Small (zero) breast augmentation - important features of the operation

According to statistics, only every third woman is satisfied with her breasts. Everyone else dreams of changing its shape or size.
  • Non-surgical methods of breast enlargement
  • Lipofilling - breast enlargement using your own fat How it is done
  • Benefits of breast lipofilling
  • Flaws
  • Breast augmentation with implants
      How is the operation performed?
  • Benefits of breast augmentation with implants
  • Disadvantages of implants
  • Physical exercises, special underwear, massages, lipofilling and, of course, mammoplasty - a variety of methods are used, some effective and some not so effective. In this article we will look at the most popular methods of breast enlargement and tell you in more detail about the most effective of them.

    Non-surgical methods of breast enlargement

    Articles about breast enlargement without surgery constantly appear on the Internet and fashion magazines. Women are offered:

    • sets of exercises;
    • special cosmetics;
    • massage course;
    • enhancing underwear.

    Of all the options, only a good bra can really add volume to the bust, but this is only a temporary measure. All other methods can help slightly tighten the skin, get rid of stretch marks or lift the breasts a little, but no more. Physical exercise often leads to the opposite result, since it causes a reduction in the amount of adipose tissue in the gland. That's why sooner or later a woman who dreams of curvy figures comes to a plastic surgeon for help.

    Herbal preparations and diet for breast enlargement

    “Healers” of female diseases like to recommend this technique. According to the meaning of this method, when taking certain herbs and products that contain phytoestrogen, in addition to the treatment of female diseases, breast enlargement should be a pleasant bonus (duration of use - 2 years). Phytoestrogen, which, when taken in certain quantities, turns into active estrogen, is found in: chamomile flowers, hops, cereals, carrots, cabbage, pomegranates, soybeans, etc. However, the amount of hormones contained in herbs, vegetables and fruits, not enough for the mammary glands to enlarge. What can I say? In our opinion, this is a rather long and dubious process.

    Lipofilling – breast enlargement using your own fat

    Lipofilling is a procedure for transferring the patient’s own fat tissue from areas with excess fat to areas that require additional volume. Using this technique, the doctor can correct the shape of the breast and slightly increase its size, as well as reduce the volume of problem areas: hips, abdomen or buttocks.

    How is it carried out?

    The breast lipofilling procedure consists of three main stages.

    1. Adipose tissue sampling. The surgeon uses an atraumatic cannula that resembles a thick needle. It is injected into the thickness of the fatty tissue, practically without damaging the tissues, blood vessels and nerves. The length of the puncture is several millimeters.
    2. Material processing. The patient's fat tissue is passed through a centrifuge. As a result, it gets rid of cell residues, blood and other unnecessary impurities. The resulting pure fat is mixed with a solution that improves its survival rate.
    3. Implantation of material. Using a long needle, the fat prepared in the previous step is injected into the breast tissue. The puncture sites are determined in advance during the consultation. As a result, the gland slightly rises and increases in size. The surgeon can also correct small defects or correct asymmetries.

    Benefits of breast lipofilling

    Lipofilling is one of the most modern methods of breast enlargement. It has a number of advantages:

    • safety: the patient’s own fat cells are used as an implant, which do not cause allergic reactions and take root perfectly;
    • minimal trauma: the operation is performed through small punctures, so the patient’s body does not suffer from blood loss;
    • short recovery period: punctures heal faster than incisions, which allows the patient to quickly return to her usual lifestyle;
    • preservation of the structure of the mammary glands: unlike implants, adipose tissue does not disrupt the anatomy of the breast and does not cause distortions during mammography or ultrasound;
    • long-term preservation of the result: fat is practically not destroyed over time and does not require replacement;
    • rejuvenating effect: after the procedure, the skin is smoothed and wrinkles are reduced.

    IMPORTANT! After enlargement using lipofilling, the patient’s bust remains completely natural, both visually and to the touch. After complete recovery, even the plastic surgeon will not know that any intervention was performed.


    Lipofilling, like any medical procedure, is not without its disadvantages:

    • allows you to enlarge your breasts by a maximum of 1.5 sizes;
    • not suitable for patients with a minimal amount of adipose tissue;
    • not used to eliminate significant defects and asymmetries.

    In addition, significant changes in a woman's body, especially major hormonal fluctuations, can lead to changes in breast size. For example, with extreme weight loss, the volume of transplanted fat is also depleted, which leads to a smaller bust.

    Doctors at the GALAXY Beauty Institute perform breast lipofilling with pinpoint precision, which allows you to achieve ideal contours and get rid of age-related changes.

    Certified fillers for penis and glans enlargement

    Amalain Intimate, Russia - an improved highly elastic gel with a dense structure. Designed specifically for intimate correction. Low risk of side effects. Safety and high quality are confirmed by the ROSS RU.AYU 64.B18362 and hygienic certificate. Decent quality with a reasonable price tag, a good alternative to imported analogues.

    Belotero Intense from Merz Aesthetics, Germany , is made using patented CPM technology: high-density zones are combined with low-density zones. This ensures perfect tissue integration and no swelling.

    Juvederm Ultra produced by Allergan, USA is a drug from the manufacturer’s flagship line. Contains hyaluronic acid stabilized in a proprietary 3D matrix. Creates a strong frame, provides natural and long-lasting results.

    Juvederm Volift, Volbella and Voluma from Allergan are uniform low molecular weight gels of varying densities. Made using patented Vycross technology using a special ether agent BDDE. They contain 2 times more cross-links of hyaluronic acid - this allows you to reduce the volume of the administered drug and the traumatic nature of the procedure, and increase the shelf life of the effect.

