Review of Honma Tokyo products - Botox for hair. Step-by-step guide to performing the procedure at home

Increasingly, in beauty salons, to restore damaged hair, hairdressers recommend a procedure called Botox for hair Honma Tokyo. The manufacturer of the drug promises a sustainable healing effect, and stylists praise the results. Can Japanese hair botox have a stunning effect? The procedure in the salon is quite expensive and not everyone dares to try it. Knowing how to do such a manipulation at home will be useful to everyone, because this is a great way to get results for less money.

Origin and composition of Honma Tokyo

Botox Honma Tokyo originated in Japan, but products are produced within Brazil. We hear about the quality of Japanese products everywhere. This is due to the high industry in the Land of the Rising Sun. In cosmetics, the Japanese use various herbal extracts growing in their country , such as:

  • Japanese angelica extracts;
  • algae;
  • plants;
  • Japanese green tea.

For your information . Hair products do not cause allergic reactions, since a minimum of chemical components are used in their production.

About the Honma Tokyo brand

Honma Tokyo hair botox is made in Brazil. The history of the brand originates in Japan, where the Honma family devoted many years to the study of medicinal herbs. They carefully studied the effect of extracts and extracts and created unique combinations to achieve high results in the treatment of damaged hair. In 2008, the family opened a company and moved to Brazil.

Here they were able to combine their accumulated experience in the field of medicinal herbs and innovative technologies. As a result, a product appeared on the market that was highly appreciated by many hairdressers and hair restoration specialists.

Types of the drug - description and photo

There are three types of Botox:

  1. H-Brush Capillary Reconstruction;
  2. H-Brush White Care;
  3. H-Brush B.tox Pink.

H-Brush botox Capillary Reconstruction set

Suitable for all hair types . This type of Botox strengthens, removes porosity and frizz, restores and eliminates brittleness of dry hair ends. The set includes shampoo and reconstructor. This product does not contain chemical elements, but includes ingredients such as:

  • hydrolyzed keratin;
  • cysteine;
  • tea tree leaf extracts and aloe vera.

The cost of the kit depends on the volume: from 1300 to 12000 rubles.

H-Brush White Care range

Specially developed by the Honma Tokyo brand for blondes . Bleached hair deteriorates very much, so it requires special care. H-Brush White does not contain coloring components, which allows you to preserve the color for a long time and remove yellowness. The set includes shampoo and reconstructor. The cost of the product varies from 1300 to 12000 rubles.

H-Brush B.tox Pink Series

It has a special composition that contains pink pigment. It not only smoothes and restores hair, but also gives it a pinkish tint, which is different from previous Honma Tokyo lines. This effect is washed off after 2-3 shampooing procedures. The set consists of deep cleaning shampoo and reconstructor, the volume of which does not exceed 1 liter.

The composition contains the following components :

  • elastin;
  • tea tree oil;
  • patented LUNA MATRIX system;
  • Pracaxi fruit oil.

The average cost of H-Brush B.tox Pink is 12,000 rubles.

The Honma Tokyo line does not contain the carcinogen formaldehyde , which has chronic toxicity, which ensures the safety of the master and the client. But there are components such as:

  • green tea leaf extract;
  • Pracaxi oil, etc.

Thanks to this composition, this product stimulates, restores and ensures hair growth.

Mechanism of action

The popular Honma Tokyo is Botox, which not only gives a visual effect, but also treats damaged hair. Its active components penetrate deeply into the structure of the hair, fill voids, seal split ends, saturate the strands with nutrients and protect them from the negative influence of the external environment. They can literally embed themselves into damaged cuticles, and it also has a restorative effect on the hair stem.


Hair Botox from Honma Tokyo has a fairly powerful composition that has a complex effect. It contains the smallest water-soluble molecules of active components; they easily penetrate the hair skeleton, giving it strength.

