Serum "Lora" with mesoscooter: reviews from customers and cosmetologists

Beauty requires sacrifice? Maybe. But first of all, it requires effort. Therefore, the business of promoting beauty salons, fitness centers and all kinds of manufacturers of medicinal cosmetics is thriving. First of all, the skin of the face ages and changes, so the main work is carried out in this direction. Serum “Lora” with a mesoscooter can provide significant help. Reviews about it appear with enviable regularity, and for the most part they are positive.

Serum features

The product produced by "Evalar" is an excellent alternative to expensive salon mesotherapy. Reviews about the “Lora” serum with a mesoscooter are extremely positive, but a person will not be able to believe it until he learns about all its features and advantages.

First of all, the composition of the product should be noted. It includes only proven and high-quality components of the new generation. The product acts on the deepest layers of the epidermis and intensively rejuvenates the skin.

The cream consists of several components. This:

  • a vitamin complex that protects collagen from damage;
  • several varieties of anti-aging peptides that help increase the synthesis of elastin and collagen;
  • 3 types of hyaluronic acid, moisturizing the skin and increasing the synthesis of existing hyaluronic acid in the epidermis.

Thanks to the successful completion of absolutely all clinical trials, there are only good reviews from cosmetologists about the Laura-mesoeffect serum with a mesoscooter.

The product is highly effective. In just a month of serious testing, the serum proved that it can achieve noticeable improvements:

  • the oval of the face is tightened;
  • wrinkles are reduced as much as possible;
  • pigmentation is eliminated;
  • the skin becomes more hydrated and elastic;
  • the face acquires an even tone and natural radiance.

Positive reviews of the Laura cream-serum with a mesoscooter indicate that the product has a delicate and pleasant consistency and does not contain parabens and all kinds of aromatic fragrances. In addition, buyers are pleased with the accessible and simple instructions - the serum is freely applied to the skin and is absorbed almost instantly.

The components of the cream affect the skin in the following way:

  • the tripeptide helps reduce sagging skin, stimulates collagen interaction, and also increases hyaluronate compounds;
  • the unique REGU-AGE complex, consisting of rice and soy peptides, improves microcirculation, minimizes the amount of free radicals and reliably protects the elastin and collagen structure;
  • third generation hyaluronic acid NovHyal is the main source of nutrition for skin cells, supports the formation of GAFs in the epidermis, which allows for skin rejuvenation;
  • L-carnosini is unique in that it has the ability to rejuvenate skin cells that are just beginning to age;
  • a complex of plant D-glucose Pentavitin, which has a composition similar to skin, forms very strong bonds, maintaining moisture balance, and also reduces irritation and redness.

It is thanks to these components that you can get a great effect, as confirmed by reviews of the serum with the Laura mesoscooter from Evalar. To use the product, you absolutely do not need any skills, because the process is simple and understandable to everyone.

Types of beauty concentrates

Conventionally, funds are divided into:

  • moisturizing;
  • anti-aging;
  • restorative;
  • whitening.

But beauty market experts are increasingly pointing out that you need to choose a composition based on the problem that needs to be solved and your skin type. In this case, it will be possible to select the optimal “cocktail” of active ingredients.

Serum for dry skin

It should contain a maximum of moisturizing components and additives that can restore tissue structure and lipid barrier, eliminating excessive moisture loss. The texture is preferable not only watery, but also oily and greasy. Important Ingredients:

  • vitamin E - it protects the epidermis from external factors;
  • low molecular weight hyaluronic acid - performs the function of moisturizing;
  • glycolic acid - can gently but effectively remove dead cells from the surface of the epidermis;
  • glycerin also moisturizes, which is an obvious plus if you are prone to dryness.

Facial serum with hyaluronic acid will support the action of the moisturizer and enhance its effect. Working in the tissue structure, it will saturate them with moisture and increase tone, while the cream will create a barrier on the surface that prevents moisture evaporation.

Serum for oily, problem skin

It is good both at a very young age, when rashes, multiple inflammations and severe oiliness are bothering, and at an older age with enlarged pores, periodic exacerbation of acne, or a desire to reduce oiliness and shine in the T-zone.

Recommended components:

  • retinol is a substance with antioxidant activity, stimulates cell regeneration and has a mattifying effect;
  • vitamin C - has anti-inflammatory and restorative effects;
  • zinc is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent;
  • salicylic acid - helps cleanse pores and protects against inflammation;
  • fruit acids - gently exfoliate dead cells, improve texture and reduce the likelihood of pore contamination.

