Massage for bust enlargement in 3 days. Video on how to do it at home

Massage for breast enlargement helps to tighten and correct its shape without surgical intervention.

The effectiveness of this technique is due to the impact on certain points of the body, as a result of which the release of female hormones responsible for breast growth increases.

About the benefits and harms of massage for bust enlargement

Any massage manipulations, including those that promote bust enlargement, have a beneficial effect on tissue, triggering a number of mechanisms.

Massage improves not only the appearance, but also the health of the breast. There are several massage techniques. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. But in any case, massage has a good effect on the appearance of the breasts, improves the condition of the skin, and increases overall tone and elasticity.

Due to massage actions, blood circulation increases, useful microelements enter the epidermal cells and capillary vessels develop. Thanks to the massage, epidermal cells are regenerated, they are renewed and the condition of the skin noticeably improves.

These include the following:

  • activation of metabolism in the thickness of the dermis as a result of mechanical irritations leads to tightening of the skin, making it smoother and more elastic;
  • in the tissues underlying the skin, hemodynamics and, as a result, tissue saturation with oxygen and nutrients .

Before doing a bust massage at home, you need to undergo an examination.

Before starting a course of massage for breast enlargement, you should be examined by a doctor to exclude possible contraindications.
Cysts and other benign neoplasms detected during examination and ultrasound examination exclude the possibility of massage.

Causes of lactostasis

When pathology appears, the milk ducts become blocked, which causes heaviness in the chest and severe pain. Anatomically, the mammary gland consists of lobules. Between them are ducts through which milk flows to the nipple. When the ducts are blocked, milk cannot leave the lobule, so it begins to accumulate. As a result, an inflammatory process occurs, which provokes a number of unpleasant symptoms and complications.

The main causes of lactostasis are the following:

  • Incorrect breastfeeding or choosing only one position . As a result, during feeding, the baby does not empty all the lobules of the mammary gland, which leads to the formation of plugs and congestion.
  • Failure to maintain water balance . Insufficient water consumption, especially in hot weather, can lead to increased milk viscosity.
  • Sleeping in a single position . For example, if a woman sleeps only on her side, then milk can accumulate in the lobes located under the arms.
  • Incorrectly selected underwear . Many new mothers refuse nursing underwear and use bras with wires and/or the wrong size. This can lead to compression of the mammary gland and inflammation.
  • Regular pumping after feeding . This will trigger an increase in milk supply, which leads to constant residue and increases the risk of clogged ducts.
  • Malfunction of the mammary gland ducts . May result from injury or swelling caused by other medical conditions.

Why does massage help increase bust size?

A change in bust size due to regular massage occurs as a result of activation of metabolism in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and underlying tissues. Massage movements stimulate blood flow and promote enhanced nutrition of the dermis, fat and muscle tissue, and glandular epithelium.

Traditional massage

In this case, it is very important to perform the massage correctly. Each technique is performed differently. Only by following the recommendations and rules can you achieve the desired effect. The classic massage algorithm is as follows:

StageName of the massageDescription
1StrokingStroking the mammary gland is carried out in a circular motion in the direction from the nipple. The duration of this steel is about 1 minute. Manipulations should be carried out, trying not to apply pressure.
2TriturationManipulations, accompanied by slight displacement of the skin, are carried out from the nipple. Rubbing is carried out over the entire area of ​​the mammary gland. In conclusion, you should rub your fist from top to bottom, without exerting excessive pressure and supporting the chest from below. Massage the lower part in the same way.
3VibrationThe fingers of the hand must be placed on the area of ​​the mammary gland and “shuddering” movements provoke vibration. Thus, you should “walk” over the entire surface.
4StrokingAbout 1 minute. Stroking improves skin tone, helps strengthen it, and also stimulates lymph circulation.

The traditional massage procedure for bust enlargement takes from 10 to 15 minutes and can be performed 1 to 3 times a day.

Japanese massage

Such a massage for bust enlargement does not involve manipulation of the mammary glands themselves. The effect is carried out on active points on the body, stimulating the entry of estrogen into the blood, which is manifested by an increase in the volume of the mammary glands.

The impact on biologically active points is carried out using pressure from top to bottom with the fingertips.

Location of special points:

  • area of ​​projection onto the surface of the body of the thyroid gland;
  • upper part of the shoulder girdle;
  • interscapular region;
  • upper neck.

Shiatsu massage (Japanese massage) is advisable to do while taking a bath before bed , followed by massaging target points with a shower.

