Liliya Chetraru: photos before and after plastic surgery, biography, personal life of a participant in “House 2”


Participant in the scandalous television series Lilia Cetraru attracted the attention of viewers to her person not with her wit and clear position, but by the fact that at the age of 21 she had already undergone 6 operations. The reality show star was born on August 7, 1996 in the capital of sunny Moldova - the city of Chisinau.

Liliya Chetraru before the Dom-2 project

Chetraru did not talk about her childhood and parents in any of the interviews. In fact, the biography of a participant in a television project is one continuous blank spot. What is known for certain is that the brunette graduated from 11th grade, and before she left to conquer Moscow, she entered the local university at the Faculty of Economics (major - business management) and managed to work as a news anchor.

What was Lilya like before the project?

From the biography of Lilia Cetraru, it is known that when the girl became a participant in the television show, she had already undergone several plastic surgeries. But, while on the perimeter, she managed to enlarge her breasts. According to the Moldovan beauty, this is not the last change in her appearance, and she intends to change further with the help of surgeons.

According to rumors, Cetraru plans to insert implants into his cheekbones, reshape his chin and continue to redo his nose.

When photographs appeared on the Internet after the intervention of surgeons, the controversy did not decrease. Commentators were divided into two camps. To some, Lilia's new appearance seems ideal, and there are even imitators. Others, on the contrary, believe that the transformation was unnecessary, and find true beauty in photographs before plastic surgery.

Show "Dom-2"

Lilia Cetraru's arrival on the reality show took place on January 14, 2017. A petite brunette with a height of 167 cm and a weight of 48 kg, who arrived at the perimeter of “House-2” in a premium car, instantly became a reason for gossip. Initially, the girl showed sympathy for the cutest guy on the TV set - Zakhar Salenko. It is noteworthy that at that moment the young man was already in a relationship with Maya Dontsova. The presence of a rival did not frighten Lilia.

Liliya Chetraru in the show “Dom-2”

Host Vlad Kadoni asked the charming lady how she was going to eliminate Zakhara’s current passion. The guys present at the execution site expected to hear the standard answer about away dates and “tete-a-tete,” but the young lady surprised everyone. Chetraru admitted that she had been practicing black magic for a couple of years and, if everything did not go according to plan, she would simply cast a love spell on Salenko.

Despite loud statements, no one believed in the sincerity of sympathy. Household members were convinced that Lilia needed PR, not love, after she stated that before the project she dated exclusively wealthy men. So, her ex-boyfriend gave her an apartment and a car, and fans who periodically appeared on the horizon, among whom, according to rumors, was even Black Star Mafia member Misha Marvin, constantly showered her with gifts.

Lilia Chetraru and Sergei Zakharyash

The skeptical team still left the brunette in the clearing. For a couple of weeks, the girl really looked after Zakhar and at the time of her and Maya’s quarrel she even went with him to the petting zoo. True, Cetraru did not want to be a backup option. Realizing that Salenko would not leave Dontsova, the young lady turned her attention to Sergei Zakharyash, who at that moment had just broken up with Yulia Efremenkova and was planning to fly to the Seychelles to see Lisa Polygalova.

Lilia took advantage of the situation, and intimacy occurred between her and Sergei. Cetraru naively believed that after intimacy the young man would declare them a couple, but this did not happen. Zakharyash openly stated that he slept with Lilia under the influence of alcoholic beverages and the desire to fly to the island did not disappear. True, the organizers considered that it would be more promising for the show to leave the popular guy in the clearing.

Lilia Chetraru and Sergei Zakharyash

Without thinking twice, Sergei began to court Leroy Frost. At this moment Lilya also became active. The girl announced to Zakharyash about her possible pregnancy. For a couple of days, the participants and presenters tried to understand the situation. In the end, it turned out that the pregnancy was fictitious. This information randomly surfaced during Sasha Artemova’s live Internet broadcast on the Periscope application.

