Sugaring bikini deep, classic. Video on how to do it correctly at home for the intimate area. Photos before and after

Sugaring the bikini area has distinctive features from hair removal in other places on the body for many reasons that are important to consider (video tutorials will be later in the article).

The procedure itself is hair removal using caramel mass. But unlike the wax method, this method eliminates the possibility of ingrown hairs, does not damage the skin like a razor, and does not irritate the mucous membranes like a cream. The effect after the procedure in the delicate bikini area lasts for a long time, and the method itself, when carried out correctly, is relatively painless.

Advantages of the method over analogues

The method of sugaring the bikini area has gained popularity due to its advantages:

  1. The result lasts for a long time (more than 10 days).

  2. The homemade composition contains exclusively natural ingredients that not only remove hair, but also make the skin silky by exfoliating dead skin cells.
  3. Low pain compared to the wax hair removal technique.
  4. Ease of use and accessibility for independent use.
  5. With constant hair removal using this method, it becomes thinner, less noticeable and grows more slowly.

  6. After sugaring, with the correct procedure technique, hair does not grow ingrown.


Bikini sugaring is classified into types, depending on the area of ​​the treated surface.


  1. Classic bikini sugaring - removes hair on the inside of the thigh and in front, which is visible in underwear.
  2. Deep sugaring - a certain amount of hair is left closer to the genitals, the lower abdomen, side areas of the pubis, intergluteal fold, and inner thighs are treated with caramel mass.
  3. Sugaring Brazilian bikini involves complete hair removal in the intimate area.

Features of the technology

  1. The best result is achieved with the manual sugaring technique, because it is easier to handle all the curves of the body and folds of the skin with your hands, although the bandage technique can also be used.
  2. It is important to experimentally select the optimal thickness of the caramel layer. It should not be too thin and not too thick. A thin layer will not grip the hair well and will tear; a thick layer will be more difficult to remove, and the pain will intensify.
  3. The procedure should not be started without first treating the skin with antiseptics, as there is a high risk of infection, which will cause inflammation, irritation, and the appearance of purulent pimples.
  4. Unlike the wax method, the caramel paste is applied against hair growth and removed, on the contrary, according to growth. This is why you rarely have to deal with ingrown hairs after sugaring.

  5. The hair length should not be too long and not too short: from 4 to 8 mm. If the length is shorter, the procedure should be postponed for now; if longer, it is recommended to cut the hairs.
  6. The paste is not applied to the entire surface to be treated, but to small areas, this makes it more convenient to work.
  7. It is not recommended to pass the paste over one area more than three times, as it can injure the skin. If there are single hairs left, you should use tweezers.
  8. If you perform the procedure yourself, you will need a mirror.
  9. The paste is not left on the skin for long. Citric acid can cause irritation, peeling, and inflammation.
  10. After the procedure, it is necessary to carefully observe the principles of hygiene, since during the first few days bacteria can easily penetrate into the skin through microdamages.


Bikini sugaring is not so painful that it is necessary to use painkillers. In addition, the pain of the procedure largely depends on the actions of the specialist.

The more accurate and sharp his movements, the less pain the client experiences. However, if the pain threshold is low, the skin is tight or the hair is too thick, you should use special medications.

Pain relief can be carried out externally and internally. Local anesthesia is performed using lidocaine or anesthetic ointment, cooling gels.

The drug should be applied one hour before the procedure under the film. The effect lasts for about 40-50 minutes. This time will be enough for the master to carry out the procedure.

They also take painkillers in tablets, non-steroidal or combined action, for example, Diclofenac, Analgin, Tempalgin, Pentalgin. The ointments used include Emla and Anestol. For one procedure you will need 1 tube of ointment.

You may be allergic to painkillers. In addition, they have contraindications, which should be read before use.

