Beneficial properties of oils for breasts and nipples: enlargement, moisturizing, giving elasticity

Vegetable oils are excellent cosmetics that have a beneficial effect on sensitive breast skin. Each product has its own properties and therefore differs in purpose and application. Daily care, restoration of shape, elimination of redness and pain, increase in size, treatment of diseases - these are not all the capabilities of the essence.

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Sea buckthorn oil

The widespread use of the substance is due to its numerous medicinal properties: cell regeneration, wound healing and antiseptic effects. Sea buckthorn fruits and seeds contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and bioflavonoids.


  • normalization of the lipid layer
  • softening, moisturizing
  • improved flexibility
  • anti-aging
  • anti-inflammatory effect


Sea buckthorn oil for nipples treats cracks; treatment is allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is applied to the affected areas, and after treatment the residue is removed.

Castor oil

The product contains substances that are beneficial for health and youth. It is rich in vitamins A, E, acids (linoleic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, ricinoleic).

How it works:

  • promotes flexibility
  • softens the skin
  • prevention of stretch marks
  • increases the elasticity of the mammary glands
  • nutrition of the epidermis

Methods of application

The mass is thick and sticky, so warm it up before using (you can use your hands). The compress is used to treat inflammation. It is recommended to carry out the procedure by applying a cloth soaked in castor oil to the bust area for 1-2 hours.

Cacao butter

The most popular ingredient in cosmetic products. This substance promotes the formation of collagen and elastin. It contains acids (oleic, stearic, lauric), caffeine, tannin.


  • improves skin elasticity
  • accelerates epidermal regeneration
  • nourishes, moisturizes
  • has a tension effect
  • tones the skin

Uses of cocoa

  • The massage is performed in the chest and armpits. It consists of equal parts olive oil and cocoa butter. Apply for 25-30 minutes and rinse with water. Massage supports bust growth.
  • Cocoa extract is used as a mask, which lasts for 20 minutes and is then removed from the body.

Plant powder

From the plants listed below, which are rich in phytoestrogens, you need to prepare a powder. Seeds and plants should be dry and well crushed. The resulting powder should be taken for at least three months, a teaspoon twice a day half an hour before meals. Before use, be sure to read the contraindications.

Fruits (seeds) – hop cones (do not take in large quantities, as hops are poisonous), flax seeds (contraindicated for hepatitis and cholecystitis), fennel seeds.

Root – angelica

Flowers – sage flowers

Herbs – seaweed, oregano, fenugreek, dill, Caucasian dioscorea.

Masks for chest and décolleté

Olive oil

A popular substance for breast care due to the availability and effectiveness of the product.


  • increases bust volume
  • has a rejuvenating effect
  • Increases skin elasticity
  • Increases body flexibility.

Methods of application

The consistency is light, so it works quickly.

  • It is taken in its pure form as a skin lotion. Apply to the chest area, avoiding the nipples.
  • Mask: 2 tablespoons of olive oil heated to a temperature of 36 degrees, 5 drops of essential oil. Leave on your chest for 20 minutes and then rinse off.
  • It is allowed to use the substance in its original form in massage.
  • To make a compress, wet a cloth with water, dip it in the oil mixture and place it on your chest. Wrap with a warm towel.

10 more methods for tightening problem areas

There are also many other tools that will help solve this problem:

  1. Strength exercises. The chest muscles respond well to strength loads. With their help, you can tighten your breasts and make them more elastic.
  2. Gymnastics. The most basic gymnastics routine, performed daily, can make breasts more attractive than many artificial means.
  3. Special creams. They saturate the skin with biologically active substances, antioxidants, and make the breasts more toned.
  4. Masks. A highly effective remedy in the fight for beautiful breasts. Contains natural ingredients that renew skin cells.
  5. Wraps. The most effective instant action remedy. Increases elasticity and improves skin turgor.
  6. Massage. Massage procedures carried out in the form of courses help enhance the effect of creams, gels, and oils. The massage course should not exceed ten procedures and is carried out several times a year.
  7. Diet. A balanced diet will help keep your bust in great shape. Poor nutrition affects, first of all, the condition of the skin. As a result, the breasts may lose their shape and sag.
  8. Pull-up bra. It is recommended to wear constantly for those with a large bust size. Those with small breasts can afford to use this part of the toilet occasionally.
  9. Stickers. They can become an attractive part of your feminine wardrobe if you have a small breast size.
  10. Mesothreads. Used to prevent bust sagging. Also, using this method you can correct the shape of the breast and increase its elasticity.

