Liquid threads - the elixir of youth? All about Aesthefill

Youth has only one drawback - it passes very quickly. However, you can stay at a wonderful age and preserve your beauty using the capabilities of modern cosmetology.

If you are one of the seekers of the elixir of eternal youth, remember one magic word Aesthefill - this is your key to youth. How do Aesthefill liquid threads work and what is their secret?

  • Aesthefill is an innovative combined filler for contouring with polylactic acid in its composition, it is produced by Rigen Biotech (South Korea).

Polylactic acid has long been widely used in medicine, which allows us to conclude that it is well compatible with the human body. Polylactic acid particles have the form of porous spherical microspheres. This structure promotes enhanced work of fibroplasts outside and inside the microspheres, so collagen synthesis is greatly enhanced. As a result, a stable collagen framework is formed in the tissues.

In what cases will AestheFill filler help?

  • For sagging skin of the face, neck, décolleté or arms (when changes are caused by a deficiency of subcutaneous fat).
  • With sagging skin and its low density, loss of volume.
  • For the correction of pronounced nasolabial and premaxillary folds, sunken temporal zones.
  • To correct the shape of the chin, lips or cheekbones.
  • For asymmetry of facial contours.

Collagen reinforcement inhibits the aging process, the effect of the procedure is visible immediately. And if you correctly combine Aesthefill with laser and thread cosmetology methods, you will get an impressive skin lifting effect. The product is well suited for replenishing volumes lost with age, and for improving all skin properties, and for correcting facial features.


  • allergic reaction to the substances in the composition;
  • all trimesters of pregnancy, lactation period;
  • cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • oncological diseases;
  • viral or chronic diseases in acute form;
  • diabetes.

Liquid biothreads eliminate the deepest and most invisible facial wrinkles, double chin, and sagging skin. This lifting method is combined with other cosmetic procedures, for example, increasing or correcting the volume and shape of the lips.

At the VrnCOSMO medical cosmetology clinic in Voronezh, you can perform reinforcement with liquid threads at a flexible price. Our certified specialists will help solve even complex aesthetic problems in effective and gentle ways.

Look at the external changes of our clients and evaluate the difference in the Before and After section.

Other advantages of Aesthefill

  • One bottle is enough for a large treatment area (face + neck + décolleté).
  • The drug is administered by cannula, therefore with minimal trauma.
  • Prolonged results that can last up to two years.
  • Additionally, you get the effect of tissue revitalization, since the composition includes polylactic acid, which stimulates collagen production.

The effect of the drug is most clearly manifested after 1.5 months. Immediately after the procedure, all clients note a significant rejuvenation effect. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out, the volume and density of the skin in the correction areas are restored. After some time, a noticeable narrowing of the pores is observed, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic, and a healthy complexion returns.

Rejuvenation with Aesthefill threads is a real elixir of youth. The procedure is indicated for almost any age and always gives excellent results.

Liquid threads: what is it and why are they used?

Executing the procedure

Before starting the manipulation, the cosmetologist draws up a scheme for introducing liquid threads and calculates the dosage of the drug.
Next, the patient’s skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities and treated with an antiseptic solution. This is necessary in order to prevent tissue infection and ensure rapid recovery after the procedure.

To administer and distribute the compounds, the doctor uses a cannula - a flexible needle with a special tip. A small amount of gel is injected per injection - approximately 0.1-0.2 ml. The duration of the event is no more than 30 minutes. Injection marks are small and heal within 1-2 days. Complete skin restoration occurs within 5-7 days.

The first positive results are visible after 10-14 days - this is when the process of formation of fibrous tissue begins, and the drugs begin to be eliminated from the body.

In some cases, a course of therapy may be required. The duration of the course is determined by the cosmetologist, based on the condition of the patient’s skin and the severity of the aging process.

What results can you achieve?

The effectiveness of liquid threads is based on their ability to stimulate natural tissue regeneration processes. After introducing the drugs under the skin, the production of collagen and elastin is activated, new tissue is formed, which leads to the elimination of sagging and sagging skin, improving the contours of the face, neck, arms, abdomen and even buttocks.

According to patient reviews, drugs of this type are effective in obtaining the following results:

  • Elimination of nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds.
  • Restoring the shape of the chin.
  • Tightening of jowls, eliminating sagging skin.
  • Improving facial contours, obtaining pronounced cheekbones.

It is worth noting that the duration of the results depends on which tightening product was used. It is also necessary to mention that the final effect of treatment is noticeable only after 10-14 days. After introducing the threads under the skin, the process of tissue regeneration begins, but it does not occur immediately. It takes time to form new connective tissue and restore skin turgor.

