Natasha Koroleva. Hot photos, before and after plastic surgery, biography, personal life

Natasha Koroleva is a star of Russian show business, comedian, TV presenter and successful businesswoman, famous not only for her hits and very attractive appearance, but also for her two bright marriages.

The dark-haired Ukrainian, known for her “Yellow Tulips”, “Confetti” and “Small Country”, has been shining on stage for more than 25 years in bright, sexy stage images, has successfully acted in films and loves to shock the public with her candid photographs, openly demonstrating the beautiful , naked body, together with a handsome husband.

Brief biography and personal life

Natasha Koroleva (photos of the hot singer are given below in the article) was born in the last days of September 1973 in the Ukrainian capital in the family of the head of an academic theater and choir conductor. Natasha Poryvay began her creative journey at the age of 3, joining the Bolshoi Theater children's choir and performing the song “Cruiser Aurora”. From the age of 7, the girl began learning to play the piano, and from the age of 12 she became a regular participant in all school concerts and matinees.

At the age of 14, Natasha, as part of Mirage, took part in the Golden Tuning Fork, designed to find new young talents, and then, at the suggestion of Alexander Sparinsky, she became part of the creative team of the musical In the Country of Children, written especially for her. A few months later, the girl made her debut on television in the “Wider Circle” project, and then Natasha was invited to participate in “Kyiv Beauty” as a TV presenter. The talented girl did not want to stay on television and saw herself only as a singer. At first, Natasha showed her songs to Marta Mogilevskaya, and then made several attempts to enter the circus school.

The girl’s intense busyness initially became an obstacle to Natasha’s enrollment, but the persistent future singer was able to convince the admissions committee and a few years later became a graduate of the “Pop Vocal” department. Since 1988, the girl successfully toured the territory of the former USSR, and as part of the rock opera “Child of the World” she even visited the USA, where Natasha was offered to stay to study, but the girl refused, because she firmly decided to become one of the students of Igor Nikolaev, whose songs have already thundered throughout the country.

Having overtaken 2 other contenders, Natasha became Nikolaev’s ward, receiving several hits from him, one of which was “Yellow Tulips”, which gave the name to the album of the same name. The popularity of the hit was so enormous that Natasha was among the finalists for “Song of the Year” and was literally inundated with armfuls of the now famous flowers. In 1992, together with her teacher, Natasha recorded “Dolphin and the Mermaid,” and 2 years later it was the turn of “Fan,” which became her first solo album, with which the girl went on tour throughout the CIS and foreign countries.

The new album “Confetti” was released in 1995, presenting the legendary “Little Country” and “Is It Really Me” to the public. In addition to her vocal abilities, the singer also proved herself as a lyricist, writing lyrics to several of her hits, and in 1997, the star’s first world tour took place, on which she performed her already well-known and new hits, including “ Diamonds of tears." Since 2001, tragic and lyrical shades have appeared in the singer’s light and cheerful compositions, caused by the divorce of Natasha and Nikolaev. In the same year, the singer performed “Heart” and “Shards of the Past”, which became a reflection of her life situation.

In 2003, the singer successfully graduated from GITIS and presented a new composition, “Believe it or not,” together with stripper Sergei Glushko, who became the artist’s second husband. 3 years later, Natasha performed “Heaven Is Where You Are,” and then practically disappeared from the stage, going to New York, where she entered the American Academy of Editing, deciding to try herself in a new role as a videographer. After graduating from university, the Queen released the song “Standed and Cried,” which presented the singer in a completely new role for her, and then performed “Magic L,” thus celebrating the 25th anniversary of her creative career.

In 2017, Natasha tried her luck as a producer of the provocative girl group “PopaBand”, and then released new hits, delighting fans with “In the fall under your feet on the sole”, “If we are with you” and “My Santa Claus”. In 2018, the Queen celebrated her 45th birthday by performing “Yagodka,” her new show program, where, in addition to her husband, she introduced her grown-up son Arkhip to the public. In addition to her singing career, the Queen was quite active in films. Natasha’s debut work was “Old songs about the main thing”, and then the singer became part of the creative team of “Beauty Salon”, “Women’s Happiness” and “FM”.

