10 advantages of small breasts and why are they this size?

Breast growth is one of the main signs of puberty, observed in girls aged 12-14 years. At this time, mammary glands gradually begin to develop from small nodules, the active formation of which ceases by approximately 20-25 years.

Depending on hereditary and constitutional factors, women may have a small, medium or voluminous bust, which becomes a cause of pride or provokes the appearance of complexes, or there may be a complete absence of breasts associated with the development of micromastia due to hormonal deficiency or intrauterine development disorders.

Which breasts are considered small?

Small breasts are mammary glands, the volume of which varies from AA (0) to A (1st size), which is considered the absolute norm and does not prevent women from leading a normal lifestyle. The small size here can be caused by both anatomical or genetic reasons, and may also occur under the influence of external factors that have a negative impact on the formation of the mammary glands.

In contrast to normal indicators, micromastia, or underdevelopment of the mammary glands or sudden loss of volume, is considered a pathological condition diagnosed both at the age of 15-16 years (hypoplasia), and at a later time, due to breastfeeding, sudden weight loss or age-related changes. It is also possible to develop amastia - atrophy of the mammary glands, due to the lack of a glandular layer in them.

A large number of girls with breasts from size 0 to 1 consider their bust to be ugly, or not large enough, and may look for signs of pathology in themselves, while their mammary glands are fully formed and may have a miniature appearance due to genetic reasons.

Today, in mammological practice there is no precise concept of “small breasts” or micromastia, but objectively, underdevelopment of the mammary gland is associated with a discrepancy between its appearance and the desired size and shape.

Determining the volume of the mammary glands is quite simple; to do this, you need to measure them using a tape measure and calculate the difference between the two values:

  • determine the volume of the breast at its highest point (at nipple level);
  • Measure your body circumference under your chest.

After subtracting the second number from the first number, the difference is obtained, which accurately determines the size of the breast. There are 6 full breast sizes from 0 to 6. Normally, for a miniature neckline, the figure should be at least 10-11, which is typical for a zero bust volume (AA). Lower values ​​may mean the development of micromastia and require a visit to a mammologist, tests and ultrasound diagnostics.

Bust asymmetry, in which one of the mammary glands is much more developed than the other, is also considered negative.

Ariana Grande, 1993

The pretty girl’s career started in 2008 on Broadway, where 15-year-old Grande played the role in the musical “13.” Then there were the main roles on the Nickelodeon channel. In 2013, the girl’s creative path takes a new turn. Her debut album, which she recorded for three years, is being released.

The singer herself changes her image, it becomes more feminine, provocative, while remaining flirtatious and tender like a girl. Ariana's image of a “sweet-voiced cat” is created by arrows, false strands and eyelashes and, of course, unique vocals combined with a chiseled figure without outstanding shapes, for which she is adored by teenagers of both sexes all over the world.


Aesthetic parameters

A bust with paired mammary glands, which have a cone-shaped shape with a small peak - the nipple, is considered ideal for perception. When drawing an imaginary axis through the center of the mammary gland, above and below it, it should have uniform convexities and the same mass, which occurs with the virgin type of gland.

Scientists have also derived ideal parameters for breasts, typical for women of average height and corresponding to:

  • base width 12-13 cm;
  • interthoracic distance (or intermammary interval) of 4 cm;
  • areola diameter 3.5-4.5 cm with nipple diameter 0.8 cm;
  • the optimal distance from the intramammary fold to the nipple is 7-8 cm;
  • the distance from the center of the sternum to the nipple is 9-11 cm.

Emma Stone, 1988

Having long been labeled as a “budding actress,” Stone finally broke the stereotype in 2014, first receiving a nomination for the most prestigious film award “Oscar” for her role as the protagonist’s daughter, and then an Oscar itself for her role as Mia in the musical. "La La Land."

Fans adore the red-haired (sometimes blonde) girl for her spontaneity, sincere laughter and genuine charm. Just like the whales of world fashion, including the French House of Louis Vuitton, with which the actress is bound by a multimillion-dollar two-year contract starting in 2022.

By the way, laconic forms have never been a problem for Emma. The dresses she chooses for special occasions highlight the features of her figure and accentuate the lightness of her image.


