Miracle facial exercisers: are they really that useful?

Facial trainers - why are they needed?

What are the main advantages of such devices? Exercise machines rejuvenate the skin of the face, making it toned, fresh, and help smooth out wrinkles. The main advantage of such devices is their cost-effectiveness and safety when compared with surgical plastic surgery.

The whole world is surprised how Japanese women manage to look young even at quite a considerable age. But the secret is not only in Asian cosmetics or ecology - Japanese women actively use effective exercise equipment. In fact, such devices show good results in rejuvenation.

By the way, on our website facesave.ru there is an interesting article from which you will learn about 10 reasons why Japanese women remain young and slim for a long time.

Double chin - what is it and why does it appear?

The problem of a double chin bothers its owners, causing psychological discomfort from the feeling of unaestheticness of their own appearance. Fatty deposits under the soft tissues of the lower jaw accumulate over the years.

This is facilitated by impaired lymphatic drainage and increased stress on the circulatory mechanisms of blood delivery. Slow metabolism in tissues swollen with fat contributes to swelling, puffiness of the face, its unhealthy color, and a greasy shine.

It even happens that a heavily drooping double chin makes the neck so visually short that it seems as if the head has grown into the shoulders. Therefore, owners of this cosmetic defect really want to get rid of it.

Who needs them?

Facial trainers are great for women and men. They are most often used to correct age-related skin changes and to combat sagging facial muscles. It is also useful to use such devices as a preventive measure.

In addition, there are a number of medical indications to combat which cosmetologists recommend using these simulators:

  1. Facial asymmetry;
  2. Wrinkles in the cheeks, cheekbones, neck;
  3. Sagging cheeks, missing teeth;
  4. After plastic surgery, as a means of recovery;
  5. TMJ dysfunction;
  6. Nasolabial folds;
  7. Drooping of the outer corners of the eyes.

These devices are capable of many things. With their help, you can tighten your cheeks, remove a double chin, or even correct the shape of your nose. Their possibilities are practically unlimited and depend on the specific device.

What kind of simulators are there? A considerable number of devices for the facial muscles have appeared: of different shapes, sizes and purposes.

Here are the 7 best exercise machines for the face and neck:

Lip enlarger

Asian beauty gadgets.
Lip enlarger. Photo: Aliexpress This gadget has spread all over Instagram, although it appeared in Asian online stores. To get plump lips without injections, just use this “suction cup” and wait a little.

Is it worth it?

Well, it works. But this technique is useful if you want to create a short-term effect of swollen lips (say, for a photo shoot). However, its use is fraught with hematomas around the mouth, which will disappear in at least a week.

Silicone face slimmer

This device, which looks like human lips, is an innovative invention of the Japanese - a lip trainer. It is extremely simple to use, but effective.

How to use:

  1. Insert between lips and teeth;
  2. Stand in front of a mirror to immediately see that the exercises are performed correctly;
  3. Move your lips, try to close your lips;
  4. Try pronouncing the vowels “o”, “e”, “u”.

Do all exercises for 5 minutes.

What results will you get with regular use:

  • Fewer wrinkles, as well as preventing the appearance of new ones;
  • Tight muscles;
  • Beautiful shape of cheekbones;
  • Firm elastic skin.

Hairstyle and makeup to highlight cheekbones: tips for women

The right haircut and makeup is a simple and affordable way for women to emphasize their cheekbones and make them more expressive. As for hairstyles, you can pay attention to the following options:

  • Ladder haircut starting from the middle of the cheek.
  • Hairstyles with straight bangs covering the eyebrows.
  • Straight strands, the ends of which are slightly curled, help visually elongate the oval of the face and emphasize the cheekbones.
  • You can pay attention to this styling: tie up straight hair on the back of your head with a hairpin and let a few strands of hair fall onto your face.

When doing makeup, you can pay attention to some sculpting techniques that will help highlight your cheekbones and make them more expressive. In this case, you need to take into account the shape of your face:

  • Round face. In order to highlight the cheekbones and elongate the face, use this technique: apply a darker shade of blush below the cheekbone, and apply a lighter shade, for example, peach, to the apples of the cheeks.

Avoid using blush with shimmery textures if you have a round face. They will diffuse the light, visually making the face even wider.

  • Square face. Apply blush from bottom to top, do not reach your temples. It is better to choose terracotta tones. You can apply blush with reflective particles or highlighter to the cheekbone.
  • Triangular face. It is advisable to draw cheekbones in the upper area of ​​the cheeks in the shape of a boomerang. The shade of blush should be used as close to natural as possible. To highlight cheekbones and soften some of the angularity of the face, use cream blush with shimmering particles or highlighter. Apply them to your temples.
  • Oval face. It is considered the ideal form, so you need to select the texture and shades of blush based on the color type. To highlight the cheekbones, you can use blush, applying it to the central part of the cheek and slightly moving it upward towards the temple area.

