Laser rejuvenation ResureFX on the M22 device

  • M22 laser in cosmetology: advantages of the device and available procedures
  • Description of the technique: no burns and long recovery
  • Indications for the procedure
  • Contraindications to the procedure
  • How does the procedure work?
  • Rehabilitation and expected results
  • Cost of laser rejuvenation ResureFX on the M22 device

At Dr. Kurenkov’s clinic, laser rejuvenation (fractional non-ablative photothermolysis) of the skin of the face and body is performed using an innovative M22 device from the Israeli manufacturer Lumenis, which is used in the best cosmetology centers in Moscow.

Unlike ablative resurfacing, the non-ablative rejuvenation procedure is less traumatic, since the stratum corneum of the epidermis remains intact. The treated area of ​​skin does not evaporate, but heats up, so postoperative care is not required.

ResurFX M22 is safe for facial skin, but at the same time guarantees results: it eliminates pigmentation, cleanses and tightens pores, smoothes the texture and gives a noticeable lifting effect.

M22 laser in cosmetology: advantages of the device and available procedures

M22 is a multi-module system that solves many aesthetic problems.

For fractional laser rejuvenation of the body, face, neck, eyelids and area around the eyes, one of the four attachments of the device is used - ResurFX.

Advantages for which we chose ResurFX:

  • patented CoolScan technology of inconsistent micro-beam exposure to the skin improves heat dissipation and reduces the likelihood of thermal tissue burns;
  • contact cooling of the skin after each outbreak makes the procedure painless for the patient;
  • the convenient shape of the nozzle does not block the view and helps the cosmetologist to work more accurately;
  • More than 600 scanning options allow you to adapt to any skin and make the procedure effective.

In addition to the ResurFX module, the M22 device has:

  • IPL module – for photorejuvenation and photoepilation;
  • Nd:YAG module – for removing blood vessels;
  • Q-Switched module – for removing permanent makeup and tattoos.

What is photorejuvenation?

The human body reacts to various external factors, and to light of a certain frequency too. This is what laser and photorejuvenation are based on. And if laser exposure is more intense, requires certain preparation and relatively long rehabilitation, then BBL photorejuvenation is a comfortable procedure, soft in its effects. The technique is based on the ability of the dermis and epidermis to respond to electromagnetic radiation from a high-intensity light source of a certain frequency. The skin reacts differently to different wavelengths, which makes it possible to carry out many cosmetic procedures using only one device.

Read all reviews

Description of the technique: no burns and long recovery

With the help of ResurFX, a deep laser non-ablative (non-ablative) rejuvenation procedure for the skin of the face and body is performed. This means that when exposed to this laser, there is no thermal evaporation of fluid from the tissue (ablation). The cells are heated only to 45-85°C. This temperature is sufficient to destroy old cellular proteins (collagen and elastin), which become a source of energy for cell renewal and the synthesis of new protein molecules.

The laser works fractionally - only 20% of the skin is affected in one session. The remaining 80% is retained and ensures rapid regeneration. Subsequent procedures increase the number of renewed cells, thus, without large-scale damage and stress, 100% of the skin is gradually renewed.

How to remove rosacea? Experiment on the BBL device, “before” and “after” photos

The BBL device promises to quickly and painlessly (well, almost) remove blood vessels on the face. We checked whether this is actually true.

As part of the project “Removal of rosacea and rosacea,” three BI readers and editor Lena Korenkova completed a course of BBL photo procedures. They were worried about the same problem: blood vessels.

As Dr. Yulianna Kulturbaeva said, in the case of Raisa Altasheva (39 years old), this problem worsened due to physical activity in a stuffy room. Raya works as a cleaner in a dentistry and beauty salon. He constantly bends over, and this makes the blood rush to his face more.

Marina Kirillova (46 years old) has a face that burns from temperature changes and any physical activity. The same problem is familiar to her mother and grandmother.

In the case of Bela Kaloeva (35 years old), hormonal imbalance most likely played a role.

Editor Lena Korenkova (28 years old) is just beginning to visualize her capillaries. There are a couple on the wings of the nose, but when the skin is stretched they are also noticeable in the central part of the face. History of atopic dermatitis. After washing, the face turns red and the overall skin has a pink undertone.

