapy are sterility and the absence of potentially dangerous components: fragrances, artificial preservatives, etc. Conventional facial care cosmetics are not suitable for these purposes, since if they get into the distant layers of the dermis, they can provoke allergies.

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Reviews on the effect of the product

What will Laura, a serum with a mesoscooter, give to the skin? Customer reviews are quite contradictory, since the product does not promise an immediate effect. But the peptides in the composition enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Hyaluronic acid deeply moisturizes the skin and triggers its own synthesis of hyaluronic acid in the epidermal cells. Vitamins protect collagen and even out complexion. Manufacturers recommend judging the results only after a month of regular use. The serum has undergone clinical trials and the desired result has been identified. In 4 weeks, visible wrinkles should be smoothed out, the level of skin hydration will increase, the oval of the face will be corrected, and pigmentation will decrease.

Skin care after the procedure

It is advisable to carry out this procedure before going to bed, because in addition to the fact that the skin turns red and looks irritated for some time, it also becomes very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

After applying the serum and using the mesoscooter, the skin should be protected

Therefore, it is necessary to use a special protective cream if you still need to leave the house after treating your face with a mesoscooter.

We also must not forget about the rules of hygiene, since during this procedure there is a risk of skin infection .

What is a mesoscooter?

The mysterious device - a mesoscooter - consists of two parts - a cylindrical head with titanium microneedles and a handle. Application provides a full-fledged spa procedure, because thin laser-sharpened needles immediately make hundreds of mini-punctures in the upper layer of the dermis and thereby activate rejuvenation processes. In other words, the mesoscooter opens deeper access for the serum, disturbs the top layer of the skin and thereby stimulates it to produce its own collagen, allowing the active components of the serum to penetrate deep into the cells. Microcirculation is activated, and therefore younger and denser skin tissue is created. The mesoscooter comes in a separate packaging case. After opening it is sterile and completely ready for use.

Which roller to choose for home

On sale you can find devices of various sizes, differing in the shape of the roller, the length and thickness of the needles, as well as the material from which they are made. Most often, rollers with steel or titanium needles are found. They are affordable, easy to use, but not very durable. Rollers with needles made from alloys of steel and silver or gold last much longer. A significant disadvantage is the higher price.

The size of the roller depends on its purpose. Facial devices are more compact. The length of the needles ranges from 0.2 to 3 mm. A universal option for treating facial skin is a roller with needles 0.75 mm long. This device successfully fights wrinkles and post-acne, improves tone and stimulates collagen production. Very short and thin needles are needed for a more sensitive epidermis, the longest ones are useful for combating cellulite.

How to use?

So, how should the Laura product, the Mesoeffect serum, be used with a mesoscooter? Reviews from doctors and women who have tried the product are quite loyal, since no special wisdom is required, and the whole procedure is easy to carry out the first time. You need to thoroughly clean your face of makeup and dust, wipe with tonic, alcohol-containing lotion or chlorhexidine solution. Now you can apply the serum to your face. For application, it is better to use your fingertips; apply the serum itself with light pats so that the product is absorbed faster. You need to roll the mesoscooter at least 5-10 times in each direction; vertically, diagonally, horizontally. First of all, you need to treat the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones. Next comes the turn of the forehead, chin, nose and temples. After the mesoscooter, you need to apply the serum again. Each use of the mesoscooter should end with its thorough treatment, for which both running water and an alcohol solution are suitable.


There are few contraindications to the procedure. It should not be performed when:

  • purulent pimples and rashes;
  • inflamed acne;
  • active form of herpes;
  • skin infections on the face;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • oncology and autoimmune diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • tuberculosis and systemic infections.

In the summer, when the sun is especially active and it is difficult to provide reliable skin protection from it, it is better not to use a mesoscooter.

The skin may behave unpredictably after using it during pregnancy. If the procedure turns out to be very stressful, the nursing mother may lose milk.


