Depilation and hair removal at home for men

In the modern world, ideas about masculinity have long changed. If earlier ladies liked hair on men, which added charm to them, now the fashion for this has gone away. Today, many representatives of the stronger half of humanity want to remove hair from various parts of the body.

Some people think it's unhygienic, others believe that the lack of hair emphasizes muscles, and others just want to feel comfortable in the summer. Men's hair removal is not much different from women's, but due to the fact that the hair structure of the stronger sex is thicker and coarser, experts have developed stronger means and methods for their removal. They will help destroy any vegetation from the male body and even the head.

Types of male depilation


This method will allow you to remove all unnecessary vegetation from the body without causing harm or irritation. Masters in beauty salons often use three types of wax: hot, warm and cold. The last option for effectively combating thick and coarse hair is almost never used. But the first one is popular and loved by consumers for a reason: it best removes hair from any deep and hard-to-reach places, and does not cause severe pain to any client, no matter how old he is.

Warm wax is used to remove hair of medium length, thickness and hardness. Waxing for men is a good option for caring for any area of ​​the body.

Review of the best manufacturers

A well-groomed appearance has long been considered not something special, but a normal cultural phenomenon that should be inherent not only to a woman, but to every self-respecting man. Getting rid of excess “thickets” in this case plays an important role, so you should not be surprised that most cosmetic companies have started developing and producing creams that could replace a full-fledged depilation procedure.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of many creams leaves much to be desired. Most often this is due to an abundance of negative skin reactions to the product. Of course, permanent hair removal using cream is impossible, but not every manufacturer can guarantee even a temporary effect

Among the brands, there are only a few that really attract attention with their quality.

Veet is well known for producing a huge range of skin care products. In addition, depilatory creams have become popular for both women and men. A distinctive feature of Veet products is their rather soft and gentle composition, thanks to which the procedure is very gentle.

In addition, the line has many options with additional components for more gentle care. They are ideal for treating intimate areas or skin that is too sensitive. Natural elements such as aloe juice or green tea extract are used as protective ingredients.

Cliven Young cream is often considered as a worthy analogue to a razor or electronic depilator when a quick and short-lived hair removal effect is needed. It differs from other products at an affordable price.

One could argue that the cream is not good enough since the hair removal is not as deep as desired. But this disadvantage is explained and compensated by the high level of emollients, thanks to which this product never causes irritation, redness and itching of the skin, which is the problem with almost all depilatory creams.

The drug "Rivanol" is another affordable pharmaceutical product. It is often used not so much for hair removal, but as a “cauterizing” wound-healing cream. It should be noted that its effectiveness is quite low if you try to remove thick and strong hair.

"Rivanol" is well suited for treating intimate areas, or depilating a light "gun" on the face. Therefore, it is often recommended not so much for men as for women who experience discomfort due to the appearance of unwanted hair above the upper lip. However, this is a fairly simple, affordable and safe remedy.

Collistar Men depilatory cream can be classified as a line of elite professional products. It is relatively more expensive, but at the same time it demonstrates high efficiency. Cleansing the entire surface of hair occurs quickly, deeply and painlessly. Thanks to the ideal combination of the active ingredient and softening ingredients, the Italian manufacturer managed to achieve an almost perfect result.

Another good option is Rica For Men. One of the most successful choices if you need to quickly remove hair from the chest, arms, and armpits. It is a classic men's depilator, therefore it is aimed at eliminating strong and coarse hair. It is not recommended for use in intimate areas where the skin is too delicate and may react with severe inflammation to such a product.


This method of male hair removal is also popular among consumers. One of the main advantages of the procedure is a clean-shaven area of ​​the face or body, which remains that way for 4 weeks. The structure of the hairs removed from the roots gradually changes: they become thin and do not irritate the skin much. But this method has a significant drawback - the pain that the client experiences when performing it.

  • To reduce pain, one day before waxing you should manually exfoliate dead skin cells with a special scrub, brush or washcloth, or shave your hair so that it is not long;
  • Before the session, a man should not apply any additional cosmetic oils or creams;
  • The best solution would be to leave the artist with dry and clean skin, which he will be pleased to work with. When all the necessary vegetation has been removed, there is no need to treat the skin with substances that contain alcohol.

After some time, some problems may arise in the shaving area (inflammation after ingrown hairs). Exfoliating substances, which are sold in special stores, will help combat this. This procedure is suitable for removing hair from arms or legs, but in more sensitive areas (chest, armpits, intimate area) it can cause irritation.

