Make-up for Halloween 2022 at home with your own hands: easy for girls, scary for men and boys: Simple make-up for children for Halloween

The creepiest, but incredibly interesting and mysterious holiday of the year is Halloween. Every year, towards the evening of October 31, city streets are filled with sinister Zombies, bearded “maniacs”, Witches and Cats, Vampires and Magicians. Skeletons roam the alleys, scaring passers-by with bones glowing in the dark and empty eye sockets painted on their faces. Guys and girls, even grown men and women, dressed up as horror movie characters, sing songs and have fun from the heart. Boys and girls keep up with the adults, showing off scary Halloween makeup applied to their arms and legs. Get ready for the Feast of All Saints - carefully study the videos and photos on this page to understand how to easily and cheaply create images of the Witch, Jack the Ripper, Jason Voorhees and other sinister characters at home.

Hand and face makeup for Halloween for girls at home

Without makeup that matches the image chosen for Halloween, you cannot get a full-fledged, well-thought-out holiday costume. The easiest way for girls to apply makeup is with regular cosmetics or special non-toxic skin paints, often sold on All Hallows' Eve. At home, drawing a creepy mask with bleeding wounds or depicting terrible scars on the face and hands is not at all difficult. You just have to take a closer look at the photo and watch the video several times, published on the page just below.

We draw scars and wounds on the face and hands for Halloween - How to apply scary makeup at home

In order to apply scary “makeup” for Halloween, you can use cosmetics that are so often used by girls who want to emphasize their beauty. However, this time the task of the makeup will be different - to frighten passers-by with your image, to create realistic lacerations on the hands and face. Take a closer look at the photo - it shows all the stages of creating an incredibly scary scar on the nose and bruises under the eyes.

Yes, using just safe skin glue (you will need it to attach the staplers to the “scar”), dark powder, yellow and blue eye shadow, you will get an incredible result. The video shows how the girl makes up herself, combining shadows of different tones, applying them under the eyes and on the nose area.


This image looks no less attractive, but it is not easy to create. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • The face must be cleaned in advance with a cosmetic product, treated with tonic and cream.
  • You need brown and gray paint and a thin brush. You should draw fur on the forehead and cheekbones. Then add paint to the eyebrows to make them voluminous.

  • The upper eyelids should be painted over with dark shadows. The line near the lower eyelid is highlighted with eyeliner.
  • Dark paint is applied to the tip of the nose.

  • Then the lenses and fangs are put on.

To complete the look, you need a wig with long hair. You will also need a festive werewolf costume. All together will create a unique image.

Easy Halloween makeup at home for girls

The easiest option for Halloween makeup is ordinary cosmetics - eye shadow, lipstick, blush, powder, mascara... in short, everything that girls use every day at home. The difference between makeup for October 31 and a regular look is only that in the first case you deliberately create a frightening look. For example, blue and dark gray eye shadow applied around the eyes look like real bruises. Red lipstick can be useful for painting bloody spots on the cheeks, neck and arms. Today there are also special safe paints on sale - with their help you can make a white mask with a huge slit instead of a mouth or paint witch warts and moles on your nose and chin.

How to make easy Halloween makeup at home - Ideas for girls

It will be great if a couple of days before October 31st you get some real theater makeup. They are the easiest and safest way to apply designs on the skin. However, regular eye shadow and body paint will do.

Monster Girl

This asymmetrical makeup is best applied after the Halloween costume is worn, otherwise you risk staining your outfit and smearing the carefully painted scars and bright flowers on your face.


Cover your face with a thick layer of white makeup. Apply talcum powder to your eyelashes and lips and leave your nails bright red. The ghost will be very attractive!


All you need here are dark gray and brown eyeshadows and a brush to apply them - everything is incredibly easy!

Devil, demonic image

The image of the devil is preferable to use for dark-haired men who are courageous and self-confident. There is no need to shave before applying makeup. A slight stubble will add brutality to the look.

To perform devil makeup you will need:

  • red theatrical makeup;
  • black and gray shadows;
  • cosmetic pencil;
  • white contact lenses;
  • a set of brushes for applying makeup.

The demon makeup is performed as follows:

  1. Prepare your face, ears, and neck for applying makeup.
  2. Put on your contact lenses.
  3. Tint the visible areas of the skin red.
  4. Apply dark shadows to the upper eyelid and blend the contour.
  5. Draw the line of the lower eyelid with a black cosmetic pencil (eyeliner), and paint over the eyelid itself with black shadows and blend the edges.
  6. Draw several symmetrical vertical lines on the forehead (one from the inner corner of the eyes, the other from the center of the eyebrow). Blend them on one side.
  7. Darken the sides of the nose to visually lengthen it. Fade the nostril area black.
  8. Highlight your cheekbones with dark.
  9. Paint the surface of the lips dark gray, the outline can be highlighted in black.
  10. Finally, apply a few hieroglyphs on the cheekbones and forehead with a black pencil.

