Injection rejuvenation techniques for the most modern women

From this article you will learn:
  • Who is recommended for injection rejuvenation techniques?
  • Are there any contraindications for injection rejuvenation techniques?
  • What types of injection techniques for rejuvenation exist?
  • What problems can injection rejuvenation techniques cope with?

The modern beauty industry offers a wide range of various procedures for youthful skin. Peeling procedures, anti-aging cosmetics and other anti-aging techniques give noticeable results only with regular use. Do you carefully monitor your appearance and at the same time prefer effective procedures with quick results? Do you need to get rid of wrinkles in a short time, and are you not afraid of handling needles? Pay attention to injection rejuvenation techniques. And we will tell you about the most advanced of them, which are offered today by beauty salons and aesthetic centers.

What are injection rejuvenation techniques?

Injection cosmetology is a branch of aesthetic medicine that uses the injection of drugs through a needle or a special cannula under the skin to eliminate age-related changes and other skin imperfections.

Products simply applied to the skin do not have a cosmetic or therapeutic effect on the subcutaneous tissue. Combination with iontophoresis, electroporation and phonophoresis, microcurrents, radio frequency and ultrasonic waves, laser radiation stimulates the penetration of substances into deep layers. But at the same time, it will not be possible to purposefully and accurately administer the drug, and some active substances in electrolyte solutions and gels lose their properties under the influence of ultrasound and electromagnetic fields. In addition, during the process, drugs may disperse and reach subcutaneous tissues in small doses.

Finally, hardware methods are completely unsuitable for working with some products, since their active substance does not have the properties of an electrolyte, and manipulations with laser radiation, in particular, require expensive equipment and highly qualified professionals.

Injection rejuvenation methods solve all these problems. The administration of drugs through numerous punctures allows you to control the depth and area of ​​impact. Microtraumas from needles trigger regeneration processes in tissues: nerve endings are stimulated, local blood circulation improves, capillaries expand and become permeable, immune cells and biologically active substances enter the tissues. As a result, the protective mechanisms of the skin are strengthened, the process of production of collagen and elastin fibers by fibroblasts is accelerated, which contributes to the formation of a natural “framework” in biological tissues.

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By using injection rejuvenation techniques, you have the opportunity to make your skin smoother and more elastic, improve its overall condition, as well as correct expression lines and age-related changes, facial contours, lip volume, eliminate hyperhidrosis and some types of alopecia, etc. Today, injection procedures rejuvenation are widely popular among clients of beauty industry establishments due to a whole range of positive properties:

  • allow the administration of drugs consisting of several components with different properties;
  • provide precise dosages and effects on specific tissues of the problem area;
  • safe and require little tissue damage;
  • provide quick results, like plastic surgery;
  • characterized by few contraindications and age restrictions;
  • do not require a recovery period (in some cases it is minimized);
  • take little time and provide lasting results from 4 months to 1 year;
  • do not require special equipment;
  • have the best price and are available to most customers.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

How are skin rejuvenation procedures performed?

The active substance (Dysport) is injected under the skin of the face using a special thin needle. The doctor injects into the facial wrinkles, thereby paralyzing muscle activity. Under such influences, the fibers relax, and any irregularities begin to smooth out. After the procedure, you will not notice any traces of injections or creases on the skin, your face will still look natural.

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The first results after rejuvenation injections can be assessed already 4-5 days after the procedure, the full effect will be visible after 2 weeks. On average, the effect of the drugs is designed for 4-6 months, however, if you regularly repeat the procedures, your facial skin will remain attractive for a longer period - up to 8 months. The injections themselves do not cause serious pain, but local anesthesia may be used if the pain threshold is low.

Types of injection rejuvenation techniques


Initially, the valuable effect of botulinum toxin (Botox) on the skin - smoothing transverse folds in the frontal area - was described as a side effect of the treatment of strabismus and blepharospasm. During clinical research in this area in 1982, no one even suspected that a grand discovery had occurred.

The cosmetic product is a weakened botulinum toxin released as a result of the metabolism of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, the causative agent of a dangerous disease called botulism. Once in the body, the toxin causes muscle paralysis, blocking their activity.

For some time, Botox has been used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Nowadays, controlled injection of small doses of botulinum toxin under the skin is widely used in aesthetic cosmetology. Under its action, local paralysis of facial muscles occurs, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect of the procedure lasts for several months, then the substance leaves the body with metabolic products.

The result of the procedure is rapid relief from wrinkles and other age-related changes. But opponents of this injection rejuvenation technique talk about the harmful effects of Botox. In any case, before you decide to get Botox injections, you should familiarize yourself with the positive and negative sides of the process.

In the process of botulinum therapy, muscle fibers relax, as a result of which expression wrinkles are smoothed out. After this manipulation, the patient cannot frown. The effect is applicable to facial areas, where the first age-related changes are detected earlier than others. These are the frontal, interglabellar, periorbital and perioral zones.

Also, the properties of botulinum toxin are used for therapeutic purposes in case of hyperhidrosis: under the influence of the drug, the intensity of discharge from the sweat glands in the armpits, palms and soles decreases. Some patients note a decrease or complete disappearance of migraines and migraine-like pain. In all cases, the sensitivity of the skin under the influence of botulinum toxin does not decrease, and after six to nine months it itself is not detectable in the body.

Botox injections are usually called “lunchtime beauty injections”: in Western European and American countries, the procedure is often carried out during the lunch break. The process will not take much time and will not leave marks on the skin thanks to the ultra-thin needles, and the positive effect will be noticeable the very next day.

