Maria Pogrebnyak: biography, personal life, Instagram, photos “before” and “after” plastic surgery of the famous football player’s wife

Maria Pogrebnyak is a stylish media personality and one of the brightest blondes in Russian show business. Some admire her appearance, her ability to combine everyday life, caring for her sons and her athlete husband with business, personal care, and social activities, while others are frankly surprised by her popularity. Let's figure out who Maria Pogrebnyak is, what is her age, height, weight and personal life.

Biography and parameters

Date of BirthNovember 17, 1988
Place of BirthMoscow, Russia
Height169 cm.
Weight43 kg.
Waist59 cm.

“I learned kindness, love and tenderness from my grandmother! Only she gave me advice on how to become a real lady, taught me good manners and rules of conduct.”

Was there... breasts?

Apart from the failure to correct the face and its subsequent correction, Pogrebnyak denies any operations before or after. But loyal fans cannot be deceived - just compare the breasts “before and after”. Knowledgeable people say: after the birth of three children, it is impossible to maintain such “forms”.

However, let’s leave the girl the right to keep the secrets of her beauty. After all, beauty can be different in the eyes of a loving man.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

early years

Maria is a native Muscovite from the intelligent Shatalov family. The girl’s mother is a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute, but nothing is known about her father. The first-born in the family was the older brother, with whom Maria has a fairly large age difference. Masha was born on November 17, 1988 and was a late child. Since the parents worked a lot and did not have enough time to take care of their daughter, the grandmother took on all the upbringing responsibilities. “I learned kindness, love and tenderness from my grandmother! Only she gave me advice on how to become a real lady, taught me good manners and rules of behavior,” the girl shared in an interview. At the age of seven, Maria’s grandmother took her to an icon painting class. Until the age of 13, the girl was passionate about drawing icons and sometimes spent 5-6 hours a day on it.

“Immediately I started getting bad marks, and more than once I had to cover up my grades in my diary, and this was my senior year! Somehow they gave me a certificate. But I still didn’t stop going to Pasha.”

In 7th grade, Masha met her future husband, Pavel Pogrebnyak, who was four years older than her. They studied together at a sports school in Sokolniki and were good friends, but as soon as Maria turned 17 years old, Pavel confessed his feelings, and the friendship grew into true love, which continues to this day. Later, the football player began playing in a Yaroslavl club, which is why the girl began to regularly skip school and go to her beloved. “Immediately I started getting bad marks, and more than once I had to cover up my grades in my diary, and this was my senior year! Somehow they gave me a certificate. But I still didn’t stop going to Pasha,” the girl recalls. After graduating from school, she entered the Moscow Financial Academy, which Masha had to leave due to Pavel’s move to Tomsk. Still, after a few years, she continued her studies and successfully graduated with a diploma in accounting. In October 2006, the couple got married, and soon their first son, Artyom, was born.

Family tricks

They call their eldest son Artyom “the grumpy gnome” among themselves, he is already an adult, he is 11 years old, and he does not like to talk about his personal life, today he is only interested in studies.

Pavel's middle son is called "the quiet dwarf"

, he is always silent, loves neatness and goes in for swimming.
The youngest Alexey is a “fun gnome”,
a hyperactive child of 6 years old, cheerful, open and sociable. Maria believes that he is growing up as an artist.

Pavel’s wife would not want their children to be football players, but at the moment they are interested in football. Maria considers herself a strict mother.

Despite this, they trust their mother with their secrets.
He never judges them or gets angry with them. She has complete trust and understanding with children. Dad is kind to his children.
Maria is on very good terms with her husband's parents. In everything she follows the example of Pavel’s mother, Larisa, with whom she is like friends: they go to restaurants and shops together, consult and trust each other.

Today the couple is called the Russian Beckhams

. They have been together for more than 14 years and know everything about each other. They do not visit psychologists; they solve all their family troubles themselves. The couple has big plans for the future. Their dream is to have a daughter. Maria considers herself a caring mother, a loving wife and a good housewife.

Design career

Six years later, Pavel was invited to play for the Fulham football club, which entailed a move to London. Already there, Maria began to gain popularity, thanks to her design abilities and refined taste. It all started with sewing exclusive evening dresses, after which they developed their own line of urban clothing and released several VIP-class collections. Maria often had to work as both a fashion designer and a model.