Facial serum with acids can be used at any age. These substances normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce the signs of skin aging. Zinc and salicylic acid are companions for young people who are prone to acne and rashes. And facial serum with retinol has both a rejuvenating and oil normalizing effect. It can serve as a universal choice for this skin type both at 20 and after 40 years.

Advice. When using products with retinol, do not forget to apply SPF cream to your face before leaving the house. Retinol increases tissue sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and can cause pigmentation. Tipchai

Serum for sensitive skin

Reactivity and sensitivity occur against the background of a violation of the epidermal barrier, and therefore regenerating properties are required from the product. A restorative serum for the face should contain:

  • allantoin - for tissue renewal and restoration;
  • niacinamide - improves skin barrier functions, increases the production of ceramides to restore the lipid layer;
  • probiotics - substances for nourishing healthy skin microflora that restore local immunity;
  • algae extracts - for tissue nutrition.

Cosmetologists recommend including a regenerating facial serum in your care after a course of peelings to speed up the renewal of the skin structure. It is indispensable in winter, when, against the backdrop of contrasting temperatures or from the frosty wind, the face turns red, peels, and even thick, nourishing creams do not help to save the situation.

Facial radiance serum

If the skin is normal and does not create problems, you can get by with creams. But a dull complexion is an indispensable companion for residents of large cities, where concentrations of toxins in the air are high, and regular stress and chronic lack of sleep do not contribute to attractiveness.

In this case, you can use a moisturizing facial serum with a high content of urea and hyaluronic acid. High-quality hydration is necessary for any skin, even without severe problems. Other valuable caring ingredients:

  • vitamin C;
  • plant extracts - algae, angelica, pink pepper;
  • thermal water.

If your skin needs brightening, use a vitamin C serum for your face, as well as:

  • arbutin - a substance with a depigmenting effect;
  • acids - exfoliate dead cells, even out tone;
  • retinoids.

This complex will help cope with pigmentation that appears with age or after unsuccessful tanning. Altmann

Anti-aging facial serum

Concentrated products can really significantly improve the condition of aging skin, speed up its restoration processes, improve color, give elasticity and tone to tissues. The best helpers in anti-aging care for oily skin are retinol and vitamin C, for dry skin - hyaluronic acid.

Add to this cocktail:

  • low molecular weight collagen;
  • peptides;
  • glycolic acid;
  • plant extracts.

And you will receive an active anti-wrinkle facial serum that will improve not only tone, but also transform, refresh, and tighten your facial contour. What products will help rejuvenate? Check out FAN's ranking of the best anti-aging facial serums.


At first, this incomprehensible word may scare buyers, but reviews of the “Lora” serum with a mesoscooter and mesoeffect can easily reassure them. Despite the fact that few people are familiar with this device, you can learn how to work with it quite quickly, so there is no need to worry.

The mesoscooter consists of only two parts - a working cylindrical head with titanium microneedles and a handle. During use, thin laser-sharpened needles make many microscopic punctures on human skin.

The device activates rejuvenating processes due to a number of factors:

  1. The needles stimulate the skin layers and help microcirculation of the skin quite well. This helps create denser, more rejuvenated tissue.
  2. The punctures allow the components of the cream-serum to penetrate as deeply as possible into the cells. Thus, the effect of using the product itself increases several times.

These are the features that a mesoscooter has. Reviews of the Laura facial serum also indicate that this device comes complete with the product, that is, you do not need to spend additional money on it, and you can start using it immediately after unpacking the box.

The most important role is played by the needles on the mesoscooter, made of titanium. They have many positive features. For example, when small grains, moisture or bacteria get on them, no dirt or rust remains, which means it is impossible to injure the skin. In addition, needles under no circumstances can cause inflammatory processes or allergic reactions.

Among the advantages of using a mesoscooter it should be noted:

  • painlessness;
  • affordable price;
  • absence of noticeable scars and wounds;
  • natural process;
  • possibility of reusable use;
  • rapid healing process of microscopic wounds;
  • impact on any areas of the epidermis;
  • transdermal delivery of necessary active components to the skin;
  • Possibility of use at home at any time.

Caring for the device

Good reviews about the Laura serum with a mesoscooter can also be found regarding the easy care of the device. It does not need to be thrown away and replaced with a completely new one after each procedure, since regular sterilization will be quite sufficient. To perform the procedure correctly, you should take a 3-7% solution of hydrogen peroxide or ethyl alcohol. You need to lower the device into it and leave it for about half an hour, then take it out, dry it thoroughly and put it in a special box until next use.