Left side of the face - immediately after washing with soft milk. The redness subsides within 10-15 minutes.

After examining the patients, Dr. Yulianna Kulturbaeva came to the conclusion that the situation was more serious than rosacea. All patients have a chronic disease, rosacea. (What is the difference between the first and the second, we wrote in detail here.)

All patients underwent four BBL procedures, three weeks apart.

The device affects the skin using light waves. As a result, the vessels are heated to the temperature at which they coagulate. The peculiarity of BBL is that the device allows you to select a specific wavelength and aim precisely at the target. That is, the doctor can set a high power of light energy and achieve an effect without the risk of burning the skin.

How does the BBL procedure work?

It was the same for me and other volunteers.

First, Yulianna applied a cool gel to her face, and I thought it was somewhat reminiscent of preparing for an ultrasound. In principle, this was not far from the truth. The gel improves the conductivity of the light beam.

I didn’t see what happened next, because I had safety glasses on my eyes :) Fortunately, Yulianna commented on the process in detail. The task of N1 was to warm up the skin so that the capillaries expand.

To do this, the doctor installed a suitable filter attachment and walked the device over the entire face, section by section. It was even nice. The BBL crackled monotonously, I felt warm, and I was close to taking a nap.

She probably would have fallen asleep if Julianna had not switched the BBL to the vessel removal mode. It feels completely different here. Each flash is like a blow from a tiny boxing glove. And hot too.

But I wouldn't say it hurts. I didn’t feel any pain as such. Only sudden fear, as if beyond my control. Because of the powerful flash in the face, my hands and back were cold. A few seconds later everything happened again.

Although here, for example, I tried to smile, and it seemed to work :)

Julianna changed the nozzle to a small one. She could work on the area near the wings of the nose and other hard-to-reach problem areas where the highest light energy is required.

The sensations have become sharper, but some 6-7 flashes are nothing, you can be patient.

The procedure takes 10-15 minutes at most. In fact, it took me longer to write this text than to lie on the couch.

I had few capillaries on my face, so I left the clinic without redness or any signs of intervention at all. I applied cream with SPF and went on my way to run errands. But this was not the case for everyone.

If there is more obvious vascularity, the face will appear red and slightly swollen after the procedure.

Therefore, Raya, Marina and Bela received LED therapy immediately after BBL.

Its meaning is that you lie under such a light lamp for half an hour, and all processes in the skin - including rehabilitation and tissue healing - proceed faster.

A feature that everyone, including me, noticed: each subsequent BBL procedure is less sensitive, the skin reacts calmer each time.

Dr. Kulturbaeva: “For the first time, we remove the maximum number of both large and small vessels. When you come for the second procedure, there are fewer of them. Accordingly, rehabilitation is easier.”

Results after the BBL course

Raya Altasheva, 39 years old







“After the first procedure, almost all the vessels were gone. However, by day 2-3 I looked wow. The face was very swollen, the cheeks became plump and hard. At the pharmacy they asked: “What’s wrong with you?” And, for example, a neighbor immediately understood - a laser. She said: “Nothing, it happened to me too, it will pass soon.” According to the doctor, the swelling could have worsened due to the fact that I went to work immediately after the BBL. So I signed up for the next procedures on weekends.

But the end result is worth it. Previously, I almost didn’t wear makeup, I used a thick foundation, and that’s it. Now I bought eye shadow, pencils, mascara, and several lipsticks! I took a lighter tone and even a highlighter (I still didn’t know what it was). And I admit, I had an ambitious idea to change jobs. Not right away, of course. With time. But I'm thinking about it."

Let's compare BEFORE and AFTER:

Yulianna Kulturbaeva: “Temporary compactions in the affected area are normal: lymph has accumulated at the site of injury.

I usually recommend maintenance treatments every three months. However, Rai's work will continue to provoke the growth of the capillary network. In her case, it is better to visit them more often, once every two months.”

Marina Kirillova, 46 years old











“Rehabilitation after the first procedure was the most unpleasant. On days 2-3 the bruises darkened, and on days 4-5 the swelling increased. I think it's better for those who work in an office to sign up for BBL on Wednesday evening. Then the peak of troubles will be on the weekend, and by Monday they will subside.

