Top cosmetic procedures for rejuvenating the eye area

A young, open look is the key to attractiveness. Unfortunately, with age, tissues lose their former elasticity, which is how heavy, drooping eyelids and bags under the eyes appear. Even if you adhere to healthy eating rules and do not have bad habits, these signs of aging can appear (even at a fairly early age).

Fortunately, modern cosmetology has methods that help get rid of this problem. And if previously pronounced fatty hernias in the lower eyelids could only be removed surgically, now it has become possible to remove bags under the eyes without surgery.

What causes bags under the eyes

The reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes may be the following:

  1. Consuming large amounts of salt, which leads to fluid retention in tissues;
  2. Unbalanced nutrition, diets;
  3. Violation of the drinking regime (lack of clean water consumption during the day, large amounts of liquid before bedtime);
  4. Bad habits - smoking, frequent drinking of alcohol;
  5. Overwork;
  6. Nervous stress;
  7. Lack of sleep;
  8. Physical inactivity;
  9. Insufficient exposure to fresh air;
  10. Using concealers and foundation creams with a dense structure to disguise dark circles under the eyes;
  11. Applying cosmetics that form a film under the eyes before going to bed;
  12. Incorrect position of the head on the pillow;
  13. Diseases of internal organs;
  14. Allergy;
  15. Age-related changes - decreased skin elasticity and accumulation of fatty tissue under the eyes;
  16. Genetic predisposition.

Rf face lifting - contraindications

Despite the fact that radiofrequency lifting is considered a safe procedure, it still has contraindications, which are divided into conditional and absolute. The first include:

  • acute respiratory disease;
  • infection with a viral, fungal, bacterial infection;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • purulent, inflammatory, allergic lesions on the skin;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • period.

The list of absolute contraindications is as follows:

  • benign or malignant neoplasms, regardless of location;
  • chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • endocrine or hormonal disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • severe form of arterial hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • history of heart attack, stroke;
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • renal, liver, heart failure;
  • severe neurological disorders, including epilepsy;
  • the presence of a pacemaker or metal implants in the body.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes

If bags under the eyes are caused by the reasons listed in points 1-12, then you can get rid of them yourself. To do this, you will need to reconsider your diet and daily routine, walk more in the fresh air and learn to control your emotions, use cosmetics correctly and buy an orthopedic pillow, do exercises regularly and give up tobacco and alcohol.

When bags under the eyes are a consequence of diseases of the internal organs or allergies (this can be indicated by a headache, pain in the lower back, breathing problems or other unpleasant symptoms), it is necessary to be examined by specialists and treated. The sooner you do this, the better - because the skin stretches and thins under the influence of excess fluid.

If you have a genetic predisposition to the formation of bags under the eyes, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

Until recently, only blepharoplasty (surgical removal of excess fatty tissue and skin) was offered for bags under the eyes formed due to age-related changes or stretching of the skin due to untimely treatment.

Indications for Rf facial lifting

Rejuvenating radio wave technique is prescribed to patients over the age of 35, when signs of age-related changes have just begun to appear. RF eye lifting is performed for the following indications:

  • excess fat deposits in the eye area;
  • gravitational ptosis;
  • skin photoaging;
  • bags, bruises under the eyes;
  • wrinkles of varying depths;
  • sagging, dryness, crow's feet;
  • asymmetry of the eyelids;
  • omitted outer corners.

Advantages and disadvantages of blepharoplasty

The surgical method of removing bags under the eyes is very effective. As a result of this operation, the skin tightens, folds disappear, and the nasolacrimal groove becomes less pronounced. The face looks much younger and this effect lasts up to seven years.

But, like any surgical intervention, blepharoplasty is performed under local or general anesthesia, which can cause unexpected reactions of the body. In addition, a number of postoperative complications are possible:

  • Prolonged (from several hours to several days) bleeding;
  • Seams coming apart;
  • Postoperative itching;
  • “Hot eyes” effect;
  • Impaired secretion of tear fluid;
  • Extensive hematomas;
  • Micro-abscesses in the area of ​​suturing;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Formation of noticeable scars;
  • Lagophthalmos - drooping and/or inversion of the lower eyelid;
  • Change in eye shape;
  • Deterioration of eyelash growth;
  • In rare cases, damage to the eyeball.