For a demonic image, it is not necessary to invent a special carnival outfit; you can wear a strict black suit.

You can watch a detailed master class on performing demonic makeup in the following video:

Halloween makeup at home for men

When preparing for Halloween, men usually choose the images of negative characters - the Joker from Batman, the Walking Dead, Zombie or Skeleton. This is not difficult to do at home, especially if you learn in advance how to apply makeup correctly and safely for your skin condition.

How to apply makeup for Halloween at home - Create the image of the Joker: master class

The main features of this character from “Batman” are a white face with a huge, red, always laughing scar mouth. You can do this makeup at home in 15-20 minutes.

You will need:

  • White makeup or skin paint;
  • Red lipstick;
  • Black eyeliner;
  • Scotch;

Before applying the cream, wash your face with soap - makeup will fit well only on non-oily skin.

  1. Cover your face with white paint;

  2. Apply eyeliner and eye shadow to wrinkles and scars;

  3. Create the main feature - the Joker's smile.

And here you will see how Heath Ledger was made up by professionals.

DIY scary Halloween makeup

If you were good at drawing as a child and are still confident in your artistic abilities, you can create a unique scary Halloween look with your own hands. By skillfully using shadows, knowing where to apply them to create the effect of sunken eye sockets, deep wrinkles and scars, you will achieve a stunning effect.

Scary Halloween Makeup Ideas

Halloween makeup is part of your look. In fact, in some cases it may be the most important part of your costume. A zombie will never look like a real zombie without the appropriate sinister makeup. Some stores already sell ready-made scars and scars, masks for All Saints' Day. However, they cost a lot, and it’s not always possible to find such accessories. The easiest way to make home makeup for October 31st is to use white paint and black eyeliner. These two elements can help you create several types of makeup. By using them, you can “turn” into a Ghost, Skeleton or Mime, and working with such materials does not require any special skills. So, if you have the time, patience and makeup to work with, here are some ideas that will definitely help you.

Spooky Pumpkin

Pumpkin is the main symbol of All Saints' Day. Paint your face the way you see in the photo and become the queen of the Halloween party!


All guests of the holiday will like such a cute zebra. And let her not be scary at all! The jack-in-the-box

For this makeup you will only need red and black paint. However, such makeup will require the make-up artist to have some artistic skills.

You can find ideas for creating 3D Halloween makeup effects on the Internet. For example, corn syrup and red food coloring can be used to create sticky bloody marks or cuts on the face.

DIY scary makeup – Halloween looks

Using face paint, create incredibly frightening, scary images of monsters. Use our sample photos and create a spooky Halloween makeup look.

Face with scary eyes

Just ask your friend to draw lots of big eyes on our face. Horrible!

Sad clown

This laughing clown always has sad eyes.

Cheshire cat

Create the look of the Cheshire Cat's girlfriend - All you need is gray and white eye shadow, black and white face paint and a blue wig.

Characters from "Alice in Wonderland"

The Cheshire Cat from “Alice in Wonderland” is a universal image for Halloween; boys and girls use the idea of ​​such a transformation. The main feature of the character is his huge smile.

To do makeup you will need:

  • foundation, white face painting;
  • black eyeliner or eyeliner.

Cheshire Cat makeup is very simple:

  1. Prepare your skin for makeup application.
  2. Tint your face, neck, ears, lips with light makeup.
  3. Using a black pencil, draw the contours of the cat's mouth. It should be large to depict a grin, almost to the ears.
  4. Using white paint, paint the teeth.
  5. With a dark color you can highlight the tip of the nose, mustache, and make the eyebrows thicker.
  6. Curls above the eyebrows, made in black, will emphasize the demonic nature of the character.

In addition to the makeup, you can use a shaggy wig with dark hair and a suitable carnival costume.

The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland would also be suitable for your planned party. The image turns out to be kind (in comparison with the previous ones) and easy to implement.

You will need:

  • face painting in white and red;
  • set of makeup brushes;
  • raspberry and emerald eyeshadow;
  • false eyelashes;
  • white mascara;
  • wig with red curls;
  • cylinder hat.