Recommendations after a facelift

Following simple rules will help you preserve the results of rejuvenation for a longer period:

  1. During the recovery period, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. For a month after the manipulation, do not visit the bathhouse or sauna.
  3. For the first 3-4 weeks, do not peel or use scrubs.
  4. Review your diet, eliminate fried and salty foods, eat more vegetables and fruits.
  5. Maintain drinking regime.
  6. Use carefully selected skincare products. It is best if a cosmetologist selects cosmetics for you.

By following these recommendations, you can achieve maximum results from a liquid thread lift. If you still have questions about the procedure and its features, the doctors of our Cosmos cosmetology are always ready to answer them.

Comparison with other types of mesothreads

Liquid threads differ not only in shape, composition, but also in the method of implantation. Unlike absorbable and non-absorbable materials, it is performed by injection, without damaging the subcutaneous layers with the fibers of the threads.

Effects at the chemical level can improve the overall condition of the skin, refresh color, and moisturize. The cost of rejuvenation also differs; the procedure is much cheaper than classic thread lifting. Requires a course, a pronounced effect is observed after 2 weeks.

Non-absorbable threads - gold, silicone are used to restore the oval line with pronounced age-related changes and severe ptosis. Synthetic fibers do not cause rejection and provide reliable fixation. Performed exclusively by a plastic surgeon, the rejuvenation result lasts up to 7 years.

Mesothreads - provide minimal trauma to the integument, thanks to the use of conductive needles with diamond sharpening. The material breaks down over several months into carbon dioxide and water, during which time a dense collagen framework is formed. Recommended for correction and prevention of age-related changes.

Effect of the liquid biothread procedure

The first result after liquid threads is visible immediately after the procedure. The maximum effect will occur in 16-20 days and will last for at least 8-10 months.

Liquid threads give a pronounced lifting effect in the middle and lower third of the face, as well as the chin area. The result of the course of the procedure will be a good lifting of the soft tissues of the treated areas, compaction and thickening of the skin, and reinforcement of the facial skin.

Jaws at the end of the course of procedures with liquid threads are practically not observed. The skin of the chin acquires good turgor and tone. The course consists of two procedures with a break of 30 days.

Contour plastic or bioreinforcement?

Contour plastic surgery and bioreinforcement are based on the same drugs, the only difference is in the technique of their administration. The action of contour plastic surgery is aimed at filling skin defects, furrows, depressions, and correcting the oval of the face, nose, and lips. The biomechanism of bioreinforcement is based on a special fan-shaped puncture technique, in the area of ​​which connective tissue components begin to be synthesized, thereby creating a natural frame. Due to this, comprehensive skin rejuvenation occurs.

Contour plastic surgery is suitable for younger girls; it is still advisable to resort to the bioreinforcement procedure at the age of 35, when metabolic processes and the natural synthesis of hyaluronic acid begin to decline.


Reviews from cosmetologists about the bioreinforcement technique leave no doubt about its effectiveness. This is an absolutely safe, low-traumatic method of face lifting and rejuvenation. It does not require a long recovery period, the effect lasts for a long time.

According to patient reviews, bioreinforcement is not only an excellent alternative to plastic surgery, but is even superior to it in many respects. After surgery, the skin, on the contrary, experiences stress, and aging processes may begin.


Prices for the procedure at Deltaclinic are affordable and correspond to the level of training of specialists, equipment and equipment of the clinic. You can find out how much the bioreinforcement procedure costs at an initial consultation with a cosmetologist, where they will create an individual injection course program for you and select the optimal drug.

The price formation will be influenced by the number of procedures required, as well as the method of bioreinforcement and the type of product used.

Where in Moscow is bioreinforcement of the face done?

At Deltaclinic you have access to the full range of cosmetology services. You can get acquainted with the rejuvenating procedures on our site. Bio-reinforcement is an excellent and effective way to combat aging skin.

Author: Michkina Victoria Ivanovna

Our services:

  • Botox
  • Botox on the forehead
  • Contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds

Possible side effects and consequences

Biogel for facial reinforcement consists of substances such as zinc, hyaluronic and lactic acid. These components have been tested and tested repeatedly for safety. The likelihood of complications after injection of fillers is minimized. In rare cases, patients experience adverse reactions due to an allergy to the gel preparation in the form of:

  • skin redness;
  • swelling;
  • itchy sensations;
  • pain syndrome.

In the first 3-5 days after bioreinforcement, such symptoms are normal. If swelling, redness and pain do not go away after a week, you should seek medical help.