So, it includes:

  • Intra-Silan. This is the basis of Japanese technology. The size of the Intra-Silane molecule is so small that it easily penetrates the hair shaft and fills its voids. This creates a strong and elastic frame that supports the entire structure of the curl.
  • Hydrolyzed keratin. Scientists managed to break down a protein that is as similar in structure as possible to the protein that makes up hair, to a state where it can dissolve in water. Keratin is embedded in the cuticle, restoring all its damage. As a result, no split ends, frizz or unevenness.
  • Amino acids. The main active component in this group is acetylcysteine. The amino acid normalizes water metabolism, protects cuticle scales from damage, helps strengthen the shaft, and prevents fragility of curls.
  • Luna Matrix system. It has a leveling effect on the cuticle and also has a built-in filter that protects hairs from ultraviolet radiation. In addition, it neutralizes warm tones in bleached hair, which is why Botox allows blondes to remove yellow tones.
  • Aloe vera. The extract of this healing plant has truly magical properties. It maintains water balance at the cellular level, relieves inflammation, improves metabolic processes, and contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. In addition, aloe perfectly protects against the negative effects of sunlight.
  • Green tea. The leaves of this plant are famous for their antioxidant and protective properties, which is why their extract is also included in Botox.
  • Pracaxi oil. This exotic component actively saturates the hair with moisture and maintains its balance, launching natural metabolic processes.


Botox specialists offer to do Botox in the salon. However, manufacturers assure that the procedure can be carried out independently; special instructions are included in each package of the product. Let's consider all stages of recovery.

  1. Washing your hair with a special sulfate-free shampoo, which is included in the Honma Tokyo set. It not only degreases the strands and removes dirt, but also opens the scales so that the active components can penetrate them.
  2. The hair is dried, after which the reconstructive composition Intensive Reconstructor is applied to it. This needs to be done very quickly, starting from the back of the head. The strands are processed along the entire length with 1.5-2 cm indentations from the roots. The product is kept on the hair for half an hour.
  3. After this, the hair is thoroughly dried with a hairdryer, it should be perfectly dry.
  4. The hair is divided into small strands and each one is passed between the ironing plates at least 7 times. This is necessary so that the composition penetrates the hairs as best as possible.
  5. When the curls have cooled completely, they are washed with water without shampoo, then dried and, if desired, styled.


You will see results from using Botox immediately. Your hair will acquire a healthy and well-groomed appearance, the strands will become straight, and split ends will disappear. Shining and full of vitality curls lend themselves well to styling; you don’t even need to use styling products for this.

The effect of Honma Tokyo lasts from 2 to 6 months. It is not recommended to repeat the procedure more often than once every 2 months, since the product has a fairly powerful composition.

Is it suitable for use at home?

Honma Botox can be used at home . The drug is consumed economically. But it is worth considering that the drug should be applied to absolutely all curls, without missing a single one, so it is better to do this with an assistant. Also, there is a risk of harming yourself: not calculating the dose required for application to the hair. It is important to know the step-by-step instructions for applying Honma Tokyo Botox to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Important : One application, depending on the length of the hair, requires 50 ml of product.

Preparing inventory

Here is a list of what is needed for the procedure.

For the cold method

For cold Botox you will need:

  1. glass container;
  2. a syringe without a needle with which the product will be applied;
  3. polyethylene cap;
  4. terry towel;
  5. comb;
  6. latex gloves;
  7. hairdryer

For a hot look

To carry out the hot Botox procedure, you will need all of the above items. In addition to this, you will need to prepare an iron .

Indications and contraindications

There are no indications for performing the procedure. The client himself determines when he needs to carry out such a procedure. The most common cause is dry, split ends, prone to tangling, and slow hair growth.

There are many contraindications for this procedure.:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • allergic reactions;
  • open wounds on the head;
  • skin diseases;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • frequent coloring;
  • absence of date, place of production, labeling, or composition of Botox on the packaging.

