Botox for hair Honma Tokyo. Reviews, instructions for use, who is suitable, indications and contraindications, consequences, price

Few girls have naturally thick and manageable hair. The use of styling products, straighteners and hair dryers, hair dyeing - all these factors gradually weaken the hair, making it thin and lifeless.

Owners of brittle, weakened hair use a large number of different cosmetics and salon procedures to make their hair visually look more well-groomed and healthy. However, the desired effect is not always achieved.

Science does not stand still; doctors and scientists are constantly developing new technologies and products that will help restore hair. Such innovative products include hair botox from the Honma Tokyo Professional brand, which in a short time was able to take a leading position.

What is Botox for hair?

Botox for hair is a hair restoration procedure that is based on the application of a medicinal composition that penetrates the hair structure, fills voids, covers scales and fills with moisture.

The procedure has a long-lasting effect: excess frizz is removed, split ends stop, the hair becomes soft due to the action of the nutritional composition, moisturizing components smooth out the scales, so the hair becomes shiny and smooth.

Mechanism of action

The popular Honma Tokyo is Botox, which not only gives a visual effect, but also treats damaged hair. Its active components penetrate deeply into the structure of the hair, fill voids, seal split ends, saturate the strands with nutrients and protect them from the negative influence of the external environment. They can literally embed themselves into damaged cuticles, and it also has a restorative effect on the hair stem.


Hair Botox from Honma Tokyo has a fairly powerful composition that has a complex effect. It contains the smallest water-soluble molecules of active components; they easily penetrate the hair skeleton, giving it strength.

So, it includes:

  • Intra-Silan. This is the basis of Japanese technology. The size of the Intra-Silane molecule is so small that it easily penetrates the hair shaft and fills its voids. This creates a strong and elastic frame that supports the entire structure of the curl.
  • Hydrolyzed keratin. Scientists managed to break down a protein that is as similar in structure as possible to the protein that makes up hair, to a state where it can dissolve in water. Keratin is embedded in the cuticle, restoring all its damage. As a result, no split ends, frizz or unevenness.
  • Amino acids. The main active component in this group is acetylcysteine. The amino acid normalizes water metabolism, protects cuticle scales from damage, helps strengthen the shaft, and prevents fragility of curls.
  • Luna Matrix system. It has a leveling effect on the cuticle and also has a built-in filter that protects hairs from ultraviolet radiation. In addition, it neutralizes warm tones in bleached hair, which is why Botox allows blondes to remove yellow tones.
  • Aloe vera. The extract of this healing plant has truly magical properties. It maintains water balance at the cellular level, relieves inflammation, improves metabolic processes, and contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. In addition, aloe perfectly protects against the negative effects of sunlight.
  • Green tea. The leaves of this plant are famous for their antioxidant and protective properties, which is why their extract is also included in Botox.
  • Pracaxi oil. This exotic component actively saturates the hair with moisture and maintains its balance, launching natural metabolic processes.


Botox specialists offer to do Botox in the salon. However, manufacturers assure that the procedure can be carried out independently; special instructions are included in each package of the product. Let's consider all stages of recovery.

  1. Washing your hair with a special sulfate-free shampoo, which is included in the Honma Tokyo set. It not only degreases the strands and removes dirt, but also opens the scales so that the active components can penetrate them.
  2. The hair is dried, after which the reconstructive composition Intensive Reconstructor is applied to it. This needs to be done very quickly, starting from the back of the head. The strands are processed along the entire length with 1.5-2 cm indentations from the roots. The product is kept on the hair for half an hour.
  3. After this, the hair is thoroughly dried with a hairdryer, it should be perfectly dry.
  4. The hair is divided into small strands and each one is passed between the ironing plates at least 7 times. This is necessary so that the composition penetrates the hairs as best as possible.
  5. When the curls have cooled completely, they are washed with water without shampoo, then dried and, if desired, styled.


You will see results from using Botox immediately. Your hair will acquire a healthy and well-groomed appearance, the strands will become straight, and split ends will disappear. Shining and full of vitality curls lend themselves well to styling; you don’t even need to use styling products for this.

The effect of Honma Tokyo lasts from 2 to 6 months. It is not recommended to repeat the procedure more often than once every 2 months, since the product has a fairly powerful composition.

About the Honma Tokyo brand

Honma Tokyo hair botox is made in Brazil. The history of the brand originates in Japan, where the Honma family devoted many years to the study of medicinal herbs. They carefully studied the effect of extracts and extracts and created unique combinations to achieve high results in the treatment of damaged hair. In 2008, the family opened a company and moved to Brazil.