Work examples

Our clinic is conveniently located for residents of Tushino, Strogino, Mitino, Myakinino, Nakhabino and Dedovsk.

Face lift price Circular face lift price Mesothreads for face lift price Face lift with mesothreads price Aptos threads price Aptos price Lifting price Face lifting price Face lift price Mesothreads price Mesothreads for lifting price Non-surgical face lift Thread face lifting Face lift with threads Krasnogorsk Mesothreads Krasnogorsk Threadlifting Krasnogorsk Threads Aptos Krasnogorsk Threads Aptos Pavshinskaya floodplain Thread lifting Nakhabino Thread lifting Krasnogorsk Thread lifting Pavshinskaya floodplain Non-surgical face lift Krasnogorsk thread face lifting thread lifting

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, cosmetologists share their experience of using liquid threads.

A user writes about using liquid threads to correct excess skin flap.

The participant writes about the need to check the quality certificates of the drugs used in order to reduce the risks of allergic reactions in patients.

In the review, the cosmetologist points out the unjustified use of Ellanse liquid threads at the age of 30.

Patient reviews

Women who managed to try the liquid thread lifting procedure shared their impressions of the procedure:

Review #1. Svetlana: “After 40, the oval of the face has noticeably changed. I was afraid to have surgery, so I decided to use non-surgical tightening techniques. At the appointment, the cosmetologist advised me to inject fillers under the skin to smooth out wrinkles and correct the oval of the face. I trusted a professional. I was pleasantly pleased with the result, although during the first days after the reinforcement the chin area hurt very badly. 2 months have passed and the effect is still the same.”

Review #2. Irina: “My mother showed early signs of aging on her face. The same illness affected me too. Already at the age of 28, there were deep wrinkles on the face and “crow’s feet” near the eyes. A cosmetologist friend advised me to try thread lifting. The lift was painless, and surprisingly, I went through the rehabilitation period successfully. Wrinkles smoothed out, the skin became more elastic. I plan to sign up for bioreinforcement again.”

Review #3. Natalya: “I decided to give my mother a gift and took her to a cosmetologist for a facelift. My mother has long been concerned about deep wrinkles and excessive pigmentation. We were very pleased with the result. The complexion has changed, and deep wrinkles have smoothed out. Mom was pleased."

Review #4.

Review No. 5.

Indications for use

Effective use for unexpressed age-related changes, as well as for the prevention of the formation of deep wrinkles and sagging. Pronounced lifting is observed when used from 30 to 40 years; after 45, it is recommended to combine it with injection and hardware procedures to achieve the desired results. A procedure is prescribed to accelerate the healing of the integument after botulinum therapy, laser resurfacing, or plastic surgery.


  • sagging, loss of elasticity;
  • imperfections, aesthetic defects of the skin;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • ptosis;
  • oval line offset;
  • nasolabial, eyebrow folds;
  • shaved;
  • pigmentation;
  • dry, sensitive skin;
  • oval line offset;
  • scars, scars.

As a result of reinforcement, it is possible to reduce the number of wrinkles, achieve a pronounced tightening, restore facial symmetry, and ensure a healthy, even skin tone.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The multi-component formula provides a comprehensive approach.
  • Painless implementation.
  • Fast recovery.
  • The risks of side effects are minimal.
  • Can be combined with other rejuvenation procedures.
  • Long lasting results.
  • The drug self-dissolves and is excreted on its own.
  • High price.
  • The effect is noticeable after a course of procedures.
  • During the procedure, the skin is damaged.

TREADLIFTING with polydioxanone threads

A non-surgical facelift can be performed in cosmetology in Krasnogorsk. Our medical center in Krasnogorsk performs high-quality facelifts using polydioxanone threads. These thin threads (no thicker than a human hair), made of self-absorbing biocompatible material, are inserted using a special needle and mechanically tighten the tissue. An additional rejuvenating effect is provided by blood flow, acceleration of metabolic and other processes in tissues caused by a foreign object.

Our clinic uses exclusively licensed products from proven, well-known manufacturers, which allows us to guarantee the highest quality of cosmetic procedures.

Recommendations before and after

2 weeks before the procedure you should stop taking anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory therapy. During the first visit, the doctor will announce a list of contraindications:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation;
  3. acute infectious processes;
  4. diseases of the hematopoietic system.

After the procedure, for the first three weeks you need to refrain from baths, solariums, do not massage your face, sleep only on your back and do not perform physical activity. You can get bioreinforcement done by a certified cosmetologist at the VOSK salon in Moscow. We do everything to make you happy with yourself and feel like a millionaire. Make an appointment with a specialist on the website and receive a 15% discount on your first visit.

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