A plastic surgeon named the main reasons for removing breast implants

Inshakov Yuri Mikhailovich

Plastic surgeon, surgeon of the highest qualification category. He has been practicing surgery since 1979, and plastic surgery since 1994.

Yuri Mikhailovich Inshakov graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute (currently the Medical Academy), residency. He received fundamental knowledge and practice from the chief surgeon of Russia - Academician V.S. Savelyev in the field of general surgery, cardiology, mammology, and vascular surgery.

He has specializations in general, cardiovascular and maxillofacial surgery. He completed an internship in aesthetic surgery in France and Germany. Trained in maxillofacial surgery with Professor A.I. Nerobeev. and Professor Pavlyuchenko L.L. in Russia.

Every year he participates in congresses of plastic surgeons in Russia and abroad. He is the author of a number of scientific publications, mainly devoted to the issues of skin regeneration, as well as co-author of a unique method for treating scars and stretch marks. Together with the Institute of Biology of Human Development, Yuri Mikhailovich Inshakov developed his own technologies for scar healing, so after any of his operations there are no stitches left. He sees the future in the field of rejuvenation and treatment of age-related changes in the development of cellular technologies. Together with physicists, he participated in the development of a unique laser, after use of which no scars remain when removing various skin formations.

He was the first in Russia (since 2002) to use the patient’s own fibroblasts to treat stretch marks, scars and skin rejuvenation. Given her extensive experience, she is a permanent consultant on television (programs “Big Wash”, “Let Them Talk”, “Women’s Revolt”, “Mother and Child”, etc.), as well as radio (FM radio) and central newspapers.

Since 1994, he worked as a plastic surgeon at the European Medical Center (EMC). Since 1998, plastic surgeon Inshakov Yu.M. heads the Enigma clinic, which he founded, providing services in the field of aesthetic surgery and cosmetology. He performs a wide range of plastic surgeries; his specialties include rhinoplasty, breast surgery and abdominoplasty.


  • Enigma Medical Center for Beauty and Health

Prices for services:

Plastic surgery
Face-to-face consultation1.000

Mini abdominoplasty130.000



Plastic surgery of the auricle (1 ear) / plastic surgery of both ears with laser.
Breast lift (mastopexy)95.000

Circular lift, SMAS155.000

Forehead and eyebrow lift80.000
Endoscopic lift85.000

Plastic surgery of the tip of the nose50.000

Removing Bisha's lumps55.000
Breast augmentation165.000
Through the halo.
Correction of nipples and areolas75.000

Botulinum toxin3.500

Contour plastic2.000

Hyaluronic acid preparations.
Scar treatment (non-surgical)2.500

1 procedure.

A plastic surgeon named the main reasons for removing breast implants

The star of the reality show “Dom-2” Daria Pynzar decided to have her breasts reduced and replace her implants with new, smaller ones. Plastic surgeon of the highest category Yuri Inshakov told FAN how safe the procedure for removing implants is and why girls refuse large breasts.

About ten years ago, Pynzar enlarged her bust. However, according to her, due to weight gain, her curvy figure began to cause her discomfort, and the girl decided to change her breast implants. The celebrity said that the operation was successful, her breasts became “softer,” and she herself was very pleased with the result.

Yuri Inshakov explained that the operation to remove the implant is absolutely safe. The procedure takes about 40 minutes.

“The surgery itself to remove the implant is completely safe. Another thing is the aesthetic effect after this,” the expert said.

According to the surgeon, after removing the implant, you need to either install a new one or undergo breast lift surgery.

“Each operation carries indications; they can be divided into psycho-emotional and medical. Medical – this is a suspicion of rupture of the implant, a violation of its tightness. In this case, it is better to remove it, change it to a new one, or, depending on the patient’s decision, you can not change it to a new one, but undergo breast lift surgery,” the specialist explained.

unsplash.com / Victoria Strukovskaya

Inshakov added that the culture of consumption, to which all plastic surgery, cosmetology, including patients, are subject, focuses attention not on the possibilities of medicine, but on the desires of the consumer. Desires are formed under the influence of the Internet, Instagram, social networks and the media. Now in the media space and the Internet there is a lot of amateurish information, including advice from stars - for example, Lera Kudryavtseva with her sad experience.

“Purely psychological motivation appears. The patient comes to the surgeon and says that she does not want to risk herself, she believes more in the version that implants can cause evil, for example, some kind of cancer. Although all this has not been proven. If you say more often that there is nothing wrong with implants, then patients will react accordingly. Now they don’t even hear the doctor, because they come prepared by the Internet: “I read, and I saw, and I heard.” It has not been proven anywhere that implants existing on the market lead to any oncological complications,” the doctor emphasized.

Lera Kudryavtseva previously admitted that she had plastic surgery 15 years ago. Doctors then promised her a lifetime guarantee. Later it became known that one of the implants burst, and fluid from it began to penetrate into the body. The implants were urgently removed, and the TV presenter emphasized that it was a “very aggressive operation.” Recently, the presenter showed a photo in a swimsuit after surgery.

“The amazing is already here”: a geriatrician and a surgeon talked about ways to prolong youth

Aging has always scared people. It is not without reason that scientists in every part of the planet have been searching for the secrets of immortality for centuries: some in magic, others in religion, and others in the science of their time. Today, nothing has changed - the beauty industry is still popular, cosmetologists have a long line of clients, plastic surgeons ask exorbitant amounts of money for their work, but the flow of clients still does not dry out. Man still tries to defeat aging and death.