Chinese classic massage

To find the points that are affected, you need to place your fingers 5 cm above the solar plexus and spread them 1 cm in both directions . The impact on the points is carried out using special balls, by rotating them on the surface of the skin and pressing.

The duration of stimulation of the point is 30 seconds, after which there should be a pause. For 1 massage session, 8-10 impacts on each point should be performed.

In addition, active points located between the thumb and forefinger should be exposed. To complete the Chinese massage procedure, you should roll the balls on the floor with the soles of your feet , thus massaging another point that affects bust enlargement.

Qi technique

This technique uses the effect of hormones to change the size of the mammary glands.

The massage technique is as follows:

  1. The procedure should begin by warming your palms: you should rub them vigorously.
  2. Place your palms on the mammary glands, spreading your fingers to the sides.
  3. Rotation. To increase the size of the mammary glands, they should be rotated in the direction from the shoulders to the middle of the chest (inward). The number of circular movements must be a multiple of 36.

Experts in the field of oriental practices claim that in the opposite direction of movement (outward), massage will lead to a decrease in bust size .

Oil massage

This type of effect on the body contributes to some enlargement of the mammary glands, active nutrition and increased elasticity of the skin. Manipulation should be carried out after using a light scrub, this increases its effectiveness.

Any vegetable oil is suitable for oil massage.

OliveGives skin elasticity and smoothness.
Grape seed oilIt has an intense moisturizing effect, which increases skin elasticity and makes fine wrinkles less noticeable.
Sea buckthornActivates the restoration of epidermocytes and also saturates them with vitamins.
ApricotContains vitamins necessary for the skin and gives the skin elasticity.
A combination of sunflower and sea buckthorn oils, mixed in equal proportions.Recommended for cases where the skin prematurely loses its elasticity, becomes sluggish and flabby.

A small amount of oil should be rubbed into the skin of the chest with gentle stroking movements in a circle.

Expert advice:

  1. Before starting the procedure, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the selected type of vegetable oil.
  2. Adding a drop of lemon juice to the oil will help gradually fade the pigment spots.

Gentle oil massage should be performed no more than 3 days a week.

Hydromassage for breast enlargement

For a gentle but effective effect on the mammary glands, you should adjust the water pressure so that it is not too strong. The impact is carried out in a circular motion.

When performing hydromassage, the following areas should be affected:

  • the entire surface of the mammary gland;
  • area located below the chest, intercostal space;
  • area above the mammary glands.

The water should have a comfortable temperature. Water massage for bust enlargement lasts 10 minutes.

Using a contrast shower

This procedure activates hemodynamics in the vessels supplying blood to the mammary gland, helps tighten the skin, and increases elasticity. Warm water should be replaced with cool water, avoiding extreme temperatures - hot and too cold. It is recommended to finish the procedure with cool water.

Vacuum massage

Unlike other types of massage, which can be carried out without special devices, vacuum massage for bust enlargement involves the use of equipment - an apparatus consisting of a bowl that encircles the mammary gland and a compressor that pumps air out of the bowl.

As a result, there is a rush of blood to the mammary gland and its volume increases for a certain time. Gradually, the breast volume returns to its original size.

Vacuum massage enlarges the breasts only for a while - later they will return to their original shape.

The disadvantage is that this massage method for bust enlargement is not intended for systematic use , as this will provoke the appearance of spider veins.

Taoist massage

The ancient technique is most relevant in cases where the breasts have sagged prematurely.

ReceptionDescription of the massage techniqueNumber of repetitions
1RotationEach mammary gland should be lightly grasped in the palms and rotated once in the direction from the shoulder to the middle of the chest.8-10
2PressureWith your hands on your nipples, you should gently press on them while taking a deep breath; After a few seconds, as you exhale, release. 8-10

Corrective massage

Corrective massage for bust enlargement is recommended by specialists for cases where there are stretch marks or the skin is sagging due to overextension.

The technique is somewhat similar to the technique of traditional massage.

1Applying creamIt is advisable to use special products to combat stretch marks or tighten the bust.
It is strongly recommended to use only certified products and monitor the expiration date. Before starting a massage course, it is advisable to conduct an allergy test.
2StrokingMovements are carried out with your fingertips, in a circle.
The cream should not be applied to the area of ​​the nipples and areolas.
3PattingLight patting movements should be directed from the nipples up, down and to the sides.
4Final strokingThese massage manipulations should be performed in a circle, holding the chest with the other hand.