Here they were able to combine their accumulated experience in the field of medicinal herbs and innovative technologies. As a result, a product appeared on the market that was highly appreciated by many hairdressers and hair restoration specialists.

Origin and composition of Honma Tokyo

Botox Honma Tokyo originated in Japan, but products are produced within Brazil. We hear about the quality of Japanese products everywhere. This is due to the high industry in the Land of the Rising Sun. In cosmetics, the Japanese use various herbal extracts growing in their country , such as:

  • Japanese angelica extracts;
  • algae;
  • plants;
  • Japanese green tea.

For your information . Hair products do not cause allergic reactions, since a minimum of chemical components are used in their production.

Composition of Botox for hair from Honma Tokyo

Botox for hair Honma Tokyo is valued primarily for its natural composition.

The components are selected in such a way that the product has become universal for all hair types:

  • The composition contains a competently selected complex of vitamins B, A, C and D.
  • Green tea extract awakens natural protective functions. Antioxidants perfectly tone the scalp and stimulate hair follicles.
  • Aloe extract has a powerful moisturizing effect and helps normalize blood circulation in the skin.

  • Amino acids have a strengthening effect. They fill the structure, making the hair firm and elastic.
  • Innovative developments: the Intra-Silane molecule and the Luna Matrix system. These components restore the hair structure and create a protective UV barrier.
  • Hydrolyzed keratin is a material similar in structure to human hair cells. The task of this component is to fill the resulting voids. In particular, this ingredient eliminates the problem of split ends.
  • Pracaxi oilseeds have a beneficial effect on the scalp, renew cells, and launch metabolic processes. This oil is also valued for its high moisturizing effect.

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What kind of remedy is this

Japan is famous for its innovative and cutting-edge developments in various fields, and the beauty industry is no exception. Research departments of cosmetic companies have made significant progress in developing new products and improving existing ones.

Professional hairdressers give Honma Tokyo Botox first place among analogue products. Stylists speak positively about the composition, willingly use the product in their work and praise the result.

The products are aimed at girls with unruly and fluffy hair who need to improve their appearance and nourish them with vitamins. The product will not straighten strong curls - there will be no straightening effect, but the hair will acquire a well-groomed appearance.

Advantages of a revolutionary product:

  • Rapid improvement in hair condition.
  • Careful care and restoration of damaged structures.
  • Comprehensive health improvement, visible after just a single use.
  • The procedure is easy to perform, so it can be done at home.
  • The hair does not suffer mechanical damage, unlike keratin straightening, which cannot be done on dry strands, as there is a risk of drying them out even more.

Who is it suitable for?

Hair restoration using this method is suitable for anyone who has the following problems:

  • Damage to the hair structure due to mechanical influence (hair dryer, curling iron, flat iron, dyeing);
  • Naturally curly hair tends to be dry and has a porous structure that causes it to frizz;
  • Split ends;

    Botox for hair will strengthen split ends in one procedure

  • Seared in
  • hair under the influence of sea water and scorching sun;
  • Lifeless hair that lacks nutrition and care.

Composition of the drug

Manufacturers produce several lines of products for different hair types in 1-liter containers. The main composition is universal, there is a slight difference in the additives, which vary depending on the initial state of the curls and the desired effect.

The composition includes many useful substances:

  • The Intra-Silan molecule is an innovation; the product fills the hair shaft, forming a supporting skeleton.
  • Hydrolyzed keratin. Protein, processed in a certain way, penetrating deep into each rod, fills minor damage, so that the strands are moisturized.
  • Amino acids. Acetylcysteine ​​- normalizes hydroexchange, seals cuticles, makes hair stronger, and acts as a conditioner.
  • Luna Matrix - the system smoothes out the scales of the hair shaft, enveloping them with a film that protects them from the negative effects of UV rays and the harmful influence of the surrounding urban environment.
  • Aloe vera extract is a treasure trove of useful substances, saturates hair with vitamins and microelements, nourishes and moisturizes the scalp, helps cure inflammation, relieves static electricity, and is a good antiseptic.
  • Green tea leaf extract has a tonic effect, accelerates growth, and activates natural defense mechanisms.
  • Additionally, the composition includes moisturizing oils that stimulate the natural processes occurring in the hair and vitamins A, B, C, D.