The aspiring comedienne played the bright main role for “A Witch’s Recipe,” creating a bright duet with Alexander Lazarev Jr. and Tatyana Vasilyeva.

From 2006 to 2017, the girl appeared in several films, becoming part of the team:

  • "Grandfathers of my dreams";
  • "Sleuths 4";
  • "Three on top";
  • "Happy together";
  • "Holiday of disobedience";
  • “The house is for rent with all the inconveniences.”

The actress does best in bright comedic roles that make the audience laugh carefree. In 2008, the Queen launched her own line of jewelry, “Mothers and Daughters,” and then became the owner of 2 beauty salons.

Deciding to try herself as a TV presenter in 2010, the singer launched her own TV project, “Queen of Prime,” and then the culinary TV show “Time for Lunch.” The singer was married twice. Her first husband was singer, producer and lyricist Igor Nikolaev, with whom Natasha signed in 1991, after working on joint projects.

Natasha Koroleva. Photo with her first husband Igor Nikolaev.

The couple lived together for about 10 years, and then separated due to Nikolaev’s constant infidelities. After the separation, Natasha did not communicate with her ex-husband for more than 8 years, but, according to the singer, there was no negativity between them. Moreover, she established warm and friendly relations with the singer’s new wife, Yulia Proskuryakova. A year after the singer’s first divorce, she married Sergei Glushko, better known as the stripper Tarzan, with whom she gave birth to a son, Arkhip. A love affair that began quite unexpectedly grew into strong feelings and life together.

Today, the artists have been together for more than 15 years and they are connected not only by family life, but also by common work.

Personal life

Igor Nikolaev and Natasha Koroleva experienced feelings of love while working on the “Dolphin and Mermaid” program. The girl caught every word of the musician with her mouth open. Natalia was brought up in strictness and therefore, before the relationship went too far, they officially got married.

The marriage process took place right at Nikolaev’s house, so as not to advertise their relationship. But the marriage turned out to be unhappy due to Igor’s infidelities, and the Queen, after 10 years of marriage, left him in 2009. The former spouses did not communicate for 8 years. But now they have friendly relations.

Natasha completely threw herself into work. For one performance, she needed stripper dancers and she invited a whole team. Natalya had to discuss the details of payment with the handsome Tarzan, for whom she immediately experienced passionate feelings.

However, Sergei, who also went through a divorce, did not want a serious relationship and happily plunged into romance with Natasha Koroleva.

Surprisingly, on the very first night, the Queen became pregnant. Sergei was happy and Arkhip was born in 2002. In 2003, Glushko and Koroleva organized a real and noisy wedding, with a ship, pigeons, and a bridal bouquet.

Figure parameters and appearance

Natasha Koroleva (hot photos of the comedienne first appeared in Playboy magazine) is a petite, dark-haired singer, known no less for her colorful videos and comedic roles than for her outstanding Ukrainian accent and very deep cleavage.

Figure parameters:

Height160 cm
Weight55 kg
Bust volume3
Bust volume90C
Clothing size44-46
Shoe size38
Hair colorDark chestnut
Eye colorBrown
Appearance typeEuropean

How the star has changed over time

Natasha Koroleva (hot photos of the singer and her husband were stolen from the star’s phone in 2015 and became public knowledge) is an incredibly popular singer of the 90s who released more than 13 bright videos with which she toured throughout the country. The image of the young artist was no less frank, decorated with blue eye shadow, purple lipstick, plenty of blush and voluminous bouffants or ponytails, created according to the fashion of the end of the last century.

The bright colors and voluminous hairstyles were complemented by short outfits decorated with sparkles, bows and ruffles, creating the image of yesterday’s schoolgirl.

In the early 00s, Natasha not only blew up the musical Olympus with her hit “A Little Bit Doesn’t Count,” but also completely changed her style, turning from a teenager who loved provocation into an elegant woman with light curls and more discreet makeup. Unfortunately, the short-lived transformation of the star was rather an exception, and in subsequent years, the star participating in various television shows shone with an abundance of self-tanning, a huge number of ultra-short outfits decorated with feathers and glitter, as well as incredibly intricate hairstyles.