Thus, there are enough ways to “create” cheekbones. Makeup and hairstyle are simple, but in order to achieve lasting results and further tighten the oval, it is recommended to use exercises . When performed regularly, they can improve the features and shape of your face.

Lulu ultra (Lulu ultra)

90% of wrinkles do not appear due to aging skin, they are caused by deformation of the facial muscles. Facebuilding comes to the rescue - a set of exercises for training the facial muscles. The Lulu Ultra trainer is designed for face gymnastics. It will help you:

  • Tighten the facial muscles;
  • Remove facial wrinkles, nasolabial folds;
  • Restore a clear oval;
  • Remove double chin;
  • Correct asymmetry;
  • Get rid of bags under the eyes.

This machine is the invention of Russian fitness instructor Natalia Lukina. On the Internet you can find a large number of video tutorials on using Lulu ultra. It is enough to exercise just 15 minutes a day, at least 4 days a week, so that the result does not take long to arrive.

Indications for use of the Lulu Ultra facial muscle trainer:

  1. TMJ dysfunction;
  2. Asymmetrical facial features;
  3. Drooping of the soft tissues of the eyelids (ptosis);
  4. Double chin;
  5. Recovery after Botox or plastic surgery;
  6. Sagging skin of the forehead, eyebrows;
  7. Vertical wrinkles on the cheeks;
  8. The common desire to look young, regardless of age.

Facebook building or surgery

With the help of exercises you can get rid of wrinkles and pump up your cheekbones.
Facebuilding is a set of special exercises that is designed to pump up problem areas of the face. With its help, you can remove wrinkles, smooth out folds, slow down aging, tighten the oval of the face, and shape the contour of the chin. Classes are regular, requiring attention and effort, but what is done for a long time and with high quality always brings good results. Time and effort are the only things you need to invest.

Benefits of facial gymnastics:

  • no financial investment required;
  • no need to use chemicals or inject neurotoxins;
  • the skin is enriched with oxygen due to the work of deep muscles, which slows down the aging process.

If you eat right, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, and use quality care products, you can look 10 years younger.

Surgery is always a risk. Moreover, it is not justified if you need to look for a cheaper plastic surgeon in little-known clinics where the result is difficult to predict. There are cases when an infection was introduced during an operation and the patient had to be saved. We are not talking about the quality of services, only about safety.

If after the operation you do not do the same gymnastics, continue to eat haphazardly, and do not maintain a water regime, the muscles will still sag.


The Patakara facial trainer is a Japanese discovery of the 21st century. This is a universal remedy for rejuvenation, toned muscles, and a beautiful face. The device was originally developed for people with apoplexy and stroke victims to restore facial symmetry.

Soon the device became a popular tool for combating aging skin, as it turned out that it perfectly tightens the facial muscles and rejuvenates it.

Exercises that can be performed using the Patacara simulator:

  1. Place it between your lips and teeth;
  2. Make circular movements;
  3. Hold the device using the force of your lips for 3 minutes;
  4. Do not clench your teeth under any circumstances. Is it dangerous;
  5. Place your tongue towards the palate;
  6. Breathing only through the nose.

What results should you expect:

  • There are fewer or no wrinkles;
  • Elimination of crow's feet and bags under the eyes;
  • Raised corners of lips;
  • Double chin reduction/elimination;
  • Correct face shapes;
  • Improved blood supply;
  • Tight face.

Training with Patakara improves the condition of serious health problems: diabetes, asthma, atopic dermatitis, enuresis, acne and other skin diseases, arterial hypertension.

It is recommended to do the exercises 5 times a day for about 3 minutes.

Indications and contraindications for face building

Facebook building can be done by both older people and young people. While it is important for older women to maintain their oval shape and delay the appearance of wrinkles, young people need to pump up certain muscles in order to change the shape of their face as much as possible. The goals can be different, for example, imitating your favorite actress or actor.

There are practically no contraindications. The only limitation is that you need to be checked by a doctor for damage to the spine and intervertebral discs in the cervical region. Exercise can lead to pinched nerves, since during work the muscles begin to tighten and compress the nerve endings. If there are various types of displacements, it is better to refrain from gymnastics or first undergo a complex of exercise therapy for the neck.

Injuries received in the past - cracks, fractures of facial bones - can also interfere. If a person has undergone thyroid surgery or is preparing for it, it is necessary to consult with their doctor. The implementation of the complex may have to be postponed.

The Facial Fitness Pao

This unique Japanese design will definitely amuse you with its appearance. But her appearance is not a reason not to take the face oval trainer seriously. It was designed to give stress to those muscles that lose their strength with age.

How to use:

  1. Place your lips around the holder in the middle of the device;
  2. Move your head quickly up and down

Do the exercise for 30 seconds, repeat 2 times a day.