The absence of unwanted components allows us to classify Honma Botox as a safe product. The ideal combination of useful substances, combined in one bottle, revitalizes hair without weighing it down, giving it only natural volume.

Pros and cons of Botox

Advantages of using the procedureDisadvantages of the procedure
Prolonged effect up to six monthsIf your hair is often dyed, the composition may cause irritation to the scalp.
Color correction – Luna Matrix system helps remove yellow pigmentHair is nourished only at the time of the procedure, in the future you need to use other cosmetics
Preserves the natural shape of the curl, does not straighten curly hairBe sure to take a break, otherwise the chemical components will have a detrimental effect
Has a therapeutic effect due to the vitamins and oils included in the composition.It is forbidden to use the composition if there are open wounds on the skin.
The procedure can be performed at homeThe procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Price of the procedure in beauty salons

Prices in Moscow and the Moscow region according to and

Cost of the product:

Cost of the procedure in the salon:

Carrying out the procedure

Main stages:

  1. Washing your hair with sulfate-free shampoo, which opens the scales and completely removes all impurities: dust, sebum, styling products.
  2. Drying hair with cold air.
  3. Application of a restorative composition. There is no need to apply the product to the roots, so 3 cm are removed from the skin. Duration of exposure is 40 minutes.

  4. Drying hair. You need to dry it very thoroughly, there should be no wet areas left.
  5. Remove excess product using a comb.
  6. Warming up the strands with an iron. The iron must be heated to a temperature of 200˚ C. The hair must be carefully divided into thin strands, and each strand must be ironed 7 times. At the end of the procedure, the hair needs to be cooled.
  7. Wash your hair with running water without shampoo 90 minutes after using the iron.
  8. Apply a moisturizing mask to consolidate the effect.

How to do it at home - step by step instructions


  1. Before starting the procedure, you should prepare your hair. Rinse your hair well with preparatory shampoo to remove oil from the scalp. Then dry them a little with a towel and comb them.

  2. After the preparatory stage, the application of Honma Tokyo Botox follows. The first step is to divide your hair into separate strands, each of which will be processed separately by a reconstructor from Honma Tokyo.
  3. Carefully apply the reconstructor to individual strands. You need to start from the back of the head, avoiding the roots. Leave the product for 30 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, carefully remove any remaining product from your hair using a comb. Dry your hair with warm air.
  5. Next, take the iron and go through each strand no more than 7 times. For curly hair, set the temperature to 160 degrees Celsius, and for straight hair, 180-210 degrees Celsius.
  6. After your head is dry, you can style it as you wish. You can wash your hair no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after the procedure.

Below you can watch a video on how to perform the procedure at home using Honma Botox:

Features of the procedure at home

Carrying out the procedure at home is no different from a salon procedure, but it will cost several times less. The only caveat is that before the home procedure you should test for an allergic reaction. It consists of applying a drop of the composition to the wrist.

If after 10 minutes no redness appears on the skin, then you can use the composition. When applying Botox at home, you don’t have to spend money on special hairdressing tools. Instead of special hats, you can take a regular plastic bag and a terry towel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Honma Tokyo is a new word in hair care from a Japanese manufacturer. Just remember what the hair of Japanese beauties looks like - perfectly smooth, silky and mirror-like. It was this effect that the manufacturer sought to recreate in their new product. The undeniable advantages of Botox include:

  • The effect lasts for 2 months or more.
  • Suitable for any hair type.
  • Neutralizes yellowness after dyeing.
  • Makes hair not only more attractive, but also healthier.

But there are several disadvantages that are also worth mentioning, namely:

  • Botox from Honma Tokyo is not suitable for platinum blondes as it contains blue pigment. It will turn cold blonde into blue.
  • May cause an allergic reaction on sensitive skin.

Hair care after the procedure

  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 3 days.
  • To prolong the effect, you need to wash your hair with sulfate-free shampoo.
  • It is recommended to always use a hairdryer after washing your hair.

  • High humidity should be avoided, as it shortens the duration of action of the composition.
  • It is necessary to exclude the use of styling products and devices, as they destroy the effect of Botox and damage the hair.
  • It is recommended to apply oils to your hair and use moisturizing masks once a week.

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Stages of the Botox procedure

For those who have decided to try Honma Tokyo hair botox at home, the instructions for use will definitely not be superfluous. So, the procedure is carried out in several stages.