Photos before and after procedures

In the photo you can clearly see an example of the use of serums by women of different ages and verify its effectiveness. Pay special attention to the initial condition of the skin - in almost all cases, it began to look 5-7 years younger after proper use of the serum.

However, keep in mind that to achieve such a result as in the photo, you will have to complete a full course consisting of 12-17 applications of the composition in combination with a mesoscooter. This is the only way you can saturate the dermis with useful substances, eliminating the desired defects and signs of photoaging.


True reviews about the “Lora” serum with a mesoscooter and mesoeffect help unaware people understand what effect this product gives and whether it will be possible to achieve the desired result thanks to it. The maximum effect from the serum and mesoscooter can only be obtained if you use them systematically. Of course, after the first session the first results will already be noticeable, but you shouldn’t stop there.

Women under 30 years old can use the cream no more than once a week, older ladies - twice in 6-7 days. For any age category, the total duration of the course is no less than 10 and no more than 12 procedures. It is recommended to repeat it every 4 months.

After a month, you will be able to enjoy the positive effect. First, it manifests itself in the form of rejuvenation, that is, all small wrinkles disappear from the surface of the skin and deeper ones are hidden. The serum also evens out the skin tone and makes it more hydrated and the shade richer. Reviews of the serum with mesoscooter and mesoeffect “Lora” (“Evalar”) only prove the positive result.

What is serum and what is it for?

Facial serum is a highly concentrated product for additional, not primary care.
The product is used not instead of, but before using basic care, enhancing its effect. Serum is usually applied after cleansing and before main care. Powerful active ingredients (they can make up up to 70% of the composition) can affect cell metabolism, which is why serums are not recommended for the care of very young skin. The ideal age to “get acquainted” with a highly concentrated product is 20-30 years old. It is important to understand that the serum is not able to solve all problems at the same time; it works in 1-2 directions. If we select a cream based on skin type, then with serums it’s a different story. When answering the question “How to choose a serum?” It is important to take into account the problems that need to be solved: lighten pigment spots, even out skin texture, improve complexion, moisturize or nourish the skin, get rid of post-acne, normalize sebum production, smooth out wrinkles, slow down the aging process, etc. Although there are universal serums that can be used for any skin type. As a rule, such serums include moisturizing ones.

Serums have a very light and fairly liquid texture (with the exception of oil products and anti-aging serums), are quickly absorbed, penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, have a cumulative effect, have increased bioavailability (well accepted by the body) and begin to act almost immediately. Due to their weightless consistency, serums are often confused with fluids, but these are different products, so be careful not to confuse them. According to their action, serums can be antioxidant, moisturizing, regenerating, nourishing, sebum-regulating, brightening, rejuvenating, vitamin, acne-fighting, softening, soothing, regenerating, protective.


Having looked at customer reviews of the Laura serum with a mesoscooter, it is difficult to understand how to use it correctly, since people only describe their feelings and the results obtained. Therefore, before purchasing a product, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its use.

The first step is cleansing the facial skin, without which the procedure may cause side effects. Before the procedure, you need to wash off all decorative cosmetics and get rid of other contaminants using water and cosmetics (tonic, lotion, foam). First, wash your face with plain water, and then treat your skin with a cleanser, applying it to a cotton pad.

Action of the composition

This cosmetic product has a complex effect. The drug will be especially effective if the rejuvenation procedure is carried out regularly. Due to its composition, the serum affects the deep layers of the skin.

The action of the drug is as follows:

  • skin hydration;
  • improvement of elasticity;
  • reducing the number of wrinkles;
  • modeling the correct oval face;
  • formation of clearer contours;
  • smoothing the microrelief of the skin of the face and neck;
  • improvement of natural skin color.

Leather processing

After preparing the skin for the procedure, apply a little serum to it. In this case, it is forbidden to touch the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips, as they are considered too sensitive places. Next, the skin is treated with a mesoscooter in stages:

  1. Forehead. First, you need to use gentle rolling movements along the line of the frontal zone from bottom to top, and then perform the same manipulations on the right and left diagonally, moving from the inner area of ​​the eyebrow to the top of the forehead.
  2. Cheekbones and cheeks. The device should be moved diagonally from the nasolabial lips to the temples. The nose area should not be affected.
  3. Neck and chin. With smooth vertical movements you need to work the neck area, moving from top to bottom.

The whole procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. After working with the mesoscooter, you should treat the skin with serum again.

How to use?

