Natinuel Fat Normalize will help remove excess fat tissue

People at all times wanted to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible. Once upon a time, court alchemists and sorcerers took advantage of this desire, who invented elixirs of eternal youth and various potions for rejuvenation. After all, each of us wants to be beautiful, unique, memorable, make only a pleasant, positive impression, receive well-deserved compliments and joyful smiles.

Fortunately, these days the fight against aging has been put on a scientific footing: in the 20th century, sciences such as gerontology and cosmetology began to actively develop. Modern cosmetology is the daily research of scientists, innovations and new technologies that make it possible to prolong the youth of the skin as long as possible.

Cosmetologists of our time are trying to find an alternative to any surgical interventions, let’s consider one of them.

Injection cosmetology (mesotherapy) is one of the most effective ways to tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, hands, as well as figure correction, in which active substances are delivered to the body through injections. Mesotherapy has become an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. The so-called “youth and beauty injections” are a fast and effective minimally invasive way to rejuvenate and eliminate the most common skin defects. The technology is based on the principle of the influence of drugs, and there is a targeted effect of the drug on a specific area.

Preparations from the professional brand NATINUEL (Italy) are a new class of cosmetic products that are also used in injection cosmetology.

The founder of the brand is the head of the aesthetics department of the Italian Association of Gerontology (AMIA), gerontologist, biochemist Dr. Guido Capparé took a new approach to the development of formulations and introduced the new concept of Interactive Bioceutica Interattiva. The principle of interactivity - the interaction of highly active components, aggressive towards each other and often mutually exclusive, was achieved through the use of nanotechnology - crystalline Schardinger dextrins and liposomes. This made it possible to combine in one product regulatory peptides that solve specific skin problems but, as a rule, with long-lasting and distant effects, organic acids that provide a quick aesthetic effect and antioxidants that ensure long-lasting clinical results.

Skin aging is a process of structural and biofunctional changes affecting the epidermis, basement membrane and dermis.

The aging process of the face is characterized by the appearance of ptosis, loss of volume and sagging tissue. Until recently, treatment for this problem consisted of removing part of the tissue that had lost its tone, and required surgical intervention.

With the help of the new generation of NATINUEL brand drugs, we can affect all major facial tissues, namely:

  • improve skin metabolism, both optimizing skin anabolism and preventing aging processes
  • stretch hypotonic tissues, increasing the amount of fibrous component of the dermis
  • increase the tone of facial muscles, improving their anti-gravity tone
  • reduce the amount of fatty tissue on the lower part of the face, thereby improving the “beauty triangle”

How does Natinuel Fat Normalize work?

The procedure for removing excess fatty tissue using Natinuel Fat Normalize can with full confidence be called liposuction - not surgical, but biological. The cocktail offered by the Italians, when it gets under the skin, triggers the process of apoptosis, forcing fat cells to leave the body forever.

What is "apoptosis"

This is the name of the natural process that programs a cell to self-destruct. It breaks down into individual bodies, which remain within the plasma membrane. Within an hour and a half, these fragments (including the cell wall and membrane) are completely captured by special cells - macrophages.

These “cleaners” digest them, preventing the development of inflammatory processes, and remove them from the body. This distinguishes apoptosis from necrosis - “unauthorized” cell death provoked by injury, allergies or exposure to toxic substances.

Muscle Normalize

Designed to enhance muscle tone by enhancing basic muscle tone. The function of the drug is based on strengthening the muscle tone of the face to restore the contours of the face and body using the main component of the drug Alpha-glycerophosphocholine, a biological precursor of acetylcholine, which at the muscle level allows you to increase the concentration of acetylcholine and tissue tone. Acetylcholine is a derivative of choline (which in turn is derived from DMAE). Thus, providing this precursor substance at the muscle level allows for improved acetylcholine concentrations and tissue tone.


: the drug is used on hypotonic muscles of the face and body. The procedure is carried out every 15 days. The course consists of 4 procedures, after which 1 procedure per month is required to maintain the effect.

What does the drug contain?

Natinuel Fat Normalize is a mixture of three active ingredients:

  1. Vitamin C (0.12-0.24%). In combination with ferrous ions, it activates the process of apoptosis in fat cells (adipocytes). This ingredient penetrates the cell through the Fenton Reaction. It is used to destroy many substances of organic origin. Participants in the Fenton Reaction are hydrogen peroxide and iron ions.
  2. Sucrose. This component stimulates the process of absorption of the remains of the destroyed cell by phagocytes.
  3. Ferrous gluconate. Serves as a source of divalent iron ions necessary for the occurrence of the Fenton Reaction.

