Platinental is a complete set of remedies to get rid of bags, hernias and swelling under the eyes

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Unfortunately, the frames of our “mirrors” sometimes leave much to be desired, and swelling and bags under the eyes characterize us from the outside as individuals prone to excesses and abuses...

Do you want to restore freshness, youth to your eyes and gain an unsinkable reputational image? Platinental, Iskornev's laser cosmetology and plastic surgery clinic, presents a whole arsenal of procedures to get rid of bags under the eyes, up to surgical eyelid surgery, and our medical boutique offers remedies for bags under the eyes from leading cosmetic companies.

If the cause of swollen eyes is just swelling , then it is quite possible to remove bags under the eyes without surgery, using homemade compresses, specialized medications and procedures. Mesotherapy, drainage facial massage , professional eye masks , various patches and creams for bags under the eyes, which will make both wrinkles and bags under the eyes almost invisible, help with edematous hernias of the eyelids.

And one of the most effective ways to get rid of bags under the eyes is a full, healthy sleep on a low pillow or with a cushion under your neck. No less important tips for bags under the eyes are avoiding stressful situations and a balanced diet with a minimum of alcohol, spicy and salty foods, which cause fluid retention.

If dark circles appear under the eyes , according to the observations of cosmetologists, the formation of full-fledged eyelid hernias is not far off. As for hernial bags under the eyes (as a rule, they are manifested by accompanying wen on the skin and yellow or brown circles under the eyes, cholesterol deposits on the eyelids), then folk remedies for bags under the eyes are powerless in this case. The only truly effective recipe for bags under the eyes in the case of a hernia is blepharoplasty .

Causes of bags under the eyes and hernias of the eyelids

What causes bags under the eyes? For safety reasons, the eyeballs of every person are “covered” with adipose tissue - it is located in the form of tiny lumps under the eyes. Normally, they are practically invisible, but under certain circumstances they can turn into severe, unsightly eye hernias.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of hernias under the eyes. Unhealthy lifestyle: stress and overwork, alcohol and smoking, excessive salt intake, lack of sleep, excess ultraviolet radiation and, of course, age: over time, the tone of the circular muscles of the face decreases, and the skin of the eyelids, which is very thin, becomes less elastic and begins to sag. All these factors lead to the fact that subcutaneous fat irreversibly “floats”, and at the stage of formed hernias of the upper or lower eyelid, the only effective option is surgical plastic surgery of bags under the eyes.

Hernial bags under the eyes can be caused by using low-quality cosmetics or simply cosmetics not intended for the skin around the eyes. In this case, you shouldn’t wonder why there are bags under the eyes and where they came from with the “correct” daily care. Caring for the skin around the eyes , which is very delicate and thin, requires specialized products. Therefore, if bruises and bags under the eyes appear, as well as yellow or brown circles around the eyes, you must first contact a specialist who will find the real cause of the pathology and suggest ways to eliminate it.

Another answer to the question of why bags under the eyes appeared is the congenital anatomical features of the eye structure. This is the most common cause of hernias under the eyes. However, in this case, circles and bags under the eyes usually appear quite early - already by the age of 20-25.

The relationship between various types of human constitution and the shape of his eyelids is also known. For example, puffiness and bags under the eyes are more likely to form in people with a heavy build, but drooping heavy upper eyelids and bags over the eyes - on the contrary, in thin people.

The reason why bags under the eyes grow may also be diseases of the internal organs, and bags under the eyes in the morning indicate insufficient outflow of venous blood and lymph microcirculation during sleep, when the eyelids are motionless. Sometimes the eyes may swell when drinking too much at night or having too much salt in the diet.

For quite a long time, people who have obvious signs of a lower eyelid hernia mistake them for swelling caused by excess fluid in the body. But as a rule, it is quite easy to identify what exactly is expressed in a particular person - swelling under the eyes or a hernia. By the middle of the day, swelling most often goes away on its own; in extreme cases, removing such swelling and bags under the eyes with the help of cosmetic facial massage , folk remedies and professional cosmetics is not difficult. If the hernia is visible, the only answer to the question of how to remove bags under the eyes is laser blepharoplasty.