  1. The first thing you need to do is wash your hair with a sulfate-free deep cleansing shampoo, which will wash away dirt and cosmetic residues from your hair and open up the scales, preparing you for the active composition. It also flushes out parabens and environmental chemicals deposited on the hair. This shampoo can be purchased at a specialized hairdressing store.
  2. The hair is dried with cold air until it is almost dry. Then the Intensive Reconstruktor composition is applied to them as quickly as possible in the direction from the back of the head, making a 2-3 cm indent from the roots, and left for 30-40 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the product is distributed evenly along the entire length.
  3. The hair is thoroughly dried so that not a drop of water remains. Excess product can be combed out with a comb.
  4. The strands are pulled out with an iron one at a time and passed between hot plates at least 7 times each.
  5. Then you need to wait until it cools completely and rinse your hair with plain water, this time without using shampoo. Ideally, you can wash your hair an hour and a half after the procedure. After this, you can do the styling in the usual way.

For a better effect, you can apply the Honma Tokyo moisturizing mask. This will allow you to consolidate the effect and maintain it for as long as possible.

The procedure lasts quite a long time - about three hours, but the effect then exceeds all expectations. The composition is gradually washed off from the hair. In order to prolong the effect of Botox, you need to wash your hair only with a special sulfate-free shampoo.

The maximum effect of the procedure can last up to 6 months, this is almost twice as long as conventional keratin straightening, which lasts no more than three months.

There are some features of Botox that need to be taken into account:

  1. It is necessary to take a break between procedures, since the hair is still affected by chemicals - the strands should rest for at least a couple of months;
  2. It is not recommended to use Botox with frequent dyeing: the active substances of the product restore the hair structure, but can cause irritation of the scalp;
  3. you need to take additional care of hair nutrition, because the active effect of vitamins and amino acids occurs only during the procedure;
  4. Botox should not be used for open wounds on the head, dermatological diseases, as well as allergic reactions and individual intolerance;
  5. It is prohibited to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If undesirable effects appear, such as: hair loss, itching, rash on the face and head, the appearance and intensification of dandruff, you must immediately stop using Botox and consult a trichologist or dermatologist to eliminate the symptoms.

Still, despite some limitations, the advantages of using Honma Tokyo Botox are undeniable; it is a truly effective remedy with a long shelf life and a pronounced beneficial and aesthetic effect. Hair becomes much healthier than before, it is well combed and styled, its color, volume and shine improve, and its growth may also increase. Botox for hair Honma Tokyo has already collected many admiring reviews after use, the result is visually noticeable in the photo and looks attractive.


The results of the procedure are visible immediately and last for several months:

  1. The hair begins to shine. Curls acquire elasticity and firmness and do not stretch.
  2. The hairstyle always looks well-groomed and neat, as the problem of split ends and fuzz all over the head disappears.

  3. The protective film creates a UV barrier, so the hair is not damaged.
  4. Hair becomes soft to the touch, easy to comb and does not tangle.

Consumption rate

How is the H-Brush Botox Capilar kit used:

HairQuantity, mlType Ironing temperature, °C
Standard short50Light/bleachedSelf-regulation
Middle length70Painted180
Long/very long100/120Thin180/210

Consequences of the procedure

Despite all the positive aspects, negative consequences are also possible after the procedure. Most often this is an increase in hair loss. This effect may appear when the procedure was carried out together or immediately after perm.

Neglecting the rule of a mandatory break between repeated applications of Botox leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the hair. The reconstructor has a very rich composition; oversaturation with components leads to hair losing volume as it becomes heavy and also looks greasy.

Negative consequences include the appearance of a blue tint in the hair of platinum blondes. This effect is associated with the action of components that neutralize yellowness. There is also always a risk of individual intolerance, but it is impossible to identify this before the procedure begins.

In other cases, if the technology is followed, the procedure gives an extremely positive effect.

Recommendations from experts

If the session is carried out in compliance with the rules, its effectiveness remains for at least 8 weeks. Experts do not recommend doing Honma Tokyo Botox more often than once every 3 months. Otherwise, the strands may become oversaturated with nutrients and become greasy, sticky and dull.

Cosmetologists note that the components of the composition tend to accumulate in the hair structure. Thanks to this, hair Botox from HonmoTokyo increases its effectiveness with each new session.

Important. Rarely, Honma Tokyo for hair can cause hair loss. To avoid this, avoid procedures for a month after perm and do not do Botox more often than you should.

Contraindications for use

Honma Tokyo hair botox is a safe product that has undergone numerous studies.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • Allergy to the components included in the composition;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Oncological diseases;

  • Wounds on the scalp.