Every woman must have various plant and essential oils in her breast skin care arsenal. Many representatives of the fair sex appreciate them and use them daily. Try it too!

Almond oil

The active ingredients have enormous benefits for the skin. Almonds have hypoallergenic properties, so there are no contraindications to its use.


  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin, contains vitamin A.
  • rejuvenating effect
  • improved blood circulation
  • Increased flexibility and elasticity thanks to vitamin E content


This substance is used as a separate ingredient and also as one of the ingredients in cosmetic formulas.

  • Bust lotion will help restore sagging skin. To prepare, mix carrot juice with 2 tablespoons of almonds.
  • When used in its pure form, the oil is heated and gently applied to the chest.
  • A mask of almond and grape seed oils in equal proportions is used for breast enlargement. The massage is performed with your fingertips. After 20-30 minutes, the product is removed from the surface of the skin.
  • After pregnancy, women develop stretch marks that are difficult to avoid. But almonds help reduce their size. The use of the drug during pregnancy and after childbirth is safe for the baby. Using the product helps relieve tension, reduce pain and create comfort during feeding. Be sure to rinse the product before feeding to avoid ingestion.

Linseed oil

Lingerie is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine to maintain beauty, breast firmness, and skin elasticity. After a sudden change in weight or pregnancy, it helps eliminate stretch marks and restore the shape of the bust. Flaxseed oil on breasts is effective due to its vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The composition includes phytoestrogens that increase the level of sex hormones.

Properties of flax:

  • Increases the size of the mammary glands
  • Increases bust elasticity
  • accelerates skin strengthening
  • prevents wrinkles

Method of use

reduces inflammation

  • Breast oil is suitable for all skin types, be careful when using on oily skin.
  • It is taken orally, 1 tablespoon per day.
  • Flaxseed oil for breast growth is preheated and applied to the mammary glands with gentle movements.

What harm can there be

The use of oil for breast elasticity, as well as for breast enlargement, is selected taking into account the characteristics of the woman’s body. This procedure is not always safe and useful. There are cases when its use is prohibited.

  1. You are allergic to any component.
  2. The product's expiration date has expired; expired products should never be applied to the skin.
  3. This method should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.
  4. It can cause harm to women who have hormonal problems.
  5. It is forbidden to use by persons who have any tumor diseases.
  6. Inflammation, chronic diseases of the mammary glands.

Young girls under 21 also do not need such procedures. The chest area is still developing at this age; it can be tightened with the help of proper nutrition, lifestyle and exercise.

Coconut oil

To care for the décolleté, prepare a lotion (2 drops of ether and base). Use morning and evening. Use massaging movements around the chest. After a few minutes, rinse with warm water. During the massage, the composition of flaxseed works effectively, during which the substances are better absorbed, making the breasts more elastic.

Benefits of coconut:

  • It is found in creams, masks and other cosmetics. This substance is hypoallergenic, so it is used by pregnant women to prevent stretch marks. It is rich in fatty acids that are instantly absorbed into the epidermis, smoothing the skin.
  • skin rejuvenation
  • hydration, nutrition
  • tones the skin

Uses of coconut

  • Breast lift.
  • As a prevention against stretch marks in case of sudden weight gain or loss.
  • A breast lift mask is prepared from 5 drops of orange extract, 1 tablespoon of blue clay and 3 tablespoons of coconut product. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients to a paste form. Apply the mixture to the mammary glands, décolleté area, and cleanse the skin for 20 minutes.

Other ways to make your breasts beautiful

If you want to please yourself and others with a toned, attractive bust for as long as possible, an integrated approach is what you need. What else will help make your breasts beautiful?

  • straight back (improper posture stimulates sagging breasts, as well as the appearance of wrinkles in the décolleté and neck area);
  • proper nutrition (without exhausting diets for weight loss); It is important that your diet includes enough drinking water, milk, eggs, butter;
  • underwear of the right size, which does not tighten the chest, will help you feel comfortable and your bust to breathe;
  • special exercises and gymnastics for the chest will prevent it from sagging;
  • Sexual activity causes the body to produce estrogens.