How to remove circles with fillers.

Eliminating dark circles under the eyes with filler is a type of contouring that follows a certain algorithm and has its own specifics.

The method is based on the principle of leveling the skin relief of the lower eyelid area , compensating for age-related changes.

Hyaluronic acid, which is the basis of the preparations for this correction, attracts water and thus saturates the area under the eyes, as if compensating for the loss of fatty bags.

The cost of the procedure directly depends on the cost of the drug. Usually the price starts from 15,000 rubles. If you are offered correction with fillers for contouring at a much lower price, this is a reason to ask a few questions:

  1. What drug will you be given and can it be used in this area?
  2. What technique will be used for correction - will you leave the cosmetologist with bruises under your eyes?
  3. Do the cosmetologist and the clinic have all the necessary licenses and certificates?

In any case, we advise you to consult with our specialists at least by phone - such consultations are free.

We select special fillers – not too dense and not too liquid. This helps to achieve a noticeable smoothing, brightening and toning effect without the so-called overcorrection. The presence of filler under the thin and delicate skin of the eyelids will not be noticeable to anyone - not even you. And as a memory of the procedure, only an expressive, clear, enchanting look will remain.

Duration of correction: 15-20 minutes.

Painful sensations: absent, we work not with a needle, but with a cannula!

Rehabilitation: none, thanks to the same cannula. There are no side bruises or swelling, after the procedure you can start living a full life. The only visual manifestation is the absence of dark circles!

How long does the result last: 12-16 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

The procedure takes 15 minutes - are you ready to spend 15 minutes to forget about the problem for at least six months?

Proper eye rejuvenation - why is it rare?

Careful and high-quality implementation of this procedure is only possible for competent cosmetologists who have undergone appropriate training and improved their skills.

Alas, others have already tried to attract clients with this service, thereby spoiling its reputation - patients left clinics with bruises and bruises under their eyes, disappointed in contour plastic surgery, and sometimes in cosmetology in general.

Levon Chakhoyan is a recognized expert in rejuvenation, conducts training master classes and hands-on training for other cosmetologists. Eye rejuvenation performed by him is a standard example of the procedure!

We guarantee the absence of any traces after injections of fillers for dark circles under the eyes, because:

  • We follow the author’s technique for administering the drug;
  • We do not use “universal” fillers, but special fillers designed to work specifically in the periorbital zone;
  • We work with a cannula - an atraumatic instrument, unlike a regular needle.

How do we perform injections for dark circles under the eyes?

For those who are terrified of pain, we offer superficial anesthesia. In 90% of cases, fillers already contain lidocaine, so additional application is required only for patients who are afraid of the injection itself.

The whole process takes no more than 10-15 minutes:

  • The eyelid and cheekbone are disinfected;
  • The sterile instrument and preparation are opened;
  • A puncture is made in the cheekbone area;
  • The cannula moves closer to the eyelid and distributes the drug “fan”;
  • The session ends with a light massage.

Having completed the procedure, we give the patient a mirror, and almost everyone is amazed: “Where are the dark circles? Where is the swelling? Where is at least the bleeding wound from the injection?” But they are not there!

The only thing you will notice after contouring is the absence of dark circles and nasolacrimal trench. And, as a result, global transformation and rejuvenation of the entire face. See all the work of our cosmetologists on removing circles in the lower eyelid area.

It must be expensive?

The most frequently asked question! How much do you value your beauty and youth?

The cost of rejuvenating the orbital area with fillers starts from 15,000 rubles. The volume of the drug administered depends on the severity of the problem. There are corrections for 20,000 rubles and 40,000 rubles.

The duration of the effect is 9-14 months. Divide the indicated amounts by 1 year, during which you will look several years younger. Acceptable?