Maria also gained fame from her participation in the popular TV show “Meet the Russians,” which talked about the lives of wealthy Russians abroad. Maria herself was more than once indignant that the program filmed with her was subject to editing, and only those shots were left in which the star had a blast at parties and dined in expensive restaurants.

In 2015, Pavel received an invitation to the Dynamo Moscow team, and the family had to return to their homeland. In the capital, the socialite continued her design work under the Maria Shatalova brand, thereby emphasizing her independence from her husband. Things took off very quickly, and soon several sewing workshops opened throughout the city. Maria was personally involved in purchasing fabrics and accessories, and the entire process of creating the collection took place under her strict guidance.

Working in the fashion industry

Creativity has always fascinated the socialite. The celebrity also loves shopping. It is not surprising that Maria decided to build her career in the fashion industry.

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Let's talk about trolling in school! Who has encountered this? I was bullied at school because of my cheeks! They called me a hamster, a pig, a cheeky one! They wrote and are still writing, how can you live with such cheeks?! In my youth I was upset to the point of tears, I cried and dreamed of getting rid of them! At some point I even stopped smiling, but what’s the worst thing? The complex was scary, but over time I began to notice that girls with cheeks age much later), and some pay a lot of money to cosmetologists to pump them up)))))) In general, you shouldn’t listen to anyone, every person is beautiful in their own way) Take my example and don’t pay attention to fools) Can you imagine if I paid attention to every comment about my skinny legs and chubby cheeks? And there are a huge number of these comments) Love yourself, my good ones, then others will love you too❤️

A post shared by Maria Pogrebnyak-Shatalova (@mariapoga_) on Oct 8, 2022 at 8:29am PDT

Clothes of Maria Pogrebnyak

While the Pogrebnyak family lived in England, Maria tried to realize her creative ideas and became interested in designing her own clothing line. In 2013, the socialite and popular blogger released outfits under her own brand, Maria Shatalova.

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The color of the mood is white! And never mind that it’s autumn! Today I noticed how much my mood changes because of the color of my clothes) And not only for me, but also for those around me when they saw me) People smiled and looked at me with admiring glances? And I was filled with incredible positive emotions. I just wanted to love everyone.❤️

A post shared by Maria Pogrebnyak-Shatalova (@mariapoga_) on Oct 13, 2022 at 9:18am PDT

Since a TV show with her participation was released around the same time, the clothes attracted the audience. The outfits were successfully sold in outlets in London. When moving to Moscow, the wife of a famous football player began to develop her fashion business in the Russian capital.

Women like Pogrebnyak's style, which is expressed in femininity and sophistication. And no unisex style!

Maria Pogrebnyak - the face of the brand

The celebrity himself is the face of the brand. At social events and in everyday life, she often appears in outfits released under the Maria Shatalova label. The blonde also served as the face of the cosmetics brand Divage. Together with the popular brand Divage, the businesswoman presented decorative cosmetics.

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Do you like it when I communicate with you in stories? Aren't you tired?

A post shared by Maria Pogrebnyak-Shatalova (@mariapoga_) on Oct 5, 2022 at 8:15am PDT

Maria before and after plastic surgery

Without a doubt, it can be said that Maria has always been a charming and attractive girl. But over the years, her beautiful face has undergone many changes, transforming Maria beyond recognition. What did such beauty cost? Plastic surgery and constant injections have turned the once pretty beauty into a “plastic Barbie.”

“Don't ever repeat my mistakes. Love your real selves"

In pursuit of dubious standards of beauty, the girl did not even notice how she had lost the individuality and naturalness of her appearance. In one of the interviews, Maria admitted that several years ago she gave herself a biogel injection, which greatly deformed her lips. “Don't ever repeat my mistakes. Love your real selves,” the girl warns her fans. There are rumors that changes also affected the shape of the nose and cheekbones, but this information has not yet been confirmed.

Lip surgery

Rhinoplasty (nose job)

Cheek surgery

Before and after losing weight (diet)

In photographs on Instagram, followers of the famous diva have recently noticed the appearance of ideal snow-white teeth. The creation of the “Hollywood Smile” was not cheap for Maria, for which fans more than once reproached the girl for the unnaturalness and “clichédness” of her image.