How to do it at home - step by step instructions


  1. Before starting the procedure, you should prepare your hair. Rinse your hair well with preparatory shampoo to remove oil from the scalp. Then dry them a little with a towel and comb them.

  2. After the preparatory stage, the application of Honma Tokyo Botox follows. The first step is to divide your hair into separate strands, each of which will be processed separately by a reconstructor from Honma Tokyo.
  3. Carefully apply the reconstructor to individual strands. You need to start from the back of the head, avoiding the roots. Leave the product for 30 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, carefully remove any remaining product from your hair using a comb. Dry your hair with warm air.
  5. Next, take the iron and go through each strand no more than 7 times. For curly hair, set the temperature to 160 degrees Celsius, and for straight hair, 180-210 degrees Celsius.
  6. After your head is dry, you can style it as you wish. You can wash your hair no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after the procedure.

Below you can watch a video on how to perform the procedure at home using Honma Botox:


The results of the procedure are visible immediately and last for several months:

  1. The hair begins to shine. Curls acquire elasticity and firmness and do not stretch.
  2. The hairstyle always looks well-groomed and neat, as the problem of split ends and fuzz all over the head disappears.

  3. The protective film creates a UV barrier, so the hair is not damaged.
  4. Hair becomes soft to the touch, easy to comb and does not tangle.

Advantages of the product

  • Hair is transformed after the first use.
  • Honma Tokyo gives them a healthy look and eliminates split ends.
  • Hair becomes thicker and hair loss is reduced.
  • The result lasts a long time - with good hair care it can reach six months.
  • The product gives hair shine.
  • You can carry out this procedure yourself at home, as it does not require special specialist skills.
  • The drug helps remove the yellow tint from bleached hair, as well as correct the color.
  • The product is used economically.

When should Botox be used?

The reasons why hair loses its attractiveness and healthy appearance are stress, health problems, and, of course, mechanical damage due to constant hot air drying, ironing, coloring, and the use of cosmetics that are not always of satisfactory quality. The sun and hard water with a high salt content also damage hair; with age, it becomes less and less keratin, the substance responsible for structure and shine. Therefore, moisturizing masks and skincare cosmetics are not always enough to restore your hair to its former beauty.



Can be used at home as its application is quite simple. Used on thin, sparse, weakened, damaged hair .

The effect does not last long compared to Honma Tokyo: 1.5 – 3 months. The average cost is 2500-3000 rubles.


This product was created specifically for use at home. It helps hair that has been permed, bleached, highlighted, or dyed.

The duration of the effect after use is 2 months . The total cost of the set is 4000 rubles.


Suitable for any hair type. The procedure will help restore weakened, thinning and split ends. The technique for home use is very simple. The effect lasts literally for 2-4 weeks.

The cost varies between 1800-2000 rubles.

Side effects

Side effects can only occur if you do not read the instructions for use of the drug in detail and do not take into account all possible contraindications. Also, during menstruation, a woman’s body rejects all kinds of chemical elements, so the result may be incomplete. List of side effects :

  • Itching may occur on the face and scalp.
  • A large amount of dandruff will appear.
  • The process of hair loss will begin.

Important : If the above reactions occur, you must abandon this remedy and consult a trichologist or dermatologist.

The effect of Honma Tokyo Botox will not replace any home care with expensive shampoos. Its popularity is growing every year both in salons and in home use. If you follow all the rules for applying Botox, your hair will soon become silky and acquire a dazzling shine. It guarantees a long-lasting effect on the hair, which is why it is chosen in professional salons.

Hair care after the procedure

  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 3 days.
  • To prolong the effect, you need to wash your hair with sulfate-free shampoo.
  • It is recommended to always use a hairdryer after washing your hair.
  • High humidity should be avoided, as it shortens the duration of action of the composition.
  • It is necessary to exclude the use of styling products and devices, as they destroy the effect of Botox and damage the hair.
  • It is recommended to apply oils to your hair and use moisturizing masks once a week.

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