If we talk about the effectiveness of a product such as the Laura serum with a mesoscooter, customer reviews agree that the results should be summed up only after a month, and for clarity, it is better to capture the face before and after the procedures. The minimum course is just a month, but if the situation is advanced, you can use the product for up to six months, doing several procedures per week. It all depends on how the skin behaves and how quickly the desired result appears. If the result is satisfactory, but you want to continue working, then after the end of the course you need to take a break for about 3-4 weeks, and then start again. How is the effect achieved and why does Laura, a serum with a mesoscooter, help? Reviews from many girls are downright enthusiastic, as the product works! However, during procedures the skin is damaged in a million places, therefore the risk of infection increases. It must be remembered that the mesoscooter is intended exclusively for individual use. Even members of the same family cannot use it together. And it’s not a matter of disgust, but the fact that a person’s skin has an individual composition. One mesoscooter is designed for 15-20 procedures, after which it is considered worn out and needs to be replaced. Saving is fraught with injury, as dull needles will injure the skin. By the way, you need to use the mesoscooter with extreme caution if your skin has cracks or micro-wounds. For this reason, it is better to temporarily avoid cosmetic procedures that irritate the skin or increase its sensitivity. After applying “Laura” (Mesoeffect serum with a mesoscooter), reviews do not advise sunbathing, going to the solarium or sauna. You can and should use sunscreen, but you need to choose a product with a high level of protection to provide hydration and prevent pigmentation.

Indications for home mesotherapy

Cosmetologists do not recommend using a dermaroller for acne, but it helps get rid of the effects of acne. Home mesotherapy is also effective in combating excessive dryness or oiliness of the skin, wrinkles and sagging tissue. It also helps reduce the visibility of scars and other blemishes, improve complexion, increase skin tone and reduce a double chin.

The most common indications for using a mesoscooter are:

  • age-related changes in the skin - decreased tone, the appearance of wrinkles near the eyes, deepening of nasolabial folds, unclear facial contour;
  • the presence of scars and scars - except for keloids;
  • post-acne;
  • unevenness and bumpiness of the skin;
  • pigmentation.

A mesoscooter for the neck and décolleté is an effective tool for increasing skin elasticity and slowing down the natural aging process. Models with the shortest needles help smooth out wrinkles in the eyelid area, in the corners of the eyes, and around the mouth. Such devices are also successfully used in other areas of the face and body - to renew the structure of the skin, increase its density and turgor, normalize the structure and appearance.

But! Do not use the mesoscooter on the lips (red border), treating irritated or eczematous skin, in areas of inflammation, acne, burns, wounds, active keloid scars, warts and enlarged moles. Before performing roller mesotherapy procedures, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

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Myths and reality

The appearance of any new product is accompanied by hundreds of rumors. Some of them want and need to be dispelled so as not to spread misinformation to the masses.

The first myth about the length of mesoscooter needles. They say that less is better and safer. This is not true: collagen regeneration will not begin if the needles are shorter than 0.5 mm.

The second myth is that collagen saturation depends on the length of the needle. This is also far from the truth. The optimal length is still the same 0.5 mm. All doctors advise using a minimally traumatic method to achieve the best effect from the procedure.

The third myth is that after the procedure there should be bleeding. The myth is twofold, since discharge can be observed, but at most in the form of “bloody dew” and not a stormy stream.

The fourth myth is about pain during the procedure. Don't be afraid. Feel free to use Laura products. Serum with mesoscooter receives fearful reviews only from those who have not tried them yet. If the device has not expired, then there should be no pain.

The fifth myth is that increasing transdermal absorption leads to better results. But this is closer to the truth. Serum penetration occurs more effectively when penetrating through the top layer of skin.

What are people saying?

It would be nice to get acquainted with the statistics and reviews of people. So, when used correctly, Laura serum with a mesoscooter really helps. Price, reviews and quality are presented here in an ideal ratio. For a thousand rubles, the buyer receives a course of home treatments that are not inferior in quality to those in the salon! In addition, the kit includes a mesoscooter that enhances the effect. Many impulsive girls note that the effect is too small, but there is an explanation for everything. You can’t count on instant transformation; you need to focus on the overall condition of the skin. A quick effect will be noticed by young ladies who have begun to develop crow's feet in the eye area and facial wrinkles on the forehead.

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