In 2012, the singer changed her image again, transforming herself into the host of a cooking TV show with natural hair, short bangs and lots of makeup, which added a few extra years to the Queen. Since 2016, the Queen begins to follow fashion, and opts for natural, neat makeup, emphasized by dark eyebrows, brown eye shadow, shading dark gray eyes, moderate contouring and nude lipstick. For the love of outrageousness, only high bouffants remained, as if they came from the 90s of the last century.


Natasha Koroleva (photos of hot stars and her husband can be found on her Instagram page), having reached her 45th birthday, openly admitted her desire to undergo plastic surgery. The star has always had great sympathy for aesthetic medicine, but until a certain age she tried to refrain from such intervention. Now, according to the singer, the moment has come when plastic surgery has become simply necessary for her to continue her stage career. According to Koroleva, she is a public figure, so she simply cannot look bad, and it is stupid to hope that at 50 she will look as if she is still 20.

The actress said that she will undoubtedly go under the surgeon’s knife, since hyaluronic acid and Botox are no longer able to cope with the task assigned to them. In 2017, the actress’s updated face appeared online, undoubtedly the result of her passion for Botox injections. Fans also noted that the singer’s lips acquired unusual plumpness, which was the result of the use of fillers with hyaluronic acid. The singer herself notes that as she approached 50, she reconsidered her beauty hobbies and chose a new course.

According to Natasha, her body overcame the midlife crisis and began to look for new resources, and she herself followed him and finally decided on new, sometimes even crazy, beauty solutions. In 2018, the actress decided to undergo plastic surgery, but it was not her face that was corrected, but her buttocks. The singer inserted implants into them and acquired an incredibly voluminous butt. The singer laughed and told fans about her operation, noting that what was most happy about her operation was her husband, whose dream came true, since his wife acquired a huge black butt.

History of appearance

Was there plastic surgery?

On her anniversary, Natasha spoke about her view on plastic surgery. She admitted that she has a positive attitude towards them and is sure that the moment will come when she will begin to collaborate with plastic surgeons.

This will have to be done, because the Queen is a public star, an example for many, and simply cannot look bad. “...Therefore, without a drop of doubt, I will go under the knife...” says Natasha. Moreover, according to the singer before and after, it is stupid to deny the fact that you are already fifty, and you look like candy. She's not going to hide her changes in appearance if she has to.

Natalya shared that after 45, a woman overcomes a midlife crisis and life immediately becomes easier. The body begins to look for new resources and rebuilds itself to another level. Life is playing with colors again. At 45, the star felt like she was 30.

The Queen gave advice to 30-year-old girls to enjoy life and not deny themselves anything. Then an age will come when questions will arise: “Why didn’t I do this? Why didn’t you take the risk?” You should allow yourself a lot, even crazy things, if you want.

In October 2022, a photo appeared on Instagram showing Natasha Koroleva with Alla Dovlatova. It aroused interest among subscribers because the Queen was completely different from herself. A month ago everything was normal, but now there is a beauty transformation.

Some suggested that the star had overdone it with beauty injections, while others hoped that her appearance had changed due to age-related changes.

Recently there were rumors that Natalya had changed her appearance and her lips had become unnaturally plump. But we settled on the fact that these are the consequences of injections with hyaluronic acid.


The star prefers not to weigh herself often and does not like to count calories. She likes to live the way she wants. If you have gained weight, then sweets, buns, etc. are removed from the diet. During the season, the singer actively leans on fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Natalya gave up dairy products, sausages, and sausages. The red one eats poultry and fish, but rarely.

Not only Natasha’s cosmetologist helps to take care of her figure and skin, but also her husband Sergei Glushko. They discuss issues about nutrition and sports together. The Queen mentioned that she has a special diet with which she quickly loses extra pounds.


As for sporting achievements, the Queen is sure that money is not needed to achieve any achievements. You can exercise at home, for example, do squats in the morning, starting with 20 and gradually increase the number to 100. In the summer, it is useful to ride a bike or run near the house.


Natasha advises not to hope that we will be happy, active and healthy all the time. And as soon as the first bells of illness rang, go and have your body diagnosed.


The Queen has always been proud of her curvaceous figure. But, apparently, lately her impressive breasts and butt have become unsatisfactory and she decided to make them even more beautiful. The singer took this step to become even sexier for the audience and her beloved husband. The star openly talks about this: “...This is plastic surgery, don’t you know?! I had buttock surgery... Everyone corrects their breasts, but I... My husband’s dream has come true! Finally, my wife has a black woman...! – the Queen laughs.

