Breast augmentation with fat without implants (BRAVA technique)

Cost of breast lipofilling

will depend on whether one breast or two are being corrected, as well as on the volume of liposuction performed.


Breast lipofillingTariff priceCost of materialsGeneral prices
Mastopexy (1 side) for moderate ptosis860 rubles57 rubles917 rubles
Mastopexy (2 sides) for moderate ptosis1740 rubles110 rubles1850 rubles
Mastopexy (1 side) for severe ptosis990 rubles68 rubles1058 rubles
Mastopexy (2 sides) for severe ptosis2010 rubles100 rubles2110 rubles
Mammoplasty with an endoprosthesis (1 side)1610 rubles290 rubles1900 rubles
Mammoplasty with an endoprosthesis (2nd side)2930 rubles570 rubles3500 rubles
Correction of inverted nipples (1 side)230 rubles35 rubles265 rubles

The lipofilling procedure is suitable for those patients who have local deposits of excess fat on the abdomen, outer and inner thighs, back, sides, knees, and whose breast size and shape needs correction.

The main advantages of breast augmentation with your own fat tissue

  • Own fatty material does not cause rejection, irritation, or allergies;
  • Unlike breast correction using implants, with lipofilling the surgeon creates beautiful, individually shaped breasts that look very natural. The bust after lipofilling does not differ from the natural one;
  • Short period of patient rehabilitation.

As a result of breast augmentation surgery (without implants) using fat and simultaneous liposuction, a double aesthetic effect is obtained: beautiful breasts plus slender hips, a flat stomach and the absence of fat deposits in other unwanted places.

Prices for services

Price On credit*
Body lipofilling fat volume up to 100 ml (without Puregraft cost) 55,000 rub. from RUB 5,496/month
Body lipofilling fat volume more than 100 ml (without Puregraft cost) 85,000 rub. from RUB 8,494/month
Body lipofilling fat volume more than 200 ml (without Puregraft cost) 125,000 rub. from RUB 12,491/month
Consultation with a plastic surgeon for surgery 0 rub.

Average cost of services
You can find out how much our plastic surgery services cost on average by calling in St. Petersburg: +7

SM-Clinic surgeons will develop an individual operation plan for you, since surgical body correction is often planned and carried out in a complex manner. The exact cost is calculated individually after consultation with a doctor.

Plastic surgery on credit and in installments

In the first six months, about 40-60% of the transplanted fat is absorbed. This is taken into account when calculating its amount before surgery. Fat cells are taken from the abdomen, buttocks or thighs using thin cannulas through micropunctures. There are no traces left. Then the biomaterial is cleaned and injected into the problem area.

Preparation for breast lipofilling

  • Do all the necessary tests;
  • Get complete information about the procedure during a conversation with a plastic surgeon. For example, the patient should know that breast enlargement using lipofilling is only possible by 1-1.5 sizes;
  • Attend a consultation with an anesthesiologist and mammologist;
  • If the patient is taking any medications, inform the doctors;
  • Quit (at least temporarily) smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Avoid tanning in direct sunlight (ultraviolet rays weaken immunity).

Plastic surgeons at the clinic

Davydov Alexander Sergeevich

Experience - 14 years

Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery. Leading plastic surgeon. Certified specialist in plastic surgery and general surgery. Participant in master classes on plastic surgery.

Yakimov Dmitry Konstantinovich

Experience - 38 years

Doctor of the highest category. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Member of the Society of Plastic Surgeons. Author of more than 30 works in the field of surgery, teacher at the Military Medical Academy.

Gvaramiya Eka Yurievna

Experience - 17 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: mammoplasty (breast plastic), blepharoplasty, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, lipofilling, face lift, lip plastic, ear plastic, intimate plastic, body plastic, reconstructive plastic, solving aesthetic problems.

Abzaleva Guzel Rinatovna

Experience - 15 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: blepharoplasty, lipofilling, intimate plastic surgery, abdominoplasty, breast plastic surgery.

Garifulin Marat Sagitovich

Experience - 19 years

Priority areas: mammoplasty and gynecomastia (including in men), waist shaping, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, abdominoplasty.

Manatov Magomed Gadzhimuradovich

Experience - 5 years

Areas of work: Comprehensive recovery after childbirth. Rejuvenation of face and body. Mammoplasty. Rhinoplasty. Body liposculpture.

The lipofilling operation takes place in three stages

1st stage:

manipulation of the collection of donor fat cells - liposuction with preservation of adipose tissue, which is taken from areas of the body where it is in excess (for example, thighs, abdomen); Fat material is taken in a special way to avoid damage to fat cells;

2nd stage:

cleaning fat cells. The adipose tissue is washed and centrifuged to separate it from blood, dead cells and other impurities;

3rd stage:

fat grafting. The doctor injects fat cells with a syringe in small portions into the required areas, evenly distributing them, avoiding the formation of unevenness and disruption of breast symmetry.

Breast lipofilling: gradually and little by little

Lipofilling technology involves multiple microinjections into different points of the corrected area.

The most important thing you should know about lipofilling: the more adipose tissue is transplanted at one time, the worse its survival rate and the prognosis for its residual volume in the long term. Transplanted tissue that moves to a new location should be surrounded as much as possible by microvessels and “native” breast cells. Otherwise, it does not completely take root - the fat either resolves or is destroyed and is subsequently replaced by connective tissue (which, of course, does not give very good tactile sensations).

That is why transplantation of small portions of adipose tissue is considered favorable. If during lipofilling fat is injected in a single volume, the chances that the volume will take root tend to zero.