Side effects

All components of the drug are carefully balanced; undesirable side effects may occur as a result of violation of the procedure technology:

  • non-compliance with the exposure time or excessive application of keratin products;
  • incorrect temperature conditions when ironing;
  • frequent procedure;
  • using expired cosmetics.

You should not order the Honma Tokyo complex on the Internet - there is a great danger of receiving a counterfeit or expired product. Purchase the product in specialized stores or in a salon.

Where to buy the product

Honma Tokyo hair botox can be purchased on the official website. The manufacturer offers a choice of several sets, including shampoo and reconstructive composition.

The sets differ in the addition of pigments:

1. The classic H-BRUSH CAPILLARY RECONSTRUCTION set is suitable for all hair types.

Available in different volumes:

2 x 1000 ml500 ml and 1000 ml2 x 500 ml2 x 250 ml2 x 200 ml2 x 150 ml2 x 100 ml

2. The H-BRUSH WHITE CARE set is designed for blondes and contains a violet pigment that neutralizes yellowness.

Release form and price per set:

2 x 1000 ml500 ml and 1000 ml2 x 500 ml2 x 250 ml2 x 200 ml2 x 100 ml

3. The H-BRUSH B.TOX PINK set is a fashionable new product from the brand. The manufacturer added pink pigment to the product, so after the procedure the hair turns pink. The set is available only in liter packages and costs 12,000.

On the site you can also purchase separately shampoo (1800 per 1 liter) or reconstructor (10800 per 1 liter, but it is also available in smaller volumes). In addition to the official website, products can be purchased in beauty salons that work with this brand.

Those who do keratin at home

Positive reviews about Coffee Green Honma Tokyo were also left by those girls who are used to doing all the manipulations with their curls at home. This remedy is ideal for such practices, as it is single-phase. It is easy to apply, easy to rinse off, no additional shampoos or activators are required, which must react with keratin. All you need as an addition is a good hair dryer with cold air and quality straightening irons. Get used to doing this procedure yourself - and you can save thousands of rubles on trips to salons, also being confident in the success of the event.

Botox reviews

Hair Botox from the Honma Tokyo brand has earned high ratings from users on popular review sites. The girls note that the procedure is very easy to carry out independently at home. Owners of bleached hair unanimously claim that the condition of the hair has improved, the color has become more saturated, and the unpleasant yellowness has gone away.

A separate category of reviews is devoted to a description of the restorative properties; girls note that the hair became more manageable and soft, and the effect lasted for several months. Users note that the high price of products from Honma Tokyo is fully justified by the quality of the products and excellent results.

Users did not leave any negative comments; some girls complain about the high price. Some users note that the procedure did not give them the expected effect, and their hair began to get dirty faster. At the same time, other girls claim that their hair began to look neater, easier to comb and style.

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In conclusion

Honma Tokyo is a hair botox that helps instantly revitalize your curls. The product has proven itself well and has become in demand in the markets of many countries. It does not contain parabens, sulfates and other aggressive chemical components that can negatively affect the health of the hair.

However, it is worth considering that even natural ingredients sometimes cause negative reactions in the body. Before using the reconstructor, be sure to make sure that you are not allergic to its substances. It is also important to follow the application technology in order to get a good effect and not harm yourself.

Botox or keratin straightening?

The technologies for carrying out the procedures are identical and are based on the principle of heating special compounds on the hair. The applied compositions are very different from each other, since formaldehyde is used for keratin straightening.

It cannot be used at home; the procedure can only be carried out by a specialist, since violation of proportions and dosages can negatively affect the condition of the hair.

Keratin straightening has only a cosmetic effect; the hair is straightened under the influence of formaldehyde, and the resulting voids are filled with silicones. Botox for hair has a healing effect and affects the hair structure with the help of oils and vitamins.

Keratin straightening makes hair perfectly straight, changing the original shape and structure of the hairstyle. Botox preserves natural data and works only from the inside. External manifestations of Botox use: hair shine, disappearance of unwanted yellowness, sealing of split ends.

Keratin straightening is suitable for thick hair, and Botox works equally on all hair types.

The effect of keratin straightening lasts no more than 3 months, and Botox remains effective for six months.

The choice of procedure depends on the objectives. If a girl is only interested in a cosmetic effect in which her hair becomes perfectly smooth and straight, then keratin straightening is suitable. If you need to nourish and moisturize your hair, restore its structure, and give it a well-groomed appearance, then, of course, you should choose Botox for hair.

