Stretch marks on the butt in teenagers: causes and solutions

The problem of one's own appearance comes first for teenagers. Pimples, enlarged pores, quickly greasy hair, and on top of that, stretch marks. Don't be surprised, they don't only happen to pregnant women. For most young men and women, the presence of white stripes on the skin can be a source of great distress. In this article we will look at why stretch marks appear on the butt in teenagers. The reasons may be different, but if you know about them, you can fight effectively.

Hormonal activity

The causes of stretch marks on the butt in adolescents often lie precisely in the functioning of the endocrine system. Hormones are responsible for the fact that the body begins to grow taller and wider. This is a natural phenomenon, but the speed at which changes occur leads to the appearance of defects in the integument.

The skin is very elastic, so it adapts to changes in our body. There are only two periods in our life when she does not have time to do this. This is puberty and pregnancy. The causes of stretch marks on the butt in teenagers can be different, but changes in body size are at the forefront.

Salon treatments will help quickly solve the problem

There are also more aggressive methods that can quickly get rid of stretch marks on the butt. But they have some contraindications and are quite dangerous if implemented incorrectly.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling involves applying aggressive acids to stretch marks, which burn the epidermis and stimulate the restoration of skin cells in the future. The stress that the tissue experiences causes it to produce elastin and collagen, which restores itself. The procedure is performed to renew the skin of the buttocks, and for this purpose one procedure is usually sufficient. Trichloroacetic or phenolic acid can be used as the active component. The procedure is very aggressive, it is carried out only under anesthesia, and, accordingly, there can be no talk of any home use of the method - improper peeling leads to severe chemical burns and changes in pigmentation. There are also contraindications, since the method is toxic, including heart disease, problems with blood vessels, and the respiratory system. This is a medical procedure, which means it must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Laser treatment of stretch marks

The most common method of removing stretch marks is laser peeling, which is recommended before the autumn-winter period (since after the procedures you will not be able to enjoy sunbathing for 3-4 months). The event requires lengthy preparation - for several months you need to treat the skin of the buttocks with certain creams, and only after that you can come to the session. It is carried out under anesthesia, during which the scar tissue is processed and burned with a laser. Usually everything takes about an hour, after which special measures need to be implemented over the course of two weeks using specialized cosmetics for active skin restoration. This is the so-called skin resurfacing.

There are other configurations of laser correction that imply a less active effect, and, therefore, obtaining results in a series of procedures: phototherapy (to give the stretch marks the same color as the surrounding tissues), photothermolysis, etc.


Mesotherapy involves the introduction of certain substances into injured areas of the skin; in the case of stretch marks, these can be amino acids, collagen, algae extracts, etc. Cocktails can be administered both in the traditional way using long needles, and with the help of special devices, thanks to which the product is at a high pressure enters directly through the skin pores. This procedure is considered the safest, since medicinal serums usually do not contain any components harmful to the body. Contraindications to the procedure exist, as in any other case: blood diseases, infections, cancer diagnoses, pregnancy and gallstones.

Lack of collagen and elastin

These indicators are different for everyone. Just like your skin type. With age, the indicators change, usually not in a big way. The reasons for stretch marks on the butt in teenagers are that it is difficult for the skin to stretch in those places where fat accumulates and muscle tissue grows. Most often this occurs on the chest and abdomen in girls, as well as on the lower back and buttocks.

The lack of collagen and elastin, whether due to the physiological characteristics of the body or poor nutrition of a teenager, affects the rate of formation of stretch marks. Of course, the external integrity of the skin is not compromised. Fractures occur in deep layers. And on the outside we see redness, which then becomes white scars.

Vitamin C

This vitamin has a healing effect on the skin, heals wounds and scars. Without it, collagen synthesis does not occur. Vitamin C is a kind of connective substance for skin cells. To get this vitamin from food, you should include rose hips, kiwi, citrus fruits, and berries in your diet.

To do this, you can treat yourself to a delicious fruit salad. To prepare it, cut the fruit to your taste; banana, kiwi, and orange will go well together. You can use natural yogurt as a dressing, and sprinkle powdered sugar on top of the finished salad.

Physical inactivity

This is the next reason. A teenager spends a lot of time at a school desk and doing lessons. Therefore, a lack of physical activity is typical for almost all modern children. If the body has an individual tendency, then at the same time there is a gain of excess weight. As a result, the load on the skin increases, which needs time to stretch while fat accumulates. Lack of sports activities impairs the blood supply to tissues. They do not receive nutrients and lose their elasticity.