Normal breast structure and micromastia

Why a woman has small breasts is a question that a mammologist can answer, based on the results of the analysis, visual examination and ultrasound.

The female mammary gland is a paired organ located in the center of the chest and attached at its base to the pectoral muscles (major and serratus), approximately at the level of 3 - 6-7 ribs. Its upper part is covered with skin, and inside there is adipose tissue, which is largely responsible for the volume of the bust.

Under the fat layer there is a glandular part covered with connective tissue.

Visually, the mammary gland can also be divided into 15-20 glandular lobules, separated from each other by layers of fatty and connective tissue.

The areola (or areola) is located at the level of the 5th intercostal space, and the nipple is placed in its center. The shape of the areola and nipple are always individual, and the color has pronounced pigmentation. Also in the areola there are sebaceous and sweat glands and 12 Montgomery tubercles, which are considered accessory glands and increase their volume while waiting for the baby.

The size and shape of the mammary glands is not a constant value and repeatedly undergoes significant changes:

At 10-11 years oldActive growth of the mammary glands begins, associated with an increase in estrogen content in the blood. At this moment, during examination, the mammologist may detect glandular tissue at the site of the future breast, which is actively beginning to develop.
At 13 years oldThe mammary gland is actively developing. The areola and nipple also increase in size, and the bust itself can cause pain when touched. Unpleasant sensations are especially intensified during menstruation, accompanied by swelling of the mammary glands.
16-17 years oldThe mammary glands are fully formed and have an elastic and toned “virgin look”. Their growth is still ongoing and will end approximately by 20-25 years.
20-25 yearsThe breasts have acquired the maximum genetically determined size for them and are fully ready to perform their main functions of breastfeeding the child.
Pregnancy periodBreast size increases significantly, which is caused by the effect of the hormone oxytocin and the body's preparation for breastfeeding. At the end of lactation, breast size most often returns to its pre-pregnancy size, but it can also increase or, conversely, decrease.
After 45-55 yearsDue to a gradual decrease in the amount of fat and glandular tissue, as well as a decrease in estrogen production, a gradual decrease in breast volume occurs. It is also possible to preserve bust volume due to the replacement of glandular tissue with connective tissue.
After 55 yearsAge-related ptosis and the onset of menopause negatively affect the condition of the mammary glands, leading to a gradual loss of elasticity and curling of the skin. This process can occur earlier and be associated with both very large breast size and sudden sharp weight loss.
80 years and olderThe breasts completely sag and lose their original shape. Also during this period, the risk of developing cancer in the mammary glands increases.

With micromastia, post-pubertal underdevelopment of the mammary glands is observed, in which:

  1. Breast volume is no more than 200 mg, which is significantly less compared to standard mammary glands. This symptom is caused by a disruption in the normal development of the mammary glands, causing them to remain at the adolescent level.
  2. Asymmetry of the mammary glands occurs, in which the right or left mammary gland develops much faster than the other.
  3. The sensitivity of the breast, caused by underdevelopment of fibers and nerve receptors, decreases.
  4. Absence of one of the mammary glands is associated with the development of Poland syndrome.

Kristen Stewart, 1990

The face of world-famous brands - Chanel and Balenciaga - is remembered by most viewers for her role as Bella Swan from the Twilight saga (2007). However, we have seen teenage Kristen before - in Panic Room with Jodie Foster (2003). The winner of two Oscars chose Kristen to play the role of her daughter because of her resemblance to her petite and slender self. Note that this is not the only thing that makes these two little women similar. Foster is an open lesbian who has been married to her girlfriend for many years. Stewart, after dating her colleague Robert Pattinson and the director of the film “Snow White and the Huntsman,” announced in 2016 that she was bisexual and, moreover, had been dating her assistant for a long time. Then there was the French singer, producer and model.

Since the beginning of her career, the girl has changed little in appearance. With a boyish figure, a timid smile and a nervous, seemingly unsure manner in all circumstances, Stewart appears in almost every role.

However, the “actress who can be outplayed by even a stone” went much further than the haters promised her. Stewart became the first American actress to win the French Cesar Award for Best Actress. And we are sure that this is not her last achievement. Moreover, in 2016, Kristen announced her desire to try herself in directing.


