Laser thermolifting – deep laser skin rejuvenation

Among the variety of laser skin rejuvenation procedures, thermolifting has a special place. And that's why.

The impact of any lasers for the purpose of rejuvenation or correction of aesthetic defects is carried out on the superficial - stratum corneum of the skin or on the deeper - dermis, where the main framework (supporting) proteins collagen and elastin are located. Or on both layers at the same time - it all depends on the source of laser radiation and the problem being solved.

Over time, the dense spirals of the framework proteins of the dermis age - they begin to unwind, deform and disintegrate into fragments, and the skin loses its tone and elasticity.

Laser thermolifting

is a procedure for deep laser exposure to the dermis for rejuvenation and reconstruction of facial skin with high rates of efficiency and long-lasting results.


Thermolifting is suitable for any skin type. It perfectly solves many aesthetic problems of the onset of age-related changes in women from 25 to 40 years old. Thermolifting of the face is recommended in the following cases:

  • the skin has lost its elasticity;
  • folds of skin appeared in the eye area;
  • skin tone decreased;
  • contour changes appeared;
  • there are fine and deep wrinkles;
  • skin hydration is impaired;
  • there are other age-related changes.

The thermolifting procedure also promotes faster rehabilitation after plastic surgery. It combines well with other methods of hardware and therapeutic intervention.

The number of sessions is selected individually. For example, to eliminate moderate sagging skin, 4-6 weekly procedures are required.

This technique is especially recommended for those who prefer non-invasive procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hardware rejuvenation using thermolifting has many advantages over other procedures. Namely:

  • The result is visible after one session;

  • Suitable even for sensitive skin;
  • No pain;
  • 100% safety;
  • Minimum time for the procedure;
  • Acceptable pricing policy;
  • Does not harm deep tissues;
  • The procedure is carried out at any time convenient for you;
  • Postpones the trip to the surgeon for a long time;
  • There is no risk of infection;
  • The skin is restored and looks ten years younger;
  • No complications;
  • The result lasts for about 2 years.

However, there is a minus: to achieve a stunning result, you need to carry out several procedures. And in the future, periodically repeat the thermolifting course for the skin around the eyes.

How it works

Radiofrequency pulses selectively heat skin tissue and extracellular structures to a temperature of 40–43 °C. Microscopic areas of the epidermis and dermis are subjected to thermal ablation/coagulation at evenly spaced points.

Local heating helps to launch regenerative processes in skin tissues at the cellular level and activates the work of fibroblasts. Metabolic processes improve, collagen fibers shrink and become thicker, the production of new collagen starts, and the deepest dermal layers are saturated with oxygen. Also, exposure to radio frequencies leads to a reduction in the size of fat cells. As a result, the dermal layer of the face is strengthened, which means wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is tightened and thickened. The rejuvenating effect appears after the first procedure.

Thermolifting of the face using the Forma attachment does not cause discomfort. The nozzle is equipped with built-in sensors that monitor skin temperature (38-40 °C). Sensors read body temperature up to 1000 times per second, which allows a specialist to control the entire process. If the skin temperature reaches the limit values, the device beeps and stops supplying energy. And the specialist moves on to the next area of ​​skin. Therefore, the risk of skin overheating and burns is excluded.

Forma attachments use patented ACE "motion" technology. Thanks to it, you can quickly provide heating over a large area and depth, while maintaining its uniformity. (It is possible to achieve the best therapeutic results by adhering to only a very precise temperature range).

Thermolifting effect of the face

The procedure involves controlled thermal effects on the skin. Radiofrequency thermal facial lifting (RF) causes contraction of collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for skin tone and elasticity. At the same time, neocollagenogenesis and elastin synthesis are activated. The skin becomes denser, smoother and tightened.

Thanks to RF lifting, a number of aesthetic problems are solved:

  • The skin on the cheekbones, cheeks and chin is tightened. The face acquires a regular oval, the “jowls” shrink or disappear;
  • “Crow’s feet” disappear, the degree of sagging of the upper eyelid decreases. Thanks to thermolifting of the face, the look becomes more youthful, open, circles and bags under the eyes disappear (due to improved trophism and microcirculation in the dermis);
  • wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds are smoothed out. Even deep wrinkles become less pronounced.

How does the Kontur MD work?

The Center for Aesthetic Medicine "BioSpaClinic" presents a unique opportunity for Russia for treatment and rejuvenation using the Kontur MD device.

Its main feature is thermal radiation of different polarities. This allows you to fine-tune the work in each specific case and make the therapeutic effect more noticeable. In addition, this device allows you to regulate the dispersion (frequency) of field oscillations, which also increases efficiency. The possibility of individual settings, among other things, significantly increases the comfort and safety of the procedure. Kontur MD allows you to bring the temperature in the subcutaneous layers to 55–60 °C, while the surface temperature does not exceed 42 degrees.

Depending on the chosen polarity and frequency of radiation, the device affects different layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous fat layer. This is especially convenient for combating cellulite. But the device is superior to its competitors in terms of lifting and rejuvenation efficiency. The effect is explained by thermal effects: deeply penetrating heat stimulates metabolic processes, dilates capillaries, promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue and the formation of collagen fibers instead. It is collagen that determines the elasticity and tone of the skin.