Appearance after plastic surgery

The plastic surgery that Natasha Koroleva has decided on so far is correcting the shape of her teeth and butt. The singer naturally has ugly teeth and had to use veneers to correct her smile. The actress also plans to undergo a facelift to combat age-related changes.

In addition to her own decision, she is also influenced by the opinion of her husband, who does not want his wife to turn into an aunt and is incredibly happy to see his wife’s renewed butt.

Cosmetology procedures

Natasha Koroleva tries to visit a cosmetologist at least 2 times a month, but prefers to carry out anti-aging procedures only in the autumn-winter period.

In the summer season, the singer’s professional care is limited to light massages and cleaning, but during the cold season the following is required:

  • peeling;
  • whitening and diamond resurfacing of the face;
  • ampoule hair care;
  • mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

Recently, the usual care of the actress was supplemented with the procedure of bloodletting, known since the Middle Ages. During the session, several incisions were made on the actress’s skin, onto which medical cups were installed to facilitate blood suction. According to the singer, she carried out blood renewal twice and contributed to weight loss and a surge of additional energy. Natasha was encouraged to decide on the procedure by her husband.

In her interviews, the actress admits that she doesn’t like going to a cosmetologist at all, even though she herself is the owner of 2 beauty salons, but it is professional care that allows her to delay the moment of plastic surgery. The singer calls massage her favorite procedure, and treats mesotherapy with hostility, but notes its effectiveness, which requires enduring unpleasant injections.

Beauty secrets

In addition to salon care, many years ago the singer chose natural cosmetics for herself, but she tries not to get carried away with home procedures, noting that masks made from cucumbers and berries can only support the skin, but only injections can restore it and prolong youth.

Facial care

Every day, the actress wipes her face with ice cubes made from frozen chamomile infusion, and then applies serum or nourishing cream to her skin. In the summer, Natasha does not allow herself to leave the house without sunscreen, as well as a bottle of water, which helps moisturize the tissues from the inside. In recent years, the singer has tried not to use a lot of cosmetics, applying makeup only before going on stage. Natasha notes that it is easier to see her without makeup on her face than with it.

The singer is very glad that at 47 years old she can still afford to walk without makeup, and when going out she prefers to use light, fluid textures of foundation.

Hair care

Natasha Koroleva never dyes her hair and is very proud that her dark brown curls have a completely natural shade. To take care of her hair, the singer uses sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, and every fall she always takes several courses of ampoule restoration for sun-dried hair.


Natasha Koroleva is Ukrainian by nationality and simply loves to eat delicious food, but with age she had to give up her favorite habits. After 40 years, according to the singer, her metabolism weakened and in order not to “go crazy”, she had to completely reconsider her diet. In addition, the issue of excess weight became acute 17 years ago, after the birth of her son Arkhip, after which the singer had to sharply reduce her diet. After 40 years, the singer completely abandoned any dairy products, sausages and sausages. In the summer, Natasha prefers to eat as many different vegetables and fruits as possible, as well as chicken and fish.

The Queen is very fond of quinoa seeds and green tea.

To get back in shape, the singer has several strict diets that allow her to lose up to 15 kg in a short period of time:

  1. The singer's starvation diet consists of a 3-day fast. Once a month, the singer completely refuses food for 3 days, allowing herself to drink only liquids. On the days following fasting, the singer’s diet is limited to boiled vegetables, steamed meat and water.
  2. Salt-free diet. Allows you to lose from 3 to 5 kg by completely eliminating salt from your diet. You should eat small portions every 2-3 hours, and your diet should consist of fresh and boiled vegetables, lean meat and fish.

Despite the complete refusal of flour and sweet foods, the singer, like a true resident of Ukraine, simply adores dumplings, which she can never refuse. Natasha has to work out her gastronomic weaknesses in the gym, because next to a man like Tarzan there should only be a beautiful, fit woman with a luxurious figure.


Natasha regularly visits the gym, working out with her husband. Using his own method, the singer does squats every day, and also runs and rides a bike in the morning.