As for her figure, the star has more than once posted photos online in which she poses almost naked and shows off her gorgeous body. There was no need for surgical intervention; only motivation and self-improvement helped the girl. When Maria gave birth to her first son, she very quickly gained an extra 25 kilograms, for which she was repeatedly ridiculed in her husband’s celebrity circle. Due to constant ridicule, she resolutely took up her appearance, and, thanks to a strict diet and grueling workouts, created ideal forms for herself, which she proudly posts on Instagram to the delight of her fans. Today Maria is trying to maintain her figure by eliminating sweets, starchy foods, fried and fatty foods from her diet. The girl’s diet includes only cereals, vegetables, yoghurts and steamed fish.

Let's focus on the figure

Maria Pogrebnyak is a very independent woman. She cleans, cooks, goes to the market for food and often bargains with sellers. After her first birth at the age of 19, the girl gained a lot of weight

and weighed 68 kg with a height of 168 cm. At that time, the girl was constantly hungry. Having decided to take care of herself in order to match the status of her famous and popular husband, the girl decided to get in shape.

First, she tried losing weight with pills. It ended with the girl being pumped out by an ambulance, then Maria decided for herself that the main rule for a beautiful figure is to eat less. She switched to proper nutrition.

  • Today, her main menu is vegetables and herbs; everything is steamed or boiled (fish or chicken breast). Sometimes Maria breaks down, but this happens very rarely when she prepares sour cream for the children herself. She loves him very much, and so do the children. He may not be able to restrain himself and eat a lot of it. Strictly adheres to fasting.
  • Mary's day begins at 6 am with exercise and stretching. Then she takes the children to educational institutions. Among physical activities, she prefers, first of all, regular fitness classes, does not accept exercises with dumbbells, and does not approve of women pumping up large and not entirely feminine muscles.
  • Loves walking, running, tries to eat right (diet) and get in a psychological state. Maria managed to lose more than 20 kg. Today she weighs about 44-45 kg.
  • Her figure is the result of many years of work, effort and psychological work on herself. At home, the football player’s wife has a whole beauty salon, a lot of cosmetics, creams and other cosmetic accessories.

Maria now

Today, Maria Pogrebnyak is the mother of three wonderful sons: Artyom, Pavel and Alexei. All three are fond of sports and music, and are also fluent in foreign languages. Maria cares very much about the children and does not trust their upbringing even to nannies. It is worth noting that star parents do not forget about leisure time and arrange truly enchanting holidays for their sons.

Just recently, the girl threw a holiday for herself, organizing a party in honor of her thirtieth birthday, which was attended by many stars and close people. At the evening, Maria presented to the guests her debut song “Give me a painkiller,” better known as “Anesthesia.”

Apparently the socialite also decided to build a career as a singer. In any case, Maria Pogrebnyak is a hardworking girl, and she is ready to work hard and efficiently in any new business, as evidenced by her successes in other areas.

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Secrets of success from Pogrebnyak

A beautiful figure and sociability are the key to the success of Maria Pogrebnyak’s photo on Instagram, through which she attracts the attention of a large mass of people. The number of fans is increasing daily, but the star does not stop there

She tries to do without shocking. Although, after watching her famous scandalous participation in the English show “Meet the Russians,” other thoughts come to mind. The number of subscribers after the release of the program increased significantly, but Maria is outraged by the shamelessness of the English television workers, who presented her in the light of a simple-minded girl, steeped in luxury. According to Pogrebnyak, all statements presented in the final show were taken out of general context.

It is worth noting that Maria quite competently enjoys popularity on Instagram, showing new collections of the Shatalova brand, attracting customers to the products. As you know, scandals play a positive role in increasing popularity. However, practice shows that they often bring momentary benefits. People who abuse scandals subsequently become objects of ridicule and former fans have no desire to follow their example.

Most citizens appreciate the positive qualities that the domestic Instagram star certainly possesses. She insists that the main priority in life is family, and despite candid photos of Maria Pogrebnyak in a swimsuit, it’s hard to disagree with these words. Maria made her children, husband, parents, and relatives happy. The Russian Instagram star is close to her fans. Simple everyday values ​​are near and dear to people

Confirming them, Maria erases the boundaries between different layers of society, and this is important for the average person

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