Why do stretch marks appear on the butt and how to remove them from the buttocks?

A beautiful body with smooth skin and toned contours always attracts the eye, and it is not surprising that every person strives to look good. On the path to beauty, both women and men face many difficulties, including stretch marks. They occur in both sexes, but women are at greater risk. Red or white stripes on the butt cannot please you; they reduce self-esteem and confidence in your attractiveness. Why do they appear and is it possible to remove them? Let’s look into these issues.

What causes stretch marks on the butt: causes of stretch marks

At its core, any stretch mark is a tear in the inner layers of the skin, which causes visible deformation on the outer layers. The butt is an area where stretch marks do not appear so often, especially compared to the stomach and sides, and even despite the fact that this area of ​​the body is almost always closed from prying eyes, the defect greatly affects a person’s confidence in his appearance . The process always occurs the same way: rupture of collagen fibers due to overstrain of one kind or another, healing of the rupture with scar tissue and the appearance of a noticeable stripe on the skin. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Adolescent striae are very common. Active growth of the body is not always accompanied by the same active development of the skin, which is why the fibers are strongly stretched and easily torn;
  • excess weight. If there is an excessive amount of fat deposits, the skin becomes covered with microtraumas;
  • Stretch marks may appear after losing weight;
  • Often the problem appears after childbirth, that is, during the period of hormonal changes in the woman’s body. Many people are perplexed by this fact, since stretch marks on the stomach are an obvious consequence, but on the butt they are incomprehensible. The thing is that during the period of bearing a baby, hormonal levels change, as well as the shape of the breasts, abdomen, hips and butts, and together with the production of substances for relaxing tissues, stretch marks are formed;
  • hormone therapy;
  • intense physical activity for dry and thin skin;
  • problems in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • some diseases.

What are stretch marks or stretch marks?

Stretch marks (striae) are a cosmetic defect that consists of atrophic scars on the skin in the form of strips of varying widths and lengths. Striae are colored from white to bright red and are most often localized in places of greatest extensibility of the skin: on the mammary glands, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, shoulders, back, etc. They can be either single or multiple, affecting large areas of the skin. Typically, atrophic scars in the form of striae are located at the same level with the skin surface, or have a retracted shape, creating a depression in the skin texture.

Stretch marks do not pose a health hazard, but this cosmetic defect causes serious emotional discomfort to their owners due to aesthetic unattractiveness.

Red, blue and white striae - is it possible to get rid of them?

It is thanks to color that it is possible to determine the age of stretch marks on the skin. So, every stretch mark is an injury, so it is obvious that immediately after its appearance it has a red or pink tint. It will not be surprising if these places swell a little - this is how the body fights any type of damage in the body. If small vessels were also affected during the rupture, the color will be very rich, even brown. The defect can remain in this state for several months, and it is believed that it is during this period that it will be easiest to get rid of it. With stretch marks on the butt, as with any disease, the earlier treatment is started, the more noticeable and rapid the result will be.

The second stage is stretch marks up to a year old, which acquire a blue-violet hue. At first, fresh connective tissue is well saturated with small vessels, but as scars age, the capillaries die and disappear, depriving the tissue of normal metabolism and leading to discoloration. Such stretch marks can also be dealt with, but the process will be more difficult.

Old stretch marks are white and are more than a year old. They are considered the most difficult in terms of the ability to eliminate a defect, and sometimes this is completely impossible. However, there are effective methods that will significantly reduce the severity of stretch marks on the skin and make them almost invisible.

Types of striae

Depending on the stage of development, there are several types of stretch marks:

  1. Red - occur at the initial stage, immediately after microfracture of the fibers. They have a bright color and are often deep. Their width can vary from a few millimeters to 0.5 cm.
  2. Pink ones are, as a rule, not very fresh stretch marks. Unlike the initial stage, they are paler and less noticeable.
  3. White - characterize the last stage of development. In this case, the stretch marks become light and unnoticeable. However, small depressions remain.

The skin in the area of ​​stretch marks is very sensitive to any irritant. Even if you overdo it with massage, you can aggravate the symptoms.

Is it possible to remove old stretch marks on the butt and legs?

Old neglected stretch marks, which have long since turned white, cannot be completely removed from the body. Sometimes, if it is absolutely necessary to remove them, they resort to plastic surgery and simply cut out the damaged areas, but this is a radical method and is only possible if there are single defects. But don’t give up - modern methods allow you to even out the relief, reduce the intensity of their expression and bring them as close as possible to the condition of the surrounding skin. This is a long process that requires a lot of effort, but thanks to this, the stretch marks will become less noticeable.