Security measures

When depilating the bikini area yourself, it is important to observe the following safety precautions:

  • when waxing and sugaring, check that the temperature of the mixture on the wrist is comfortable before applying the product to the skin in the intimate area;
  • before using painkillers, depilatory cream, sugar paste or wax, be sure to perform an allergy test 24 hours before the procedure;
  • Observe the direction of movement when using a razor or epilator, as well as when removing strips of caramel paste or wax;
  • use special gels and other emollients when shaving, do not use dull blades;
  • avoid re-processing the same area;
  • disinfect the skin and used instruments;
  • choose a depilation method depending on whether you decide to make a classic or deep version of a bikini.


Depilation methods such as sugaring, waxing or using an epilator are accompanied by severe pain, especially when performing a deep bikini. The degree of sensitivity is determined by individual characteristics and depends on proper preparation, as well as adherence to the procedure technique.

Most often, topical creams are used to reduce sensitivity. They are applied after showering to a cleaned surface and have an analgesic effect for 4-5 hours after absorption. The most common means are the following:

  1. Lidocaine ointment. 2 hours before the planned session, it must be carefully distributed over the surface, avoiding mucous membranes, and the treated areas must be covered with cling film. This is necessary for better absorption of active substances into the epidermis. After removing the film, you can begin the procedure.

    In the intimate area, it is better to use ointment rather than lidocaine spray to avoid getting the drug on the mucous membranes.

    Lidocaine ointment can be used to numb the bikini area

  2. Emla cream. The components of the product contain not only lidocaine, but also prilocaine, which enhances the analgesic effect. The drug is applied to the surface of the bikini 1.5 hours before the main procedure and covered with film.

    In addition to the cream, there are also Emla patches, but they are small in size.

    Emla cream contains painkillers - lidocaine and prilocaine.

  3. Cream LightDep. It contains a whole complex of anesthetic substances, therefore it is widely used for pain relief in sensitive areas. For better absorption of the ingredients, after application, the cream layer is covered with film for 1.5 hours.

    LightDep cream contains an anesthetic complex for effective pain relief

Since many people are allergic to lidocaine, be sure to test a small amount of the cream on the wrist area, applying it 24 hours before the procedure. If no rash, irritation or burning sensation appears within the specified time, this indicates the absence of an allergy.

To enhance the effect of the cream or as a replacement, you can take a painkiller tablet 40 minutes before the start of the procedure. It is recommended to use those drugs that you have already tried before. The most commonly used tablets are Ibuprofen, Tempalgin or Nurofen.

Painkillers, such as Ibuprofen, are taken 40 minutes before the session

Video: how to use Emla cream

Advantages and disadvantages

Sugaring bikini has the following advantages:

  • No trauma.
  • Fast and high-quality hair removal.
  • Hairs as short as 2mm can be removed.
  • Ingrown hairs rarely appear.
  • The composition for the procedure is non-allergic.
  • The stratum corneum is removed.
  • After each procedure, the hair grows thinner and thinner.
  • New hair does not appear for a long time.
  • Availability of consumables - the paste can be prepared at home.


  • You need to select the density of the paste depending on your hair type.

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Types of deep depilation, their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Photoepilation. During this procedure, the hair and hair follicle are destroyed.

    under the influence of high-pulse light. Light radiation only effectively affects dark hair. Moreover, if the technician is insufficiently qualified, the risk of burns on the skin surface increases. But after a certain number of sessions, thin and almost imperceptible hairs begin to grow, their number gradually decreases. Photoepilation is a non-contact treatment method, and therefore guarantees the absence of ingrown hairs.