Every day the singer squats at least 100 times, which helps pump up her butt and remove excess fat on her sides.

Natasha Koroleva: After 30, I began to think about a visit to a cosmetologist

The ruler of the Little Country, Natasha Koroleva, always looks impeccable. Her every appearance on stage is a holiday for the audience, and few of them realize that in ordinary life she is truly a ruler, and her country is two beauty salons.

Natasha Koroleva

Your first salon opened almost three years ago, and your second one just recently. How did the idea of ​​a beauty salon come about?

I never thought that someday I would become the owner of a beauty salon! I had a premises that consistently brought me profit. And then there was a crisis throughout the country, everything collapsed overnight, and I stopped making any profit from it. It was necessary to decide: either to lock it in anticipation of better times, or to open your own business in it. I dreamed of opening a children's center, but there was not enough space. Grocery stores, cafes and restaurants are not my thing at all. After some marketing, I settled on the salon.

Logical! You are probably in this industry like a duck to water!

It also seemed to me that it was all very simple and familiar. But when we started, there were so many pitfalls... It just seems that you invited good craftsmen and everything will work. I had to select a team, look for a manager, purchase equipment and drugs. I’m putting my name behind it. When a salon with a name opens, people go there with certain expectations, you don’t want to disappoint people, clients should be satisfied.

Are they asking you to do a hairstyle a la Natasha Koroleva?

It happens that they bring some of my photographs. And since we are our own masters, we know who did this or that hairstyle for me, we make an appointment with a specific hairdresser.

Are there any idols whose image is most often asked to be repeated?

Very rarely, sometimes young girls come and want to get a haircut like some DJ's. Nowadays everything is very diverse, everyone wants to be individual and unique. Mostly people see themselves in a certain way. Women want repetition only in evening hairstyles.

But if you look at the people around you, trends can be seen. There really was a boom in long hair, and everyone rushed to get extensions. Now people have begun to take care of their hair. For various styles, they try to use natural-based products, and they prefer curlers to curling irons. Young people are asking to get their nails done with acrylic and to put on their hair. And those who are 30 and above already want to save theirs. Because they understand that theirs is much better.

Do you also dye your hair with natural dyes?

But I don't paint! This is my natural hair color and I'm very proud of it! Everyone is surprised, even stylists begin to look at the roots first, is it time to paint? And my entire hair care line is natural based. By the way, we buy all my products for salons.

I can assume that masks made from fresh berries and fruits are your story...

We only maintain skin condition with cucumbers and strawberries! And if we want to delay youth, then only injections.

But won't creams and visits to cosmetologists replace such an unpleasant procedure?

Mesotherapy is an unpleasant procedure, I agree. But it is much more effective than the most expensive creams. And it's better than plastic surgery. My cosmetologist always says: in order to delay the moment for plastic surgery, you will have to be patient and suffer. Yes, it’s painful and unpleasant, but you can’t live without it.

At what age should you start thinking about preserving your youth?

I believe that you should contact a cosmetologist depending on the situation. If you notice that you somehow don’t look very good, you need to take action. After all, lifestyle, genetic characteristics, and the general condition of the body matter.

I can say that until I was 30, like any normal girl, I didn’t bother myself with this. But I had no reason. Firstly, I always played sports, did not smoke, did not drink. It was only when I was 30 that I began to allow myself a glass of champagne or white wine. After I turned 30, I started thinking, maybe I should go to a cosmetologist?

What is your favorite procedure?

Massage. I love my body more and spend more time on it.

And the most unpleasant one?

Everything related to facial care. It's too painful for me! It even hurts me to correct my eyebrows...

How do you take care of yourself at home?

I freeze ice cubes. Mainly chamomile. I wipe my face with it in the morning. Immediately a tone and a good blush appear. I advise everyone to do this! Of course, I also use cream. Since I move often and there is different water everywhere, I moisturize my skin a little.

Do you often use decorative cosmetics in everyday life?

It's harder to see me with makeup than without it. I can afford it for now.

Many women believe that having plastic surgery is a matter of maiden honor. Do you agree that plastic surgery should happen in the lives of each of us?