Fat Apoptosis body, face lipolytic - reviews from cosmetologists

Lipolitics for the face/body allow you to overcome physiological obstacles in the form of fat deposits that stand between a person and his dream of an ideal appearance and figure.

One of them is FAT APOPTOSIS (Italy) - a new generation lipolytic drug that allows you to locally reduce the fat layer on the face and body without undesirable consequences, since it does not cause the development of inflammatory processes!

What are lipolytics and why are they needed?

Lipolitics are drugs with a fat-burning effect that can break down subcutaneous fat or activate the process of lipolysis - the breakdown of fats into fatty acids.

Lipolytic drugs are divided into two categories - direct and indirect effects.

❶ Straight. The drugs contain phosphatidylcholine and/or sodium deoxycholate. These substances that destroy the membrane of fat cells (adipocytes) act effectively, but at the same time aggressively - they do not have selectivity of action, therefore they destroy not only adipocytes but also any living tissue they come into contact with. For this reason, working with direct lipolytics requires caution.

Lipolitics of indirect action are safer; they usually contain the following components:

  • Carnitine
  • Peptides
  • Vitamins and microelements
  • Amino acids
  • Plant extracts.

❷ Indirect lipolytic drugs affect weight loss indirectly - they work naturally and gently, but do not give such a clear effect as the first ones. Yes, they enhance the process of lipolysis, improve blood circulation, have a lymphatic drainage effect, activate metabolic processes in tissues, but they are not capable of directly destroying fat cells. In this case, the breakdown of fats occurs quite slowly, naturally, without destruction of the cell membrane.

A new look at methods of combating fat deposits

The Italian drug differs from classic lipolytic cocktails of direct/indirect action and is unique among fat-burning products, since it combines the advantages of direct and indirect lipolytics.

Fat Apoptosis is not a direct lipolytic because it does not contain phosphatidylcholine or sodium deoxycholate. But at the same time, according to Professor Maurizio Ceccarelli, the owner and developer of this product, this lipolytic introduced into the fat layers is capable of triggering the physiological process (apoptosis) of self-destruction of fat cells (adipocytes). This regulated process of adipocyte self-destruction at the cellular level makes it possible to avoid an inflammatory reaction. This means that there will be no swelling, and the rehabilitation period is minimized.

In addition to reducing the subcutaneous fat layer, the drug helps to noticeably smooth the skin. Its relief is also leveled and the “orange peel” effect disappears.

When can you see the result?

Impact on the problem area will allow you to achieve significant results in a short period of time. The effect of fat-burning injections begins to appear literally after 3-4 hours, since, as mentioned above, the administration of Fat Apoptosis “switches on” the activation of apoptosis and within about an hour fat cells (adipocytes) die. After which, phagocytes come into play - cells of the immune system that protect the body by absorbing/digesting harmful foreign particles (in this case, the role of harmful foreign particles is played by adipocytes).

Mode of application

The new generation lipolytic Fat Normalize comes in the form of two solutions placed in separate bottles (18 and 2 ml). Before the procedure they are mixed. The prepared mixture is effective for no more than a day. Moreover, it should be stored at a temperature of +4 – +5C.

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The drug is injected directly into the adipose tissue using a 30G*6-13 mm needle. Consumption – 1 ml/cm2 of skin. The course of treatment includes 3-6 procedures. A 7-day interval is maintained between procedures.

Normalize Skin

Biostimulating drug for type 3 collagen. Indicated for correcting signs of age-related changes in patients with fine-wrinkled and mixed types of aging. After a course of procedures, signs of age-related changes decrease, the dermis thickens, wrinkles smooth out, and the skin takes on a youthful appearance. A drug for true biorevitalization (increases the amount of type III collagen in the dermis - a marker of youth and endogenous hyaluronic acid) - is a fundamental drug for biorevitalization of the dermis of patients at any age.


: The drug is administered intradermally using the technique of superficial micropapules in all areas of the face, neck and décolleté. The procedure is carried out once a week for 4 weeks, followed by 2 procedures (procedure every 15 days). To maintain the effect, 1 procedure per month is required.