  2. Electrolysis . An electric current directed directly at the hair root helps stop further hair growth. This hair removal is carried out directly in the salon, since there are all the conditions for the use of local anesthesia. Such sessions are quite painful, but under the influence of electrical discharges, hair growth of any type and color stops. The effect of smooth skin can last for several weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. But immediately after the procedure, redness and some swelling are possible.
  3. Laser hair removal . This is a method of removing unwanted body hair in which the hair is destroyed using a laser beam. During the session, tingling may be felt in the area affected by the laser. Most women experience no allergic reactions or damage to the skin. Laser hair removal takes place exclusively in a salon setting. Its cost is quite high, but after just a few sessions, hair growth slows down and stops. Unfortunately, this method is used only when removing dark hair; it is impossible to destroy the structure of light hair with a laser.
  4. Qool hair removal is a type of laser hair removal, so-called “cold” hair removal.
  5. Sugaring . Effect from 20 days. Epilation is carried out with a special paste prepared on the basis of sugar syrup. It is affordable, so it is better to use the services of an experienced specialist from the salon. At home, you can remove hair from various parts of the body, but doing deep depilation of the bikini area yourself is time-consuming and inconvenient. In addition, it is necessary to understand all the nuances of preparing sugar paste, otherwise there is a risk of not getting the consistency right. The disadvantage is the need to grow hair 5-8 mm long.
  6. Bioepilation . This procedure helps to get rid of excess vegetation thanks to wax heated to a certain temperature. It can be carried out both in the salon and at home. But it will not be possible to remove hairs that are too short, so a certain length is needed here. With the help of wax depilation, hair is removed from fairly large areas of the skin. The skin remains smooth and silky for several weeks. The main disadvantage of this method is the appearance of ingrown hairs. There is also a possibility of skin irritation, which goes away very quickly.
  7. Hair removal using an epilator . This is a device that makes the skin smooth and silky by pulling out hairs from the roots. The disadvantages of this method are pain and the risk of ingrown hairs. However, there are also advantages. The epilator does not require any separate equipment or ingredients. It is intended for use at home, so understanding the operating instructions will not be difficult.
  8. Using depilatory cream . It contains a special substance that destroys the structure of the hair and makes it unviable. This method, unlike others, is convenient and painless. Of course, manifestations of an allergic reaction are possible, but to prevent such moments, it is enough to apply a small amount of cream to an area of ​​skin and check its condition after a few minutes.
  9. Depilation using a razor . This method is available to every woman, but its disadvantages include rapid hair growth after shaving and the danger of cutting.
  10. Waxing or waxing . Effect up to 4 weeks. Many people advise carrying out this procedure in a salon, since it is at least inconvenient to do it yourself, and at most, if you “dodge” unsuccessfully, you can accidentally get burned by the wax, because its temperature should be at least 60 degrees. The salon procedure is short and lasts a maximum of 15 minutes. At the same time, the master knows his job and will treat the skin in the bikini area before and after depilation, which will reduce the discomfort from the procedure.
  11. Wax strips or cold wax . The safest method to carry out at home. Depilation of the intimate area using wax strips is most widespread among Russian women. The process is not difficult: he warmed up the strips between his hands and applied them to the area to be depilated, and then tore them off with a sharp movement. Let's just say that wax strips occupy an intermediate role in cost, quality, speed of execution and duration of effect between regular shaving and professional procedures such as laser hair removal.

The difference between deep depilation and classical depilation is that in the first case, hair is removed not only from the pubic area, but also from the inner surface of the thighs, labia and anus. If desired, you can leave a neat strip of pubic hair. During regular depilation, hair is removed only along the panty line.


Preparation for the procedure begins a few days before the event:

  1. Sugaring is planned until the hair length reaches at least 2 mm - for repeated depilation. If the event is being held for the first time, then you need to grow hairs about 7-8 mm long.
  2. To prevent hair removal from being painful, you must first scrub the area of ​​future depilation. As a result, the top layer of skin will soften, hairs will be pulled out with less effort, which means there will be less pain. Do this 2 days before the event.

  3. Before the procedure, for a week, experts do not recommend sunbathing either on the beach or in the solarium - tanning provokes irritation after depilation. Also during this period, it is not recommended to use cosmetics containing alcohol to care for the treated area.
  4. Before the procedure carried out at home, you need to take a hot bath: the skin pores will expand, and hair removal will be carried out faster and more efficiently.

Sugaring techniques

Manual technique

This is a classic technique and involves using only your fingers to apply and lift the mixture. Suitable when using any type of caramel paste.