A real war broke out between Cetraru and Frost for the heart of a man. In order to escalate the situation to the limit, the producers of “House-2” sent Lilia, Lera, and Sergei to Love Island. There Zakharyash, feeling his impunity, went on dates with one during the day, and spent the night with the second. Frost was not happy that her boyfriend was paying attention to a girl who was trying to destroy their couple.

Liliya Chetraru in the show “Dom-2”

The young people argued all day long. After another quarrel, Sergei, taking her to his chest, slept with Lilia. This incident put an end to their relationship with Lera. The victorious Chetraru, in order to consolidate her position, arranged dates for Zakharyash every evening. At one of them, a lively person made a marriage proposal to the chosen one, to which Sergei agreed.

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Personal life

Upon returning to the clearing, the idyll that had reigned in the relationship evaporated. True, this time Lilia was the culprit of the constantly arising scandals. The girl kept making claims to Sergei. It is worth noting that Chetrara’s dissatisfaction was not caused by Zakharyash’s correspondence with other women and not by his impartial statements towards her, but by the fact that he did not accept and did not understand Lilia’s dependence on plastic surgery. According to the man, after Cetraru had her breasts enlarged and had rhinoplasty, it was as if she had been replaced.

Lilia Chetraru and Sergei Zakharyash

More and more often, the topic of lack of intimacy in a couple was discussed. The participants did not understand why Lilia, who had won Zakharyash with the help of carnal pleasures, suddenly became frigid. The young lady was not interested in anything except her appearance. Tired of knocking on a closed door, the man increasingly disappeared on social networks. In communicating with the ladies, Zakharyash found the ease that he lacked in his relationship with Lilya.

In May 2022, twin sisters Aida and Saida Babayev came to the project. Aida expressed sympathy for Alexei Kupin, and Saida for Sergei Zakharyash. It is worth noting that this arrival was not spontaneous. The girl provided Ksenia Borodina with correspondence in which Seryozha called her to Dom-2 and said that he had a normal project story with Chetraru.

The brunette decided to repay the young man with small change. In June 2022, the news spread across the Internet that former TV show participant Gleb Zhemchugov had fallen in love with Lilya Chetrara. For a couple of months, Strawberry attacked the charming brunette’s social networks: he commented on her photos on Instagram, left entries on microblogs, and periodically wrote to the young lady in Direct. The musician also published a post on his VKontakte page in which he called Lilya a “bomb woman.”

Gleb Zhemchugov and Liliya Chetraru

The producers invited the unfortunate gentleman to the talk show “Dom-2 - Debriefing” to find out what really connects the girl in a relationship with the divorced 29-year-old rapper. As it turned out, Gleb and Lilya corresponded for a long time. According to both, there was nothing reprehensible about it. After this incident, a serious conversation took place between Seryozha and Lilia. The young man said that he would no longer communicate on social networks with the opposite sex, and Chetrara, in turn, was blocked by Zhemchugova.

Lilia Cetraru in a swimsuit

It seemed that the young people had resolved all the issues, but in August of this year, something happened that the brunette was so afraid of. Her longtime friend Arina Ramazanova came to the studio of the show “Dom-2 - Debriefing”. Arina stated that she came to the program to tell the country who Lilia Cetraru is. The young lady began the story with the fact that her ex-girlfriend does not and has never had a car or living space. Until Lilia left for the project, they rented an apartment together on Paveletskaya and worked as strippers in a club.

Lilia Chetraru and Arina Ramazanova

Arina also mentioned that Chetraru’s ex-boyfriend was married and, in addition to her, was in a relationship with a couple of other people. This circumstance became the reason for their breakup. Moreover, according to Ramzanova, Lilia could not part beautifully: she literally tracked down the passion of her young man and repeatedly started fights with them in public places. As a result, Lilia had a nervous breakdown and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Upon returning from the medical institution, they together came up with a legend, with which Chetraru went to the television production.