The procedure for applying makeup is simple:

  1. Prepare your face for makeup.
  2. Apply false eyelashes.
  3. Apply light foundation to face, ears, and neck.
  4. Apply crimson shadows to the lower eyelid, and emerald shadows to the upper eyelid.
  5. Apply white mascara to your eyelashes.
  6. Tint your eyebrows red and make them wide.
  7. Also paint your lips with red face painting.
  8. Wear a wig and a top hat.

Finding a Mad Hatter Halloween costume won't be a hassle either. Any trouser suit, a few sizes smaller and a colored shirt with a frill will do.

How to do makeup for Halloween - Video with simple examples

Before you start applying your Halloween makeup, watch a video about what looks you can choose for the holiday on October 31st. It will be great if you can use multi-colored and unusual lenses: for the Joker - with images of cards, for the Vampire - with a red iris.

Examples of applying makeup for Halloween with video

The safest makeup for Halloween is done using face painting. It is applied to clean, oil-free skin, blending the paint from the center to the periphery. When applying each layer of makeup, wait a few minutes for the paint to dry and set. When creating a characteristic image, use your imagination and photos from our website.

Image: Fairy-tale characters

The brighter the children's party, the more fun the participants will have! Therefore, parents, having agreed in advance, can dress their kids in different, unique costumes so that there is no need to compare. Well, you must admit, it will hardly be fun if five devils and six angels come to the holiday.

Let's think about it! If a themed matinee, for example, is organized at a school or kindergarten, it will definitely not be possible to come to an agreement with everyone. Here parents will have to use their imagination and come up with the most unique costume possible, so that others have little chance of accidentally repeating it.

But if adults who know each other well are throwing a party for their children, then this is a completely different matter! You can come up with a whole performance for your kids by thinking through the script in advance and assigning roles. It will be simply wonderful and very exciting if their fathers and mothers join their children. The holiday can be organized in such a way that there is enough space for everyone!

This will make it even more interesting! And if it’s not difficult to make a DIY Halloween costume for children, then themed outfits for adults are even easier! Each of us has things in our wardrobe that can be used in one way or another.

Let's think about which fairy tale characters are the most popular among children? If we talk about the heroes of Russian folk tales, then these can be the Bogatyrs, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, Vasilisa the Wise, Leshy, the Frog Princess, the Firebird and many other heroes who are loved not only by our children, but also by ourselves.

Costumes and makeup for children for Halloween can be very different here! Read a fairy tale to your child, remember what these heroes looked like and what character traits they differed from. This will determine what hairstyle to choose, what Halloween makeup to come up with in order to turn your child’s life into a real fairy tale at least for some time.

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Halloween Cat makeup for children

On Halloween, not only Cat Women roam the streets, but also the sisters of the Cheshire Cat, black witches and little kittens - children made up to look like these animals. Do you want to get to know them better?

How to Apply Baby Makeup for Halloween - Instructions for Creating a Cat Face

The simplest children's makeup is to draw a cat's nose and whiskers on the child's face. To do this, use face painting - it does not cause allergies. The sequence of steps to create the image of a cute animal is as follows:

  • Draw a circle around the mouth and nose and paint it with white paint. Against its background, the cat’s black mustache and nose will be especially noticeable.

  • We draw dots near the nose, and draw a line down from the nose, towards the lip.
  • Under the girl’s lip we depict a kitten’s tongue in red.

  • We put a headband with “ears” on our head.

If you want to create the Cheshire Cat, don't forget his signature smile with many teeth.


This is the simplest makeup for boys. Anyone can do it, since it does not require special skills or a lot of time.

Work process:

  1. It is necessary to prepare your face. Areas that will be visible from under the bandages are tinted in a light tone. For this purpose, foundation is used.
  2. Then black shadows are applied around the eyes.
  3. This completes the makeup creation. You can make your own costume. The result is a believable image of a mummy.

Witch makeup for Halloween for children

When deciding to give your child witch makeup for Halloween, decide who the magical character will be - a good or evil hero. Each look requires the use of different cosmetics.

Children's makeup for a good witch

The good witch is always a cheerful, mischievous lady, in a colorful dress and bright makeup. When working on makeup for a good witch, you need to pay attention to every part of the face. It is acceptable to create a feminine image of a little witch: drawings of butterflies and flowers on the cheeks.

Children's makeup for a bad witch

A bad witch must wear black or burgundy lipstick, have a greenish or bluish complexion and warts on her nose. Using black paint, you can “remove” several of the evil sorceress’s teeth by painting over their white enamel. Such a sorceress needs to depict depressions on her cheeks, and wrinkles under her eyes and on her neck.