The dense composition must be slightly heated in a microwave oven before application. When working with a medium-density paste, it is enough to separate a small piece of the mixture (the size of a chestnut) and knead it with your fingers until it acquires an opaque golden color. The properties of the paste will also change: it will become more sticky.

The paste is stretched with your fingers against hair growth, pressing the caramel to the skin. After a few seconds, the mass will stick to the hairs, harden a little, and then it is torn off from the skin with sharp jerking movements, not the entire area at once, but in small parts, without breaking the caramel ribbon.

Bandage technique

The bandage technique is more similar to waxing. This technique requires soft caramel paste. It must be heated to 36-38 degrees and applied to the treated area in a thin layer - it is convenient to do this using roller cassettes or a spatula.

Then a strip of fabric is pressed onto the caramel. After letting the composition set (no longer than 10-15 seconds), tear it off in one motion. This technique is recommended for more experienced people; it is not suitable for beginners.

Advantages of bandage technology:

  1. Helps capture smaller hairs.
  2. The process is faster.
  3. It is more convenient to remove the composition from hard-to-reach places, where it is difficult to find a comfortable hand position for manual removal of the paste.

What does a novice master need for sugaring?

To carry out the sugaring procedure you will need:
Sugar pastes have different densities. There are soft, medium, dense and universal. The choice depends on the type of hair, the area being treated, the depilation technique, the temperature in the room and the temperature of the hands (the colder the room, the colder your hands, the softer the paste should be).

  • Soft sugar paste for depilation is suitable for fine hair on large areas of the body (back, legs) and working in cool rooms;
  • The average sugar paste for depilation is “friendly” with all types of hair on any part of the body. Suitable for warm hands in a cool room or cold hands in a warm room;
  • Thick depilatory paste designed for coarse, short hair growing in difficult areas of the body, such as armpits and bikini. She is worked with warm hands in a warm, humid room;
  • The universal depilation pass is suitable for all types of hair on all areas of the body. They work with cool hands in a cool room.

Sugar paste for depilation “Soft” Start Epil 400 g

Sugar paste for depilation “Medium” Start Epil 400 g

Sugar paste for depilation “Dense” Start Epil 400 g

Sugar paste for depilation “Universal” Start Epil 400 g


Due to hot hands, beginners often encounter sticking (the paste spreads, sticks to the skin and cannot be removed) during sugaring, since temperature greatly affects the properties of the paste. To avoid such situations, we recommend that you use gloves that fit tightly to your hands.

Skin cleansing lotion

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to clean and degrease the skin. You can use special lotions that will moisturize and prepare the skin for depilation, or you can use regular Chlorhexidine.

Powder or talc

With them the procedure is more comfortable. They have a deodorizing and antiseptic effect, lift hairs and remove excess moisture. It is important that these products do not contain fragrances or any additives.

Bandage strips

Will be needed for sugaring using bandage technique. With the help of wax strips for depilation, the paste is removed along with the hairs after application to the skin.


They are convenient for transferring paste from a cartridge or jar to the skin.

Post-depilation products

After the procedure, it is necessary to provide high-quality skin care. After all, such manipulations, although small, are still stressful for the skin.

Progress of the procedure

In the salon, the master performs the procedure in the following order:

  1. The skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Sprinkle with talcum powder to remove possible beads of sweat.
  3. Then the specialist applies heated professional paste against the hair growth to the treated area.
  4. He waits a few seconds and tears off the hardened tape with a sharp movement.
  5. After treatment, cleanses the skin of any remaining caramel mixture and applies moisturizer.

Experts advise trying sugaring for the first time in a salon in order to clearly get acquainted with the technique of the procedure and remember the movements of the master.

Precautionary measures

Deep depilation in the bikini area requires some precautions. Immediately before performing this procedure, you must:

  • Use a scrub and moisturizer to soften and protect the skin.
  • Expose your skin to sunlight as little as possible.
  • Use a shower or wet wipes to cleanse your skin of dirt.
  • Give the hairs a chance to grow. The required length for high-quality depilation is at least 5 mm.