But it's not just a matter of changing body volumes. The appearance of stretch marks is influenced by hormonal levels: in particular, increased production of glucocorticoid hormones, which reduce the rate of formation of collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. In men, hormonal imbalance can be associated with the use of various drugs: for example, some immunomodulators contain glucocorticoids, as well as antihistamines, drugs prescribed for asthma or to relieve symptoms of joint inflammation. Their side effect is often the formation of stretch marks.

Why do stretch marks on the buttocks itch?

The rupture of collagen fibers, which leads to stretch marks, can be accompanied by severe itching. This is a normal phenomenon, a signal from the body that the skin is undergoing deformation. This symptom often indicates insufficient moisture in the area and the need for urgent replenishment, otherwise new stretch marks will continue to form with the same activity. The course of the process depends entirely on the condition and characteristics of the skin, for example, itching may appear on the prepared buttocks, but stretch marks do not form. Whatever the reasons explain the process, you should not scratch the skin - this can increase the severity of the tears and aggravate them. It is better to use a special cream with a calming effect.

Store-bought creams, gels and ointments will remove stretch marks on the butt

One of the main predisposing factors that increases the risk of stretch marks on the buttocks is too dry skin. The most comfortable form of combating it is a cream, but the products can also be presented in gel form. Compositions for stretch marks are usually enriched with beneficial components, elastin and collagen, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin as a whole.

Stores and pharmacies offer many options for products for stretch marks on any part of the body, and you have to choose the best one through experience. You can try one of the options below:

  • Vichy Integrale Werking cream;
  • Clarins Stretch Mark Control cream;
  • Dr Pierre Ricaud cream;
  • creams from Faberlic;
  • gel Lierac phytolastil;
  • gel from Biocon;

special safe creams for pregnant nursing mothers (Mama Comfort, 9 months, Pregnacare, Vichy, etc.).

What oils help with stretch marks: list of the best

Natural oils are an excellent remedy for eliminating existing stretch marks and preventing stretch marks that have not yet appeared. They fight the main risk factors - insufficient skin hydration and insufficient production of collagen and elastin, supplying the skin with all the necessary beneficial components. A mixture of solid, liquid and essential oils creates an effective cream that will be easily absorbed into the skin and produce noticeable improvements. Coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil, wheat germ oil and almond oil are excellent as a base. They can be supplemented with essential oils of lavender, tangerine, rosemary, etc.

A good addition to this composition would be vitamins A and E. In general, any oils that are easily absorbed into the skin, moisturize it, increase elasticity, eliminating the problems of dryness and lack of collagen are suitable.

How to quickly remove skin blemishes at home

There is simply no magic remedy that would instantly get rid of unpleasant stretch marks. This is a complex problem, and when using any means it is important to maintain consistency and perseverance, and only in this way the first results will not be long in coming.

Massage against stretch marks

Even teenagers can develop stretch marks, so remedies should be as environmentally friendly and safe as possible. An important step in treating the problem is massage, which must be performed in repeated courses of 15 procedures (breaks should not be too long).

On the buttocks, or on any other area, the procedure should include two types of influence - rubbing circular movements and light pinching actions. They should not be too strong and intense, otherwise the situation can only worsen. To carry out the procedure you need to use oil.

Recipes for folk remedies: effective masks and scrubs

Scrubbing the skin and applying nourishing masks is an effective set of measures that combines the effect of smoothing the skin and actively moisturizing it. It is worth considering that if you have stretch marks, you cannot use scrubs that are too rough; you should focus on the smallest particles for a delicate effect. The most popular option is a coffee exfoliator. To prepare it, you need to pour a small amount of boiling water over finely ground coffee so that it brews a little, and after cooling, add a few drops of coconut, olive, wheat germ or flax oil. The resulting mixture is used during the shower.

Afterwards you can apply an aloe mask. To create it, several fleshy leaves are kneaded, a few drops of olive oil and two capsules of vitamin E are added, and then applied to the skin of the buttocks for an hour.

Honey wrap or with mumiyo for stretch marks and cellulite

Let's look at a few more popular and effective techniques for dealing with stretch marks:

  1. Shilajit is often recommended to combat stretch marks as the most effective and fastest remedy. The method of using it is very simple: one crushed tablet is diluted in a small amount of water and added to 100 grams of your favorite moisturizer;
  2. Honey wraps have proven themselves as a treatment for cellulite and stretch marks. It is also very simple: honey is applied to the buttocks, after which the area is wrapped in plastic wrap to create a thermal effect and left in this form for several hours.