Botox for hair is a fashionable skin care procedure. The Honma Tokyo brand has established itself in the global market; their products occupy leading positions in many well-known salons. The attractive appearance of hair and its healing effect are the main advantages for which this brand is valued and loved.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Instructions for use

Each bottle of Honma Tokyo contains instructions for use. The procedure is not difficult to cope with. The process comes down to several stages:

  • Wash your hair with deep cleaning shampoo, which is included in the complex. The hair scales will open, dirt and residues of styling products are removed from them, and parabens from homemade shampoos are washed out. These are preparatory activities before the main actions.
  • Gently pat your clean head with a towel to remove moisture. Without delay, the main composition is applied to dried hair, 2-3 centimeters away from the roots. You need to move down to the ends, distributing evenly along the entire length and leave to absorb.
  • After half an hour, comb the strands to remove excess Botox. Dry your hair with a hairdryer so that not a hint of moisture remains.
  • Using an iron, carefully straighten each strand, passing over it 5-7 times.
  • Rinse cooled hair with water without shampoo and style it in any way.

You can wash your hair on the same day, but experts advise you to wait a little and wash it the next day. To get the best effect, apply the Honma Tokyo mask to your hair. This will allow the drug to stay in the hair shaft longer and prolong the effect.

The entire Botox procedure will take up to three hours, but the end result is worth the time spent. The drug is gradually washed off, but by caring for your hair after the procedure, you can maintain the beautiful effect longer.

Consumption rate

Short - 50 g;

Medium - 70 gr. If they are very thick, you will need 100 g.

Long - 100 gr. For very long ones an additional 20 grams may be needed.

Botox result

Botox is a popular treatment among consumers and professionals. The procedure is simple, both in the salon and at home. The consumption of the drug is quite economical, and the result will last from 3 to 6 months. Even the most neglected hair will become alive and healthy again.

Botox is gaining popularity, and reviews of it are mostly positive. He became the savior of many girls after perm or coloring. They talk about it negatively if mistakes were made during the procedure or care recommendations were not followed.

Hair becomes healthy, easy to comb and style, becomes manageable and vibrant.

Post-procedure care

After having Botox, you need to continue to use hair care products.

Additionally you should:

  • take vitamins;
  • use masks: store-bought and homemade;
  • protect your head from temperature changes.

After the procedure, it is better to choose sulfate-free shampoos; they are more gentle on the hair structure, and the medicinal composition is not washed out so quickly.

Why does hair weaken and fall out?

The answer to this question cannot be given without taking into account other aging processes in the body. After all, everything in it is interconnected, and attempts to rejuvenate hair using external means alone are doomed to failure.

According to existing theories of aging of the body, all organs and systems age at their own speed. The skin ages faster than other parts of the body, and hair, like its appendages, too. Experts say the reason for this is a change in hormonal balance, as a result of which collagen synthesis is disrupted and degeneration of the structures that maintain the condition of the hair occurs. And women are more unlucky in this than men; their hair growth slows down after menopause.

The lifespan of scalp hair ranges from 3 to 8 years. A hair follicle is capable of producing up to 30-35 hairs.

Over the years, the reserve of follicle productivity is exhausted, and a person prone to premature hair loss develops bald patches.

Hair also suffers from insufficient supply of substances such as fats, vitamins, proteins and microelements to the follicle.

Of no small importance is blood circulation, the speed of which is disrupted as a result of short-term and chronic changes in the skin.

The condition of the hair on the head is also negatively affected by other factors not related to the aging of the body: poor environmental conditions, stress, irregular work schedules, poor quality sleep, etc. All this leads to premature hair loss.


The “H brush botox capilar” product has a universal composition that is suitable for damaged and dry hair of any type and structure:

  • Intra-Silan - creates a supporting frame inside the rod, making the hair more voluminous and more lively in appearance.
  • Liquid keratin is similar in molecular composition to the natural “building material” of hair, due to which it penetrates deep into the structure, making it more holistic.
  • Acetylcysteine ​​is an amino acid responsible for normalizing hydrobalance. It has a conditioning and softening effect on the hair.
  • Luna Matrix – yellowing neutralization system and ultraviolet filter 2 in 1.
  • Aloe and green tea extract - saturate hair with moisture, have an antiseptic effect, stimulate natural immunity and tissue regeneration.
  • Pracaxi oil - nourishes and restores hair that has lost its elasticity as a result of improper care or repeated dyeing.
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