Types of micromastia

Why a woman has small breasts is a question that a mammologist can answer after diagnosing the pathology of mammary gland development.

The formation of the bust begins in the prenatal period, with the appearance of two ribbon-like thickenings of the epithelium that arise in the axillary region. These folds are called “milk lines” and gradually grow and transform into mammary glands, approximately 2 months before the birth of the child.

The nipple is formed for the first time during the 2nd year of a baby’s life and, starting from the age of 3, gradually increases in volume. If this process is disrupted, a pathology occurs - “inverted nipple”, in which the nipple does not rise above the mammary gland, but is pulled into it or located at skin level.

The active development of the mammary glands in girls begins in adolescence and ends at approximately 17-18 years, but during menstruation they swell. In the intervals between cycles, the formation of new milk ducts, an increase in the blood supply, capillaries and nipple diameter are possible.

Micromastia can develop at any stage of breast formation and can be either unilateral or bilateral. Hypoplasia is most often associated with chromosomal pathologies such as Turner syndrome, and unilateral is caused by intrauterine anomalies (Poland syndrome) due to impaired embryonic circulation.

There are also:

Congenital micromastiaCaused by heredity and impaired intrauterine development of the fetus and usually combined with other genetic abnormalities.
Primary micromastiaThe cause of which is hormonal imbalance during puberty.
Secondary micromastiaAssociated with age-related changes, breastfeeding, sudden weight loss or the influence of negative environmental factors (ecology, injury).
Aesthetic micromastiaCausing psychological discomfort to a woman, but not associated with congenital or hormonal pathologies.

There are also 5 stages of development of the mammary glands, while patients with micromastia go through only the first 2 of them:

Stage 1The mammary glands are not expressed. Glandular tissue is completely absent, and the diameter of the nipple does not exceed 2 cm. Age up to 10.5 years
Stage 2There is a slight enlargement of the breast caused by the appearance of glandular tissue. The size of the nipple has a diameter of more than 2 cm. 10.5-11.5 years
Stage 3The mammary glands take on the shape of a cone, protruding slightly above the surface of the chest without clear contours of the base. The nipple and areola begin to gradually darken. 12.5-13 years
Stage 4The areola and nipple darken and also begin to protrude above the surface of the mammary gland.13.5-14 years
Stage 5The breast takes on a mature appearance with the nipple protruding above it. The border between areology and breast tissue is smoothed. 15-16 years old

Sienna Miller, 1981

Not being a standard beauty and having a modest figure, Miller actively worked as a model from the age of 16. Later, the producers also appreciated the charm and photogenicity of the future star.

However, perhaps more than her roles, the actress and model is famous for her novels. Miller gained wide fame while starring in Handsome Alfie (2004), when she turned her head and took her co-star and father of many children, Jude Law, one of the main sex symbols of the 2010s, away from the family. The couple even decided to get married, but Jude would not have been himself if, on the eve of the wedding, he had not cheated on his bride with his children’s nanny.

Further, Miller’s partners included millionaires and actors, from one of whom the actress gave birth to a daughter in 2012.


Possible reasons

Why a woman has small breasts is a question that can be answered by studying the hereditary connections and constitutional structure of the patient. The process of growth and development of the mammary glands is individual in each specific case, and the development of micromastia can be increased by several factors:


Very slender girls with a thin, petite physique in most cases are distinguished by the presence of a miniature bust (no higher than size 2), which is due to their constitutional body structure. The mammary glands here, like the rest of the body, do not have a sufficient amount of adipose tissue, which is directly responsible for their volume.

This condition is not a symptom of micromastia, and during pregnancy, due to the production of the hormone oxytocin, the mammary glands enlarge and the breasts reach their maximum size.


One of the reasons for a small bust is also a hereditary factor. If in a girl’s family all female relatives suffered from micromastia or had a small bust (size 0-1), then a similar anomaly will be repeated in each subsequent generation. Unlike other factors, genetic predisposition cannot be corrected and the only possible way to increase the bust here will be plastic surgery.

Hormonal pathologies

Breast growth is directly related to the increase in estrogen hormones in the girl’s blood, which are responsible for puberty. Estrogens influencing the ovaries contribute to the development of secondary sexual characteristics, and their deficiency leads to the development of micromastia and delayed development of the mammary glands.