Multipolar RF lifting (face)6000 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (face) comprehensive program with care6500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (eye area)3000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (face, neck) comprehensive program with care9500 RUR
Multipolar RF lifting (lower third of the face)3500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (stomach) standard program 1 handpiece25 m4000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (stomach) intensive program 2 manipulations50 m7500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (breeches) standard program 1 handpiece25 m4000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (breeches) intensive program 2 hands50 m7500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (buttocks) standard program 1 handpiece25 m4000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (buttocks) intensive program 2 manipulations50 m7500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (back of legs) standard program 1 handpiece25 m4000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (back of legs) intensive program 2 manipulations50 m7500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting (front surface of the legs) standard program 1 handpiece25 m4000 rub
Multipolar RF lifting (front surface of the legs) intensive program 2 manipulations50 m7500 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting60 min8000 rub.
Multipolar RF lifting40 min6400 rub.

Features of the procedure

To carry out thermolifting, a conductor gel is used - regular (if the skin is very sensitive) or special serums (with them the lifting effect will be more pronounced).

The procedure is not performed on areas of the face where botulinum toxin injections were given, because stimulating metabolic processes can restore muscle activity earlier than expected.

During treatment of the upper lip and nose, involuntary twitching may occur. This is a consequence of the effect of current on the muscles and nerve endings, which are located close to the top layer of the skin. After processing is complete, everything goes away.

Recovery after a session does not require time. There may be slight redness in the treated area immediately after thermal lifting, but it disappears after a few hours.

How is thermolifting performed for the skin around the eyes?

The high efficiency of the technique puts it in a leading position among other anti-aging procedures. The result is obvious after the first session. The main course consists of 2-5 sessions. After which the effect lasts for about two years. But to increase the effectiveness and duration of the result, you can do prophylaxis (one procedure every six months).

When preparing for thermolifting, you need to cancel all cosmetic procedures for the skin around the eyes a couple of weeks in advance.

Before starting the process, the dermatologist lubricates the desired area with a gel with a cooling effect. Then he runs the manipulator over the entire treated area for 10 minutes. There is no pain, only slight heat from the laser. The patient completely relaxes and trusts the specialist.

One session lasts from 20 to 30 minutes. Their number per course is prescribed by a cosmetologist.

After rejuvenation, it is not recommended to stay in rooms with high temperatures (bath, sauna, solarium) or in direct sunlight. Protect yourself from active sports for a couple of weeks.

Recovery period

The technique does not require a rehabilitation period; you can return to normal life the very next day after the procedure.

On the first day after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid thermal procedures (sauna, solarium, bathhouse, prolonged exposure to the sun), limit sports and intense physical activity.

Sometimes there may be some slight redness immediately after treatment, but this will disappear within a few hours. There may also be mild swelling that goes away in two to three days.

Thermage has been clinically proven to be absolutely safe, with numerous studies showing no side effects. Thermage is perfectly combined with botulinum toxin injections, fillers, photorejuvenation, thread lifting and laser rejuvenation.


Despite its high safety, the Thermage procedure nevertheless has some contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • presence of a pacemaker or other implanted electrical device;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • history of cancer;
  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the affected area;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

The presence of reinforced gold threads in the treatment area may also be a contraindication due to the high risk of severe swelling after the procedure.

Amazing results in just a few sessions

Laser thermolifting effectively combats visual signs of aging:

  • increases skin firmness and elasticity;
  • smoothes nasolabial folds;
  • reduces the volume of the double chin;
  • tightens the skin in problem areas;
  • eliminates skin porosity.

If you have freckles or age spots on your face, the technique will successfully cope with this problem, and all this in just a few sessions (one procedure lasts about 20-60 minutes).

RF - lifting or laser infrared thermolifting - how to figure out which is better?

Most modern hardware rejuvenation technologies are based on the effects of radio waves or lasers. All these techniques are called thermolifting and “work” in approximately the same way - they heat the skin layers, triggering the production of new collagen.

For a beginner, the sophisticated names of numerous procedures in this series sound the same. In fact, how can you figure out what the difference is between RF lifting and thermolifting using lasers? And what is better, infrared fractional thermolifting with the Palomar laser or Fraxel dermal optical thermolysis?

New technologies for preserving youth are so diverse that it is impossible to do without special education or “your own” cosmetologist.

Laser skin rejuvenation.
At Platinental we have collected almost all modern methods of non-surgical rejuvenation. We work closely with each one, we know their advantages and disadvantages, and we always draw up an individual treatment plan for our patients. After all, couperose skin at 35 and excess skin at 45 require a different approach.

Meanwhile, RF thermal lifting Reaction has a number of advantages, and they are significant.

Operating principle

With age and due to external factors (sun, bad habits, stress, nutrition), the collagen responsible for the elasticity and density of the skin is destroyed. The destruction of collagen provokes premature aging of the skin, weakening its intracellular structure and thereby reducing its tone.

Products that work on the surface of the skin are not able to affect collagen fibers. The unique Thermage technology allows you to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin: affecting the deep layers of the dermis, radio frequency energy pulses remodel collagen fibers, stimulating the synthesis of new collagen at a record depth of 5-7 mm.

Taking the correct shape under the influence of radio frequency pulses, collagen fibers form a dense frame, as a result the skin tightens and becomes more elastic. But the main thing is that the Thermage device affects not only existing fibers, but also stimulates the formation of new collagen, also creating a delayed rejuvenating effect.

There are other devices that perform so-called thermolifting, but the effect after the Thermage procedure is clinically proven and confirmed only when using official ThermaCool equipment.

Recommendations from dermatologists

After the procedure, it is imperative to use the highest level of sunscreen.
The break between sessions should be at least 4 weeks. Taking into account the recommendations of experts, plan laser thermal lifting during the period of inactive sun (in the Russian Federation - from 01.11 to 28.02), at least a month before tanning and vacation by the sea.

If you regularly take care of your skin and cannot afford a long rehabilitation period, then deep fractional infrared lifting is the procedure for you!

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