Benefits of facial hair removal for men

  1. There is less hair and it becomes thinner. After shaving, hair grows at an increased rate, and waxing slows down further hair growth, as hair is removed from the root.
  2. Long lasting effect. Smoothness lasts from 1 to 4 weeks .
  3. Perfect smoothness. Waxing allows you to remove all hairs in the depilated area.
  4. NEW SENSATIONS. Proponents of depilation claim that removing hair from the body can change the quality of intimate life.
  5. ALTERNATIVE TO SHAVING. Depilation can eliminate this daily ritual, which stresses out many men. It will be appreciated by those with skin prone to irritation and those who find it annoying to spend time shaving.


This type of procedure is considered one of the most common and simple methods of male hair removal. For shaving you will need a razor, special products before shaving (foam) and after (lotion), hands that do not tremble and hair that needs to be shaved. The procedure can be performed at home. This method does not exclude disadvantages (itching, rapid growth of prickly “hedgehog” hair), and it is not easy to reach some hard-to-reach places.

  • Men should use caution when depilating at home in the groin and other areas;
  • It is convenient to carry out it in the bathroom, in which warm water and steam will soften the hair and skin before the procedure;
  • Pre-trimming the hair with a trimmer, clipper or groomer will make shaving easier;

Using shaving gel will help you get rid of hair faster if you move the machine against hair growth. Hair is also removed from the head using a razor or a special machine.

Ways to get rid of excess vegetation

Depilation is the mechanical removal of the outer part of the hair. During hair removal, the hair is completely removed (along with the hair follicle, the follicular apparatus is destroyed). After a series of treatments, hair in the treated area stops growing.

Specific sex hormones (the main one being testosterone) make the hair of men tough, dense, highly pigmented, the roots much deeper, and growth more intense. Hair removal procedures have to be performed more often.

Individual characteristics are determined by genetic predisposition, heredity, health status and diet. This must be taken into account when choosing a method of dealing with unwanted vegetation.


When waxing (waxing), the surface of the body is covered with a product based on this product. Its sticky structure envelops the hair, and after hardening allows it to be pulled out along with the root. The procedure is quite painful; it is not performed if you have certain diseases (diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, rosacea) and skin damage, as well as if you have an allergic reaction to wax.

Currently, it is possible to purchase special wax strips for male depilation

To completely remove hair, a man requires several procedures. They have to be carried out more often than women.

My husband had this procedure done in his chest area. He says it hurts a lot, he didn’t dare torture himself like that a second time.

Video: depilation of a man's back with wax


Sugaring is hair removal using sugar paste. It has a sticky structure, but the consistency is denser than wax. After cooling, the product rolls up well and can be removed without paper strips.

Sugaring is the best option for men who want to get rid of hair for a long time while maintaining healthy skin

The epidermis does not need to be specially prepared for such depilation; it is enough to simply clean it. Before the procedure, special powder or talc (you can use regular baby talc) is applied to dry skin to get rid of oiliness. A single portion of sugaring mass is a ball the size of the phalanx of the thumb. The product is applied to the treated area in the direction of hair growth. It completely covers the hair shaft and penetrates the follicles.

Sugar paste perfectly captures even short vegetation (from one millimeter). The mass is removed in the direction of hair growth, so the root is removed painlessly. The delicacy of the procedure allows it to be carried out on the most sensitive places (in the armpits, chest, buttocks, groin area). The skin remains smooth for much longer. If there are few hairs, the paste should be used several times in a row, because it does not lose its properties.

The sugaring mixture can be prepared at home. Take 10 parts sugar, 4 parts water (it’s easiest to measure with tablespoons). Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. If the latter is not available, you can add 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Mix everything in a saucepan with a thick bottom (so that heating occurs gradually), cover with a lid, place on low heat, stir occasionally. When heated, the mixture will become transparent, then boil, and the surface will be covered with small bubbles. After 3-5 minutes its color will turn caramel. It is necessary to extinguish the fire so as not to overboil the composition.

Dark golden color is a sign that the paste is ready for sugaring

Let the mixture cool to avoid burning. It should roll into a ball and not stick to your fingers. If the consistency is liquid, you can boil it a little more. But do not overheat, otherwise the mixture will simply caramelize. Sugar in the recipe can be replaced with honey, water with a decoction of medicinal herbs or juice, and added essential oils.

If you don’t want to experiment, you should go to a salon. Professional cosmetologists have different types of ready-made pastes (soft, medium-density and dense), which can be selected individually for each client or combined. The procedure is labor-intensive, every part of the body is manually processed, and concentration is required. If something is done incorrectly, the skin will turn red, irritation will appear, and ingrown hairs may occur.

The composition of Elena Maaya paste will not harm the skin, since it contains only three components: water, sugar and lemon juice.

Sugaring should not be done if you have diabetes, varicose veins, epilepsy, skin diseases or neoplasms, or if you are allergic to the composition. The day before the procedure, you should not drink alcohol or sunbathe. The next day, do not apply deodorant to the treated area.