Pleasant bonuses that I did not expect: my pigmentation has lightened and my face has stopped swelling in the morning. Doubly satisfied!”

Let's compare BEFORE and AFTER:

Yulianna Kulturbaeva: “Vessels can react differently to the same impact. For one person they seem to close, for another they burst. Therefore, Raya, for example, did not have bruises after the procedure, but Marina did.

Rosacea is characterized by chronic tissue inflammation, so patients with this disease are prone to swelling. BBL eliminates the cause of inflammation, leaving the face looking slimmer and tighter.”

Bela Kaloeva, 35 years old







“Very pleased! I liked the effect after the first and even more so after the third procedure, but the fourth, final, effect was even better. It seems that I have found my cosmetologist. I am absolutely delighted with Julianna!”

Let's compare BEFORE and AFTER:

Yulianna Kulturbaeva: “The nose is the most difficult area for photo procedures. On the one hand, to remove the vessels, powerful light radiation is required. On the other hand, there is almost no subcutaneous fat on the nose, and there is nowhere for energy to dissipate. You need to work carefully so as not to cause burns. Considering all these difficulties, we achieved the best possible result.”

Lena Korenkova, 28 years old



“The main news: I got rid of the annoying pink complexion. A wonderful, wonderful world without limits! They used to exist. Despite the fact that I loved (and love) very light tonal colors, my piggy essence always shone through them. Sometimes I layered it more densely. More often, I took something with a stronger camouflage or with a gray-earthy pigment (it neutralizes redness well). Less often, I scored and walked around as is (mostly when I had a tan:).

Finally, my face is not pink and I hope the effect lasts as long as possible. I try not to forget about SPF for this.”

Yulianna Kulturbaeva: “Lena should have taken preventive measures so that rosacea would not move to the next stage. If she returns to BBL at least once every four months, the growth of the vascular network will be avoided."

LazerJazz doctors offered help to another volunteer, our photographer Kristina Spivak, who has a rare vascular pathology - hemangioma. We will show the course results in the fall. Stay with us!

BBL procedures can be performed at any time of the year. (You should take a break of 1-2 weeks before going on vacation.)

And - attention! The LazerJazz clinic offers a 10% discount on the removal of blood vessels using the BBL device. Whole face – RUB 13,500. (instead of 15,000 rub.)

Prices for the procedure in individual areas:

  • cheeks – 8000 rub.,
  • nose – 5000 rub.

Lazerjazz clinic network:

  • st. Vorontsovskaya, 20. Tel..
  • st. Khamovnichesky Val, 36. Tel..

How does the procedure work?

  1. Examination and history taking. The doctor assesses the condition of the skin and makes sure there are no contraindications. With the patient's consent, photographic recording is possible to monitor the result.
  2. Cleansing and pain relief. Makeup removal is carried out. An anesthetic cream is applied to clean skin for local anesthesia. The procedure can be carried out without anesthesia, but in this case you will feel a noticeable tingling and burning sensation.
  3. Laser processing. The doctor moves the device’s handpiece through zones, controlling the temperature and quality of treatment of all areas.
  4. Completion. A soothing cream is applied to the skin to relieve inflammation, moisturize and promote healing.
  5. Recommendations for care. At the end of the procedure, the doctor makes sure that the patient is in good health and talks in detail about subsequent home care during the rehabilitation period.

The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes.

Features of BBL procedures

Today, BBL rejuvenation is considered the most high-tech in the world. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by research conducted by scientists at Stanford University, and, of course, in practice. To obtain the required result, two or three procedures are enough, each of which is comfortable, without discomfort. This is ensured by a contact skin cooling system using a sapphire crystal; the level of cooling can be adjusted during the session. During the procedure, the doctor can quickly change the filters, so in one session you can act on different targets, eliminating several signs of aging at once. In this case, healthy cells are not affected, which means the procedure is as safe as possible.

Phototherapy with the BBL device does not require long preparation or rehabilitation. Immediately after the procedure, the client can return to normal life. The procedure has virtually no contraindications. Sessions are not recommended only during pregnancy and breastfeeding, intense tanning, taking photosensitizing drugs and general serious illnesses.

Rehabilitation and expected results

One procedure affects 20% of the skin, and for a lasting result it is necessary to treat more than 50%, so laser rejuvenation is recommended to be performed in a course of 3-7 procedures with a frequency of 4-5 weeks.