Massage with a mitten

In order not to injure the skin of the chest, the degree of rigidity of the mitten should correspond to the sensitivity of the skin. In addition to stimulating hemodynamics, this massage helps remove dead epidermal cells and stimulates skin renewal.

The washcloth mitten should be made from natural materials.

Massage movements are carried out in a circle: from the nipple towards the armpit area, and then from the nipple towards the collarbone.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Breast lift without implants - all methods, methods and procedures. Efficiency, before and after photos.

Greetings from the beauties of the Land of the Rising Sun

Japanese women are famous for their timeless beauty. They achieve it with the help of a certain diet, wushu gymnastics and massage of biologically active points. This is what we will talk about in this chapter. Japanese massage has a lot of advantages and one significant drawback - it is impossible to perform it yourself. Japanese massage is carried out according to the traditional rules of massaging bio-points:

  • fingertips;
  • using stimulating (for 2 seconds) methods or relaxing (5-7 seconds of pressure on one point, then a break);
  • The sensations when pressing on the bio-point are specific; a slight pain is felt, which should not turn into acute discomfort.

How to carry out such a massage is better to watch in the video. There are only 11 points that are used by shiatsu masters to influence the level of female sex hormones and increase their bust:

  1. The first 4 pairs of such points are located on both sides of the thyroid gland. They are massaged using the tonic/stimulating method with 5 pressures.
  2. The next bio-point is located in the occipital notch at the base of the skull. Its massage is carried out in a relaxing way - once.
  3. The next two points are located just above the middle of the collarbone. They need to be massaged synchronously, using a relaxing method, once.
  4. Another 3 pairs of miracle points are located along the vertebra, starting along the base of the shoulder blades and in approximately 1 cm increments.

This method is time-consuming, but you will definitely need an assistant.

General recommendations from experts

The main condition under which massage for bust enlargement will demonstrate its effectiveness is regularity. Only with daily massage manipulations can you achieve good results.

The desired result can be achieved only if massage is performed regularly. The photo shows the results before and after a course of massage for breast enlargement.

Before starting the massage itself, decide in advance on the choice of cream. It must be moisturizing and nourishing to have a beneficial effect on this delicate area of ​​the body. The effect will also depend on the choice of cream.

The décolleté area is thin and vulnerable. The massage should be done carefully, do not be overzealous and put too much pressure on the skin. Actions should be easy.

In 3 days of massage, the result will not be so noticeable, but with regular procedures, the bust will gain elasticity, beautiful shape and increase in size. Massage manipulations should not cause pain , they should be light and superficial.

Before you start massaging your bust, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.

To do this, you need to consult with medical specialists (gynecologist, mammologist) and undergo the examination they prescribed. It will help to exclude neoplasms and other diseases of the mammary gland, which will be contraindications to massage procedures in the chest area.

Contraindications from other organs and systems of the body should also be excluded. To reduce the likelihood of injury to the skin, experts recommend using products specifically designed for this purpose for massage .

Before starting the procedure, you must carefully read the recommendations of specialists regarding the chosen technique. Before starting a massage course, you should make sure that the chosen product does not cause allergies (after all, everything is individual).

To do this, apply the product to a small area of ​​skin on the wrist or elbow. If hypersensitivity occurs, it will manifest itself after 10-15 minutes by redness of the skin. With severe allergies, itching and rashes may appear on the treated area.

For greater effectiveness, experts recommend combining massage for bust enlargement with a special set of exercises aimed at strengthening the pectoralis major muscle.

Is it possible to increase breast volume with massage?

In almost every major beauty salon and medical center, specialists are ready to offer professional massage services. This demand is not unfounded; there is an opinion that, thanks to tactile influence, you can enlarge your breasts by several sizes. Is it really only 1 course of massage that is required for growth?

Results depend on many factors, so no typical effect should be expected. Individual characteristics of the body, metabolic rate, and vascular condition can generally affect the final result. If one client experiences an increase in size after just 1 year, then another may well experience an increase of 2 sizes over this period. But a positive result is observed in 99% of those who apply.

When should you not massage the mammary glands?

Like any medical procedure, bust massage has contraindications , in the presence of which the massage will be harmful to health.