What you will need to carry out the procedure at home

For the sugaring procedure, you will first need sugar paste. You can purchase a ready-made composition or make it yourself. A thick paste is most suitable for the bikini area. It will be easier for beginners to cope with it and perform the procedure efficiently. But you can also use medium-density compositions. However, working with them will require some experience.

In addition, it is recommended to prepare an anesthetic (if you decide to use it), a sugaring spatula (also optional), an antiseptic, talc, an anti-inflammatory cream, for example, with panthenol.

How to make sugar paste

If you prepare a paste for sugaring at home, the procedure will be quite inexpensive, because affordable products are used for preparation - lemon juice, sugar. In addition, homemade pasta will definitely not contain any preservatives, unnatural components or ingredients of plant origin that can cause allergies or irritation.

Numerous photo and video materials will help you prepare your own paste and successfully carry out sugaring, including a deep bikini at home


  1. To prepare a paste for several procedures at once, you should use the following recipe. Take 1 kg of granulated sugar (you can also use refined sugar if desired), pour it into a metal pan or bowl, add 8 tbsp. water and 7 tbsp. lemon juice. Place on the stove over medium heat. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved, for 2-3 minutes. Then reduce the heat to minimum and, covering the pan with a lid, cook for about another 10 minutes. The mixture should be checked periodically to avoid overcooking. They check it this way: drop a drop of caramel into water, if it does not dissolve in water and holds its shape, then the paste is ready. The finished paste should be golden brown. It is important to immediately pour the mixture into another bowl, otherwise it will still sit in a hot pan for a couple of minutes and may be overcooked. The finished composition is stored in the refrigerator and warmed up slightly in the microwave before use.
  2. For one-time use you will need 10 tbsp. Sahara. Mix sugar with 2 tbsp. water and squeeze out the juice of 1/3 lemon. Prepare in the same way as in the previous recipe.

It is important to “catch” the moment the paste is ready, because an undercooked paste will not be elastic and liquid enough, which will not allow it to be used for hair removal, and an overcooked composition, on the contrary, will lose elasticity and will not adhere well to the hair.

It is recommended to try the recipe with a small number of ingredients, especially for the first time. Only when it is clear how to determine the readiness of the mixture can you prepare the composition in large portions.

Ready-made paste for sugaring

Not everyone can make pasta on their own. And some prefer to use ready-made formulations, because you can choose the desired consistency of the paste. Before purchasing, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. It should not contain any letters “E”, dyes, or flavors.

Additional ingredients in the paste may include honey, essential oils, and plant extracts. The finished paste is produced both in small jars, for example, 200, 400 g, and in large packages of 1.5–3 kg. But for home use, a small package weighing about 1 kg will be enough. This takes into account the treatment of all problem areas.

The paste is used sparingly and lasts a long time. One piece of paste is used several times during the procedure. For example, you can treat your arm or leg with one piece of paste.

Experts recommend purchasing pasta from these manufacturers:

  • Gloria;
  • Cannaan;
  • Dolce Vita;
  • Riviere Sucre.

Cooking pasta

For genital hair removal, sugar paste made only from natural ingredients is used. Therefore, it is better not to purchase a ready-made composition, but to cook it yourself. Sugar paste with additives can provoke an allergic reaction and irritation, because the skin in the bikini area is sensitive to fragrances and other fragrances, which manufacturers love to indulge in so much.

The paste is made according to the following recipe:

  • In an enamel pan, mix 1 kg of sugar, half a glass of water and juice from half a fresh lemon.
  • Place the pan on the fire for 3 minutes, stir the mixture constantly.
  • Next, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, the sugaring paste is thoroughly stirred and left under the closed lid for 20 minutes - this is the time to prepare the sugar caramel.
  • After 20 minutes, the mass acquires a characteristic brown tint, and the pan is removed from the heat.
  • After 5 minutes, the caramel is poured into a plastic container to cool.

We recommend an article on how to get rid of cellulite on your legs.

