High density and durability in Dermafill fillers

"Dermafill" is a series of multiphase fillers based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. They are manufactured in France using the latest technologies.

This company develops and produces products for aesthetic medicine and its other industries. Products are presented in more than thirty countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania.

The most important feature of Dermafill fillers is their unique TIME-X technology (the so-called “Umbrella Effect”). What's unusual about it? Hyaluronic acid molecules are “stitched” into one three-dimensional matrix, which is modified depending on the environment. If the pressure in the syringe increases, the matrix “folds” and takes up less volume, making it easier for the product to pass through a thin needle. In tissues, everything happens the other way around: the matrix begins to “straighten out”, like an umbrella. At the same time, the surrounding tissues are pushed out, resulting in a full correction even with the help of a small amount of gel.

Types of Dermafill filler

The series of this filler consists of fillers with different densities:

  • "Dermafill Lips";
  • "Dermafill Volume Ultra";
  • "Dermafill Global Xtra";
  • "Dermafill Regen (Meso)".

"Dermafill Lips"

It is a monophasic filler for the lips and perioral area. The French product (“Science Beauty Safety”) is made on the basis of highly purified stabilized hyaluronic acid. The filler has a medium density. It is used to correct the volume and shape of the lips, eliminate nasolabial folds, and is also used for the perioral area.

"Dermafill Volume Ultra"

We are talking about a monophasic filler, which includes highly purified stabilized hyaluronic acid. Dense filler is used to correct the volume and shape of the face, change the outline of the chin, nose, and perform volumetry (restoration of youth and volume of the face using fillers) of the temporal and zygomatic areas.

"Dermafill Global Xtra"

It is considered a soft filler, a biodegradable product of non-animal origin with purified stabilized hyaluronic acid.

The product fills superficial skin imperfections, such as forehead wrinkles, fine lines, perioral wrinkles, crow's feet, and small nasolabial folds.

The filler has a homogeneous monophasic structure, due to which there are no difficulties when introducing it into tissues. The filler should completely dissolve in about six months. It leaves no harmful by-products.

"Dermafill Regen (Meso)"

This is a biorevitalizant. There is one hundred percent biodegradable stabilized hyaluronic acid with non-cross-linking. The filler provides skin hydration, restoration of its elasticity, and a healthy appearance. Since the composition contains a reduced amount of glycerin, papules after injections should resolve within 24 hours.

The drug "DERMAFILL REGEN" can be used together with any other products of the "Dermafill" series.

A little about Dermafill

The gel is created on the basis of hyaluronic acid, which forms a three-dimensional matrix. And when the specialist begins to press on the syringe, the hyaluronic acid molecules begin to shrink, thereby decreasing in volume. This makes the process easier, since the gel itself easily passes through a thin needle and penetrates the skin. And when the gel is already in the tissues, then the formula begins to work in the opposite direction and, like an umbrella, straightens out, pushing the folds out. That is, the operation requires less drug to achieve the desired effect.

Thus, the wrinkles are smoothed out with Dermafill. Biorevitalization, as a mechanism, thus moisturizes the skin, straightens wrinkles, and also accelerates the process of tissue restoration and normalizes skin color.

And, despite the fact that the gel molecules themselves are compressed into a three-dimensional matrix, their number is much greater than that of other fillers. For example, gels from other companies contain molecules of 1200 kDa, while the molecules of the Dermafill line are arranged in a chain of 2600 kDa. Thus, the drug itself stays in the tissues much longer, and is also less susceptible to changes in the formula itself (the chain can become deformed, twist, etc.). This allows for fewer repeated injections to smooth out the skin.

It comes in gel form and is injected under the skin. The amount of hyaluronic acid does not exceed 2.5%.

It can also be noted that the Dermafill line is denser than analog fillers. For example, the densest filler in the Dermafill line has a density of 25 mg/ml, while other drugs have a density of up to 23 mg/ml. This allows you to contain more hyaluronic acid, and the effect lasts much longer. Like any other filler, the Dermafill product dissolves over time. But, unlike other drugs, the effect is not so severe, and the patient himself will hardly notice its disappearance.