Blepharoplasty requires the highest qualifications of a plastic surgeon, since it is very important to accurately determine the size of the flap of skin to be excised, as well as to remove or redistribute excess fat under the eyes. If not enough fat and skin are removed, the bags will not disappear completely. It’s even worse when the surgeon “overdoes it” by removing more skin than necessary: ​​it becomes impossible to completely close the eyes. When more fat is removed than required, the eyes appear sunken.

Another reason why many people hesitate to undergo blepharoplasty is the long rehabilitation period, even if the operation is successful.

Rf lifting around the eyes - procedure technology

Depending on the location of the problem, the technique is carried out in the following areas:

  • Upper eyelids. It is carried out to reduce the fat layer. The thermal effect promotes the breakdown of fat cells, as a result of which the dermis in this area becomes tightened, fat rolls disappear, the gaze becomes clearer, more open, and the patient’s appearance becomes younger.
  • Lower eyelids. The procedure helps reduce the appearance of the first signs of age-related changes. After a course of therapy, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated, medium and deep wrinkles disappear, bags and bruises under the eyes become almost invisible.

Before proceeding directly to radiofrequency rejuvenation, the doctor will conduct an initial examination, during which he will ask about concomitant diseases, collect anamnesis, and, if necessary, give a referral for an additional diagnostic examination that will confirm or refute contraindications. If there are no restrictions, you can proceed with the procedure. Before entering the cosmetologist's office, you need to remove all metal jewelry and leave your mobile phone outside the door. Next, the doctor conducts a thermal sensitivity test. The maximum temperature is determined at the wrist.

RF eyelid lifting is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The eye area is cleansed of decorative cosmetics and impurities, then treated with a conductor gel.
  2. A cosmetologist, using a device with attachments, treats problem areas, uniformly heating the layers of the epidermis. The temperature to which soft tissues are heated is 41 -45 °C. The thermal mode is controlled by an electronic thermometer, which ensures safety and prevents overheating. During the manipulations, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort, so anesthesia is not used.

Professional creams, ointments and gels to eliminate bags under the eyes

Our clinic uses professional cosmetic and medicinal creams, ointments and gels, which contain components that help accelerate blood and lymph flow in the problem area, hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.

Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, excess fluid is removed from the tissues, and fat is spent on the processes of regeneration of cells of the dermis and epidermis. The skin becomes more elastic and noticeably tightened due to the strengthening of the collagen-elastin framework, and hyaluronic acid retains moisture.

Skin care after RF eye lifting

Since high-frequency radio waves do not destroy soft tissues, but only heat them to a controlled temperature, no bruises, hematomas, or swelling occur after manipulation, so there is no need to follow special care rules during rehabilitation. In the first 3 to 5 days after therapy, it is important to protect the skin from irritation, observing the following restrictions:

  • give up decorative cosmetics;
  • avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • do not go to the pool, bathhouse, sauna, solarium.

Mesotherapy - targeted delivery of necessary substances

Mesotherapy is one of the most effective ways to remove bags under the eyes if the cause of their occurrence is a decrease in the tone of venules and lymphatic vessels or the beginning of the proliferation of subcutaneous fatty tissue.

The introduction of special cocktails under the skin leads to accelerated breakdown of fat cells and activation of metabolism. Excess fluid is quickly eliminated through the lymph flow, and skin cells receive more nutrients and oxygen through the blood flow, which contributes to their rapid renewal. After a course of mesotherapy, not only swelling and small fatty hernias disappear, but also dark circles under the eyes.

What is Rf-lifting

Radio frequency lifting involves skin rejuvenation carried out with special equipment that generates high-frequency radio waves. During the procedure, the cosmetologist uses a special device that heats the skin and subcutaneous fat. Thermal effects promote activation of blood circulation, metabolism, collagen and elastin synthesis. Thanks to this effect, regeneration processes are launched. The skin is renewed, becomes smooth, elastic, and radiant. Medium and deep wrinkles disappear around the eyes, and after completing a course of therapy the following results can be achieved:

  • increased tone and elasticity;
  • improvement of eyelid skin color;
  • microrelief leveling;
  • disappearance of flabbiness;
  • reduction of the vascular network;
  • disappearance of bags and bruises.