Massage for bust enlargement is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Any ailment - weakness, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, increased drowsiness. These symptoms may indicate an incipient disease. The general condition will worsen due to the massage. Massage under such conditions will not bring any benefit.
  2. during pregnancy and breastfeeding . However, the final decision lies with the specialist observing the woman. You cannot start a massage without his permission.
  3. Intense massage movements are contraindicated in the décolleté area. Excessively vigorous rubbing can damage thin blood vessels and cause hematomas (bruises).
  4. Neoplasms and other diseases of the mammary gland , detected during a special examination, are also a contraindication.
  5. Massage is contraindicated in advanced stages of diseases affecting blood vessels and the heart, kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and lungs.
  6. It is not advisable to perform massage to enlarge the bust while on a weight loss diet.

Signs of milk stagnation

The following symptoms indicate the development of lactostasis:

  • Painful and uncomfortable sensations in the mammary gland.
  • Redness of the skin around the areolas.
  • Discomfort during breastfeeding.
  • Weakness, chills, headache.
  • Temperature.

Photo: Yandex.Pictures
Over a long period of time, lactostasis can develop into mastitis, which leads to a number of complications and additional symptoms.

Residual compactions often form, which later provoke cysts, benign and even malignant tumors.

Creams that are advisable to use

Cosmetics used for breast massage must meet certain requirements.

The main criteria for cosmetics include the following:

  1. It is advisable to use creams designed to improve breast condition: they contain many moisturizing and toning ingredients.
  2. A cosmetic product must be certified - after all, the consumer needs to be confident in its quality.
  3. You should not use the cream if the skin reacted to it with redness, swelling, itching or rashes (even if these phenomena were short-term and passed without a trace).
  4. It is recommended to purchase cosmetics at a pharmacy or store. Hand-bought products with unspecified composition may cause unwanted reactions.

Classic self-massage

The simplest, yet most effective way to increase bust size is to additionally use a cream with phytoestrogens, because the best breast massager is your hands. The best time for a session is immediately after water procedures, just 5-10 minutes is enough.

Using circular movements from the edge of the mammary glands, move to the center, and from there to the armpits. Carefully monitor the pressure on the tissue, because they are very sensitive in this area.

During pregnancy6

Pregnancy is the period in which the biggest changes occur when it comes to bust shape and size. In a short time it reaches a significant increase, and the mass of the mammary gland also increases.

This occurs due to hormonal changes - very high concentrations of estrogen and progesterone lead to gland hyperplasia, and prolactin is involved in milk production. As a result of hormonal changes, the mammary glands become heavier.

Due to the fact that the above changes occur in a fairly short period of time, the skin on the chest may not “keep up” with the growth of the mammary gland. This is why some women develop unaesthetic stretch marks on their chests. They are the result of fiber stretching and breaking. Initially, stretch marks have blue-red shades, after a while they change color to white.

To prevent them, it is worthwhile, from the first trimester, before the breasts begin to grow, to regularly massage with the help of anti-stretch mark creams available on the market. The components they contain are able to saturate with enzymes and moisturize the skin to improve its elasticity, and therefore improve the flexibility and strength of collagen fibers. More resistant elastic fibers are not damaged as easily, and then stretch marks will not appear or there will be much less of them.

During the massage, the ingredients of the cream penetrate deeper into the mammary gland more easily, and the breast massage itself also has a relaxing effect and analgesic effect. It reduces breast tenderness caused by hormonal changes and the onset of milk production.

What effects can you expect?i

Breast massage cannot be compared in effectiveness to implantation surgery. Breast enlargement is usually minor, and the cup size rarely changes. However, women often notice that they no longer wear their size so freely, and their bust completely fills the cups. The result, however, will always be an improvement in the appearance of the mammary glands, because they will become firmer and more toned.

Here are some other visible effects:

  • Improves blood flow. Massage helps blood circulate better, making your breasts look fuller and healthier.

  • Prevents sagging. Regular massage also strengthens the chest muscles, allowing them to remain toned.
  • Adds confidence. Beautiful, firm breasts make your figure more attractive and pleasing to the eye, and almost any clothing begins to look better on you.
  • Helps prevent breast cancer. Numerous studies have shown that breast massage can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Improved blood circulation stimulates the production of a female hormone that fights cancer cells.
  • You look younger. Don't be surprised, breast massage also stimulates your endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones such as prolactin, oxytocin and estrogen. These hormones are also known as anti-aging hormones because they make you look younger.
  • Reduces stress and depression. As mentioned above, breast massage releases oxytocin, the “love hormone,” which reduces stress levels in your body.
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