Salon treatments will help quickly solve the problem

There are also more aggressive methods that can quickly get rid of stretch marks on the butt. But they have some contraindications and are quite dangerous if implemented incorrectly.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling involves applying aggressive acids to stretch marks, which burn the epidermis and stimulate the restoration of skin cells in the future. The stress that the tissue experiences causes it to produce elastin and collagen, which restores itself. The procedure is performed to renew the skin of the buttocks, and for this purpose one procedure is usually sufficient. Trichloroacetic or phenolic acid can be used as the active component. The procedure is very aggressive, it is carried out only under anesthesia, and, accordingly, there can be no talk of any home use of the method - improper peeling leads to severe chemical burns and changes in pigmentation. There are also contraindications, since the method is toxic, including heart disease, problems with blood vessels, and the respiratory system. This is a medical procedure, which means it must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Laser treatment of stretch marks

The most common method of removing stretch marks is laser peeling, which is recommended before the autumn-winter period (since after the procedures you will not be able to enjoy sunbathing for 3-4 months). The event requires lengthy preparation - for several months you need to treat the skin of the buttocks with certain creams, and only after that you can come to the session. It is carried out under anesthesia, during which the scar tissue is processed and burned with a laser. Usually everything takes about an hour, after which special measures need to be implemented over the course of two weeks using specialized cosmetics for active skin restoration. This is the so-called skin resurfacing.

There are other configurations of laser correction that imply a less active effect, and, therefore, obtaining results in a series of procedures: phototherapy (to give the stretch marks the same color as the surrounding tissues), photothermolysis, etc.


Mesotherapy involves the introduction of certain substances into injured areas of the skin; in the case of stretch marks, these can be amino acids, collagen, algae extracts, etc. Cocktails can be administered both in the traditional way using long needles, and with the help of special devices, thanks to which the product is at a high pressure enters directly through the skin pores. This procedure is considered the safest, since medicinal serums usually do not contain any components harmful to the body. Contraindications to the procedure exist, as in any other case: blood diseases, infections, cancer diagnoses, pregnancy and gallstones.

How to get rid of stretch marks for men

To achieve the desired effect, you need to use an integrated approach. That is, the problem will have to be solved with the help of home procedures and pharmaceutical products. It is highly advisable to consult a dermatologist-cosmetologist: a specialist will classify stretch marks and draw up a plan for their elimination. But it is possible to begin the process of fighting on your own - the effect will only be on the skin, so in general there will be no harm to health.

What can you do at home?

Before starting to use any folk remedies, it is important to make sure that you are not allergic to the components that make up them. The key to success, as in any business, is regularity. A man must perform the manipulations every day so that the result can be assessed after 1–2 months. Effective home methods against stretch marks are:

  • Badyaga . The powder is mixed with hydrogen peroxide in such proportions as to form a paste-like mass. Apply the finished product to areas with stretch marks, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To obtain the desired results, a course of 10–15 procedures may be necessary.
  • Wrap with honey . The honey must first be heated in a water bath - the product should be warm, but not hot. The finished product is applied in a layer of medium thickness to the problem area, and wrapped with cling film on top. After 30 minutes, everything should be washed off with warm water. It is also effective to do seaweed wraps to improve skin turgor.
  • Scrubbing with fine abrasive . The simplest option is to mix salt and sugar in equal proportions, add olive oil in such an amount to form a paste-like mass. The finished product is rubbed into the affected area with circular massage movements. After 10 minutes, wash off with warm water. The use of such a scrub is prohibited if there are rashes and open wounds on the skin.
  • Oil therapy . For the procedure, you can use flaxseed, olive or coconut oil. They must be applied as a moisturizer for the epidermis. Manipulation is performed in the morning and evening after a shower on damp skin. You can combine oil therapy with scrubbing.
  • Vacuum massage with cups . The effect is achieved due to the large difference between pressures: atmospheric and in the jar. This increases blood circulation and lymph flow. The result will be an acceleration of the regenerative properties of the skin. Massage is performed using glass medicine jars or silicone jars with suction cups.
  • Turpentine baths . They help cleanse the skin of harmful substances and restore the process of collagen synthesis. The procedure has a general tonic effect and can slow down cell aging. When taking a turpentine bath, you need to position your body so that the heart area is not immersed in water. If you have high blood pressure, the procedure is contraindicated .
  • Massage with a dry brush . You can start doing this 6 months after the formation of stretch marks. Before the massage, you should not wet the skin, the manipulation should not cause pain, each movement must be repeated 10 times. Massage with a dry brush can be combined with Fermenkol gel - a remedy against stretch marks: first a massage is performed, then a contrast shower is taken and after that the skin is treated with the gel.