The finished paste for the presented vegetation removal should not be sent to the refrigerator - there it will harden. The mass must cool to an acceptable skin temperature - it is important to avoid burns. The paste with sugar is rolled into balls for convenience.

Sugaring deep bikini video:


Another video:


Carrying out the procedure at home


  1. The treatment area must be wiped with a disinfectant before starting the procedure.
  2. Then it should be sprinkled with talcum powder.
  3. The skin should be completely dry.
  4. It is recommended to start treatment from the pubic area.
  5. Take a comfortable position. For example, the procedure can be performed standing or in the frog position.
  6. The paste is rolled out against hair growth and removed according to hair growth.
  7. After application, you should wait a few seconds, but not for long. Due to prolonged contact with the skin, the paste heats up and becomes more liquid.

  8. When tearing off the paste, the skin must be pulled with the second hand to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.
  9. If manual technique is used, the skin is treated in small areas.
  10. Apply the paste to the same area no more than 3 times.

How to do sugaring at home? Step-by-step instruction

Let's analyze each stage of sugar depilation and consider 2 techniques. Regardless of which technique you choose, the first steps will be the same:

  1. First, cleanse the skin. To do this, apply a special pre-depilation lotion or “Chlorhexidine” to a napkin and remove impurities in a circular motion;
  2. Then apply talc onto the skin in a small, even layer.

Next we move on to the depilation itself.

Sugaring using bandage technique

  1. Using a special wax melter or in a microwave oven, heat the paste in the cartridge to a temperature of +37-40°C. The heating time for pasta in the microwave is 15-20 minutes.
  2. Check the paste for overheating to avoid burns. Apply a small amount of paste to the bandage strip and check if the temperature is comfortable. If yes, then feel free to start depilation.
  3. Using a spatula, apply the paste to the skin in a path in the direction opposite to hair growth.
  4. We press the bandage strip.
  5. We tighten the strip a little and fix the skin at the point where the breakdown begins.
  6. In the direction of hair growth and parallel to the skin, with a sharp movement we tear off the strip.
  7. We remove the remaining sugar paste with regular warm or special thermal water, which will restore the natural balance of the skin.
  8. Apply skin care product after depilation using massage movements to soothe it.

Sugaring using manual technique

  1. Place the jar of pasta in the microwave and heat for 15 seconds. The pasta should be warm and comforting, not hot.
  2. Using a spatula or a dry, clean hand, take a little sugar paste from the jar.
  3. Apply a piece of paste to the skin in the direction against hair growth.
  4. Apply the paste 2-4 times against hair growth. We seem to be “combing” with our fingers.
  5. We fix the skin at the site of the breakdown.
  6. In the direction of hair growth and parallel to the skin, remove the paste with a sharp movement.
  7. We remove the remaining sugar paste with regular warm or special thermal water, which will restore the natural balance of the skin.
  8. Apply skin care product after depilation using massage movements to soothe it.

Care after sugaring deep bikini

The following activities are recommended:

  1. After sugaring, slight redness may appear, which has nothing to do with inflammation, but is a physiological reaction of the body. The redness goes away on its own within a few hours. The inflammatory process, if it does appear, is treated with Chlorhexidine or another agent with antibacterial properties, for example hydrogen peroxide, Solcoseryl. You can wipe your skin with chamomile tincture.
  2. After sugaring, it is not recommended to wet the treated area on the first day, and it should also be protected from mechanical influences for 4-5 days. For example, you should not scrub the area with a washcloth or apply a scrub. This injures the skin, and pathogenic microbes can penetrate into the skin through microdamages.
  3. Experts do not recommend visiting baths, saunas, or swimming pools for 2-3 days.
  4. Solariums and beaches should be avoided.
  5. For the first few days, you should wear cotton underwear so as not to irritate the skin.


I learned this method of hair removal from a cosmetologist friend; in fact, it was she who performed the first depilation of my legs and armpits in my life. For the first year, I consistently turned to her until I realized that I could do these procedures myself. I bought a wax melter and wax for removing armpit and bikini hair and a cartridge wax melter for my legs. You can definitely depilate your legs and armpits yourself, it turns out very convenient and profitable.

