Shapes and types of nipples and female breasts. Photos of big nipples

One of the main advantages of a woman's figure is her breasts. There are several classifications of breast shape because many women have similar breast shapes. But the situation with nipples is different - each woman has them individually, like a fingerprint. There are small and large nipples, pale and dark, convex and flat, etc. What affects their appearance and why areolas become large will be useful for any woman to know.


One of the rare types considered the most attractive. This is the type of breast that plastic surgeons are most often asked about. Its owners are usually spoiled by male attention, very self-confident, ambitious and career-oriented. Such ladies will never tolerate cheaters, try to keep a man and suffer because of unhappy love: they respect themselves too much for this!

Kate Winslet


The Oscar winner delights her fans not only with her incredible talent and magnificent figure, but also with her adventurous, active lifestyle. She recently completed an incredibly difficult trek through the wilderness with famous British explorer Bear Grylls, where she flew with a parachute, rappelled down mountains and ate worms. Clever and beautiful Kate also actively opposes Botox and plastic surgery, advocating natural beauty and graceful aging.


This type of female breast is most often found in tomboyish girls. Friendly, active, often into sports or having a “male” hobby like rock climbing or kayaking, these girls are always the center of male attention. Excellent friends and confidants, they are aware of all the heartfelt experiences of those around them, and often such close friendship unexpectedly develops into great love, and such a girl will be faithful to her partner, constant in her affections, and for children she will become a mother-friend to race together. roller skating

Christina Aguilera


Like Katy Perry, Christina first began singing in a church choir, but became famous as a child thanks to the show “The Mickey Mouse Club.” In 1999, her popularity skyrocketed when she released her first album and the singles Genie in a Bottle, What a Girl Wants and Come on over Baby. The princess of pop music is the winner of five Grammy awards, including for one of the most famous and stunning songs of our time - Beautiful.


Owners of this type of female breast shape are usually very open and sincere, they are free from intrigue and gossip, they are decent and always ready to support those who need help, sometimes to the detriment of their own interests. They are sometimes reproached for being too straightforward, but they do not set out to hurt or offend anyone; simply being honest and frank is part of their nature.

Why can nipples be large?i

The first thing that determines the size of the areola is genetics. On average, its diameter ranges from 3 to 5 cm, but there are other indicators. There are often cases where women have one nipple larger than the other. This is not a deviation from the norm and is associated with simple physiological asymmetry, like the difference in the size of the mammary glands (in 90% of women they are not the same).

Large nipple areolas are common among women after childbirth and during lactation. During pregnancy, the breasts become larger, the skin stretches and the nipples change, becoming larger and changing color. This process is facilitated by hormonal changes. The following factors also affect the size of the nipples:

  • Age of the fair sex;
  • Day of the menstrual cycle;
  • Taking hormonal pills;
  • Menopause.

In other cases, large nipples are simply the result of a genetic predisposition. Many women have complexes about this. As practice shows, it is absolutely in vain, because most men like smooth, noticeable nipples, which indicate a woman’s maturity. Other facts speak in favor of large nipple areolas.


As a rule, this breast shape indicates heightened emotional sensitivity. Girls with drop-shaped breasts tend to exaggerate the scale of problems, worry about trifles, and are generally very sentimental. They are the ones who dream of a prince on a white horse, somewhat idealize their partner and perceive any failures very painfully. But they will appreciate the romantic impulse, will idolize the person who cares and protects them, and will become the most caring mothers.

Katy Perry


Katy Perry has firmly established herself on the pop music pedestal and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. The glamorous singer, who began her music career in a church choir, became a pop sensation in 2008 with her hit "I Kissed a Girl." Her daring and sexy image brought her worldwide fame and landed her a spot on the covers of Maxim, GQ and Vice magazines.


They say “unsinkable” about such people: it seems that there is no situation in which this girl would fall into despair. She is always full of strength, optimism and energy, and her true experiences are hidden from prying eyes. She can sob into her pillow at home, but she will never show her emotions in public. It’s the same with communication: she has hundreds of friends with whom she can have fun, but her close friends are literally 2-3 people whom she truly trusts.

Women measured...nipples!3

Yes, there really is a competition where women compete not in beauty, parameters or hair length, but in the size of their nipples. The very first one took place in Amsterdam in 2002. Then the first place was taken by a woman whose areola diameter reached 4 centimeters in a calm state, and in an excited state - 5.5! Her man definitely doesn’t need to think about whether his partner is excited enough - the result is obvious on the face (or rather, on the chest).

Representatives of the fairer sex participating in such competitions have shown by their own example that nipples with a wide areola are quite normal.


Emotional swings are a typical state for these women. From love to hate there is one step - this is also about them. Their mood is changeable, like the weather by the sea, and it can change for no apparent reason. However, they are the ones who are capable of the most creative ideas, non-standard thoughts and an unconventional approach to solving problems, since they immediately consider several ways to resolve the situation and never get hung up on one thing.