Indeed, many girls are interested in altering their noses and breasts. Some people don’t like the hump, but they don’t understand that if they remove it, they will lose their individuality and become just like everyone else. Recently a girl comes and says: oh, I wish I had an upper lip, what would be better? And her lips are gorgeous! It's good that we convinced her.

We are all about women, and about them... And what do men love?

Spa manicure and spa pedicure. To be sure to make a scrub, then a cream... Men love to be pampered and cherished. Moreover, most often their age is from 30.

These are real men!?

Well, yes. Gay men are very creative and are not shy at all. They are ready for any transformation.

What procedures do your men prefer?

My son comes for a haircut, although he doesn’t like to do it: he wants to grow his hair long. My husband mostly comes to the solarium for massages, but quite rarely.

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Natasha Koroleva

After 30, I began to think about a visit to a cosmetologist

The ruler of the Little Country, Natasha Koroleva, always looks impeccable. Her every appearance on stage is a holiday for the audience, and few of them realize that in ordinary life she is truly a ruler, and her country is two beauty salons.


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Elena Chaikovskaya

I'm easy at 70

The legendary Russian coach never seriously thought about her appearance, but was only concerned with victories: her own and those of her students. A unique woman, a pillar of Russian figure skating, who raised Pakhomova and Gorshkov, Linychuk and Karponosov, Kotin, Butyrskaya, and now heads her own school “Tchaikovskaya’s Skate”, has earned universal respect and constant admiration.

Alexander Peskov

Before you cut, you need to think seven times

The famous parodist, who created many inimitable images of our pop divas, claims that one should take one’s appearance more than seriously, and should not try to correct it just for anyone.

Vladimir Soloviev

Smart women are never ugly

The author of several books and a popular TV and radio presenter have long been convinced that good people who live a rich, intellectual life always age beautifully, while lazy and bad people age ugly. And there are many examples of this.

Hot photos

Hot photographs of Natasha Koroleva appear with enviable consistency in scandalous chronicles, as well as in various erotic publications, such as the men's magazine Maxim or PlayBoy.

The shocking lover and famous “mermaid” of Russian show business is known not only for her talent, but also for her love for candid photo shoots:

  1. The singer conducted her first erotic shoot in 1997, posing for Playboy magazine in a leather jacket over her naked body and a police cap.
  2. In 2004, the singer posed in a satin black peignoir and lace lingerie for the Penguin publication.
  3. In 2007, the completely naked singer, covered only by flying white feathers, posed for Maxim. After watching the film, Natasha noted that no one here had ever undressed as openly as she did.

At 47 years old, the singer does not miss a single opportunity to pose in a revealing outfit or perform a revealing dance. Her chic figure, dressed in a skimpy negligee, is openly displayed by the singer on her Instagram page, where you can also find candid photographs of her husband, Sergei Glushko. Natasha notes that filming nude is not a problem for her at all; moreover, she can very easily talk to journalists about personal topics. Despite her overtly sexual image, the Queen notes that in intimate relationships she is a completely different woman, prone to conservative sexual views.

In 2015, the singer and her husband became part of a porn scandal caused by the theft of intimate photographs from their home collection. Hackers hacked the singer's smartphone and stole very racy photos, and then posted the stolen data online. The footage accidentally caught the eye of St. Petersburg government deputy V. Mironov, who declared that the actress, as a public person, had disgraced herself and demanded that the Queen be deprived of the status of People's Artist of Russia.

The Queen and her husband went to court, where they spoke about the theft, as well as the attempted blackmail to which the attackers subjected them.

The couple refused to pay for the non-disclosure of their private lives, and their photos were completely illegally published online. Fans also sided with the artist, noting that in their personal life everyone can do what they like. The court rejected Mironov's accusations, but Natasha herself could not recover from the scandal for a long time. The singer was especially concerned that her son, Arkhip, might accidentally find a pornographic video online.

Scandalous story

In 2015, an unpleasant thing happened to the Glushko-Koroleva family. Shocking photos and videos from the singer’s family archive have appeared on the Internet. Some said that hackers hacked Natasha's phone, others that the device itself was stolen.

Even the deputy of St. Petersburg decided in this regard to deprive the Queen of the title of Honored Artist for violating ethics. The singer herself insisted that this was the work of journalists to attract the attention of the public. And due to the fact that the photographic materials were stolen, she does not feel guilty. Fans expressed solidarity with Natasha, because everyone, without exception, should have a personal life.

