Hardware cosmetology for face and body rejuvenation: types of procedures

Non-surgical skin rejuvenation is a safe path to beauty and youth

Age-related changes in the body cannot be reversed.
No matter how sad it may sound, but with every new day a person grows older. And the main visible sign of this is a change in the structure and appearance of the skin. We do not offer you an elixir of eternal youth and cannot turn back time, but our specialists know exactly how to prolong youth and beauty. Just 10 years ago, plastic surgery methods were mainly used for radical skin rejuvenation. But as hardware cosmetology develops, alternative non-surgical methods are now offered. The choice of treatment method depends on what result we want to achieve. Surgical methods are used mainly to change the shape and appearance of the face and figure, and this is not a way to improve the internal condition of the skin, rather the opposite (since blood circulation in the affected areas is impaired).

If our task is not only to rejuvenate, but also to preserve the health and youth of the skin for the coming years, then hardware cosmetology methods are preferable. Fear of surgery, the use of anesthesia, a long rehabilitation period, failure to achieve the desired results indicate in favor of non-surgical methods

The action of the devices is mainly aimed at renewing the surface layers of the skin, improving the internal structure, i.e. to stimulate your own collagen.

Non-surgical skin rejuvenation is largely carried out using laser or radio wave exposure to certain areas of the skin of the face or body. The laser is a unique tool that is becoming increasingly popular in the world, and in particular in top-level beauty salons. With its help, such salons carry out laser hair removal procedures, removal of warts and other tumors. And non-surgical rejuvenation is only a small branch of the general structure of laser medicine

The State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine offers an innovative method of rejuvenation that does not require surgical intervention, injection of drugs, or long rehabilitation after procedures. Non-surgical skin rejuvenation using laser therapy is the most effective and perfect way to correct appearance today. Advanced hardware cosmetology technologies make it possible to solve five main problems of age-related skin changes:

  • smooth out wrinkles (facial and age-related);
  • significantly tighten the skin and correct the oval of the face;
  • narrow enlarged pores;
  • enhance the natural production of anti-aging substances;
  • get rid of age spots and even out skin tone.

How does thread implantation occur?

Thread lifting is done under local anesthesia: the guide needles used are very thin, sharp and elastic, they minimally injure facial tissue. The length of the threads can be from 20 to 150 mm. Short ones are used in delicate areas: around the eyes, between the eyebrows, to correct purse-string wrinkles on the lips. Long – for forming a frame in the area of ​​the cheeks, chin, and neck. After anesthesia and thorough antiseptic treatment of the face, needles with threads inside are passed under the skin in different directions, focusing on the anatomical structure of the face. Then the needles are removed, leaving a mesh of threads in the tissues. The procedure itself takes no more than an hour.

Preparation for thread lifting is simple: 2 weeks in advance you need to stop taking medications that reduce blood clotting, such as Aspirin, Warfarin, Heparin, Fraxiparin. A few days before the procedure, it is better to give up alcohol, pickles, smoked foods, and marinades - they can cause swelling. On the day of the procedure, it is not recommended to drink coffee or energy drinks (including carbonated drinks with caffeine).

After the manipulation, you cannot use decorative cosmetics for 12 hours. You will have to refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or solarium for a week. You will have to control your facial expressions for the same amount of time. For ten days you cannot use scrubs, knead or massage your face. Active physical activity is contraindicated for two weeks.

As you can see, the restrictions before and after facial rejuvenation without surgery are not too different from the usual prohibitions during cosmetic procedures.

The essence of the laser rejuvenation procedure

The laser beam affects skin cells, leaving behind microdamages. At the same time, whole unaffected cells in this area begin to restore damaged areas. The skin is renewed and all its properties and functions are restored.

In our work, we use several methods of laser rejuvenation. A qualified specialist at the center will conduct a consultation and, depending on your age, skin condition and desired result, will select the most effective method for you.

Contraindications to thread implantation

Contraindications to thread lifting are also quite traditional, as for any other interventions. This is any acute infection, including ARVI, fever; skin diseases with manifestations in the facial area; autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis. Thread lifting should not be done if there is a tendency to form keloid scars (including when close blood relatives have such scars); blood clotting disorders; for oncological pathology and diabetes mellitus. Another relatively rare contraindication is non-biodegradable implants present in the correction area.

Non-surgical skin rejuvenation methods

The State Research Center for Laser Medicine carries out non-surgical skin rejuvenation in several directions:

  • Laser biorevitalization; Laser biorevitalization is the saturation of the skin with hyaluronic acid using a laser. The active component fills the intercellular space. The skin is moisturized, smoothed and becomes more elastic. Laser biorevitalization can eliminate wrinkles on the face, neck, hands, and décolleté and give the skin radiance.
  • Laser heating; Laser heating is recommended for patients with weakened collagen-elastin framework of facial skin. This is an effective method for the comprehensive restoration of the skin. Laser heating allows you to completely renew cells and promotes intensive collagen production. After the procedure, the oval of the face is restored, deep and medium wrinkles disappear.
  • Fractional photothermolysis; Fractional photothermolysis removes old skin cells and stimulates the formation of new ones. Activates metabolic processes that promote the production of natural collagen and elastin. Using fractional photothermolysis, you can smooth out small and medium-sized wrinkles and get rid of skin defects such as warts and moles.
  • Laser resurfacing; Laser resurfacing is one of the most powerful methods of non-surgical skin rejuvenation, during which the skin gradually “evaporates” to a certain layer. Since the top layer of skin is removed, the patient will require a period of rehabilitation. But the effect is worth the sacrifice. Laser resurfacing causes powerful stimulation of the dermis. As a result, the functioning of the skin is completely rebuilt, deep wrinkles are smoothed out, sagging tissue is tightened, scars disappear.
  • Photodynamic rejuvenation; Photodynamic skin rejuvenation is an effective correction of facial wrinkles, pigmented areas of the skin, and age-related changes. The active component is a special photosensitizer gel, which fills deformed and old cells, which leads to structural renewal of the skin layers and, as a result, skin rejuvenation.
  • Radio wave lifting Radio wave lifting is an effective way to combat premature skin aging, early wrinkles and skin defects. The result of the procedure is the reduction of wrinkles, elimination of cellulite and sagging skin in the eyelids, cheeks, and chin.

All these directions have found some benefit among patients who are already fed up with injection rejuvenation, but are too young for plastic surgery.

Age-related facial correction using thread lifting method

In Western publications, thread lifting, also known as thread lifting (from the English “thread” - thread) is often called “lunch-time lifting”, that is, “lifting during lunch break”. Indeed, implantation of polymer threads is one of the most minimally traumatic and safe procedures for facial rejuvenation. Through small punctures with the finest needles, synthetic threads are introduced under the skin, creating a frame that neutralizes age-related changes in the face. The effect of one manipulation lasts 2-3 years.

For thread lifting, synthetic fibers are used: polydioxanone, caprolactone, polylactic acid. All these substances are hypoallergenic, and the threads obtained from them are not impregnated with biological fluids (which means there is no possibility of infection), are bioinert and can gradually dissolve under the influence of water and body enzymes.

Possibilities of hardware cosmetology

Hardware cosmetology began to develop in the 70s of the last century, and gained popularity only 30 years later.
She is considered the sister of physiotherapy, the effectiveness of which has been proven by time. You can guess from the name that hardware cosmetology involves the use of special devices. They have microcurrent, ultrasound, vacuum, light and other physiotherapeutic effects on the skin. Often, the devices complement traditional cosmetics - serums, creams, masks.

Modern hardware cosmetology has great opportunities. One of its key functions is to enhance the effect of therapeutic and cosmetic drugs, which are not always able to reach the desired layer of the dermis. Hardware techniques are designed to ensure their transportation to deeper levels, where the aging process takes place.

Methods of hardware cosmetology are also able to “accelerate” natural processes in the skin, which slow down with age, under the influence of poor ecology or stress.

Equipment used

  • M22 (by Lumenis)

Hardware rejuvenation techniques are performed using a special M22 cosmetology system. It combines several modules, one of them is an IPL installation. With its help, it is possible to expose the skin to intense pulsed light with a wavelength from 500 to 1200 nm. The device helps solve a wide range of problems: from eliminating signs of aging to removing vascular pathologies and facial photoepilation.

  • GeneO+ (Pollogen by Lumenis)

GeneO+ is the latest device for rejuvenation, which combines 4 techniques that delicately and extremely effectively act on all layers of the skin. The use of oxygenation, RF lifting, ultrasound and hardware myofascial massage can reduce the signs of age, eliminate pigmentation and redness, and also remove other aesthetic imperfections.

Team of Doctors

Implantation of threads can cause not many complications. Most often these are hematomas - “bruises” and swelling: when inserting even the thinnest needles, a vessel can be injured, and swelling occurs during aseptic (microbial-free) inflammation caused by a foreign body. Actually, the rejuvenation of facial tissues when using threads is based on inflammation and the activation of metabolism caused by it. Therefore, swelling in the first three days and its persistence for up to 2 weeks is a normal development of events and should not cause concern. To make swelling and bruising resolve faster, you can use Heparin ointment, Troxevasin and Traumeel gels, and physiotherapy (microcurrents).

If you neglect the doctor's recommendations and do not restrain your facial expressions, the end of one or more threads may come out from under the skin. There is no need to panic - you need to contact the specialist who performed the manipulation, who will remove the thread that came out and install a new one.

If you do not thoroughly wash off your makeup before the procedure (or do not treat your face well with an antiseptic), or neglect the temporary ban on decorative cosmetics, an infection may occur and inflammation may develop. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor so that he can prescribe antibiotics.

Perhaps one of the most unpleasant complications is the formation of fibrous cords along the threads. In principle, new collagen formation is exactly the effect for which thread lifting is done. But if the body is prone to excessive scarring, dense fibrous cords may form instead of a thin supporting frame.

Implantation of threads is perfectly combined with other methods of correcting age-related changes in the face. Biorevitalization and mesotherapy are not only allowed, but also recommended - they will allow you to recover faster after manipulation. In the same way, after thread lifting, you can do contour plastic surgery, use fractional laser, RF lifting devices and use other procedures that provide facial rejuvenation without surgery - this will extend the effect of implantation to 3-4 years.

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