This suggests an important conclusion. Breast lipofilling is an extremely relevant technology, but only when it comes to eliminating minor aesthetic defects. So, lipofilling will work great if you want to enlarge your breasts, but just a little. Or if after mammoplasty there is a contour defect or slight thinning of the covering tissue above the implant (which makes the implant noticeable). In such cases, local transplantation of a small amount of adipose tissue to camouflage an aesthetic defect is a real salvation.

By the way, the situation is absolutely similar with lipofilling of the buttocks. This method can correct minor imperfections (delicate contour correction), but to get beautiful shapes - only the gym!


How does adipose tissue implantation occur?

During breast augmentation with lipofilling, the surgeon inserts fatty tissue into the submammary space and under the skin of the mammary glands, which distributes the fat evenly and forms beautiful breasts. The lipofilling procedure does not cause the formation of scars and cicatrices; after it only small traces of punctures remain, which disappear after a few days.

Is it possible to have surgery if a woman has naturally healthy and beautiful breasts?

Typically, lipofilling of the mammary glands is indicated if a woman has a bust deformation, for example, after surgery for breast cancer, or if her breasts are asymmetrical or small. The procedure of breast augmentation with fat is necessary to correct the shape of the breast; implants are used to increase the size of healthy, non-deformed mammary glands.

What is not recommended to do the day before surgery?

The procedure for lipofilling of the mammary glands requires preparation: on the eve of the operation, you should not smoke, drink alcohol, sunbathe, or take drugs that reduce blood clotting, for example, aspirin. On the day of surgery, when there are 3-4 hours left before the procedure, heavy drinking and eating are prohibited, as this affects the safety of anesthesia. You should also avoid applying creams to your face and body.

Is one operation enough to achieve long-lasting aesthetic results?

One operation is usually not enough. The procedure often needs to be repeated 2-3 times, the interval between surgical interventions is at least 4 months. The desired result cannot be achieved immediately, since up to 30% of the fat does not survive.

Lipofilling of the mammary glands is performed under local anesthesia, or not?

Since the lipofilling procedure is performed simultaneously with liposuction, the patient is under general anesthesia. The correction procedure, adding fat cells to the mammary glands, is carried out under local anesthesia, the patient can leave the hospital an hour after the operation.

How is breast correction performed?

Preparation period

During this period, it is important to have a good psychological attitude. You also need to prepare yourself physiologically, for example, stop drinking alcohol and smoking for a month.

During the first examination, the doctor identifies problem areas and designates areas from which fatty tissue will be removed. To assess the patient’s health, an examination is carried out, tests are prescribed, and an ECG is performed.

At the appointed time for surgery, a woman should not eat or drink water, use cosmetics, creams, deodorants, or paint her nails.

Stages of the procedure

The operation consists of several stages. The duration can be from one and a half to four hours. There is no pain because general anesthesia is performed.


The surgeon outlines the areas from which fat cells are pumped out. Typically these areas are the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

The punctures are made using a cannula, which allows them to be small, resulting in no scarring.

Material purification

In the second stage, fat cells are cleansed. It is important to properly remove blood, dead cells, and Klein's solution from the fat, otherwise there is a danger that the cells will not take root.


The third stage of the operation is that the already purified cells are injected into the fatty tissue of the breast using a thin syringe. Then a patch is applied to the punctures, and the patient must remain in the hospital for another day.


Since about 80% of fat cells take root in one operation, additional correction can be carried out over time.

To do this, the extracted fat material is frozen for future use.

Rehabilitation period

This period lasts about a week. Due to severe swelling, the first two days are the most difficult. For a month, a woman should wear compression garments and follow the following recommendations:

  • — limit physical activity (temporarily exclude the gym)
  • - you can sleep only on your back, after two weeks on your side and after a month on your stomach
  • - hot bath, shower, sauna, swimming pool are contraindicated

Important! With lipofilling, there is no rejection, since your own fat cells are used. However, it must be borne in mind that the fat is absorbed over time and the breasts become slightly smaller. The final result will become clear only after three months.

If a woman is not satisfied with the obtained effect, additional corrective surgery can be performed, in some cases even two or three times.

Possible complications

Depending on the body's reaction, fibrocystic formation may occur.

This is possible several months after the operation. Uneven absorption of fat cells can cause breast asymmetry.

In case of insufficiently viscous blood, large hematomas may occur. A large amount of injected material can cause atrophy of your fat cells.

Risks and complications

The main side effect that causes the most concern is scarring on mammograms. They are the result of some fat tissue that does not survive forming opacities and may cause concern to the radiologist (they may cause changes that appear similar to breast cancer).

Other side effects: risk of infection, death of fat cells (necrosis), resorption of fat tissue, which may require additional fat grafting operations. Healing of the transplanted tissue may be partial or incomplete and may occur differently in each breast, resulting in different breast sizes (asymmetry).


For several weeks, avoid alcohol, smoking, and drugs that affect blood clotting. The patient undergoes examination: ECG, general urine and blood tests, biochemical blood test, as well as HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis. Ultrasound and/or mammography may be prescribed. You need to visit a therapist or anesthesiologist.

Before plastic surgery, wash off decorative cosmetics and nail polish. After an evening shower on the eve of the procedure, you should not use body creams or lotions.

Rehabilitation period

On the first day the patient is in the hospital. Bruises and swelling may appear in the areas of fat collection and injection. They go away in a few days. The maximum recovery period is 2 weeks. During this time, mechanical effects on the chest and active sports are excluded. After 3-6 months, the achieved result is assessed. During this time, the transplanted tissue engrafts.

The price for lipofilling of the mammary glands in our clinic is determined individually, after you visit our plastic surgery department in St. Petersburg. You can find out the estimated cost of services on the website or by phone.

! This is interesting: Restoring breast shape with ptosis

Breast lipofilling is performed not only to enlarge it. The technique allows you to eliminate problems with implants - deficiency of subcutaneous fat, contouring.

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