After a course of ResurFX laser rejuvenation, you will get smooth, radiant and tightened skin. If you measure the result in years, then the skin becomes younger by an average of 5-8 years.

The effect of the procedure is cumulative and lasts for 2 years. The result becomes noticeable within a few days after the first procedure and becomes more pronounced over time, as the process of cell renewal continues. To speed up regeneration, the doctor may recommend combining laser peeling with biorevitalization, plasma lifting or mesotherapy.

The recovery period is practically absent. Short-term reactions in the form of erythema and swelling are possible, which disappear within a few days.

To ensure that the results last longer, you should take care of your skin daily and always protect it from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation with sunscreen.

Photorejuvenation BBL

Aesthetic Medicine Clinic

BBL photorejuvenation: description and reviews

Services for this procedure are provided only at the clinic on Michurinsky.

BBL (Broad Band Light) is the most powerful IPL in the world. It sets new standards in the treatment of skin damage associated with aging, active lifestyles and UV exposure.

BBL renews and rejuvenates the skin, effectively fights pigmentation disorders, vascular pathology and acne.

BBL technology uses a wide range of wavelengths in the visible and infrared ranges to selectively heat tissue.



  • Skin pigmentation disorders such as dyschromia and photoaging of the skin;
  • Vascular skin diseases such as rosacea, telangiectasia.
  • Drooping eyebrows and wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes;
  • Drooping of the corners of the lips and deep nasolabial folds;
  • Age-related changes in the neck and décolleté area;

BBL is an excellent tool for reducing the amount of unwanted melanin or removing small vessels that cause redness


Pigmentation disorders such as photoaging of the skin.

Forever Young BBL is clinically proven to be effective in more than just combating UV damage to the skin. But also in preventing signs of skin aging. During the procedure, broadband light energy is delivered to the epidermis and dermis.

This stimulates processes that improve skin tone, texture, elasticity and firmness with visible long-term results after the first treatment. In this case, the rehabilitation period is minimal or completely absent.

Research from Stanford University found that:

The expression of more than 1,000 RNA species in aging skin changed under the influence of the Forever Young BBL procedure and became similar to gene expression in young, healthy skin.

  • Activates “young” genes
  • Increases skin elasticity
  • Distributes collagen more uniformly
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Triggers birevitalization
  • Maintains an even skin tone
  • Tightens enlarged pores

Forever Young BBL is not only a way to treat existing skin damage, but also prevents its occurrence - we call this “prevention of aging”, which allows the skin to remain youthful for as long as possible. In addition to getting rid of signs of photoaging of the skin, there is a biorevitalizing effect that “awakens the skin”, making it more resistant to cold, wind and other influences.



The effects of Forever Clear BBL destroy bacteria that cause acne, reduce inflammation and redness, leaving skin clear and healthy.

This is an excellent alternative to expensive creams and toxic medications.

Forever Clear BBL is a fast, comfortable and non-invasive procedure with visible results after the first session without a rehabilitation period.

Thanks to replaceable smart filters, Forever Clear BBL allows you to combine several wavelengths in a three-stage acne treatment protocol, which is not possible with other IPL equipment.

Step 1BLUE light successfully fights acne-causing bacteria.
Step 2Yellow light reduces inflammation, prevents bacterial growth and reduces acne scars.
Step 3To launch the only recovery processes and enhance the results of the first two stages, a third stage has been added to the protocol - soft exposure to INFRARED light

The Forever Clear BBL procedure is equally effective for patients of any age and on all areas of the face and body, including the neck, chest and back.

Cost of services

Skin Tyte uses infrared radiation to deeply heat collagen and dermis while using sapphire contact cooling to protect the epidermis. During the procedure, controlled, uniform heating occurs, which, while completely safe, provides remarkable, sustainable and predictable results.

Skin Tyte can be an independent course procedure or a “go-to” procedure, as well as one of the stages of complex BBL protocols


  • Pigmentation (eg freckles, age spots),
  • Vascular pathology (for example, rosacea, port-wine stains, increased vascular pattern),
  • Acne,
  • Decreased skin elasticity

The number of procedures is selected individually for each patient.
The doctor creates a treatment plan based on the desired outcome. The doctor may combine the procedure with other popular aesthetic procedures. Minor redness and mild swelling may occur for several hours.