Moreover, the SBS-MED company has developed a technology that cleans the gel much better than all known analogues. This purification system reduces endotoxin by 10 times. And this is even below acceptable standards. And also the concentration of the BDDE stabilizer decreased by 4 times. These indicators minimize the occurrence of allergic reactions to the drug.

Line of fillers Dermafill

Dermafill fillers have different degrees of density and viscosity. Depending on these indicators, specialists prescribe for different areas of the skin.

Demifill regen, compared to other drugs in this line, has the lowest density (14 mg/ml) and its viscosity is 670 mPa s. This is a light filler that spreads unhindered in the tissues and does not make the skin too voluminous. Thanks to this, the skin becomes naturally moisturized and acquires a natural and healthy color.

This type of filler is used to straighten the vertical folds between the eyebrows, as well as to slightly sculpt the lips, smooth out small wrinkles and improve the patient’s smile. In addition, the gel is administered to correct nasolabial folds, as well as smooth the skin in the area of ​​the chin fossa.

This type of filler is also used to lift the neck and is used in a relatively new lifting method - bodyskiing. This technique involves smoothing tissue in places where thick and elastic skin is needed.

Demifill xtra has a medium density formula (about 23 mg/ml). And it is intended to correct lips, as well as fill folds and irregularities between the nose and upper lip. This filler is also used to correct crow’s feet in the outer corners of the eyes. The gel also works in the frontal area, smoothing and correcting fine lines and small folds. The duration of the effect lasts from 9 to 12 months.

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Dermafill volume ultra is considered the densest among the line. Its density is 25 mg/ml. This gel is used to provide deeper smoothing, in particular increasing the fullness of deep nasolabial folds, as well as wrinkles around the mouth and deep expression lines.

It is used in contouring to smooth out folds in this area. The filler also allows you to make your cheekbones more defined, as well as for greater expressiveness of the brow ridges and modeling the shape of the nose (this method is called non-surgical rhinoplasty). The gel allows you to improve the area between the eyebrows, as well as remove the hump from the bridge of the nose and give your lips more volume. The effect after administration of the drug lasts from 11 to 14 months.

Dermafill lips density is somewhere between volume ultra and xtra. This special development helps to achieve some effects that fillers of other densities cannot cope with. In particular, it is used only for lips. The catch is that the lips have thinner skin than other parts of the body. And therefore, under the influence of temperature, as well as constant friction between each other, the effect of the filler injection disappears 2 - 3 months earlier.

Dermafill lips corrects this drawback, since the gel itself has sufficient viscosity, but at the same time restrains all external influences. In addition, the lips increase in volume, are also moisturized naturally and acquire a rich color.

Customer Reviews

About Dermafill Lips

“I have long wanted to enlarge my lips, although they are not naturally narrow. I decided to go to a plastic surgeon who uses the French drug Dermafill Lips.

I didn’t have herpes, so the doctor said that I didn’t have to take special medications before the procedure. They smeared some kind of anesthetic on my lips, after which they went numb. Then the specialist started giving injections. It hurt a lot, but after the injections in my gums, which I once had to endure, I had a rough idea of ​​what it would be like.

The procedure did not take much time. I was injected with a milliliter of the product, with a little more left for possible correction.

The lips were not particularly swollen, but they became white and blue. The cost of the procedure is $200. I didn’t talk to my friends or relatives about the injections. Interestingly, none of them noticed any effect.

After 2-3 days the swelling went down. But even I hardly notice the result.

Immediately after the procedure, two white bubbles appeared on my lower lip (small and larger). They are transparent, cannot be painted over and resemble herpes. The doctor said that these are clots of hyaluronic acid, which should go away in about three weeks.

So know that 1 ml of gel gives a barely noticeable volume. After injections, you should not drink hot drinks, go to saunas, solariums, or drink alcohol.”

