Spring Trade threads - rejuvenation that has no age limits

Verified by an expert
Natalya Borisovna Zhmurina Director, Chief Physician of “A Clinic” Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: March 13, 2022

Review date: November 15, 2022

“A Clinic” presents a new generation of Spring Thread threads created by the French company Surgi Concept. These threads have been on the market for more than 10 years and have already become a revolutionary and innovative “breakthrough” in aesthetic medicine.

The most important difference from other analogues is the two-layer nature and a large number of non-aggressive teeth along the entire length. Although this development is relatively young and is a novelty in classical practice, repeated studies have shown that Spring Trad does not cause allergies or other negative reactions. The main components have been used in medicine and cosmetology for more than 50 years and during this time they have shown excellent results.

Spring Thread is made from polyester fiber, not polypropylene like most other threads. They are more durable, but at the same time flexible, elastic, and ideally adapt to the features of your face. Thanks to the silicone coating, the ligatures are 20% more resistant to stretching. Therefore, the tightening effect lasts longer than usual.

What is thread lifting

Thread lifting has been successfully practiced for over 50 years. Innovative technologies make it possible to minimize the risks of the procedure and make it possible to repeat it. The cosmetic procedure is an alternative to plastic surgery and prevents the appearance of deep wrinkles and displacement of the oval line.

The doctor makes micropunctures using conductive needles, and threads are inserted into the subcutaneous layers. After mechanical tension is applied, a frame of fibers is formed. Over the course of several months, collagen cells are actively synthesized, increasing the elasticity and density of the skin.

Important! The lifting result lasts for several years; if the effect decreases, various hardware and invasive methods can be used.

What areas does a cosmetologist work with?

Spring Thread threads are used not only for face lifting, but also for the décolleté and neck area. Using threads, a specialist can change the contour of the cheekbones, reduce nasolabial folds (“jowls”), and remove a double chin. Spring Thread will also help to “open” your eyes and raise your eyebrows.

The primary result is visible immediately. After another 6-8 months, you will notice the effect of secondary lifting. The threads will be completely integrated into the skin tissue and will begin to provoke the natural production of collagen.

Bring back your beauty and youth! Sign up for a thread lifting with a cosmetologist at the Elena Ilchuk aesthetic medicine clinic.

Description of threads

French Spring Trade threads are available in 2 types: absorbable and non-absorbable material. Made of polyester fiber, they are particularly resistant to any mechanical stress. They are used to tighten various areas of the face and neck, thanks to notches located at an angle to the thread in 4 directions. The density is 24 rounded cloves per centimeter of fiber, which allows you to fix a fairly voluminous area of ​​skin.

Features of implantation:

  • When choosing Spring Thread Light, the procedure is carried out by a dermatocosmetologist and mesothreads are installed. The method is used for unexpressed age-related changes, as well as to prevent displacement of the oval line. It has a short recovery period, the effect lasts about 2 years.
  • Spring Thread Easy Lift is performed by a plastic surgeon at different depths, punctures are located on the scalp. Fibers can affect nerves; implantation is carried out in the muscle layers. A complex procedure that requires jewelry precision allows you to achieve the result of plastic surgery.

Thread design, their advantages

Spring Trad fixes fabrics better, does not slip, and does not sag, because there are 24 teeth per centimeter, and not 5, as usual.

The teeth have rounded ends and are covered with a silicone shell. They are located along the entire circumference, at an angle to the surface. Therefore, ligatures do not injure soft tissues; they are perceived by the skin as natural structures.

By securely fixing fabrics, Spring Thread does not disturb natural facial expressions. No “mask effect”.

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

The results last for three to five years. And with regular visits to a cosmetologist and additional anti-aging procedures, you can increase the lifting effect for several more years. And then it is enough to correct the already installed ligatures in order to forget about them again.

Indications for use

Thanks to lifting with French threads, it is possible to prevent age-related changes, restore the oval shape, and get rid of severe ptosis. The method is used from 30 to 70 years. The low-traumatic procedure provides a pronounced effect from 2 to 7 years.

Indications for use:

  • nasolabial wrinkles;
  • shaved;
  • fine and deep wrinkles;
  • asymmetry of the face and individual areas;
  • double chin.

After implantation, active synthesis of fibroblasts and formation of connective tissue occurs. Blood flow and oxygen saturation of cells are activated, color improves, and skin density increases.

Who is Spring Thread suitable for?

Since Spring Thread threads engage tissue well and are fixed high, this procedure is suitable for “heavy faces” with obvious age-related changes
, where “lighter lifts” will not give a pronounced rejuvenating effect (mesothreads, Aptos threads). The use of Spring Tread threads allows you to rejuvenate the patient's face and neck by 7-10 years.