A type of striae

Human skin consists of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. The color of striae depends on the blood vessels.

Stretch marks are:

  1. Reds

    - every stretch marks an injury to the skin. Naturally, the site of injury may swell slightly and take on a red or pink tint. If small blood vessels are damaged, the skin color becomes rich and sometimes even brown. This period lasts several months and is the most favorable time for getting rid of stretch marks. The sooner treatment begins, the faster and more effective the result will be.

  2. Blue, purple

    - appear to replace red ones. This period is characterized by aging scars and the death of capillaries. All this leads to metabolic disorders and discoloration. At this stage, you can still fight the defect, but making the skin flawless is already difficult.

  3. White

    - old stretch marks that appeared more than one year ago. A skin defect that is difficult to remove, sometimes even impossible to change. But modern cosmetology can offer methods that can significantly correct the severity of stretch marks on the skin. Sometimes you get almost imperceptible stripes.

Should I see a doctor?

What to do if stretch marks appear on the butt of teenagers? The reasons for their appearance have already been touched upon above, let’s briefly repeat:

  • Sudden weight gain.
  • Rapid growth spurt.
  • The presence of endocrine diseases and hormonal imbalance.
  • Long-term use of Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone.

It should be noted that this phenomenon is very physiological. Only in rare cases can stretch marks be the result of a genetic disease and malfunctions in the body. But if your growing child is very worried about this, then consult a doctor. A good specialist will tell you what to do, and not just identify the reasons.

Vitamin E

The human body also needs a sufficient supply of vitamin E. It is this element that has wound-healing properties that are necessary for the skin. This vitamin is widely used in the manufacture of various cosmetic products and creams. In addition, it is considered a strong antioxidant. To replenish the reserves of this vitamin in the body, be sure to enrich your diet with nuts, dried fruits, and vegetable oils.

You can make healthy and tasty candies from dried fruits and nuts. To do this, grind dried fruits and any nuts in a blender. Then add 2 tablespoons of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. From the finished mixture you should make candies, which can be rolled in flour, cocoa, or coconut flakes to suit your taste. Then they are put in the refrigerator for a while, after which they can be consumed.

Stretch marks on the butt in teenagers

How to remove and prevent the reappearance of scars? This is of interest to parents and their growing children now. But for now, let's say a few words about prevention. It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. And since teenagers are not yet worried about their health, parents will have to do this. You don't have to do anything special. It is enough to follow a number of simple instructions:

  • A healthy diet is the most important thing for a growing body. The body must receive all the nutrients and trace elements in order to function properly and be healthy. A proper diet helps maintain normal weight and not gain weight. Doctors also recommend drinking a lot of water and taking vitamins. This prevents stretch marks in most cases.
  • Physical exercise. Moreover, they can also be the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents. And solutions also include a mandatory visit to the section. The difference is quite simple: if a teenager has never played sports, and then comes to the gym and from the first day begins to overload himself beyond measure, nothing good will come of it. You need to work with a qualified trainer to select the optimal training program.


This element is responsible for the production of an important structural protein called collagen. If the human body contains a sufficient amount of collagen, then the risk of getting stretch marks is minimal. You can get this microelement from gelatin, lean meats, offal, dark chocolate and cocoa.

From these ingredients you can make a pretty tasty aspic. Boil some lean meat, add carrots, onions, salt and spices to taste. Strain the resulting broth, add a small amount of gelatin for swelling. At this time, you can cut the meat and carrots into thin slices and place on a dish. You can add an egg and green peas if you wish. When the gelatin swells, it must be heated until completely dissolved, but not boiled. Pour the chopped meat and vegetables into the broth and put them in a cool room until the mixture hardens.

Temporary phenomenon

So, we found out the reasons for stretch marks on the butt in teenagers. Treatment is usually conservative. This is not a reason for panic or bad mood, since the phenomenon is temporary. The process of new scars will stop as soon as body growth slows down. And a young girl or young man needs to be explained that stretch marks can be treated. Soon they will turn pale and become almost invisible to others.


Christina: I have had stretch marks since I was a teenager. They have never bothered me, but now I’m planning a pregnancy, and it’s become scary to become completely covered in them, so I’ll use oils for prevention.

Oleg: I have stretch marks on my sides, butt and back; they appeared during a period of active growth. They said it could only be removed with complex procedures, so I didn’t.

Anya: Vichy is a very effective remedy for stretch marks!