(Maria, 32 years old)

About Dermafill Volume Ultra

“I would like to tell you about my second experience of lip augmentation (after the Amaline Medium gel). This time I went to another clinic to another doctor. She suggested that I use Dermafill Volume Ultra. It has a higher density, so the effect will also last longer. The gel does not come in lumps. Usually the price of a session is 11,000-12,000 rubles, and with my discount it came out to 8,000 rubles.

My first procedure was very painful. Before anesthesia, my lips were peeled, then lidocaine and anesthetic ointment were applied. We waited half an hour for the anesthesia to work better, but the anesthesia did not work for me for a long time. The doctor did a lot of punctures. The goal was to slightly raise the corners of the lips and give the lips a different shape.

This time the pain was not severe. When the product was administered, hematomas appeared on the lips, which went away within a week. After a week, a correction was made. There was no anesthesia. By the way, if you use the same syringe, do not delay the correction for more than two weeks, otherwise its shelf life will expire.

I felt lumps only during the first days, now I don’t feel anything in my lips.

The changes were noticed by two of my friends who also want a similar effect.”

(Galina, 30 years old)

About Dermafill Global Xtra

“For lip augmentation, I wanted to use Ultrasmile or Juvederm 3.” But the cosmetologist recommended Dermafill Global Xtra to me. I didn’t take any pills before the injections. They applied anesthetic cream to my lips and left me to wait for 20-30 minutes. Later, bruises and swelling appeared, which disappeared after a week.”

(Irina, 40 years old)

About Dermafill Regen (Meso)

“Five to seven days after biorevitalization with Dermafill Regen (Meso), I saw that my complexion had improved. The covers acquired elasticity and became “luminous”. The skin became moisturized from the inside. I have a mixed type, and over time the dry areas became moisturized. The effect was especially noticeable after the second procedure. In six months I’m going for biorevitalization again.”

(Yulia, 29 years old)

What is the cost of Dermafil? The drug has its own price, but a procedure with this gel in Moscow costs 12,000 rubles and more.


Typically, contour plastic surgery and biorevitalization are prescribed for those whose age has exceeded 30. But even in this case, there are exceptions. For example, there are young people suffering from skin diseases. And the action of hyaluronic acid will improve healing and give a natural color. So who are the Dermafill products indicated for?

  1. Patients who are over 30. These are those who have begun to develop wrinkles with age. It’s still too early to go under the surgeon’s knife, but natural skin color and smoothing out wrinkles is what will suit them at the moment.
  2. Dry and dehydrated skin. This skin's elasticity decreases. This occurs either with age, or due to some external influences. It could also be due to bad heredity. And at present, they have not yet come up with other effective means to combat this disease.
  3. Injuries and abrasions. Usually, after laser resurfacing, peeling or plastic surgery, there is a need for tissue restoration and rapid healing. Then patients are prescribed a course of hyaluronic acid. After all, fillers not only smooth out the skin. Hyaluronic acid allows the skin to breathe, accelerating the blood and saturating the cells with oxygen. This allows you to quickly restore damaged areas.
  4. Preparation for ultraviolet irradiation. Although hyaluronic acid acts in two directions. It prepares the skin to be irradiated with ultraviolet light. It also restores it after the irradiation itself. In addition, under the influence of rays, the skin loses moisture very quickly. Fillers naturally restore these imperfections.
  5. Unhealthy skin color (pigment spots). This anomaly occurs if the body lacks melanin, which is responsible for its color and also plays the role of an antioxidant. Hyaluronic acid normalizes the amount of melanin and restores antioxidant protection. Thus, the skin restores its natural color and is less exposed to oxidative reactions.
  6. Increased skin oiliness. This problem occurs in those who have enlarged pores. This problem makes the skin oily. Fillers, which include essential oils, help solve the problem by reducing the activity of the glands.

Thus, the Dermafill line is indicated both for people who have wrinkles, as well as for those who have skin problems. But it is worth noting that before the age of 25, the need to use fillers does not make sense.

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