“Evening Moscow” decided to talk to experts and find out whether there is hope that in the coming decades scientists will invent an “anti-aging pill”, and what technologies can prolong youth today.

Body errors

— There are a lot of theories about what causes aging. Hundreds! The exact answer has not yet been found, says Olga Tkacheva, chief geriatrician of the Russian Ministry of Health, president of the Russian Association of Gerontologists and Geriatricians . — There is, for example, a version that aging is programmed, there is an option that over the course of life the body accumulates errors and, when it can no longer correct them, begins to age. In principle, there is evidence in favor of both theories, but it seems that the first version is closest to the truth.

This option is the most beneficial for a person. Then, according to the gerontologist, scientists have the opportunity to interfere with the genetic code and influence the genes responsible for aging. This means that time can be turned back.

“Of course, immortality for us is still something from the realm of fantasy,” notes Tkacheva, “but a way to significantly slow down aging may become real in the coming decades.” And when we learn to interfere with the genetic code, we will be able to influence all processes in parallel: both the external manifestations of aging and the functioning of internal organs.

More movement

What can you do now? Some time ago, biohacking was extremely popular, when people simultaneously took many medications, supplements, and vitamins that improved the functioning of the body. Maybe the exit is somewhere here?

— Unfortunately, there is a huge amount of speculation in biohacking. Moreover, it has no evidence base. That is, maybe there are certain elements that make sense to use, but in general this is a huge exaggeration of the capabilities of medicines. The only proven “biohacking” today is a healthy lifestyle. Giving up bad habits, physical activity, not overeating,” Tkacheva explained.

Another option for maintaining the health of the body, which is gradually gaining popularity, is a comprehensive study of one’s own genes. Laboratories are appearing that specialize in studying the genetic characteristics of each individual person. This helps identify diseases to which the patient is potentially predisposed, risk factors, allergies and even possible addictions. Maybe it makes sense to take this expensive test and focus on protecting your genetic weaknesses?

“The fact is that not all genetic programs are implemented,” explains the gerontologist. - It makes sense to take such an analysis only if there is some kind of heredity, indications in the family history of dangerous diseases. When testing is carried out simply out of curiosity, it has virtually no actual benefit. As I already said, complex gene changes are not always realized. Moreover, today it is not genetics that comes to the fore, but epigenetics, which studies the patterns of activation of certain processes. By the way, it is due to epigenetic processes that aging occurs or slows down.

The lift will remain

plastic surgeon Yuri Inshakov is sure of this .

— Correction of age-related changes by surgery, I am sure, will remain. There is, for example, such a sign of aging as ptosis of the mammary glands. For those who were born with a large volume of breasts, they remain beautiful and lush until they are 25–30 years old, then childbirth, the expert notes, and according to all the laws of gravity, the ligamentous apparatus weakens, the breasts sag and get in the way. It has to be corrected surgically. The same goes for facial rejuvenation. If a way to slow down aging appears, the same lift will remain the same, they will just resort to it not at 60 years old, but at 70–80.

Nevertheless, the doctor considers it possible to find means to maintain the body and slow down the aging process. The future here, in his opinion, lies with cellular technologies:

— We have already deciphered the genome, learned to slow down aging in mice and rats, and in the West about 10 years ago we cloned a sheep. And this is a huge achievement, but there is one thing: such experimental subjects very quickly begin to develop oncology. The same sheep died just two years later - apparently, some kind of immune error occurs and the body fights by producing tumors. So the future, in my opinion, lies in supporting the body with cellular technologies, the same artificial organs grown from a person’s own cells. Both we and the Japanese already have work where they take a cell from a 60-year-old person and bring it up to the age of three in a test tube. That is, there is a reverse development. Not aging, but rejuvenation. However, such a cell only lives for a few minutes, and experiments are extremely expensive. But the amazing is already nearby.

If experiments of this kind have yet to be brought to fruition, then Inshakov himself has made great progress in the matter of healing wounds and scars. The surgeon has been studying this area for 20 years and, thanks to research in the field of regeneration, he has achieved that the stitches in his patients become invisible within three months after surgery:

“And we’re not just talking about plastic surgery; no one has canceled scars after injuries, burns, or fires. So the study of regeneration seems very promising in this direction as well.

Rejuvenation from within

Cosmetology today is developing very actively, new technologies appear literally every year. Cosmetologist Alexandra Gaunt is confident that many more discoveries and breakthroughs will happen in this area, one of which is “cosmetology from the inside”:

— Modern drugs, due to the presence of a huge variety of components, help to achieve not only the visual effect of rejuvenation, but also provide cells with building material and a margin of safety for years. This is something like biohacking: we inject the drug under the skin - and thanks to this, the body does not consume its own resources, but those added artificially.

Another direction that Gaunt considers promising is orthomolecular medicine, which involves taking special dietary supplements:

— Yes, these are the same dietary supplements, only taken to a different level, providing direct delivery of antioxidants and vitamins that restore the body to the cells. This is “cosmetology from the inside.” Together, these dietary supplements can prolong life and youth, and then cosmetic procedures are secondary. I think the future of cosmetology lies precisely in this - rejuvenation from the inside.

In addition, every year there are studies that study the structure of cells and DNA in greater depth. In particular, much attention is paid to the study of mitochondria - “the little power plants of cells”:

— Their so-called energy extinction leads to cell aging. The task of scientists today is to find a way to fuel cellular potential.

The cosmetologist concluded that today rejuvenation and anti-aging technologies have developed so much that 10 years ago nothing like this could have been dreamed of. So, who knows, maybe in another 10 years humanity will find a way to deceive nature and remain young, if not always, then at least for a long time.

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