RF lifting of the area around the eyes (10 min) RUB 2,500. Consultation with a cosmetologist RUB 2,000. Consultation with a cosmetologist, subject to the provision of the service on the day of consultation 0 rub.

All prices Make an appointment

To carry out radio wave rejuvenation, devices that differ in power and effect are used. There are such methods of radio wave rejuvenation:

  • Monopolar. To carry it out, powerful equipment is used, with which you can achieve a pronounced effect in one session. This technique is considered outdated, so in modern clinics it is used less and less.
  • Biopolar. The device generating biopolar currents warms up deep soft tissues well, due to which a pronounced effect is achieved after the first session. Unlike monopolar, biopolar lifting can be performed several times until the desired result is achieved.
  • Triopolar. During the session, 3 electrodes work at once, each of which heats different layers of the epidermis. This is an innovative radio wave method of rejuvenation, which is considered the most effective and safe.

Each of the radiofrequency rejuvenation methods is designed to solve specific problems. The cosmetologist decides which method will be most effective in a particular case, taking into account the condition of the skin and the degree of manifestation of age-related changes.

Sculptural massage - a powerful lymphatic drainage effect and a beneficial effect on the nervous system

During a sculptural facial massage, all its tissues and muscles are worked very deeply. At the same time, waste and toxins are removed from them along with excess fluid. Reducing swelling leads to expansion of the lumens of blood vessels - blood flow accelerates and cell nutrition and respiration improves.

Sculptural massage eliminates inflammation and muscle tension, and also strengthens the nervous system of patients. Better sleep and resistance to stress, in turn, have an additional beneficial effect on the complexion and speed up the solution to the problem of bags under the eyes.

How much does RF eye lifting cost?

International Blade of Hemostasis offers clients the service RF-lifting of the lower and upper eyelids at the most conservative price. The cost of sessions is determined taking into account the general condition of the skin in the area of ​​manipulation, the severity of age-related changes, and the presence of other aesthetic problems that need correction. Therefore, the price list for each patient is compiled separately.

To clarify prices and make an appointment with a cosmetologist, request a call back using the feedback form on the website or call the number. Our administrators will contact you immediately to clarify the details and answer all your questions.

Non-surgical facelift using the VIPline device

Microcurrent skin therapy using the Gezatone device

Non-surgical facelift

Anatomy of a problem

Bags under the eyes are nothing more than a protrusion of the orbicularis oculi muscle, which occurs due to weakened tone, and the filling of the space with fat cells. Most often, they are formed as a result of gravitational ptosis, a phenomenon in which the skin and muscles of the face sag under the influence of gravity. In most cases, gravitational ptosis occurs as a result of age-related changes, but it can also be observed in young people with certain anatomical features of the facial muscle frame.

Bags under the eyes not only visually age you, but also provoke another aesthetic defect - facial swelling. Adipose tissue puts pressure on surrounding structures, disrupting lymphatic drainage, which leads to fluid accumulation in the intercellular space.

According to the degree of severity, fatty hernias (bags) are divided into degrees:

I degree – characterized by drooping skin of the lower eyelids. Looks like bags under the eyes.

II degree - ptosis (drooping) also affects the upper eyelid, the orbicularis muscle loses its tone. The area where the eyelid ends and the cheek begins is still clearly demarcated or there is slight sagging of the soft tissues.

III degree - in this case, the changes extend to the entire area surrounding the eyelids. The eyebrows droop, along with the cheeks and cheekbones. Nasolabial folds appear.

IV degree – formed zygomatic bags or hernias are clearly visible (accumulation of fatty tissue between the cheekbone and lower eyelid). The sclera is exposed and the outer corners of the eyes droop. Nasolacrimal grooves become visible.

Accumulations of adipose tissue in the infraorbital area (bags under the eyes) do not decorate anyone

Fatty hernias under the eyes are very stubborn tumors and are difficult to deal with. They cannot be removed either with folk remedies or with facial gymnastics, and they are also very difficult to disguise with decorative cosmetics. There are only two options left: either live with such appendages under the eyes, or decisively get rid of them. Fortunately, modern cosmetology offers effective and safe methods for their removal.

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