Changing the shape of the breast

Indications for breast correction surgery:

  • Small breast size, which causes psychological discomfort;
  • Too large breasts (gigantomastia), which causes physical discomfort and threatens complications;
  • Congenital or acquired asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • Sagging breasts (mastoptosis) as a result of age-related changes or breastfeeding;
  • Previous masteketomy - removal of the mammary gland (partial or complete) affected by a cancerous tumor;
  • Gynecomastia is an enlarged mammary gland in a man;
  • Other congenital or acquired aesthetic defects.

There are several types of plastic surgery for breast correction.

Breast augmentation (endoprosthetics)

  • The goal of the surgery is to give the breasts an improved shape and size that is proportional to the figure.
  • The effect is achieved by placing under the breast tissue or even deeper (in the pectoral muscle) a special prosthetic implant having a silicone or polyurethane shell filled with semi-liquid contents in the form of a gel.
  • Indications for surgery

    Breast augmentation is usually performed for both aesthetic and reconstructive purposes (for example, after breast surgery

  • Planning your operation

    At the consultation stage with the surgeon, it is important to discuss your wishes and listen to his opinion. Each patient, like each doctor, has a different idea about the desired size and shape of the breast. The doctor will examine your breasts and take the necessary measurements, explain the features of the operation in connection with your age, skin condition, shape and size of the breast. If your breasts have a saggy appearance, your surgeon may also recommend performing a breast lift at the same time. The surgeon will describe the procedure in detail, explaining any possible limitations and uncertainties. Be sure to discuss all your questions with him.

  • Carrying out the operation

    Breast augmentation surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and lasts about 2 hours. There are several methods of performing the operation. The method of placement of the implant and its location will depend on the anatomy of your body and the recommendations of the surgeon. The composition of surgical incisions depends on the individually selected method. There are 3 main ways to install implants: 1.submammary (access through incisions in the fold under the breast) 2.areolar (access through incisions along the contour of the areolas); 3. axillary (access through incisions in the fold of the armpits).

  • Features of the operation

    · an inconspicuous scar remains; · Over time, natural sagging of the breast occurs; Absolute symmetry is impossible; · surgery does not affect the likelihood of developing breast cancer; · difficulties for medical examination usually do not arise; · 1 year after surgery, mammography is recommended. · discharge from the hospital is carried out on the 2nd or 3rd day after the operation, but you will be able to start work no earlier than a week later (depending on your well-being); · stitches are removed after 5-7 days; · The final result appears after 2-3 months.

Plastic surgery

All types of plastic surgeries are performed in our medical center!

ALL TYPES OF MAMMOPlasty (breast lift (mastopexy) anchor, periareolar, breast reduction and augmentation)

Mastopexy (breast lift) The essence of the operation is the resection of excess skin and fatty tissue in order to lift the nipple-areolar complex. To achieve the best result and if there is a lack of natural breast volume, you can undergo plastic surgery for endoprosthetics with a lift. The cuts can be made as follows:

  • Along the perimeter of the nipple areola;
  • In the form of an anchor - along the perimeter of the nipple areola, then vertically down and along the chest fold;
  • In the shape of a crescent - in the upper part of the mammary gland.

After creating a new breast shape, the incisions made are sutured. Duration of the operation: 2.5-4 hours

Periareolar approach In plastic surgery, there are 3 main ways to install implants: periareolar (through the semicircle of the areola), submammary (incision under the breast) and axillary (underarm).

The plastic surgeon decides which method the implants will be installed, taking into account the anatomical features of the patient. He makes an incision along the lower contour of the semicircle of the areola, at the border of pigmented and unpainted skin, which allows the postoperative scar to become invisible and almost invisible after some time.

Surgeons use periareolar access for any type of implant (anatomical or round). Both under the muscle and under the mammary gland.

Advantages of the method:

  • Good cosmetic effect
  • Possibility to simultaneously perform periareolar mastopexy (lift) with breast enlargement
  • Correct nipple asymmetry


  • Temporary change in nipple sensitivity

Reduction (Breast reduction)

Breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty) is a plastic surgery that is usually combined with a lift, since its main goal is to form the optimal shape of the mammary glands.

Breast reduction is performed for both aesthetic and medical reasons.

Severe ptosis of the mammary glands causes physical and psychological discomfort to the woman.

A large bust causes muscle tension and pain in the neck and shoulder area. Stooping develops and posture suffers. Large breasts can be unattractive and limit physical activity. Also, the significant volume and size of the mammary glands makes it difficult to choose clothes and underwear.

Surgical techniques make it possible to achieve firmness and beauty of female breasts. After breast reduction surgery and rehabilitation, the breasts take on a natural shape.