Insufficient amounts of estrogen in most cases are associated with thyroid problems and require appropriate treatment and monitoring by an endocrinologist.

The development of micromastia can also be provoked by an increase in androgens and testosterone in a girl’s blood, which contribute to the formation of a male-type figure, as well as operations performed during puberty on the genitals and ovaries, which completely changed the hormonal balance.

External factors

Smoking and drinking alcohol during adolescence negatively affects breast growth.

Micromastia also provokes the appearance of:

  • poor ecology and severe air and water pollution;
  • constant hypothermia of the body;
  • lack of adequate nutrition, including a lack of vitamins and microelements, which does not allow the body to obtain sufficient building material for the formation of the body.

Active sports and associated injuries can also slow down or completely stop breast growth, leading to the fact that the pectoral muscles are well pumped, thereby preventing the mammary glands from fully developing.

Zoe Saldana, 1978

An outstanding bust has never been the main advantage of the actress. The girl relied on regal posture and a harmoniously formed figure over the years of ballet training. It is no coincidence that Saldana’s first major screen appearance was the role of a dancer in the film “Proscenium” (2000), which is not surprising: Zoe has been professionally involved in ballet and Latin American dances since childhood. In 2002, Saldana played one of the friends of turn-of-the-century teen idol Britney Spears in Crossroads.

Then there were roles in the “Star Trek” and “Avatar” franchises, a romance with Bradley Cooper, which began on the schemes of the film “The Words”, but the greatest fame and financial well-being for the actress was brought by her long-term participation in the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe - “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “The Avengers”.

Today, the 40-year-old actress is raising three sons, one of whom was born to the couple by a surrogate mother, Saldana’s husband bears her last name, and thanks to the super-popular Marvel franchise, her filming schedule is scheduled for several years in advance. All comic book connoisseurs are waiting with bated breath for May 2019, when the denouement of “Infinity War” will be released and the fate of Saldana’s heroine Gamora will finally become known. Although it is already clear that, judging by the fact that the third Guardians of the Galaxy is coming, Thanos’ daughter will live happily ever after.


Correction methods

Why women have small breasts is a question that an endocrinologist can answer by conducting a hormonal study. Today, medicine knows several treatment options for micromastia, selected after a full examination and depending on the factor that provoked the development of the pathology.

Hormone therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is considered one of the most effective methods of treating micromastia, prescribed by a mammologist. Carrying out a full examination allows you to identify the most suitable drug that does not cause side effects and helps to increase the level of estrogen in the blood, which is responsible for the formation of mammary glands.

In most cases, a woman is prescribed hormonal contraceptives containing oxytocin, estrogen and progesterone, which stabilize hormonal levels, normalize the menstrual cycle and activate breast growth.

In addition to medications, the following is also prescribed:

  1. Food containing foods rich in phytoestrogens, which, when accumulated in the body, turn into full-fledged estrogen. These herbs include, in particular, flaxseed oil, fennel seeds and hop cones, used to prepare herbal infusions and teas.

  2. Folic acid in tablets, which saturates the body with vitamin B9 and has a beneficial effect on the female body.

It is also recommended to include foods that promote breast growth:

  • white cabbage, carrots and beets;
  • pomegranates, apples, cereals and nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • avocados and bananas;
  • herring.

Regular sexual intercourse also helps to activate estrogen production.

Plastic surgery

Augmentation mammoplasty is considered the most effective method of breast augmentation, helping to restore the bust even in the case of hereditary and intrauterine development of micromastia.

Modern endoprostheses are completely safe, have a round or anatomical shape and are filled with silicone gel or saline solution, which allows them to give the bust a beautiful and natural shape.

Augmentation mammoplasty is performed after 18 years of age on fully formed breasts and in the absence of contraindications to surgery. Surgical intervention is also preceded by a complex preparatory stage, when in addition to undergoing tests, the woman, together with the doctor, chooses the method of intervention, selects a suitable implant and undergoes 3D modeling, which allows you to imagine what the new bust will look like.

Mammoplasty takes 1.5-2 hours, is performed under general anesthesia, and the location of the incision is determined individually:

  • near the armpit;

  • with an incision along the edge of the breast areola;
  • in the inframammary fold.