Treated age spots and freckles may darken. Over time, they will lighten, begin to peel off and disappear. The skin will become smoother, fine wrinkles and pores will become less noticeable.


  • Allergy to bright light flashes, chronic diseases of internal organs, immune disorders, cancer in the active phase,
  • Mechanical implants or cardiac pacemaker, if in the area of ​​application,
  • The presence of an infectious disease or herpes in the active phase,
  • If there are wounds or other damage to the skin in the area of ​​intended exposure. The procedure is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. The frequency of sessions is set individually in each case, depending on the nature of the patient’s problem.

Call right now:
+7 499 143-84-91 Michurinsky

Cost of laser rejuvenation ResureFX on the M22 device

Fractional laser rejuvenation ResurFX on the M22 device
Service codeService nameNumber of servicesPrice
A22.01.002.19Laser skin resurfacing, Treatment of the scalp Code: A22.01.002.19110 000 ₽
A22.01.002.09Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Eyelids Code: A22.01.002.0916 750 ₽
A22.01.002.08Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Decollete Code: A22.01.002.08114 500 ₽
A22.01.002.17Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Abdomen Code: A22.01.002.17116 500 ₽
A22.01.002.13Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Hands Code: A22.01.002.1317 400 ₽
A22.01.002.16Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Knees Code: A22.01.002.1615 000 ₽
A22.01.002.01Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Face Code: A22.01.002.01115 000 ₽
A22.01.002.03Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Face + neck Code: A22.01.002.03119 000 ₽
A22.01.002.04Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Face + neck + décolleté Code: A22.01.002.04125 000 ₽
A22.01.002.02Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Face without eyelids Code: A22.01.002.02112 000 ₽
A22.01.002.06Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Face + décolleté Code: A22.01.002.06120 000 ₽
A22.01.002.12Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Forehead Code: A22.01.002.1215 000 ₽
A22.01.002.14Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Elbows Code: A22.01.002.1415 000 ₽
A22.01.002.11Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Chin Code: A22.01.002.1113 000 ₽
A22.01.002.15Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Forearm Code: A22.01.002.15110 000 ₽
A22.01.002.07Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Neck Code: A22.01.002.0718 000 ₽
A22.01.002.20Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Scar resurfacing 1 cm Code: A22.01.002.2012 500 ₽
A22.01.002.21Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Striae resurfacing 10*10 Code: A22.01.002.2115 000 ₽
A22.01.002.10Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Cheeks Code: A22.01.002.1018 000 ₽
A22.01.002.18Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Buttocks Code: A22.01.002.18116 500 ₽
A22.01.002.05Laser skin resurfacing, Procedure M22 ResurFX Neck + décolleté Code: A22.01.002.05112 500 ₽

New technologies for your beauty. Sciton JOULE platform

Sciton JOULE is a unique platform based on the latest OptiPlex technology. The only system in the world that combines 3 laser treatment methods: articulated arm, fiber optic and broadband pulsed light. What does it mean:

  • Almost any cosmetic defect can be eliminated in one procedure
  • Start the skin rejuvenation process 2 months in advance
  • Cope with pigment spots and vascular pathology in a few sessions
  • Undergo the procedure of laser correction of wrinkles, scars after removal of moles, stretch marks, post-acne scars, loose porous skin with a minimum rehabilitation period

Benefits of the Sciton JOULE platform

  • First of all, it is effective. Almost any age-related changes and skin defects can be eliminated in one course (2-3 procedures) or even in one procedure.
  • It is safe. Procedures performed using a laser are non-invasive, that is, low-traumatic, do not involve intervention in the body, which means there is no risk of infection
  • One of the types of correction with a minimum number of contraindications and side effects
  • These methods are suitable for almost everyone. Suitable for any skin type, for dark areas, even with thin sensitive skin (periorbital area, neck and décolleté)
  • Comfortable and almost painless

Let's tell you about each attachment: what it is, for what purpose it is intended

Result after laser rejuvenation:

  • Leveling the skin texture
  • Even out skin color
  • Wrinkle correction
  • Increased skin tone
  • Scar removal
  • Pigmentation removal


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