Before the procedure

Immediately before the procedure, you must undergo a doctor’s examination, determine the tightening zones and the number of threads, then take tests for local or intravenous anesthesia.

Preparation for the event

Before prescribing thread lifting, the doctor assesses the condition of the integument and the advisability of using this particular cosmetic method. The patient is interviewed about chronic diseases and surgical interventions.

Also, before prescribing a lift, it is necessary to take a biochemical blood test, check coagulation indicators, markers for HIV, hepatitis.

Preparation for thread lifting:

  • a week before the procedure, you need to stop taking medications that affect blood flow;
  • It is not recommended to visit a solarium, sunbathe, or practice cosmetic procedures that violate the integrity of the skin;
  • limit physical activity and sports;
  • exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • On the day of the event, you should not drink strong tea or coffee; meals should include easily digestible foods.

Also, you should not use new caring and decorative cosmetic products to prevent an allergic reaction.

Attention! In case of severe ptosis, it is recommended to combine it with Botox injections; mesotherapy and biorevitalization can also be used to improve the effect.

Non-surgical face lift with threads: technology features

Over time, facial tissues lose their former elasticity: folds and sagging cheeks appear. The corners of the lips, falling, change the contours of the face, making it unattractive. Modern cosmetology offers painless and safe methods to solve this problem. One of them is a minimally invasive thread facelift. Today, it is an acceptable alternative to traditional plastic surgery.

Professionals place non-surgical face lift with threads at an intermediate level between cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. It allows you to achieve the desired results quickly, painlessly and with little intervention.

Before proceeding with minimally invasive surgery, the doctor assesses the condition of the tissues and conducts diagnostics. After this, markings are applied to problem areas. After administering local anesthesia, the cosmetologist makes small punctures and secures the threads using the finest needles.

The advantage of a minimally invasive thread facelift is that it takes place in the subcutaneous fat layer. There are no vessels or nerve endings in it, so there are no hematomas left after the procedure. Puncture marks also disappear quickly.

Western manufacturers offer modern absorbable threads that are removed from the body. In their place, a natural frame of connective tissue is formed, supporting the rejuvenation effect.

How does the procedure work?

Implantation is performed exclusively on an outpatient basis and takes no more than an hour. It is recommended to choose only proven aesthetic medicine clinics with an impeccable reputation. It is also necessary to check the qualifications of the doctor; thread lifting can be performed by a dermatocosmetologist. Only a plastic surgeon has the right to work with non-absorbable material.

It is important to see the quality certificate, as well as check the expiration date; it is unacceptable to open the blister with the material before the start of the procedure.


  1. The skin is cleansed from decorative cosmetics and dust.
  2. The covers are treated several times with an alcohol-free antiseptic.
  3. Local anesthesia Ultracaine, Articaine is used, which lasts for 40–60 minutes. Also, when introducing non-absorbable material, intravenous injection is used. The patient will not feel pain during the puncture; a burning sensation and slight tingling sensation can be observed directly when the threads are implanted.
  4. The markings are applied with a special marker. Afterwards, the doctor makes micropunctures with conductive needles, and the threads are implanted.
  5. Having installed all the material, the doctor removes the needles one by one and applies mechanical tension.
  6. The skin is re-treated with an antiseptic solution and a soothing cream is applied.

The lift can be carried out in 3 ways - parallel, X-shaped, V-shaped. When lifting the double chin, the punctures are placed behind the ears, the threads are pulled like a hammock. To eliminate jowls, they are injected into the area of ​​the cheekbone. To restore the lower and middle third of the face, the threads pass from the nasolabial fold to the temples. The amount is calculated individually, depending on the density of the skin, the volume of lifting - individual areas or the entire face.

Why Spring Thread?

At the aesthetic medicine clinic of Elena Ilchuk, they take care of their clients. Cosmetologists choose only safe, certified materials. Spring Thread is a biocompatible, high-strength thread that does not dissolve over time. Essentially, these are implants with a silicone base and molded round teeth. The unique feature of Spring Thread is that the threads can smoothly stretch and contract depending on the movements of the face. As a result, after the lift, natural facial expressions are preserved. The optimal solution for those who want to get rid of the signs of aging without surgery and side effects such as muscle atrophy.

Rehabilitation period

Implantation of threads is carried out in the subdermal layers of the skin, nerve endings, as well as medium and large vessels are not affected. Therefore, the healing period lasts only a few days. By following medical recommendations, the risks of developing side effects are reduced. It is recommended to take antibacterial drugs to prevent tissue rejection of the material.