So, how should the Laura product, the Mesoeffect serum, be used with a mesoscooter? Reviews from doctors and women who have tried the product are quite loyal, since no special wisdom is required, and the whole procedure is easy to carry out the first time. You need to thoroughly clean your face of makeup and dust, wipe with tonic, alcohol-containing lotion or chlorhexidine solution. Now you can apply the serum to your face. For application, it is better to use your fingertips; apply the serum itself with light pats so that the product is absorbed faster. You need to roll the mesoscooter at least 5-10 times in each direction; vertically, diagonally, horizontally. First of all, you need to treat the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones. Next comes the turn of the forehead, chin, nose and temples. After the mesoscooter, you need to apply the serum again. Each use of the mesoscooter should end with its thorough treatment, for which both running water and an alcohol solution are suitable.


The cream serum has no serious side effects, and the mesoscooter with thin needles does not leave behind bruises or other damage. The only caveat is that dryness may appear after the procedure, but this can easily be corrected with a regular moisturizer.

Experts do not recommend using the product if you have the following problems:

  • herpes;
  • acne;
  • psoriasis;
  • fungal infections.

The only thing that needs to be observed to achieve visible results is the systematic and competent use of a mesoscooter with needles.

Requirements for using a mesoscooter

The device may only be used personally. Doctors and cosmetologists strictly prohibit giving the mesoscooter to another person for use, as there is a risk of infection or simply breaking the device if it is in the wrong hands.

The mesoscooter is designed for 15 sessions. After this, it must be replaced, since by this time the needles will have become dull and will not be able to perform all their functions. It can also damage the skin, so you should not skimp on this device.

It is not recommended to combine the procedure with a mesoscooter with any other procedures that can irritate or increase skin sensitivity. After treating your face with this device and serum, you are prohibited from visiting the sauna, solarium or regular beach for a week.

Individual mesoscooter included Laura

As you already know, a mesoscooter is an innovative cosmetic device that is capable of delivering and improving the penetration of active ingredients into the deep layers of the skin, due to microscopic channels made by thin 0.25 mm needles.

This makes it indispensable when we want to increase:

  • synthesis of collagen and elastin, the density of the skin depends on this;
  • improve blood circulation (micromassage);
  • reduce wrinkles.

A mesoscooter with needles of this length should only be used on the face and neck at home. In the salon, as a rule, they use rollers with needle lengths of 0.5 mm or more, plus sterile compounds.

The mesoscooter comes complete with a transparent case, packed in a special, tightly closed bag, protected by a hologram. This is important, since the roller is intended only for individual use and must be disinfected before and after each use. Please don't forget this.

If there are several women in your family, you will have to buy two sets, don’t skimp. When using a mezoroller, the needles become dull over time, and the roller will have to be replaced.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Laura serum with mesoscooter

The serum is purchased and used not only by ordinary people, but also by experienced cosmetologists who evaluate it as specialists, and not just people who want to improve the condition of their skin. Reviews about Laura cosmetics (serum with mesoroller and mesoeffect) are more often positive than negative.

First of all, experts note that the product is really capable of replenishing moisture deficiency in tissues, as well as preventing dryness. They recommend the serum to all their clients as it activates the production of natural components that provide skin elasticity.

Real masters with more than 15 years of experience speak highly of the needle cylinder, which gently and almost imperceptibly pierces tissues, preparing them for the flow of nutrients. They also claim that hypoallergenic titanium does not pose any harm to health.

Why is it important to use a facial serum?

It's all about the targeted and targeted action of the serum. With its help, you can solve many skin problems without resorting to serious procedures. Especially if you start using serum at a young age. In the process of using the serum, depending on the composition, you can achieve the following results:

  • Improve skin texture;
  • Reduce the severity of age spots and post-acne;
  • Narrow pores;
  • Get rid of oily shine;
  • Reduce the number of comedones and acne;
  • Reduce facial swelling;
  • Smooth out wrinkles and reduce other signs of aging;
  • Increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • Get rid of dryness and flaking;
  • Normalize the moisture balance in cells;
  • Activate blood circulation;
  • Protect from the negative effects of the environment;
  • Even out the tone of the epidermis;
  • Reduce skin sensitivity;
  • Deeply moisturize and nourish cells.

Customer reviews

The Laura serum with mesoscooter receives a lot of reviews from ordinary customers. They are pleased with the opportunity to protect their skin from wind and cold in winter, which is quite difficult to do with other products.

Customers claim that they noticed a positive result very quickly. Within a month, their skin became smooth and stopped flaking completely. In addition, all wrinkles and small pimples, which often embarrass young girls, have disappeared.

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