It is important to remember that you need to start taking care of the skin of the delicate part of the body before the signs of aging skin become apparent. You should not neglect protecting your bust from ultraviolet radiation; it is important to monitor your weight and at least occasionally moisturize your skin with special creams or lotions. You can accustom yourself to hydromassage or contrast showers by gradually increasing the temperature difference. Then you will be fully armed, and the onset of skin aging processes will not be taken by surprise.

A beautiful bust is only partly the result of heredity. To a greater extent, this is the result of a correct attitude towards your body. It includes a healthy diet and regular exercise. Additional care is also important. Oils will help give the delicate part of the body velvety, firm, elastic, and, of course, more curvy shapes.

Camphor oil

Coconut oil for nipples is used by new mothers to relieve painful breastfeeding symptoms.

Properties of camphor:

  • This unique substance is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. The product contains camphor, limonene, cineole, safrole, pinene, camphor.
  • increases elasticity
  • stabilizes water balance
  • improves skin elasticity
  • nourishes and softens

Methods of application

has a whitening effect

  • The medicinal properties of the product have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is used for mastitis and menstruation.
  • A balm made from a pure product is used to rub in with gentle movements.
  • The wrap copes well with inflammatory processes. To prepare the recipe you will need 250 ml of propolis, 1 tablespoon of camphor.

Fennel oil

The ointment is prepared from 5 ml of the substance, beet juice, butter. The ingredients are mixed until a paste is obtained. The mixture is applied to the problem area, covering it with a cloth.

Effects of fennel:

  • This substance effectively affects the skin of the breast, as it contains a large amount of estrogens, trace elements, vitamins and nutrients.
  • Slows down the aging process of cells.
  • Increases breast size.
  • Tightens the natural strengthening structure.
  • supports the elimination of harmful substances
  • smoothes wrinkles

Uses of fennel

reduce inflammation

  • The product is used separately in small doses or as part of a prescription.
  • To prepare the lotion, take 2 drops of the product, 5 drops of orange juice, 30 ml of shea butter. Apply to bust with light movements.

How do they work?

Using various combinations of vegetable and essential oils you can achieve amazing results - increase elasticity, eliminate stretch marks, tighten and strengthen the skin, make it younger. With age, breasts lose their shape, become flabby, and sometimes even shrink. To prevent these unpleasant phenomena, it is recommended to use the products listed below, alternately or in certain complexes.

Each oil, without exception, is a storehouse of natural biologically active substances that can work wonders. But along with the use of oils, one must not forget about gymnastics and proper balanced nutrition. The condition of our skin largely depends on our lifestyle. If we lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat poorly, smoke, then we cannot rely on the effect of even the most healthy and effective oils for bust growth!

Other oils

The tonic recipe consists of 2 drops of fennel, 1 drop of lavender essential oil, 1 drop of carrot juice, 30 ml of 100 avocado juice. Used to increase voltage. Fennel oil has aphrodisiac properties and does not require rinsing off.

  • There are several herbal remedies that are equally effective but less popular.
  • Hops contain female phytohormones, so they are ideal for strengthening and enlarging the breasts. The skin is moisturized and rejuvenated. The oil is applied separately to the mammary glands and décolleté area.
  • Wheat sprouts help stop aging and cell regeneration. The skin becomes soft and velvety. The product has a thick consistency and mixes with other oils.
  • Grapeseed oil has moisturizing, tightening properties and effectively restores the top layer of skin.
  • Patchouli contains aphrodisiacs that maintain the attractiveness of the opposite sex. The skin is actively regenerated and renewed.
  • Peach oil is effectively used for cracked nipples. The combination of several agents enhances the therapeutic effect of the substance.
  • Cumin supports the production of collagen and elastin. The product is used for medicinal purposes for cracked breasts and is safe for nursing mothers.

Geranium is one of the ingredients in many cosmetic recipes for older people. This substance tightens the skin and eliminates sagging.

What are the benefits of natural essential oils?

Essential oils are a completely natural product. They contain a number of useful vitamins, minerals, trace elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and general condition of the female breast.

Essential oils are often obtained by cold pressing, which means that without being subjected to heat treatment, they are filled with antioxidants, which are the key to youth and beauty.

Since essential oils have an oily texture, they are able to moisturize, nourish the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles, filling them with collagen. In addition, oils make the skin elastic, thereby helping to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Among the many essential oils, there are a number of those that have the most beneficial effect on increasing breast volume.

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