Vika: After giving birth, I use a whole range of procedures: massage, coffee scrub, oil emulsion and mummy cream.

How to remove stretch marks on the buttocks

If they have already appeared, then the sooner you start correction, the better. While the stripes are fresh and red, they can be smoothed out to a certain extent using creams. The more time passes from the moment they appear, the less chance there is. The easiest way is to rub the skin with olive oil. But you can also purchase a specialized cream or gel.

To improve the result, application of the product is combined with massage of problem areas. You can do it yourself. It is enough to study a special manual or watch a video course. But for these procedures to be truly effective, it is recommended to apply a good cosmetic cream upon completion. Typically, the ingredients of such products are collagen and silicone. Their task is to saturate the skin so that it recovers faster.

Professional treatment

The reasons for stretch marks on the legs of teenagers are mostly due to the fact that the skin does not have time to stretch as fast growth requires. Therefore, you need to give it the maximum amount of nutrients to increase elasticity. This is achieved through mesotherapy. Using an injection, a special nutritional cocktail is introduced under the skin, which helps restore stretched areas. Moreover, the course can last up to a year.

There is no need to rush here, the recovery processes are taking their course. Today there are so many cocktails for mesotherapy that it is not recommended to make a choice on your own. A professional cosmetologist can assess the problem and select the best and most effective composition. Moreover, this does not mean that only expensive drugs can give good results. The price range of cocktails for mesotherapy is very wide.

Getting rid of stretch marks at home

At the initial stage of the appearance of “stripes” on the thighs and buttocks, it is still possible to get rid of them on your own without resorting to salon therapies and laser manipulations. With persistence and regularity in performing procedures at home, you have a chance to achieve good results. So, let's look at the most effective ways to combat stretch marks, which are easy to do at home.

  • Perform a course of massage for 10-15 days. Every day after taking a bath, you need to massage problem areas of the skin with intense circular strokes for 5-7 minutes. To make the massage effective, use additionally any oil for stretch marks (almond, olive or coconut) and a special brush. This will improve blood circulation in the area of ​​stretch marks and cell renewal.
  • Homemade peelings. To make your skin smooth, use homemade or purchased scrubs and peels with not very coarse particles. The most effective compositions for combating stretch marks are coffee ones with the addition of various natural oils.
  • Wraps. They help to cope not only with unpleasant “stripes” on the skin, but also to cope with such problems as cellulite. Due to the greenhouse effect, deep nutrition and rapid regeneration are achieved, that is, skin restoration. The most popular means for body wraps have always been honey or cosmetic clay. Their exposure time during wrapping should be at least 1 hour; they are also carried out in a course of 10-15 sessions per month, and then repeated after some time to consolidate the result.

  • Nourishing masks. The main reason for the appearance of “tears” in the skin in the form of stretch marks is a lack of nutrients in the body. To quickly replenish them, direct application of various beneficial products to those areas of the skin where stretch marks have formed. The most effective means for this are mumiyo, citrus essential oils, as well as hazelnut oils, wheat germ oils, rosemary and almond oils. They contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements necessary for beautiful skin.
  • Cold and hot shower. Rapid changes in water temperature have a good effect on skin tone and elasticity. It is also useful to massage while showering. And after it, you need to intensively rub the problem areas of the thighs with a towel and apply a nourishing agent or a special cream for stretch marks.

As they say, “knowing the enemy by sight” makes it easier for us to deal with him. And we can significantly improve the appearance of the skin by doing home treatments and massage courses. This way stretch marks become visually less noticeable. Additional measures include laser and radiofrequency skin resurfacing, as well as injections of drugs with a moisturizing and firming effect.

Laser resurfacing

This method of hardware therapy effectively removes defects in both adolescents and adults. Stretch marks are reduced after the first session. You can combine different techniques. For example, conduct several polishing sessions, followed by a long course of massages with essential oils and professional creams. But it is worth remembering that such a procedure is quite expensive.

If stretch marks are just starting to appear, then you should try more affordable products, creams and scrubs, lotions and home peels. If none of this helped, and the scars simply turned white, but did not go away, then there is only one way left. Go to a good salon, to a professional cosmetologist. Don't forget about the importance of a healthy diet and exercise.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • avoid excessive tanning;
  • drink more fluids;
  • constantly moisturize the skin with oils and creams;
  • massage your skin regularly while taking a bath;
  • use body scrubs and peels.

Diet also plays a significant role. It is recommended to consume more plant fiber. The menu should include a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals and juices.

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