Do the famous “beauty injections” harm your health? Not a single serious study within the ministries of health of different countries has confirmed the negative impact of the drug on human health. There may be individual situations where patients experience discomfort in the injection area. Such sensations can be caused by incorrect administration or frequent use of this injection rejuvenation technique (more than once a year). Turning to professionals and following the recommendations will save you from risks.

Is it possible to be poisoned during the procedure by a toxin that causes such a dangerous disease as botulism? Of course not. The drug for beauty salons is absolutely non-toxic, since in order to cause any harm to the body, a dose thousands of times greater than that contained in the injection is needed.

Contour plastic

Injections of hyaluronic acid will help you get rid of wrinkles and restore youth to dull skin without resorting to the services of surgeons. Compared to surgery, this injection rejuvenation technique is characterized by the following advantages:

  • a combination of high efficiency and the lowest risk of negative consequences of the intervention;
  • very fast effect, increasing over time;
  • safety and painlessness;
  • no anesthesia required;
  • minimal trauma;
  • short rehabilitation period.

The principle of action of the injections is based on the acceleration of natural metabolic processes in epithelial tissue and the intensive formation of collagen fibers. The active substance (hyaluronic acid) in the gel (filler) is introduced into the deep layers of the skin. This will take from 20 to 40 minutes, the effect will be visible immediately after the procedure. Launched processes do not reduce intensity for up to two years. Over time, the filler disintegrates and leaves the human body, leaving the skin healthy and youthful.

More often than others, patients undergo contouring of the perioral zone: wrinkles are eliminated and the shape of the lips is improved.


This injection rejuvenation technique entered the practice of aesthetic cosmetology not so long ago. Plasmolifting uses the body's own resources to combat the manifestations of skin aging. As a result of the procedure, a restoration process occurs, metabolism in facial tissues accelerates, skin protective mechanisms begin to work intensively, and cellular turgor is restored.

In this case, the injection drug is plasma isolated from the patient’s blood. The platelets, enzymes, hormones, vitamins and proteins it contains have a positive effect on facial tissue, which is suitable for all skin types. Trichologists have also adopted the beneficial effect of injections. The procedures help cope with hair loss, affect its structure, and optimize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


This injection rejuvenation technique receives many positive reviews and is the most popular today. Mesotherapy involves the introduction under the skin of special substances that have anti-aging and healing effects. Suitable for use on the décolleté, face, neck and around the eyes.

Despite the impressive appearance of the needles, the procedure is not accompanied by pain. The drug is injected with the thinnest needles to a minimum depth. To achieve the best result, several procedures should be performed every 7-10 days. The severity of the effect depends on the initial condition of the skin and the tasks set. This injection rejuvenation technique has no age restrictions and allows you to achieve good results both in preventing the first signs of aging and in combating teenage skin problems.

Active substances during mesotherapy can be:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • organic acids (pyruvic or glycolic);
  • vitamins (ascorbic or nicotinic acid, thiamine, biotin, pyridoxine);
  • extracts (collagen, elastin);
  • fibroblasts (connective tissue cells).

The choice of drug is carried out on an individual basis. Mesotherapy is successfully used to correct a double chin, sagging tissues and sagging skin.

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons

Ozone rejuvenation

Procedures using ozone - active oxygen - will help eliminate skin imperfections without surgery. Insufficient saturation of tissues with oxygen and water, necessary for their proper functioning, provokes accelerated aging of the skin. Ozone therapy:

  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • restores microcirculation;
  • regenerates subcutaneous tissue;
  • returns a healthy color to the face;
  • makes the skin even and smooth;
  • reduces wrinkles;
  • removes dead skin cells from the skin.

Ozone can be delivered to the problem area via injection to stimulate tissue regeneration.


Biorevitalization is an injection rejuvenation technique that restores youth and beauty to the skin without surgery. The procedure is similar to mesotherapy, the difference is that the active substance is large-molecular hyaluronic acid. Stimulation of collagen synthesis, cell regeneration and local blood flow in tissues are the main areas of influence of the technique. The result is deep skin rejuvenation and rapid restoration of damaged tissue.

Indications for the procedure:

  • loss of skin youth and elasticity;
  • the appearance of age spots and gray complexion;
  • a large number of facial wrinkles;
  • rejection of radical anti-aging techniques.

Biorevitalization is recommended from the age of 25. Minimal contraindications contribute to an increase in demand for the procedure. Biorevitalization is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, people with acute infectious and chronic diseases, oncology and poor blood clotting.

In general, this injection rejuvenation technique is well tolerated by patients. Biorevitalization is combined with space lifting and other anti-aging salon services and has no side effects or complications.

Prices for rejuvenation injections in Moscow

Type of drugVolumeCost, rub.
Gel Collost 7%0.5 ml8 400
Gel Collost 7%1.0 ml9 900
Gel Collost 7%1.5 ml12 400
Gel Collost 15%1.5 ml17 200
Type of drugNumber of unitsCost, rub.
Dysport1 unit110
Botox1 uniton request

A cosmetologist will help you determine the exact number of injections required, as well as the number of units for using a particular drug in different areas, at your initial appointment.

For example, the approximate number of required units of Dysport for different zones:

  • Forehead – from 50 to 100 units.
  • Interbrow space – from 30-50 units.
  • Outer corners of the eyes – from 20 to 40 units.

photos of rejuvenation injections before and after the procedure

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