Halloween makeup for boys - How to draw a Jason Voorhees mask

Boys most often ask their parents to help them create the image of an evil hero on Halloween. Such a negative character as Jason Voorhees is very popular among boys who are fond of horror films and scary comics. Jason first appeared in the film “Friday the 13th” in 1980 and “lived” in other horror series until 2009! He still appears occasionally - more and more on the streets at night on All Saints' Day. Before October 31, stores are actively offering visitors to purchase Voorhees masks, but you can make them yourself: just paint the details of the image with makeup on your face.

Video on creating the image of Jason Voorhees - Applying makeup for Halloween

The easiest and cheapest option to draw the face of this killer movie hero is to use white, red and black makeup. First you should draw the black eye sockets, and then cover the entire face with white paint. After the base of the mask has dried, you should draw “holes” (black dots) and red stripes on it, like Jason himself in the movie “Friday the 13th”.

Halloween Makeup for Guys - Applying a Skeleton Drawing

Skeleton and Skull makeup remains one of the most sought after Halloween makeup looks. To create it, it is enough to have black and white paint on hand. However, it is difficult to make such a drawing on yourself, especially if you want to see a realistic image of the All Saints Day hero. Guys can ask their girlfriends to help them cope with difficult, but worth the effort, work.

Sequence of applying Skeleton makeup for Halloween - Photos and videos with examples

First, an even layer of white makeup is applied to the face (washed and wiped dry). After it dries, the area around the eyes is painted over with black paint - this is how the eye sockets of the skull appear. The nose and cheekbones are also drawn in black. The master completes the work by creating teeth - they are “drawn” directly on the lips or around the mouth.

A vampire

The image of a vampire can easily be considered one of the most popular characters for a Halloween party. It can be accomplished without the help of professionals. To do this, prepare:

  • face painting or theatrical makeup;
  • Foundation;
  • black cosmetic pencil, eyeliner;
  • artificial blood;
  • special overlays for teeth;
  • white or red lenses.

The characteristic features of a classic vampire are a pale, even slightly bluish face and sunken eyes. Wounds and cuts on the face are unusual for the vampire image and are performed at will. Famous vampire heroes - Dracula, Edward from the movie "Twilight".

Making a vampire make-up:

  1. Prepare your skin for makeup: clean your face, neck and ears with cosmetic milk, wipe with alcohol-based tonic and moisturize with cream. Remove excess moisture with paper towels.
  2. To lighten your skin, use a light foundation or theatrical makeup. To make the image more convincing and look deathly pale, you can add a little blue. Don't forget to also highlight the surface of your lips.
  3. Use brown and gray color to work on the area around the eyes and cheekbones.
  4. Define your eyebrows with a black pencil.
  5. Place special fang covers on your teeth. You can add a little artificial blood flowing from the mouth. This technique will add expressiveness and colorfulness to the image.
  6. Wear red or white lenses.

High-quality makeup is only half the success. No less important are facial expressions, eyes and hairstyle. Practice in front of a mirror, look at others coldly and with interest, like a wolf at a young lamb. Be sure to add some gray to your hair.

Important! Before applying makeup, shave your facial hair as thoroughly as possible. Stubble will not allow you to apply makeup evenly and create a convincing image.

Simple Zombie Halloween makeup for guys and men

If, leaving the threshold of your house on All Saints' Day, you accidentally stumble upon a staggering Zombie, do not be alarmed - this is an ordinary guy, perhaps even your friend. It’s just that someone did a really good job on his makeup before. This scary makeup doesn’t take long to do, but you need to prepare all the materials to create it before October 31st.

How to make a simple Zombie makeup for Halloween - Master class for men and boys

To work on creating a Zombie image you will need the following materials:

  1. Burgundy or red paint (gouache, watercolor);
  2. BF glue;
  3. Thin paper napkins;
  4. Shadows.

Get started by following these steps sequentially:

  1. Apply BF glue to the paper.

  2. Mix red paint with glue.

  3. Tear the napkins into small pieces.

  4. Apply a mixture of glue and red paint to the selected area of ​​the face (cheek, forehead, chin).

  5. Glue pieces of napkins to the place where the glue and paint were applied.

  6. Spread the wipes over your face, creating the illusion of a laceration.

  7. Add paint to the created “wound”, making it even brighter.

  8. Use shadows to draw the edges of the bloody scar.

  9. Now you can go to the party and celebrate Halloween!

When is Halloween celebrated, what date?

Halloween is an ancient holiday that is usually celebrated on the last day of October. People celebrate the completion of the harvest. It is on the 31st that festivities are held on this occasion. Since ancient times, the soil was considered a deity because it fed people. This is why people felt it was important to “pay homage” to the land and bless it for the next harvest season.