For the first 3–5 days, swelling persists; movements of the facial and masticatory muscles cause pain. After a week, usually traces of cosmetic manipulations are no longer noticeable. Long-term recovery is associated with age characteristics, health indicators, and lifestyle. It can be repeated after a decrease in results; for prolongation, botulinum therapy, biorevitalization, and hardware procedures are often prescribed.

Care and restrictions during the healing period:

  1. For the first weeks, you need to sleep in a supine position, on a high pillow, and change your pillowcase daily.
  2. Hygienic care is carried out using an antiseptic solution and sterile wipes; Bepanten will help speed up healing. After a week, you can use hypoallergenic cosmetics that do not contain aggressive components.
  3. It is important to monitor facial expressions and articulation, and not to violently express emotions and experiences.
  4. Protect your skin from the aggressive effects of sunlight, apply a cream with a high SPF protection factor half an hour before going out.
  5. Thermal procedures are excluded - baths, saunas, solariums, and the use of a hairdryer.
  6. For 2 weeks, it is not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages, coffee, strong tea, salty, spicy foods, which provoke long-term retention of edema.

The pronounced effect of Spring Trade mesothreads lasts up to 2 years, non-absorbable ones - up to 5 years. The latter are removed during surgical tightening to avoid tissue deformations. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain or discomfort.

Truths and lies about "Thread lift"

Myth 1 “The procedure is minimally invasive”

In fact, the procedure is a mini-surgery in which incisions will be made on the face and needles and cannulas will be inserted into the middle layer of the epidermis. In this case, manipulations will be carried out over the entire surface of the face, and it is very difficult to guarantee that the tissue will not become infected. Rehabilitation after the procedure will take at least 2 weeks, when there will be noticeable swelling on the face, and hematomas at the sites of punctures and insertion of threads.

Myth 2 “No traces of intervention”

Even after the completion of the rehabilitation period, marks on the face, unfortunately, may remain. Firstly, where the punctures were located, traumatic pigmentation can form, which cannot be removed by anything, even the most powerful and advanced laser.

Secondly, the body begins to form fibrous tissue around the inserted threads to create a capsule in which the thread will be located. This is a natural reaction of the body, the work of the immune system to protect tissues from a foreign object. Thus, fibrous compactions can be felt under the skin and even be visually noticeable.

Myth 3 “The effect of the procedure corresponds to a surgical lift”

During an surgical facelift, the doctor “returns” all three layers of tissue to their place: muscle tissue is tightened, the fat layer is evenly distributed, and the skin on top is smoothed. All excess flaps are excised, and the missing ones (for example, due to bone tissue atrophy) are added.

The threads are inserted under the skin, so they only tighten the top layer, slightly capturing the fat layer.

How much does the procedure cost in Moscow?

The cost of Spring Trade is an order of magnitude higher than similar types of thread lifting. Prices are determined by the high strength, elasticity of the material, and compatibility with the skin. For correction of individual areas, one package is enough, for a face lift - 2 packages. Also paid for is a doctor’s consultation, tests, and the use of consumables. The average cost of a lift with Spring Trade threads in Moscow is from 150,000 to 170,000 rubles. It has no age restrictions and allows you to solve a huge range of aesthetic problems.


A safe and effective procedure has a number of contraindications. By identifying pathological conditions at the preparation stage, it is possible to avoid side effects, as well as lack of results.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • oncology;
  • menstruation;
  • purulent-inflammatory processes;
  • damage to skin integrity;
  • infectious diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • allergic reaction.

Indications and contraindications for long-term thread lifting

Cosmetologists advise people who complain about sagging skin and also want to change facial contours and correct asymmetry without surgery to undergo the procedure. Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • active inflammation on the face;
  • allergies, individual intolerance to the components that make up the threads.

The specialist will also advise considering a full-fledged surgical operation if late stages of facial ptosis are diagnosed.


Spring Trade threads are hypoallergenic safe materials and are particularly durable and elastic. Undesirable consequences can occur if the doctor is insufficiently qualified or the implantation technique is violated. Side effects are also observed when the patient violates the rules of the rehabilitation period.


  • hematomas, swelling;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • no effect;
  • formation of folds in implantation areas.

Rehabilitation after installation of threads

The recovery period after the thread implantation procedure lasts no more than two weeks. At this time, minor signs of swelling and bruising may remain on the patient’s treated skin. Very rarely, uncharacteristic irregularities appear on the skin, which persist for more than fourteen days.

Important: a week after the lifting procedure, you must undergo a follow-up examination by a doctor, who will evaluate the process of thread implantation and give the necessary recommendations for skin care in the future.

The procedure for implanting Spring Trade threads is often called “office”, due to the fact that after just a few days you can engage in light (not requiring physical effort) activities.