Why the simulator is useful:

  • Lower face lift;
  • Getting rid of nasolabial folds;
  • Strengthening the neck muscles;
  • Double chin reduction;
  • Lip correction.

General work plan for working out the zygomatic muscles

Face-building trainers advise training daily at the initial stage of work to give the muscles maximum load. This will activate them and start metabolic processes in the tissues. The duration of one session will be shorter.

There will definitely be a sore throat - the first week your face will hurt. This is fine. When the pain begins to gradually subside, you can switch to the “two days after one” mode, that is, you train for two days in a row and take one day off. Relaxation is needed to allow the muscles to rest.

Gradually you need to come to a regimen of 2 – 3 exercise sessions per week. This is enough to maintain muscle tone.

Flower Face Up

A flower-shaped face trainer is an excellent device for tightening the skin if it is sagging. The device is very easy to use and does not require much effort. Flower Face Up allows you to massage both sides of the face and neck at the same time, activating blood circulation and tightening the skin.

Main properties:

  • Massage improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • The skin becomes firmer, more elastic, and the contours of the face become clearer;
  • Blood circulation increases;
  • Opening of pores, removal of toxic substances that cause skin aging;
  • Better absorption of cosmetics after using the massager;
  • The double chin disappears;

The procedures are carried out for 10-15 minutes a day. When moving up, you need to press a little, loosen when lowering. Regular exercise will give you a clear facial contour and elastic skin.

How to pump up your cheekbones using radical methods

Those who are completely dissatisfied with the shape of their face and cannot constantly spend time on exercises can pay attention to the methods of plastic surgery. Here the answer to the question of whether it is possible to pump up cheekbones is clearly positive. There are several options for operations . They give quick results, but also have a number of disadvantages.

  • Mentoplasty or the introduction of artificial implants. It is done under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. It leaves no scars, since the incisions are made from the inside of the cheeks. During the recovery period, swelling, swelling, and numbness are possible.
  • Lipofilling. This is a procedure for adding your own fat to your cheekbones. Its advantage is that there is no risk of rejection. The downside is that fat tends to shrink. Three months after the procedure, the contours change and the original volume decreases. Therefore, for long-term and lasting results, it is recommended to undergo a course of operations. Please also keep in mind that within two weeks after surgery, swelling and bruising may occur in the cheekbone area, and scars may remain at the puncture sites.
  • Contour plastic. It involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations and is the most gentle method. It is performed on an outpatient basis and takes approximately an hour. The results will last for three years. During the week after surgery, burning, swelling, and hematomas are possible.

Chinese Ban stick (Qigong)

You can also restore youthful skin with the help of a Chinese simulator - baths. This is a special stick that is used to massage various muscles of the body, including the facial muscles. The bath stick is an important attribute of qigong gymnastics, which helps not only physically improve the body, but also reduce stress and find peace.

What results can be achieved with regular use:

  • Deep restoration of muscles and skin;
  • Improved circulation;
  • Smooth skin;
  • Double chin removal;
  • Beautiful chin shape;
  • Filling with vitality (masters of qigong practice believe that the tree retains positive energy and has a positive effect on the person who comes into contact with it).

You may also be interested in learning about the ancient Chinese practice of Guasha facial massage. Detailed material in this article.

Smile trainer

Asian beauty gadgets.
Smile trainer. Photo: Tao Bao This rather unpleasant-looking “mouthpiece” is a very popular item among South Korean girls. It is designed to teach you a Hollywood smile. The macaron-shaped pad is pressed between your lips, and the handles on the sides forcefully stretch your mouth in the right directions.

Is it worth it?

Numerous reviews say that the thing is quite pointless and is only suitable for pranks at parties. In addition, it can be harmful to older women. Constant stretching of mature skin leads to deterioration of its condition.

Biomechanical stimulator Nazarov

The biomechanical stimulation device was invented by Professor V.T. Nazarov to improve the epidermis and muscles using special vibration waves. There are devices for both the whole body and just the face.

BMS of the face is a special gymnastics for the facial muscles and neck muscles. It is performed using the Nazarov apparatus and makes the skin fresh and tightened. The effect is achieved by activating blood circulation and restoring facial fibers.


  • Tightened skin;
  • Minimum wrinkles;
  • Clear oval face;
  • Improved blood supply;
  • Improved metabolism.

The process lasts on average 25-30 minutes. To maintain the result, it is advisable to repeat it several times a month.

Review of real reviews of the use of simulators

Basically, reviews about the work of such simulators for eliminating a double chin are positive. As women note, the oval of the face is noticeably tightened and the appearance of the face improves. But it will not be possible to remove a double chin only with the help of a massager without fighting extra pounds. Therefore, significant results can be achieved in the absence of fat deposits on the face and neck. The effectiveness of the device will be noticeable after a month of use.