Indications for surgery:

  • Breast hypertrophy
  • Asymmetry

Increase (Augmentation) with the help of implants, with the help of PZhK

Augmentation mammoplasty Breast augmentation is performed using implants. At the initial consultation, a plastic surgeon, based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s anatomy, her personal preferences, and initial breast size, will help you choose the most suitable shape of implants, their volume and profile.

The doctor also chooses the access method:

  • Submammary (through incisions in the fold under the breast);
  • Areolar (through incisions along the contour of the areolas);
  • Axillary (through incisions in the fold of the armpits).

The breast augmentation surgery itself is performed under general anesthesia and takes, on average, 1.5 - 2 hours. Correction of the nipple-areolar complex


Lifting using innovative Aptos threads is a minimally invasive aesthetic correction procedure that allows the patient to return a clear and elegant contour to the face without a long rehabilitation period or anesthesia.

The indications are:

  • Initial or moderate appearance of age-related changes in the soft tissues of the face.
  • Mild to moderate signs of skin laxity.
  • Drooping or drooping of the eyebrow or only its outer third.
  • Sagging of the cheek-zygomatic area, nasolabial folds and jowls.
  • Deformation of the oval face, appearance of a double chin.
  • Age-related changes in the neck.
  • Atrophic changes and uneven relief of the skin and subcutaneous tissues.
  • Facial asymmetry.

No preliminary preparation is required. Thread lifting is performed using local anesthesia. The rehabilitation period is about 2 weeks. The result is noticeable immediately after the procedure and becomes more pronounced by the end of the second week.

Face -lifting S -lifting or short-scar lifting is a surgical rejuvenation technique aimed at tightening the internal structures of the face and excision of excess skin. The features of this operation are minimal trauma and barely noticeable scars. During the operation, the surgeon makes an s-shaped incision, starting behind the ear and ending in front of the ears. Due to this, the tissues are tightened and the oval of the face is improved. Finally, cosmetic stitches are applied to the skin and a compression bandage is applied to the chin and cheekbone area.

  • The operation time is 3-4 hours.
  • General anesthesia.
  • Stay in the hospital for 1-3 days.
  • The stitches are removed on the 14th day.

Indications for surgery include sagging facial contours, formation of jowls, nasolabial folds, etc. The result can be assessed after 6-8 months. The most acceptable age for short-scar lifting is 44 years and older. After surgery, baths, saunas, and steam rooms are contraindicated.

SMAS -lifting is a hardware method of face lifting, without surgery, without incisions or stitches, through exposure to high-frequency focused ultrasound.


This is a special branch of aesthetic medicine that deals with the correction of the anatomical condition and functional activity of the genital organs. Intimate plastic surgery techniques are used in urology and gynecology.


Liposuction is a cosmetic operation to remove fat deposits surgically. The operation is performed on a specific area (or several areas) of the body, for example, on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms

Lipofilling is today the highest achievement in plastic surgery, which allows, at the cellular level, to transplant adipose tissue into the necessary places, which are devastated with age, stressful life, and also due to genetic predisposition.


Blepharoplasty is a versatile operation. During this procedure, the surgeon will eliminate wrinkles, hernias and bruises under the eyes, and excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids. Add additional manipulations to blepharoplasty (removal of lip sacs or lifting of the middle third) and you will get the effect of significant rejuvenation. In some cases, this is enough to avoid major anti-aging surgeries. Blepharoplasty is performed to change the shape of the eyes: to transform Asian eyes into European ones, to remove the epicanthal fold.


Lower leg augmentation (cruroplasty) is a plastic surgery designed to change the shape and size of the lower leg area by installing implants.

Femoroplasty is a surgical correction of the inner and outer thigh. The operation helps reduce the amount of fat deposits and improve skin tone.


Cheiloplasty (correction of the shape and volume of the lips through surgery)

Surgical lip cheiloplasty is a series of plastic surgeries to correct the shape and volume of the lips. All methods are carried out surgically and give a stable, permanent result. It is carried out in the operating room, is performed using special surgical instruments and involves incisions and suturing. This is the most popular type of surgical correction of the shape and size of the lips.


Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen and tighten the abdominal muscles. Typically, tummy tuck is used in cases of excess fat deposits on the abdomen, stretching of the skin after pregnancy (separation of the rectus abdominis muscles) or significant weight loss, as well as severe post-surgical scars.

NOSAL Plasty

Rhinoplasty is an operation to change the shape of the nose. Septoplasty is surgery on the nasal septum. Rhinoseptoplasty is a combination of two operations in complex cases, which are performed simultaneously.