Technology of injection mesotherapy

The doctor begins the work of studying the medical record to determine if the patient has acute diseases. At the same stage, he conducts a survey to identify allergic reactions or intolerance to the components of the cocktail. Without fail, the patient is sent to the laboratory to donate blood and urine for general tests. At the same time, the specialist determines the required number of procedures.

If the preliminary examination does not reveal any contraindications, the doctor begins the procedure:

  1. Cleanses facial skin of makeup.
  2. Disinfects the skin with “Chlorhexidine” – a broad-spectrum antiseptic.
  3. Performs local anesthesia by applying a cream or gel anesthetic for 20 minutes. If the nasolabial triangle or cheeks are to be treated, then a layer of anesthetic is covered with an airtight material (polyethylene, for example) for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Apply markings to the skin of the face.
  5. Pricks the problem area with needles to a depth of 0.4-4 mm, injecting the prepared preparation.
  6. After completing all the planned punctures, he re-disinfects the skin and applies a soothing mask to it.

Upon completion of all operations, the doctor carefully examines the treated areas, gives clear instructions for rehabilitation - and makes an appointment (usually after 3 days).

Inpatient or outpatient treatment

The patient is not hospitalized for the procedure. After the injections are completed, he can safely go home. After Fat Normalize injections, slight swelling appears. If everything was done correctly by the doctor, it will go away by the end of the first day. Some patients notice slight bruises, but these gradually disappear without any additional effort.

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The effect of using lipolytic can be seen only after 6 days. Before this period, do not rush to the mirror, so as not to be nervous in vain. On the seventh day it will be possible to evaluate the result. If you want to bring the oval of your face to perfection, the procedure can be repeated.


The company does not provide information about the ban on the use of Natinuel Fat Normalize. But they probably exist, like any intervention in the body. Therefore, we will consider general contraindications for mesotherapy.

The following persons should refuse the procedure:

  • Suffering from an allergic reaction to any of the components of the working solution. To exclude this factor, it is necessary to conduct tests on the body’s reaction;
  • intolerant of at least one of the ingredients included in the cocktail;
  • People suffering from cancer, kidney failure, hypertension grade 2 or higher.

It is also recommended to avoid lipolytic injections:

  • Pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • In the acute stage of infectious diseases;
  • Fever.

Mesotherapy is contraindicated if you are taking medications that reduce immunity.


On the day of a mesotherapy session with any drug (including Natinuel Fat Normalize), all other cosmetic procedures should be cancelled. And for the next three days - refuse massage and hardware manipulations with the face. Any mechanical impact on the skin during its recovery can activate the inflammatory process. Even light touches to the face are undesirable.

Walk as much as possible - fresh air will benefit your skin. But it is better to avoid active sports. Exercise accelerates blood circulation throughout the body. As a result, the process of assimilation of the cocktail injected into adipose tissue may be disrupted - part of it will simply be carried out along with sweat.

The following are prohibited:

  • Swimming in ponds and pools;
  • Going to the sauna and steam bath;
  • Sunbathing.

The above restrictions are caused by the fact that heating the skin can lead to inflammation of micropunctures.

Apply nourishing creams and masks regularly. And use decorative cosmetics as a last resort, and even then in minimal quantities - even the products you are used to can cause allergies.

It is advisable to quit smoking. And alcohol and coffee can slow down the recovery process. Visually this is expressed as follows:

  1. Swelling and redness remain unchanged for too long.
  2. Rashes and bruises may appear.

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There are many restrictions in the post-injection period, but their duration is short - from 4 to 7 days after the procedure.

Skin Restructure

Biostimulating drug for type 1 collagen. This drug is an acidic pH of 5.8 and a hypertonic solution containing amino acids and has an irritating effect on the dermis. Irritating components accelerate the resolution of dermal inflammatory processes in the skin. This is followed by new formation of fibrous collagen, which becomes denser over time due to fiber retraction. This compaction stretches the hypotonic skin tissues. Aesthetically, this process manifests itself in a lifting effect and improved tone. Inflammatory mediators (interleukins) activate CD40 receptors, stimulating the formation of fibrous tissue rich in collagen. Ultimately, in an acidic environment with positively charged ions, it is much easier to secrete the C (carboxy)-terminal fragments of procollagen (with a negative charge) with subsequent increased formation of type 1 (fibrous) collagen. Thus, the dermis becomes denser, which, together with the retraction of the fibers, leads to stretching of the skin.