A large number of reviews on the Internet confirm the high results of special devices, provided that the procedures are carried out regularly. Women note that the procedure is slightly painful and there is a high likelihood of bruising.

The use of the exercise machine is recommended as an aid to diet. This will prevent sagging skin and help eliminate cosmetic imperfections after losing weight.

Watch the video for an overview of the simulator:

Facial trainers: contraindications

Facial trainers should not be used if you have the following diseases:

  1. Various skin diseases;
  2. ARVI, chronic rhinitis;
  3. Traumatic brain injuries;
  4. Diseases of the lymphatic system;
  5. Warts;
  6. Oncological diseases;
  7. Osteoporosis;
  8. Mental disorders;
  9. Hypertension;
  10. Post-stroke condition;
  11. Inflammation.

General recommendations

  • Japanese simulators for the muscles of the face and neck have become an excellent way to regain youth, as well as prevent age-related changes. Nevertheless, you need to be smart about choosing a simulator and study information from reliable sources.
  • To choose a simulator, you can view before and after photos and read reviews. True, a negative review does not always mean that the device will not suit you. Everything is individual and you need to take this into account. If possible, consult a cosmetologist and definitely a doctor so as not to harm yourself.
  • The price of the exercise machine is also not the main selection criterion: an expensive device may not necessarily be suitable for you, but on the contrary, a cheaper machine can be very effective in the fight for beauty.
  • Don’t expect instant results, do the exercises correctly, regularly, and then everything will definitely work out.

Jawzrsize. Pump up your jaw

Face fitness

has long gained popularity and there are a large number of people who are confident that doing facial exercises will make them look younger.
Such activity includes not only various sets of exercises, but also the use of special devices. One of the new products is a simulator for shaping the relief of the muscles of the lower third of the face Jawzrsize
The device is very popular today in the USA, and will probably soon be sold in Russia.

What do the sellers promise?

Jawzrsize is a silicone ball with grooves for teeth. The principle of operation of the new device is extremely simple - just bite the device with your teeth and continue to spring back with your bite. The device works on the principle of a hand expander. According to the authors of Jawzrsize, “...by overcoming resistance, Jawzrsize activates the muscles responsible for the oval of the face, the contour of the cheekbones, and nasolabial folds... The work of Jawzrsize is aimed at eliminating general age-related changes on the face.” The manufacturer claims that after a month of regular use of Jawzrsize for 20-30 minutes daily, the facial muscles are tightened so much that the face visually looks 10 years younger.

Facial fat melts away

Another effect that manufacturers promise is a reduction in the volume of fat on the face, which helps create a clearer contour and makes the face look more youthful. Fat is reduced by focusing on the face and scalp. The authors of the device claim that the effect of using a beauty device is superior to cosmetic injection techniques aimed at rejuvenation.

The cost of the basic Jawzrsize kit varies from 3,700 to 7,000 rubles ($40-100) depending on the configuration.

In commercials, Jawzrsize is positioned as a device designed to revolutionize the beauty industry, but it has received mostly negative reviews from the professional medical community.

Expert opinion. Oparin Andrey Vladimirovich, dentist-orthodontist.

“Jawzrsize is a common stimulant. There are similar exercise machines for the orbicularis oris muscle. This device is aimed at stimulating the chewing muscles. In reality, this is a very dangerous thing.

If you use it, as shown in commercials, the muscles are pumped, BUT at the same time the temporomandibular joint is heavily loaded. If the device is used by older people with an already “mature” joint, this can lead to an exacerbation of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. TMJ dysfunction is a complex problem that significantly impairs a person’s quality of life.

If you look at the before/after photos of using Jawzrsize, we will note the play of light, and not the “amazing” effect of using Jawzrsize. The use of the device will not bring fundamental changes, but will only harm

. Such an injection will lead to an increase in chewing force and load, which will result in damage to the enamel on all teeth, and further periodontal injury will occur.

Perhaps the only time I would recommend using Jawzrsize is for patients with hypotonicity (a state of decreased muscle tone), but such patients are extremely few, approximately 1 in 1000. For the average person, using this beauty device will only cause harm.”

Here’s a device, “pump up your jaw” = “cripple your jaw.”

IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT A DOWN CHIN, A FLOOMED OVAL OF THE FACE OR A BITE. Choose proven options for solving aesthetic problems. Namely:


Solution: chin liposuction, mentoplasty. In advanced cases in combination with age-related changes - SMAS lift, platysmoplasty.


Solution: thread lifting, ultrasonic lifting, thermage, contour plastic surgery, mini-lifting, SMAS lifting.

Problem: BITE, Sloping CHIN.

Solution: treatment of malocclusion by an orthodontist using braces, orthognathy in difficult cases, mentoplasty.

Be healthy!

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