It turned out that it was not just a matter of theft; they demanded a fabulous amount of money from the singer for this material. The family decided not to follow the blackmailers’ lead and the Internet was full of interesting photos. The court confirmed the theft, and the deputy apologized.

After such a story, Natasha experienced severe depression, which had to be treated. She is upset by the situation in which her son could stumble upon porn with his parents at any time. But,

The Queen has never hidden her age, her natural beauty and her attitude towards plastic surgery. With her talent and openness, she won the hearts of many people and today continues to keep herself in shape to the delight of her fans.

Achievements and interesting facts

Natasha Koroleva is a beautiful singer and holder of the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”, as well as a repeated participant in the “Song of the Year” and “Golden Gramophone” awards.

Known for her bright hits and videos, the singer is:

  • nominated for the Ovation Award;
  • 4-time winners of “Song of the Year”;
  • 2-time winner of the “Chanson of the Year” award;
  • winner of the “Stopudovy Hit” and “Best Duet of the Year” awards;
  • winner of the “Person of the Year” award 2011;
  • Knight of the Orders “For Faith and Goodness” and “For Professionalism and Business Reputation.”

Interesting facts about the singer:

  1. The singer’s real name is Rip, which she changed to a creative pseudonym on the advice of Igor Nikolaev.
  2. Her future husband dedicated her debut hit “Yellow Tulips” to her.
  3. The actress is completely frank with journalists and calmly talks about her personal life, as well as family relationships.
  4. At first, the singer’s mother had difficulty accepting the profession of her future son-in-law. Sergei’s dance, performed so professionally, helped convince her future mother-in-law that Lyudmila Poryvay finally believed that striptease is also an art.
  5. Natasha supported the participants of the Kyiv Euromaidan in every possible way, giving them food and medicine. The rebels also included the singer's brothers.
  6. In 2016, Koroleva was banned from visiting Ukraine for 2 years due to open support for extremists.
  7. Natasha is the owner of 2 beauty salons and her own line of jewelry.
  8. The role in the television project “My Fair Nanny” was written specifically for Natasha Koroleva, but the singer refused the project, which later glorified the unknown Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.
  9. Natasha's sister Irina is also a famous singer who performed successfully in the late 90s, but was subsequently forced to end her career due to personal tragedies. It is known that two of the singer’s children suffered from serious forms of hereditary pathologies and died in childhood. Only the third pregnancy ended in the birth of a healthy daughter.
  10. The Queen took part in Strictly Come Dancing and, together with her partner, was awarded bronze on the TV show.

  11. In her interviews, Natasha repeatedly talked about how, more than anything else in the world, as a child she dreamed of a white dress and veil. With her first husband, the painting took place at home, but the second time the singer separated and ordered herself a luxurious wedding dress.

Natasha Koroleva is a star of Russian show business known for her revealing outfits and shocking behavior on stage, periodically bordering on sexual provocation. The beautiful brunette has repeatedly won the “Song of the Year” award, successfully acted in films and, together with her husband, participated in a huge number of candid photo shoots, demonstrating not only love, but also the beautiful form of idols.

Natalia Koroleva now

Throughout his marriage to Tarzan, there are rumors of the man's infidelity. But the singer doesn’t seem to pay attention to the gossip. In the fall of 2020, a scandal broke out with the aspiring actress Anastasia Shulzhenko. There were rumors that the girl was expecting a child from her husband Koroleva. But later it turned out that the girl was not pregnant.

The singer does not comment on the situation. The woman began to experiment with her appearance. After the last plastic surgery, Natalya has changed a lot. She let her bangs go and dyed her hair dark. She posted a photo of 2022 on the social network in which the singer appeared to fans with a new hairstyle and bright makeup. Her eyebrows, eyes and cheekbones were emphasized. But fans reacted sharply to the changes in their favorite. They heatedly discussed her lips, which, in their opinion, began to look as if they had been bitten by bees, and the woman herself no longer looked like herself.

Loyal fans wrote to her that she is an example for everyone, the most beautiful, stylish and charming, and emphasize that it is difficult to determine how old the singer is.

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