What then? — we select personal care for you, perhaps prescribe a course of procedures that should help reduce the appearance of circles and bruises under the eyes after the drug resolves in a year.

Once again, please note that with the correct technique, you should not have any traces left after the procedure!

Photos "before and after"

SMAS face and neck lift, blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Done by Iskornev A.A.

Done by Melnikov D.V.

How to eliminate bags under the eyes

The question of how to deal with bags under your eyes should be answered by a specialist.

If, during a medical consultation, the doctor comes to the conclusion that you really have signs of a lower eyelid hernia, then treatment of bags under the eyes is possible, we repeat, only surgically. And in some cases, removing bags under the eyes is impossible without another plastic surgery: for example, tightening the skin of the forehead or eyebrows, if the shape of the eyelids is changed due to their drooping. And of course, if during a medical examination it becomes clear that the cause of the bags under the eyes lies in a disease, then, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease, and this is what will quickly reduce the bags under the eyes.

The operation, as the most effective remedy for bags under the eyes, is incredibly popular nowadays because of its speed and safety. Eliminating bags under the eyes attracts not only women, but also men. The unsurpassed advantage of blepharoplasty is that in one procedure it is possible to remove not only hernias, but also wrinkles around the eyes (the so-called “ crow’s feet ”), change the shape of the eyes , tighten the eyelids, perform laser shaving, correct the shape of the eyes , etc.

There are two main surgical methods to cure bags under the eyes:

1. Traditional suture surgery as a remedy for bags and circles under the eyes is performed through an incision along the edge of the lower eyelid. After three days, the doctor removes the stitches, and after a month the scar is no longer visible. Typically, this method of removing hernias under the eyes is used in patients who are not very young, when the skin has lost its elasticity with age.

2. If a hernia of the upper or lower eyelid is hereditary and manifests itself at an early age, then the method of seamless transconjunctival blepharoplasty is used, in which the removal of eye hernias is carried out through the conjunctiva. This is a way to quickly remove bags under the eyes: as a rule, after one or two weeks there are no longer any traces of medical intervention.

In both cases, plastic surgery of bags under the eyes and removal of a lower eyelid hernia is an operation that is masterfully performed by Platinental plastic surgeons to the highest quality standards under local anesthesia using modern laser technologies, lasts about 20 minutes and almost never produces complications. Surgery for bags on the eyelids is successfully combined with laser resurfacing of the eye skin, smoothing it, rejuvenating it and making it much more elastic.

Our clinic also provides a full arsenal of procedures for quick rehabilitation after blapharoplasty, including eye creams from the world's leading manufacturers for supportive care.

Swelling and bags under the eyes should not make your look tired and prevent you from enjoying youth, beauty, and well-deserved success.


If internal diseases are excluded, then we are talking about a cosmetic defect, which is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle and genetic predisposition. The most popular and effective treatments for dark circles under the eyes are as follows.

  1. Mesotherapy Preference is given to meso-cocktails containing ascorbic, phytic and kojic acids, and arbutin. A course of 6-10 procedures with an interval of 1 week.
  2. Bioreparation with vitamin C The combination of hyaluronic acid and vitamin C effectively moisturizes and brightens the skin around the eyes. A course of 2-4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks.
  3. Plasmolifting By restoring metabolic processes, normalizing tissue respiration, and improving microcirculation, local skin immunity is activated. A course of 4-6 procedures with an interval of 1 week.
  4. Biorevitalization The skin under the eyes reacts especially acutely to dehydration and often looks unaesthetic due to dryness, creating the effect of “tired eyes”. A course of 2-4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks.
  5. Contour plastic With closely spaced, “translucent” vessels, filler creates an additional layer between the skin and the underlying vessels, thereby making them less noticeable. Additionally, the effect of leveling the nasolacrimal groove is achieved.
  6. Laser peeling The essence of laser resurfacing is to remove the upper layers of the skin, its renewal and rejuvenation. A course of 2-5 procedures with an interval of 1 month.
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