You can prevent the development of side effects and speed up the skin restoration process by following certain recommendations from doctors:

  • about thirty days after the procedure, it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • in the summer, before going outside, the skin must be treated with special sunscreens;
  • For a period of up to fourteen days, you must avoid visiting solariums, baths or saunas. Otherwise, the risk of developing edema increases;
  • in the future, it is necessary to exclude from the list of cosmetic procedures manipulations associated with heating tissues above 60C. Otherwise, there is a risk of internal burns.

Comparison with other mesothreads

Spring trade is characterized by high elasticity, strength, and the fibers have a spring effect. A special feature is the material of the threads, it is based on polyester fiber. The manufacturer provides a guarantee for the pronounced effect for 2 years.

Important! In practice, the result lasts up to 5 years; this is the optimal way of rejuvenation, which has no age restrictions. You can achieve pronounced changes after 50 years by using absorbable and non-absorbable Spring Trade.

Aptos consist of caprolac, which disintegrates over the course of a year. Effective for use between the ages of 30 and 40, after which it is advisable to use non-absorbable material. The result lasts up to 3 years.

Silhouette Soft mesothreads are effective for unexpressed age-related changes, shallow wrinkles, the material disintegrates within six months. The result lasts from 2 to 5 years, rejuvenation can be extended by combining with Botox injections and vitamin cocktails.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of spring trade threads is the possibility of using absorbable and non-absorbable materials. Provides an integrated approach to solving various cosmetic problems. The dense structure and the presence of notches allow you to achieve the desired lifting effect with pronounced age-related changes. The use of Spring Thread Light allows you to prevent skin aging, achieve a natural result, and correct the oval shape and facial features.


  • manages to preserve natural facial expressions;
  • the result can be assessed in a few days;
  • short recovery period;
  • the risks of side effects are minimal;
  • the effect lasts from 2 to 5 years;
  • The method is combined with invasive and hardware procedures.


  • high price;
  • Can only be performed by an experienced cosmetologist or plastic surgeon.

Questions and answers

1) Will it be noticeable that a thread lift was performed?
During the first 2-3 days after the procedure, traces of tightening may be noticeable. But later you will only notice how younger your face has become. In this case, everything will look natural, natural, as if there was no intervention.

2) These are non-absorbable threads. Will the procedure leave scars on your face?

No. There will be no scars or other marks on your face. Indeed, it is difficult to believe this, because we are accustomed to the fact that non-absorbable threads are a tool of a surgeon, and not a cosmetologist, with all the ensuing consequences: anesthesia, hospitalization, long-term rehabilitation, removal of sutures. However, Spring Thread is an innovative technology. They are inserted under the skin through microscopic punctures and fixed in the scalp. The entire procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, and after it you can go home straight away.

3) What if I have an allergy?

The threads are made of polyester fiber and covered with a silicone sheath. Both of these materials are biologically compatible with human tissue, so the occurrence of allergies, inflammatory processes, rejection or other undesirable consequences can be said to be excluded.

4) Are the results immediately noticeable after the procedure?

Yes. Immediately after the procedure you will see how your facial features have changed. The skin will tighten, become smoother, and the oval of the face will be clearer. Cheekbones will be more defined. And in a few days everything will look as if there were no facelifts. Just like magic, you will look several years younger.

5) How many threads are installed, how many sessions will it take?

The number of ligatures depends: 1) on the correction area, 2) on the type of skin, 3) on the condition of the tissues and subcutaneous fat. Our doctors take into account all the necessary factors and determine the optimal number of threads.

6) Are Spring Threads suitable for men?

Yes, among our patients there are quite a few men who take care of their appearance. Correcting age-related changes is no less important for them than for women. In men, facial muscles are more developed, their contractions leave even deeper marks on the skin than in women. With Spring Thread you can easily remove them. The result of lifting in men is always several times higher because their skin contains more collagen. Therefore, their rehabilitation period is even shorter, and the tightening effect is more pronounced and lasting.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, cosmetologists share their experience of using threads for lifting.

The user writes about the anesthesia used during the procedure, as well as the recovery time when using different types of fibers.

A participant asks how to deal with the eyebrow fold using fillers, Botox or threads.

A user writes about using threads as the most effective way to get rid of jowls.

Patient reviews

On the forums there are mostly positive reviews about the use of spring trade threads.

The user writes about the effective combination of Spring Trade and Aptos threads for correcting various areas.

The participant describes the stages of rehabilitation and uses physical procedures to speed up healing.

The user writes about complications and negative aspects during the recovery period , a good effect of smoothing wrinkles, narrowing pores.

The review compares surgical lifting and facial lifting. The user believes that the results are identical; the method must be chosen depending on the objectives of the procedure.

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