    Ial-System DUO from Fidia, Italy is a high-density viscoelastic gel. Combines the characteristics of filler and biorevitalizant. Contains stabilized and unstabilized hyaluronic acid: creates the required volume and improves skin density and elasticity. Complies with international quality standards ISO 9002 and GMP.

    Regenyal Idea Bio-expander from Phitogen is an innovative drug for volumetric remodeling. Contains hyaluronic acid with 3 different molecular weights. Can be used on any skin type without contouring effect.

    The doctor selects the most suitable drug according to its characteristics.


    • actual thickness deficiency;
    • consequences of injuries;
    • erectile dysfunction due to complexes;
    • dissatisfaction with the sexual life of both the patient and his partner.

    Progress of the penis thickening procedure with fillers

    The groin area is treated with an antiseptic, after which an anesthetic cream is applied. Filler is injected evenly throughout the targeted area. The puncture sites are disinfected and a wound-healing composition is applied. A sterile bandage is applied on top. The duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes. The result is usually achieved in one go.


    There is no pain syndrome during the recovery period. Discomfort in the injection area goes away after 2-3 days. The puncture sites heal completely in 2-3 weeks. During this time, they abstain from sexual intercourse, and the skin is treated with the drug prescribed by the doctor. The effect of hyaluronic thickening of the penis lasts for 1-1.5 years: the drug biodegrades and is removed from the tissues naturally. If desired, the procedure can be repeated many times.

    Breast augmentation with implants

    Implants are products made of hypoallergenic materials in the shape of a hemisphere or drop. They are placed under the soft tissues and provide significant breast enlargement and change in its contours. Surgeons at the GALAXY Beauty Institute select implants taking into account the wishes of the patient and her anatomical features.

    IMPORTANT! Women of average and thin build are not recommended to enlarge their breasts by more than 1.5-2 sizes at a time, as this will lead to significant stretching of the skin. If a woman wants more prominent forms, the operation is performed in several stages with long breaks between them.

    How is the operation performed?

    During consultations before surgery, the doctor determines the size and shape of the implants, as well as the method of their placement. Computer modeling is carried out, during which the patient sees an approximate picture of the result and can express her wishes.

    The operation is performed under anesthesia. The incision is made in the most inconspicuous places: around the areola, in the fold under the gland or in the armpit. The choice of access is made at the consultation stage. Depending on the patient’s physique and the desired result, the prosthesis can be installed:

    • directly under the gland tissue;
    • under muscle or fascia;
    • in a combined way (the upper segment is placed under the pectoral muscle, and the lower segment under the gland).

    After installing the implant and fixing the drains, sutures and bandages are applied to the incisions.

    IMPORTANT! The cost of an operation at the GALAXY Beauty Institute includes a stay in the ward, as well as all necessary consumables and manipulations: consultations with doctors before and after the intervention, implants, dressings and compression garments.

    Benefits of breast augmentation with implants

    • Wide possibilities. With the help of properly selected implants, you can significantly improve the shape of your breasts, making them more toned and voluminous.

    • Permanent results. When using implants, breasts do not sag or lose volume with age or as a result of sudden weight loss. The products themselves have a lifetime warranty.
    • The ability to correct severe asymmetry or restore the mammary gland after its removal.
    • Compatibility with other operations to correct the shape of the bust, in particular, lifting.
    • Self-confidence and satisfaction with your own appearance after surgery.

    IMPORTANT! Modern methods of breast enlargement with implants, which are used at the GALAXY Beauty Institute, do not interfere with breastfeeding later. The main thing is to maintain the recommended period for complete tissue restoration after the intervention.

    Disadvantages of implants

    There are a lot of rumors about breast augmentation with implants, but most of them are no longer true. In particular, dentures do not burst over time and do not interfere with breastfeeding. The main thing is to use high-quality products, as our specialists do. Scars, which many women are so afraid of, with high-quality surgery, become invisible after healing.

    The disadvantages of the procedure include:

    • long-term rehabilitation (especially in comparison with lipofilling);
    • reduced diagnostic efficiency using X-rays or ultrasound.

    In addition, augmentation mammoplasty is a full-fledged operation that requires appropriate preparation and has a number of contraindications.

    What does an ideal breast look like? Symmetrical, neat, fit. As for size, every woman has her own ideal. Some are immensely satisfied with the second, while for others the “four” is not enough. Whatever you dream of, the surgeons at the GALAXY Beauty Institute will help you achieve what you want. We use the most effective and modern breast augmentation techniques that provide lasting results. Come and see for yourself.

    Sex life with breast implants

    The operation to enlarge or improve the shape of the breast does not impose restrictions on sexual life. The only thing that is required is to observe the period of abstinence recommended by the doctor, which is equal to the period without active physical activity. Most often, sex life blossoms with new colors, since after the operation your breasts will become more appetizing and desirable. The firmness, mobility and elasticity of the female breast will not leave any man indifferent, and the invisibility of the scars will help keep your secret.

    Taking care of your health after surgery

    After the operation, you can lead a completely full life, but the doctor will recommend some restrictions. One of them will be to quit smoking, at least for a while before the procedure and subsequent recovery. Smoking causes the blood vessels that supply oxygen to tissues to narrow, which slows healing and can lead to complications.

    In addition to periodic mammography examinations at a frequency appropriate for your age, you should visit your plastic surgeon regularly. This allows you to promptly identify and begin to treat complications if they arise. During a routine examination by a mammologist, do not forget to remind about a previously performed breast augmentation or correction operation. This will allow you to select the right examination technique to obtain the most reliable results.

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