Aesthetic and reconstructive otoplasty (protruding ears, ear injuries, torn earlobes, etc.) Aesthetic (includes all operations to correct the shape of the auricle, correction of protruding ears). Reconstructive (corrects defects associated with any underdevelopment of the auricle or its possible trauma, up to complete amputation or absence of the ear.). Ear surgery has no serious contraindications; it can be performed even on children. Otoplasty is usually easily tolerated by patients; it is not necessary to remain in the hospital after this operation. Rehabilitation will require some patience from you, since for a month after the operation you need to wear a special fixing bandage and regularly go to the doctor for examinations. The results will be available in a month. Otoplasty has a number of undeniable advantages, but the main one is, of course, the stability of the effect. If you decide to have surgery, you will get lasting results for life.


Neck plastic surgery, platysmoplasty, neck skin tightening, chin liposuction are operations aimed at tightening excess neck skin, correcting neck wrinkles and strengthening the sagging medial neck muscle (platysma). As a result of the natural aging process of the body, tissues gradually lose turgor under the influence of gravity and slowing metabolic processes. The oval of the face loses its former sophistication, a “double chin” and “double chin” appear. All these age-related problems can be solved by neck rejuvenation surgery.


Buttock surgery (gluteoplasty) is an opportunity to achieve ideal shape. Buttock surgery is one of the most common plastic surgeries nowadays. With this procedure, you can correct the lines of the body, add volume to the buttocks, increase or decrease their size, and eliminate excess fat. Buttock surgery is suitable for women who are unhappy with their figure and want to make some changes to their appearance.

Endoprosthetics of the buttocks – enlarging and changing the shape of the buttocks using implants.

Lipofilling is the transplantation of your own adipose tissue into the buttock area.


Eyebrow pexy (eyebrow plastic surgery) - lifting and fixing drooping eyebrows. Eyebrows experience age-related changes, just like the face as a whole. At the same time, the facial expression becomes constantly tired and sad, and excess skin appears in the upper eyelid area. As a result of the operation, the outer third of the eyebrow, looking down, moves to the horizon line or slightly higher. After 1-2 months, the postoperative scar is very difficult to find. Local anesthesia. The patient remains in the hospital for no more than 3 hours after surgery.

Very often the question arises about several interventions at once. This happens according to indications or at the request of the patient. Combined operations are operations that can be performed simultaneously under one anesthesia, by one or more surgeons at once. This is an excellent option for those patients who want to get a noticeable result and take a comprehensive approach to future transformation. The advantages of such operations:

  • You get tested once
  • One anesthesia
  • Single rehabilitation period
  • The effect after aesthetic surgery can be obtained closer to the desired result than after local intervention.

What operations can be combined?

  • Upper eyelid blepharoplasty + eyebrow pexy + facelift
  • Upper eyelid blepharoplasty + cheek lift + chin liposuction
  • Upper and lower blepharoplasty + eyebrow pexy
  • Thread lifting + liposuction of the chin area and face
  • Rhinoplasty + chin liposuction
  • Breast augmentation + lift
  • Breast reduction + abdominoplasty
  • Abdominoplasty + liposuction
  • And many other aesthetic surgeries

We also offer combined surgeries on the face and body, pediatric surgery (ENT and pediatric urologist) . Reconstructive operations for the treatment of oncological pathologies can also combine both removal of the formation and reconstruction of the mammary gland at the same time. In all cases, operations require prior consultation with a specialist doctor.


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Breast lift (mastopexy)

Over the years and, often, after breastfeeding, the mammary glands sag and lose their beautiful shape. In aesthetic medicine, this phenomenon is called “mastoptosis”. It is almost impossible to cure breast ptosis, which is due to the constant influence of gravity (gravity) and the natural process of fibrofatty involution of the mammary glands. Surgical correction of sagging breasts is still the only truly effective way to solve the problem.

  • Carrying out the operation

    The essence of breast lift surgery is the resection of excess skin and fatty tissue in order to lift the nipple-areolar complex. To achieve the best result and if there is a lack of natural volume of the mammary gland, you can undergo plastic surgery for endoprosthetics with lifting. Depending on the degree of prolapse, as well as on the individual characteristics of the structure of the mammary glands, the plastic surgeon selects the optimal method for correcting mastoptosis. The most popular include: periareolar, vertical, anchor mastopexy - so named after the type and location of the surgical incisions. The duration of the operation is 2.5-4 hours.

  • Features of the operation

    After a breast lift, our patients spend two to three days in the comfortable postoperative wards of our clinic under the supervision of nurses and the doctor on duty. After a follow-up examination, the plastic surgeon discharges the patient home with recommendations for the rehabilitation period. Compression garments should be worn for 1.5-2 months.

Who needs breast surgery?

Beautiful breasts are an important component of female attractiveness; they affect self-esteem and success in men. Poor shape, asymmetry, too large or too small a size can cause complexes and self-doubt.

Nature has taken care to provide women with mammary glands for feeding their offspring, and plastic surgeons take care of the beauty of their breasts. For girls who are unhappy with this part of their body, mammoplasty is indicated - correction of the shape and size of the breast.