But, besides thanking the soil, people believed that it was on this day that it had power, and therefore they were afraid of it. It’s not for nothing that Halloween is called the holiday of “all the dead.” It was believed that the earth was endowed with the power to resurrect the dead and buried ancestors in it.

To prevent the resurrected dead from bringing devastation and chaos into the world of the living, it was decided to use all possible means to scare them away. For this, people dressed up in scary costumes and masks , similar to the images of ghosts and evil spirits. The resurrected did not recognize people and considered them similar to themselves, and therefore went away into the ground the next morning.

The traditions of celebrating Halloween have been preserved in our modern world. Not every country and family celebrates this holiday. But, nevertheless, everyone knows about it and everyone is interested in it. Halloween parties are organized by many public organizations, student companies, groups and even schoolchildren. This holiday has deep religious roots and therefore has the right to exist.

It is customary to celebrate Halloween in a pompous and fun way . Every family should decorate their home according to the theme of the holiday. In addition, unexpected guests can come to every house. They should definitely be accepted by treating them to something tasty. That is why it is customary to arrange special “food zones” (“Food zones”, from the word “food” - “food”). These areas may contain sweets, snacks and drinks.

Food zone decoration for Halloween

Halloween Yard Decoration

Home Decoration for Halloween

Makeup for guys with beards - Halloween Ideas

Makeup is always applied to clean skin. But what about guys with beards in this case? It's simple - in this case the beard becomes part of the image and adds charm and a little creepy charm to the young man. At the same time, the owner of thick facial hair can “try on” the image of the Skull, Skeleton, Werewolf, and Monster from “The Scarlet Flower.” You can dress up as the Woodcutter or the Scarecrow from “The Wizard of Oz,” the Pirate from “Treasure Island,” Jack Sparrow, a charming vampire... If you purchase tinted shampoo or temporary hair dye, you can make your beard blue, red, or green. Don't be afraid of your imagination before Halloween - it will tell you how to make the right choice.

Halloween Makeup Ideas for Guys with Beards

When choosing a Halloween costume, guys with beards should take into account all the features of applying makeup to their face in advance. It is best for such young people to focus on “bearded” characters from comics, horror films and thrillers.

Jack Sparrow

A great option is the Jack Sparrow costume from Pirates of the Caribbean. Here you can weave wooden beads into your beard, and apply makeup on your face similar to what Johnny Depp’s hero wore.


Here you should add Werewolf “vegetation” to your beard. Using a special skin glue, you can create the monster's characteristic wrinkles. Don't forget about fangs - these false toy jaws are sold in joke shops.

Bearded clown

Don't skimp on white makeup - even cover your beard with it. Against this background, the character’s red or black mouth always stands out especially clearly.

All Saints' Day, which always comes on the last day of October, is a wonderful occasion to dress up as monsters, vampires, skeletons, cats, witches and ghouls, zombies and werewolves, horror movie characters Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees. At the same time, when working on a costume, do not forget about special makeup for Halloween. It, like the outfits for October 31st, can be easily made at home, with your own hands or with the help of friends. Children, boys and girls, will be helped with this by their parents, boys and girls - by their friends. A week or two before the holiday, you will need to purchase the necessary paints, face painting, cosmetics and all the ingredients mentioned in the description of examples of photos and videos of makeup on this page. Be patient - it is better to work on creating the image slowly but efficiently. For men with a beard, we advise you to purchase a special temporary tinted hair dye - this will make it easier to turn into the terrible Werewolf, Jack Sparrow, Evil Wizard, and Wizard from Harry Potter's Hogwarts school.


Image: Angel

All little children look like angels even without costumes. But a holiday is a holiday, and parents will still have to make some efforts to make a real Angel out of their child.

Ideas for a Halloween costume can be chosen completely different, but, in general, in order to help your child transform into this fairy-tale image, it is enough to dress him in white clothes. It could be a dress for a girl or a suit for a boy, something resembling a hoodie - whatever you find in your closet will do.

A must-have is the wings. And if you have a DIY children’s Halloween costume for the image of an Angel ready, then you’ll have to go to the store to get the wings. There you can purchase a halo and buy a magic wand. Let the fairy tale be embodied in every detail!

The hairstyle of a child who goes to a party dressed as an Angel should be as natural and neat as possible. If your daughter has long hair, it is better to braid it or tie it in a ponytail so that the festive hairstyle does not interfere with her having fun with friends, and the children do not accidentally hurt the girl.

You don't need makeup to look like an Angel either. The only thing you can afford to do is lightly brown the little angel’s cheeks with decorative cosmetics.

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