Over time, the bust drops a little and hides the stitch from the operation.

The rehabilitation period after mammoplasty takes 4-6 weeks, and the result can be assessed 6 months after the operation.

Evangeline Lilly, 1979

In 2015, the actress again loudly declared herself after the success in the series Lost and the Hobbit franchise, joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe and playing the role of Hope Van Dyne aka Wasp.

The actress admitted that the Wasp costume that was initially seen in the first part was created based on a cast of her toned, but not able to boast of a lush bust, body. In the summer of 2018, the controversial, but still part of the most famous and profitable franchise, Ant-Man and the Wasp, stormed the wide screens.

In general, with or without breasts, Lilly is good on her own. It’s not for nothing that the L’Oréal brand drew attention to the pretty beauty in 2009, making her its face.


Possible complications

A small bust is not considered a pathology, does not interfere with breastfeeding and looks very sexy under clothes. Despite the existing stereotype in society about the beauty of large breasts, some Hollywood stars have proven by their own example that a bust of size 0 or 1 is not only beautiful, but also very sexy.

Kate Moss, Gwyneth Paltrow, Charlize Theron and Keira Knightley are not only not ashamed of their small breasts, but also pose naked, and also allow themselves to appear on the red carpet in dresses with a deep neckline.

Unlike fully formed small breasts, micromastia is considered a pathology and is accompanied by a number of complications, including:

  1. Difficulties during lactation caused by underdevelopment of the mammary glands and milk ducts.
  2. Problems in sexual life associated with lack of sensitivity of the mammary glands and nipples.
  3. Psychological discomfort, which causes depression and prevents women from freely visiting swimming pools and beaches.

Small breasts are a feature of the development of the female body or a pathology, which often becomes the cause of psychological discomfort and complexes about one’s attractiveness. The mammary glands can stop growing due to hereditary, environmental or hormonal reasons, and they can only be corrected by full-fledged hormonal treatment or plastic surgery, which helps in any, even the most difficult cases.

Kendall Jenner, 1995

Perhaps the most atypical representative of the Kardashian-Jenner clan. The main difference between Kendall and her half-sisters is her tall height, harmonious physique and low weight, which helped her start a modeling career. By the way, the start was more than successful. What many aspiring models take years to achieve, Kendell achieved quickly thanks to the connections of her mother, the head of the family and businesswoman Kris Jenner.

Kendall has been conquering high fashion since she was 13 years old. In 2010, she signed her first contract with the Wilhelmina Models agency. Then the girl was pursued by success after success: filming for the most advanced fashion publications followed, the model walks in shows of top brands that women in the beauty industry can only dream of - Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Vera Wang, Donna Karan, Michael Kors, Diane Von Furstenberg, Tommy Hilfiger, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Oscar de la Renta, Bottega Veneta, Pucci, Sonia Rykiel, Balmain, Victoria's Secret, others.

In 2016, Kendall was named model of the year according to the influential portal Models.com.

In 2022, the 22-year-old American woman is called the “fashion icon of the decade.” And one more “cherry on the cake” to complete the list of achievements. At the end of 2017, the representative of the Kardashian-Kendell clan became the highest paid model in the world, displacing the legendary Gisele Bundchen, who had topped the list for the last 15 years, from this post. Baby Kendall's annual income was then $22 million.

Despite the example of numerous sisters, the girl managed to refrain from breast augmentation and other dramatic body transformations. The only noticeable transformation was lip enlargement.

By the way, on our website most-beauty.ru you can find out which celebrity has the most beautiful lips and enjoy their photographs.


Saoirse Ronan, 1994

A three-time Oscar nominee and lover of experimenting with her hair, Saoirse belongs to a cohort of new generation actresses who delight the eye with uncluttered images, naturalness and the ability to be different. Thanks to this, at the age of 23, Ronan harmoniously embodied on the screen the image of a teenage girl in the film “Lady Bird”, which for some reason received the literal translation “Lady Bird” in the Russian box office instead of the assigned “Ladybug”.

We can see the bold beauty in Ed Sheeran's video, where she dashingly dances on the night streets and in bars.

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