Once I decided to pluck my own bikini area with wax, it was a nightmare! It’s inconvenient, it hurts, you feel sorry for yourself and therefore you can’t quickly and sharply pull the wax... The pain, of course, is terrible, but you can withstand it, because the result is worth it! But my bikini didn’t “grow together”... The next day a terrible inflammation appeared, pustules, terrible, terrible! I applied various antiseptics and sprinkled with powder, and no matter what I did, the irritation subsided only after 5 days! I didn’t really have time to enjoy the smoothness of my skin, because... a week later new hairs began to grow... And then it all started again! Hair started to grow in! And this despite the use of a scrub. Pustules, inflammation, and horror appeared again. Having dealt with all this, I decided that I needed to try again - you never know, maybe my skin is just not used to it, or I did something wrong after... But the second and third time nothing changed. I realized that it is categorically not recommended for me to remove the bikini area, as this could lead to something more serious than inflammation... But in general, waxing is a good thing, of course it hurts, but no razor can compare!

After waxing, pustules and ingrown hairs appeared


Using a spatula, the specialist carefully applies hot wax in small strips, the wax hardens, and the specialist pulls out this strip of hair. I feel pain when they tear, and it is more bearable than when sugar is applied. Many people claim that the pain dulls over time, in my case it may be so, but not by much, even after a year I feel all the pain when my clitoral and pubic hair is pulled. The “stumps” begin to appear a week after the procedure, after two they are already actively coming out into the wild. I have been depilating my intimate area for exactly a year, they promise that hair growth will soon change, they should grow less, and the hair structure will be finer, gradually their number should decrease to minimum. My master, who has been waxing for 8 years, showed what result she has currently achieved. Girls, there are only three hairs sticking out and this is three weeks after depilation!

A few days after depilation, hair begins to grow back


After the procedure, my entire skin usually swells and turns bright red. It is not recommended to get it wet on this day, but I, for example, never succeed! But then I try to sprinkle it with talcum powder so as not to provoke further irritation! The inflammation goes away literally the next day, then I take tweezers and pick out small errors. The result of this procedure is perfectly smooth, delicate skin. The effect lasts for 3-4 weeks if you periodically remove single hairs with tweezers. To do the next procedure, you need to wait until all the hair has grown back. Otherwise, only the grown hair will be removed, and literally in a week the rest of the hair will grow. This is a small disadvantage of this procedure. I would also like to note that even after the first procedure, the hair grows back softer and does not itch like after shaving. But after waxing, I always have a couple of ingrown hairs, which can only be removed with a needle, it doesn’t happen without this :))


Video: review of self-performing waxing

When the question of choosing depilation arises, many women choose the wax method, because it is very convenient and allows you to achieve good results. Just a few years ago, depilation with hot wax was carried out mainly in salons, and the material necessary for it had to be purchased in specialized stores. Now everything is much simpler. Wax and the necessary accessories are easy to find in any cosmetic store. There are entire kits on sale that already contain everything you need, including instructions for the procedure. Particular attention should be paid to the temperature to which it is recommended to heat the wax. It must be indicated on the packaging. Ignoring the manufacturer's recommendations may result in burns. It must be remembered that when using wax yourself, it is important not to neglect safety rules.

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Despite all the precautions and following the instructions and recommendations after sugaring, there may still be complications, although they are very rare.

Among them:

  1. Ingrown hairs. This complication appears after sugaring if the procedure technique is not followed, especially when the direction of hair removal is confused - you need to remove according to growth. Hereditary predisposition is also a risk factor. To avoid ingrown hairs, it is necessary to ensure that the procedure is performed correctly. 3-4 days after the procedure, ingrown hairs appear due to the fact that they were not removed from the roots. If the hairs are thin and delicate, then you need to use a scrub more often.