The course of getting rid of stretch marks on the lower back in men lasts at least 1 month, the optimal period is 3 months. Scrubs are used 2-3 times a week, wraps are performed in the same way, but oils are intended for daily use. Home treatments will be effective against white stretch marks - after 30 days their number will decrease. Traditional methods are successfully combined with the use of pharmaceutical products.

Special preparations – Fermenkol

Among the variety of ointments and creams against stretch marks, it is worth choosing drugs that have a scientifically proven mechanism of action. Stretch marks are primarily atrophic scars. They are located in the deep layers of the skin and are represented by deformed collagen. The best option for getting rid of stretch marks is the Fermenkol Elactin set. One set contains 2 gels that work comprehensively: eliminate pathological collagen and stimulate the synthesis of fresh collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. It turns out to be a double effect. Fermenkol Elactin is suitable for both fresh (red) stretch marks and old (white) stretch marks. Only the method of application changes.

Benefits of using Fermenkol Elactin:

  • increases the elasticity of the skin;
  • eliminates or makes even chronic stretch marks practically invisible;
  • has a targeted effect on the affected area without affecting healthy tissue;
  • contains a special enzyme of natural origin;
  • promotes complete skin renewal (up to 90%).

Fermenkol Elactin acts safely, evening out the texture and color of the skin. The effectiveness of the application is comparable to laser resurfacing, but it is much more gentle and does not injure the skin.

To more quickly eliminate stretch marks in men, it is recommended to combine the use of Fermencol Elactin with physiotherapy procedures: electrophoresis or phonophoresis. These methods do not injure the skin, they can be used at home, and no rehabilitation is required.

Salon treatments

As we have already said, old white stretch marks are more difficult to correct than others, so to eliminate them it is best to resort to heavy artillery. Traditional methods in combination with Fermenkol and procedures by a dermatologist will give the best results. Remember that success directly depends on the regularity of the manipulations performed, so you have a great responsibility. Treatments in a doctor's office are great, but they also need to be maintained at home.

Please note that salon methods have a number of contraindications. You will need to take a course of several sessions and prepare for the fact that you will have to set aside time for rehabilitation. Cosmetologists offer several procedures to help get rid of stretch marks:

  • laser resurfacing is an effective but painful method that triggers the production of fresh collagen by removing the top layer of skin;
  • mesotherapy is an injection technique, suitable for eliminating young stretch marks, the composition of the injected drug is selected individually;
  • plasmolifting - the technique is identical to mesotherapy, your own plasma is introduced, and blood is first taken from a vein. This procedure starts regenerative processes and is effective even for old stretch marks;
  • ultrasonic lifting – the skin is exposed to ultrasound, the session lasts 30 minutes, there is not even any discomfort during the procedure;
  • microneedling with enzymes – stimulation of collagen synthesis by piercing the skin with a large number of microneedles, simultaneous administration of drugs with enzymes is possible, results can be observed after three sessions;
  • RF lifting – using radio frequency waves, skin tissue is heated, which stimulates the production of collagen by cells: the skin becomes more elastic.

Regardless of which method of combating stretch marks a man chooses, it will take a long time to get a good result. Even professional cosmetology procedures require a course of 10–15 sessions. Additionally, it is worth taking mineral and vitamin complexes that will help enhance the production of your own collagen and elastin; amino acids will be a good help.

And remember that it is much easier to get rid of fresh stretch marks, so at the first sign of stretch marks, start immediately fighting them.


Christina: I have had stretch marks since I was a teenager. They have never bothered me, but now I’m planning a pregnancy, and it’s become scary to become completely covered in them, so I’ll use oils for prevention.

Oleg: I have stretch marks on my sides, butt and back; they appeared during a period of active growth. They said it could only be removed with complex procedures, so I didn’t.

Anya: Vichy is a very effective remedy for stretch marks!

Vika: After giving birth, I use a whole range of procedures: massage, coffee scrub, oil emulsion and mummy cream.

… and much more.

There are also a number of diseases that cause an increase in cortisol production, such as pancreatic diseases. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the underlying disease rather than a cosmetic defect.

And, naturally, we must not forget about such a difficult period as adolescence: at this time there is such a powerful hormonal change that the formation of stretch marks is not uncommon for both women and men. Parents should definitely pay attention to this topic and contact an endocrinologist in time.

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