Lilia Cetraru in 2017

Returning to the clearing, Lily fainted and seriously frightened the participants, who thought that the girl was having an epileptic attack. The next day, Zakharyash, to the surprise of many, announced that he was ready to give Lilia another chance and start over from scratch. However, they failed to do this. The organizers decided to test the relationship between Sergei and Lilia through distance and sent Chetrara to Love Island, and left Zakharyash in Moscow.

External transformation

A fragile, small brunette, with a refined figure, thick hair, a narrow waist, large breasts, and a memorable appearance, is an example for many women, an ideal for men. Young age is not a reason to refuse bright makeup that complements a sexy image and glamorous style. Another aspect of the tireless interest in the participant is the plastic surgery performed.

Not so long ago on social media. Photos of her lips before and after all the transformations were posted on the networks, in which it is very difficult to recognize her. Large, plump lips are the main thing that catches and is noticeable to the naked eye. The lip augmentation procedure created a sexy style, but their further deformation led to critical comments from TV fans, admirers, and colleagues. After all, plastikiona had good proportions.

Lilya underwent at least 2 rhinoplasty and other procedures to change the shape of her nose. Of these, the first one was performed incorrectly, and it became difficult for her to breathe. The second brought the desired result, both externally and in health. The photo taken by the star was immediately posted on a social network. The face before and after plastic surgery differ significantly; the nose has become thinner, neater, smaller, and more refined.

Mammoplasty is performed to increase breast volume. Today, mammoplasty is not surprising; any woman who is dissatisfied with her bust can have it done by surgeons tested by the stars of the TV project. Lilya increased her bust gradually. Her breasts before and after mammoplasty are significantly different. After the next surgical intervention, the girl began to be called sex - a symbol of the project, capable of conquering any man with her chic appearance; before plastic surgery, she did not feel comfortable. Let us remind you that she is not the only participant in the show who went to the surgeons on a television project. This gives viewers the opportunity to observe the adaptation period, the work of experienced surgeons, and their state of health.

According to numerous fans, before the intervention in her appearance, Lilya looked ordinary, not impressive, now her data is almost perfect. Before and after plastic surgery, she did not suffer from a lack of compliments, she is always in the center of all events even now.

To critical remarks and conversations, the ambitious lady responds proudly that she has every right to do with her body and appearance as she wants. Before and after the operation, the difference is visible, which makes the luxurious lady more self-confident, while intimate plastic surgery was performed. However, doctors do not recommend resorting to them unless there is an urgent need, at an early age. If you do not need to change the shape of your nose, for health reasons, breast volume, aesthetic norms and rules, it is not recommended to allow this action; any anesthesia carries harm that can be eliminated before surgery.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

First and second rhinoplasty

The first thing the girl decided on was rhinoplasty. According to Lilia, she had a big nose. The surgeon who performed the operation made a mistake, and the anesthesia did not work on the girl. The oxygen mask was put on only after a while. Because of what happened, a plaque formed on the patient’s tonsils, making it difficult to drink and eat. All this led to difficulty breathing, which prompted Lilia to have a second operation. Estimated expenses - 120 thousand rubles.

The ex-participant decided to undergo revision rhinoplasty in late spring 2017. Despite the successful outcome, the girl was forced to walk in a cast for several weeks; the recovery period took about six months. This time, the TV show star had to pay a tidy sum for a miniature nose - 250 thousand rubles. A perfectly made nose, according to Lily herself, raised the girl’s rating on social networks.


Breast enlargement is not uncommon today. People take this step to become more confident and beautiful. Lilia Cetraru is no exception. Her desire was to increase her neat breasts by two sizes. The operation was performed by the same plastic surgeon who performed the corrective rhinoplasty. The mammoplasty was successful, and pictures of the transformed Lilia immediately appeared on the Internet. The cost of the operation, including implants, is not exactly known (according to rumors, it ranges from 250 to 400 thousand rubles).

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