Jessica Simpson


Once upon a time, American favorite Jessica Simpson was known only as a singer, but later the girl became famous thanks to her participation in popular reality shows and successful activities in the fashion industry. Today this singer, writer, designer and actress pleases us not only with her talents, but also with her luxurious figure.



Ideal housewives, keepers of the hearth, ready to help everyone, surround everyone with care and attention, feed, warm and give wise advice: psychologists are convinced that despite all the stormy youth and considerable madness that such girls are capable of in their youth, they grow up to be wonderful mothers, and then - grandmothers adored by their grandchildren, whose house smells of pies, who know how to console in the most hopeless situation and always find the right words for everyone.


The easiest and most effective way to understand what size bra you need to buy is to take a couple of simple measurements. Most likely, this method is more suitable for girls than for guys who want to make a surprise.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Wear a bra to better select the size of your future purchase. If you measure the volume of your bare breasts, you risk choosing a cup that is too small. By measuring according to your bra, you will save yourself from such a mistake.

If you need to buy not a bra, but clothes, then the chest circumference, accordingly, needs to be measured in clothes, for example, in a T-shirt. This way you will receive more accurate information and select the appropriate new item.

PS... to understand the natural size (to just know it) - measure without anything extra on yourself...

  • How to take measurements correctly: First, measure the circumference of your chest at its most prominent points. Most often, the most prominent points of the breast are the nipples, but this is not necessary.
  • Then you need to measure your chest circumference under your bust. In both cases, try to ensure that the tape fits tightly to the body, but does not pull it too tightly: a couple of extra centimeters can turn the bra into an instrument of torture.
  • Subtract from the result of measuring the most protruding points of the chest the result of measuring the girth of the chest under the bust (you can use a calculator). And then just check the table below.
The difference between the chest circumference at the most protruding points and under the bustSize number
10-11 centimeters0 (Zero)
12-13 centimeters1 (First)
14-15 centimeters2 (Second)
16-17 centimeters3 (Third)
18-19 centimeters4 (Fourth)
20-21 centimeters5 (Fifth)
22-23 centimeters6 (Sixth)

However, the first, second, third, fourth breast size is, let’s say, how it is designated in ordinary life, in ordinary colloquial speech. In lingerie stores, you often see other designations that are easy to get confused about.

So that you don’t get confused, here is another table where you will see which size corresponds to which designation accepted among manufacturers of underwear for girls.

Bust sizeLetter designation on the bra
Zero (10-11 cm difference between girths)AA
First (12-13 cm difference)A
Second (14-15 cm difference)IN
Third (16-17 cm difference)WITH
Fourth (18-19 cm difference)D
Fifth (20-21 cm difference)E (or sometimes also referred to as DD)
Sixth (22-23 cm difference)F (also referred to as DDD)

That's all, now you definitely won't get confused when you go to the store. True, the markings on the bra may still be of a different type, for example, if the manufacturer of the underwear you want to produce is from some unusual country.

But this won’t hurt you: just tell the seller the letter designation, and he’ll select which one you need. But don’t forget to try on a bra before buying: keep in mind that finding out your breast size on an online website is not enough.

How comfortable you will be in a bra depends on many other factors: the width of your shoulders and their structure, whether your collarbones and ribs show through. A bra that seems to fit can still be uncomfortable.

For example, rubbing a shoulder strap, digging a bone into the ribs. Therefore, the best option is fitting. You should order underwear online, through a website, based on a photo, only if you are completely sure that the chosen model will suit you.

Reasons for lack of development

Women's mammary glands may slow down their development or stop growing altogether. This occurs when there are significant deviations in a girl’s sexual development. As a rule, they are associated with a lack of female sex hormones - estrogens - in the body.

If you suspect slower breast growth, you must definitely visit an endocrinologist . After all, the hormonal imbalance in the body has a great impact on the entire subsequent life of a woman as a mother. It is likely that the specialist will prescribe hormones to the girl in the form of injections.

Nicki Minaj


Nicki Minaj is best known for her music career, film roles, and, of course, her incredibly curvaceous figure. However, few people know that the singer’s real name is Onika Tanya Maraj, and that she was born in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, a small country off the coast of Venezuela. She became famous for her unique style of rap, namely her mastery of various accents and a whole range of alternative images.

Meagan Good


Meagan Monique Good began her acting career at the age of 4, acting as an extra in various television shows, but she gained real fame only in 2011, appearing in the romantic comedy Think Like a Man. The buxom beauty, who is of Puerto Rican, African and Barbadian heritage, is known for her religiosity - she is married to a Seventh-day Adventist minister and refuses to play roles that might "disappoint God."

Tyra Banks


Tyra Banks is the lucky owner of perhaps the most exotic appearance among all supermodels. Thanks to her beauty and curvy figure, she has become an inspiration for all black models and plus size women. Tyra was the first African-American woman to appear on the covers of Sports Illustrated and GQ magazines, as well as one of the first Victoria's Secret Angels. She truly turned the fashion industry on its head, and by the time she retired from the business, she became one of the highest paid models in the world.

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