  2. Herpes. For some, sugaring causes herpetic rashes, because after the procedure the local immunity of the skin decreases, which provokes a rash.
  3. Acne . They appear if the ducts of the sebaceous glands become overgrown with skin. They may appear in single quantities or in the form of a rash.
  4. Abrasions and hematomas. The reason for their appearance is non-compliance with the procedure technique - insufficient skin tension during the removal of caramel paste.

Possible consequences

Sugaring the entire bikini area can cause some unpleasant consequences during the week after the procedure, which can be avoided with the correct technique and care.

  • Skin inflammation with redness, as a rule, occurs after the first procedures. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the strict implementation of sugaring techniques and hygiene rules.

  • Rash and purulent inflammation after sugaring are a consequence of weak immunity or lack of use of antiseptics during the procedure. You can get rid of acne that already exists on the skin using salicylic ointment.
  • Itching can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to sugaring paste. It can be eliminated with the help of antihistamine ointments.
  • Pigmentation occurs when epilated skin is exposed to ultraviolet light during the first days after sugaring. These days it is better to avoid going to the solarium and sunbathing on the beach.
  • Hematomas after sugaring they talk about a violation of technique and close proximity of blood vessels. Cooling compresses will help get rid of them in a short time.

  • Burns after sugaring are a rare occurrence. Such cases occur among beginners who prepare the sugaring paste themselves and apply it after not cooling enough. How to prepare the paste correctly, find out the recipe for sugaring paste at home at the link.
  • Ingrown hairs after sugaring indicate the inexperience of the specialist performing the procedure. Using a scrub, you are guaranteed to get rid of the problem of ingrown hairs.
  • Pain after the procedure can be relieved by touching your hand immediately after the paste comes off.


Despite all the advantages of sugaring, it is contraindicated for:

  • varicose veins;
  • diabetes mellitus (sugar is absorbed through the skin into the blood);
  • allergies to the components of the mixture;
  • skin diseases;
  • damage to the skin;

  • oncology;
  • hanging moles in the treatment area;
  • candidiasis;
  • pregnancy.

Sugaring during pregnancy

Professionals do not recommend sugar hair removal during pregnancy, because pain during the procedure can cause increased uterine tone and miscarriage.

Experts allow the procedure to be carried out only in certain cases:

  1. If complications are not diagnosed during pregnancy, in particular increased tone.
  2. If the hair in the bikini area is thin and delicate, thanks to previously performed sugaring procedures.
  3. If the master is experienced and able to carry out the procedure as carefully as possible.

To sugar your bikini area, you don’t have to go to a salon. The procedure can be performed at home, even by preparing the composition yourself. It is the convenience and accessibility of the procedure that has made it so popular among women.

Where can I do this procedure?

You can do the sugaring procedure for the entire intimate area in a salon that offers this service, but it is best to contact specialized sugaring studios.

Where to do this procedure in Moscow

  • Sugar hair removal studio “Cherry Town”: Moscow, pl. Semenovskaya, 7, bldg. 17a, tel. +7 (499) 166 03 17.
  • Beauty studio “Miss Lisse”: Moscow, st. Kuznetsky Most, building 19, building 2, tel..
  • Hair removal salon "EPIL-SALON": Moscow, per. Melnitsky, 6, tel. +7.

Where to do this procedure in St. Petersburg.

  • Hair removal salon "Sphinx": St. Petersburg, Leninsky Ave., 153, tel..
  • Alena Kovalkova's bioepilation studio: St. Petersburg, st. Shipbuilders, 31, tel..
  • Depilation studio "Andertushka": St. Petersburg, st. Marata, 32, tel..

Where to do this procedure in Kyiv

  • Sugaring studio of Anna Ptitsina: Kiev, Petra Grigorenko Ave., 20, tel. +38.
  • Sugaring school-studio “Caramelka”: Kiev, st. Nikolay Pimonenko, 4, +38.
  • Sugaring studio Lyubov Shangar: Kiev, Petra Grigorenko Ave., 28b, tel. +38.
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