The need for such intervention may arise at any age. Young beauties usually strive to enlarge their bust to look sexier. After pregnancy and childbirth, there is often a need for tightening and correction. With age, breasts, especially full ones, often sag, become soft and shapeless, and in this case surgery can correct the situation.

Until now, no way has been invented to permanently keep breasts full, high and firm using conservative methods. Only surgery will help. The KIT clinic performs all types of surgical interventions - augmentation (enlargement), lifting, reduction mammoplasty (reduction).

Breast enlargement makes it possible to realize the dream of a full bust even for those whom nature has deprived of it. This operation is also suitable for those women whose mammary glands became greatly enlarged during pregnancy and lactation, and then “deflated”. Finally, intervention is indicated for asymmetry and deformation of organs.

All these problems can be solved by installing implants made of silicone or other modern materials. The shape and size of the prosthesis, as well as the method of its insertion, are determined by the surgeon during the consultation. The incision is located either under the armpit, or in the natural breast fold, or on the border of the nipple areola - in areas where traces of the operation will be invisible.

Depending on the structure of the mammary gland, the desired breast shape, and the incision line, the surgeon determines the position of the implant: under the gland itself, under the pectoral muscle, in 2 planes.

We use only high-quality implants from reliable manufacturers that have proven their safety and effectiveness.
Breast plastic surgery is possible without the use of implants - lipofilling. The procedure involves the introduction under the skin of an emulsion based on the patient’s own adipose tissue. The technique is less popular than classical implantation and usually requires several interventions. Mastopexy
Breast lift is recommended if the shape is lost due to gravity or after breastfeeding.
The intervention allows you to eliminate ptosis, that is, drooping tissue. All mastopexy methods are based on mathematical calculations and take into account the structural features of the mammary glands - the doctor will select the optimal one. Breast reduction
Reduction mammoplasty in Krasnoyarsk is a success among patients with large, shapeless mammary glands. Surgery is often performed for medical reasons to relieve stress on the shoulders and back. The surgeon removes excess skin and fatty tissue, creating new attractive contours. The new appearance and viability of the nipple-areolar complex depends on the accuracy of the calculations and the skill of the surgeon.

Not only women may need breast surgery.
Many men experience breast enlargement and fat deposition in this area - gynecomastia, which develops in most cases due to hormonal imbalance. The operation will effectively relieve the external manifestations of the disease. Athletes often turn to such intervention. Nipple correction
Women often decide to undergo plastic surgery for aesthetic reasons, for example, wanting to reduce the size of the nipple or areola. Some problems, such as an inverted nipple, interfere with normal breastfeeding.

The surgeon eliminates congenital and acquired defects in this area:

  • non-standard sizes and shape of nipples;
  • asymmetry;
  • inverted nipple.

The operation is less traumatic than mammoplasty, so women recover from it faster and easier.

Surgery for gynecomastia in men

Breast enlargement in men is associated with obesity or hormonal imbalances as a result of cancer or endocrine disease, or taking certain medications. Athletes who suddenly stop training face this problem: hormonal imbalance causes the growth of fatty or glandular breast tissue. In addition to psychological discomfort, gynecomastia causes pain. If the breasts become enlarged due to glandular tissue, they speak of true gynecomastia. With false, the volume of adipose tissue increases. There is also a mixed type.

Depending on the type of disease, the surgeon determines the surgical technique: mastectomy or liposuction. Both surgeries are minimally invasive, so rehabilitation is quick - within 2-4 weeks.

Breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty)

Excessive breast size is called “gigantomastia” in plastic surgery. Often this problem is not only aesthetic, but also medical in nature. Large breasts sag, leading to chronic pain in the back, chest and neck, caused by high load on the spine. Reduction mammoplasty methods are similar to mastopexy methods.

  • Features of the operation

    It seems possible to reduce breast size in case of gigantomastia only by resection of excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue. Therefore, with reduction mammoplasty there is a risk of intersection of the milk ducts, which can lead to lactation disruption if a woman is planning a child. However, the plastic surgeon strives not to disrupt the innervation of the nipple, and during the process of reduction mammoplasty he can adjust the size of the areola - make it commensurate with the reduced breast. The duration of the operation is 3-4.5 hours.

Gynecomastia is the removal of excess breast tissue.

Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the mammary glands in men, which occurs due to hypertrophy of fat (with false gynecomastia) and glandular tissue (with true gynecomastia). Often conservative treatment does not bring the desired result. In this case, excess tissue is removed through surgical resection or liposuction. Sometimes with gynecomastia, nodular neoplasms and lumps occur, which can be benign, borderline, or indicate cancer. In this case, we take tissue samples for histological examination or biopsy.

To sign up for a consultation and find out more detailed information, you can call:

8 ; 8 (908)-443-13-01 (Alexandra - manager of the plastic surgery department)

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