: the drug is used systematically on hypotonic areas of the face and body using the technique of superficial micropapules. The procedure is carried out once a week for 4 weeks. Before repeating the course, take a break of 1 month.

Natinuel professional cosmetics are not only general anti-aging programs, but also effective means for solving almost all problems faced by a cosmetologist. At the same time, NATINUEL cosmetics are absolutely safe!

Side effects

Undesirable effects are due to:

  • The body’s reaction to the drug: it is no coincidence that the cosmetologist meticulously asks the patient about any allergic reactions that have occurred and existing diseases. Lack of information can lead to unpredictable results - even anaphylactic shock during the procedure;
  • The level of professionalism and accuracy of the doctor: an inexperienced specialist, and even one who is negligent about the rules for using antiseptics, can allow the skin to become infected. In such cases, the patient of the cosmetology clinic turns into a full-fledged patient who needs to be treated urgently;
  • Physiological characteristics of the patient: for example, the level of pain is determined by the threshold of sensitivity, which is different for each individual.

Even the most experienced doctor cannot exclude the possibility of a needle getting into a capillary or vessel. In this case, a hematoma (local hemorrhage or bruise) may form at the puncture site. It usually resolves within a few days.

Product range in the Fleur beauty salon

Author's preparations by Maurizio Ceccarelli

The results of our clients after Maurizio Ceccarelli's FAT APOPTOSIS drugs


MUSCLE TONING - the drug is intended for biostimulation of muscle tissue on the face and body (chest).
PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: The process of muscle contraction occurs by releasing acetylcholine from the neuromuscular junction. Even at rest, muscles constantly release small amounts of acetylcholine, which keeps muscles toned.

The aging process reduces the secretion of all neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine. This leads to a decrease in muscle tone, and as a consequence to flabbiness and a decrease in their volume. To solve this problem, it is necessary to strengthen the tone of the muscles of the face (and body), thereby smoothing out wrinkles and reducing depression of the skin tissue. Acetylcholine is a precursor to choline (it itself comes from DMAE). The introduction of this precursor into the muscles increases the concentration of acetylcholine and, as a result, improves the condition of muscle tissue.

MUSCLE TONING - toning the face and body by replenishing the level of acetylcholine in the muscles. Effect on the chest and buttocks, platysma and orbicularis oculi muscles. It will return youth to your facial expression, and the tissues of the face and body will become elastic and toned.

  • toning of facial and body muscles
  • biostimulation of muscle tissue
  • restoration of downturned corners of the mouth
  • allows you to lift the lower eyelid
  • lifting the lateral parts of the eyebrow
  • allows you to correct errors after Botox injections
  • correct drooping breasts and buttocks.


STAMIN C - activation of stem cells directly in tissue. Mesenchymal stem cells are used to form fibroblasts. The unique technology allows you to radically influence the aging process of skin and hair problems.

Stamin C is able to activate dormant (“sleeping”) stem cells directly in the dermis, which leads to their proliferation and renewal of the cellular composition of the patient’s aging skin, that is, to rejuvenation. It acts both at the level of the dermis and at the level of the epidermis. The process of cell differentiation lasts for a maximum of 21 days from the moment of drug administration, and makes it possible to obtain new, functional fibroblasts in the injection zones. Then, it is possible to stimulate the resulting young fibroblasts using Skin Optimize (a new generation medical product with h/c fragments).

Fibroblast changes the potential of its metabolic processes depending on its age. The young fibroblast produces mainly proteoglycans, elastin and reticular collagen, while the aged fibroblast produces type I collagen. In addition, as fibroblasts age, the number of surface receptors decreases and, as a result, the response to stimulation worsens. These studies have allowed us to understand and explain the differences in clinical responses depending on the patient's age and the biological state of their fibroblasts.

Skin care rules after the procedure

Simple rules will help promote rapid skin healing:

  • During the first 24 hours after a mesotherapy session, do not wash your face;
  • For the next 3 days, wipe your face with an antiseptic (“Chlorhexidine”);
  • Before walking, lubricate your skin with sunscreen;
  • Lubricate bruises (if any) with Lyoton, Troxevasin and other heparin-based ointments. If the doctor does not object, you can take Ascorutin.

The diet should be dominated by vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products: it is advisable to reduce the daily intake of meat. Drink plenty of water, get enough sleep - and you will get the maximum effect from using lipolytic.

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