Video: removing hair on a man’s face using sugar paste (manual technique)

Chemical depilation

Chemical hair removal is performed using creams or gels containing active ingredients that literally dissolve hairs. However, the toughest hair usually does not lend itself to such depilation, so it is difficult to achieve ideal smoothness.

Before use, test the composition: apply a little product to your wrist or elbow. If after some time there is no allergy or irritation, you can proceed to the procedure. Individual intolerance to the components is a contraindication for use. The method of using the depilatory cream is as follows:

  1. Cover the area to be treated evenly with the product.
  2. Wait for the time specified in the instructions (from 7 to 20 minutes).
  3. Rinse thoroughly with plenty of warm water.

Photo gallery: hair removal products

Veet men's depilatory cream gel is ideal for quickly removing hair on the back, chest, arms, legs and shoulders

Thanks to the vegetable oils included in the Daen depilatory cream for men, the skin is nourished and toned.

The innovative formula of Vanity depilatory cream is enriched with active ingredients that not only prevent ingrown hairs, but also additionally smooth, moisturize and soften the skin

Laser hair removal

A laser beam is a concentrated light flux with a given wavelength and high energy intensity. When it acts on the hair follicle, melanin (coloring pigment) is destroyed, and the connection of the bulb with the circulatory and lymphatic systems is lost. To completely remove hair in the active growth phase, one procedure is enough. But with strong skin pigmentation or light-colored hair, this method does not work.

As a rule, laser hair removal is more effective for the stronger sex, since men's hair is darker and coarser than women's.

Laser hair removal requires special high-tech equipment; the procedure is carried out only in specialized institutions by trained personnel. You need to prepare for it: you should stop taking antibiotics 40–60 days in advance, and you should not sunbathe. It is better to conduct a session in winter, when natural solar activity is reduced. Long-term results are guaranteed only after several procedures, the exact number of which is determined individually.

Video: laser hair removal from male chest

Photoepilation, laser hair removal

Men's laser hair removal will help remove hair on any part of the body (and at the same time light, invisible hairs and gray hair). These modern methods are used when it is necessary to get rid of hair of different lengths on large and open areas of the body (from the back, shoulders, hips, neck).

The disadvantage is the high price, reaching several hundred thousand rubles per course. Men's depilation can be done at home, but inexpensive products purchased in specialized stores will not give the desired effect due to the low power, which will not cut men's hair properly. Therefore, such hair removal at home is useless for men.

Laser hair removal for men (which cannot be done at home) also has its drawbacks: not every similar unit can remove light hairs, so several sessions will be required to get a high-quality result. After such hair removal, you should not sunbathe and remove growing hairs on tanned skin.


Due to the natural reticence of the stronger sex, reviews on forums are mainly left by female cosmetologists about their clients, although sometimes you can also find the opinions of men themselves.

“Until a couple of years ago, only women visited my salon. There was definitely no such excitement around male hair removal. Sometimes one or two people would come in, mostly to remove hair on the back or in the armpits. Now the stronger sex does waxing no less often than us women. I have a lot of orders. I go to the home of those with special complexes. I carry out the procedure with wax. Most often, men want to remove hair on their chest or back. Young people and bodybuilders get rid of almost all their hair. Almost everyone is happy with the result: smooth, beautiful, hygienic. The redness goes away in one day."

- Galina, cosmetologist.

“The first time I sugared my husband, I removed hair from his armpit. He almost died from pain. All covered with red spots. He categorically refused to have his second armpit treated. He said the pain was unbearable. Based on bitter experience, the client was offered preliminary anesthesia. I gave her an injection of lidocaine. Everything went well. Now he removes hair from my stomach and chest. I use Emla as a pain reliever. The result is excellent, lasts about 20 days. Sugar depilation is suitable even for very thick hair. Clients say that irritation and redness go away by the evening. Probably because after depilation I lubricate the skin with a soothing cream."

– Lyudmila, cosmetologist.

“Many people are biased towards male depilation. This is understandable. Women think that hairiness is a sign of masculinity. I do not think so. I am a professional swimmer. Excess hair in this sport looks completely unaesthetic. They are removed by almost everyone who has naturally dense vegetation. Most use depilatory cream, some use wax, and the most advanced ones go for laser hair removal. You just need to remove hair in between competitions, so that you don’t go into the water for two days, otherwise your skin will become very red and inflamed.”

– Kirill, client.


With this method, radical hair destruction is possible. The device uses electric current, which allows the skin to remain smooth for a very long time. It will take several procedures and several months to get a high-quality result (because each hair is processed separately from the other using a thin needle). After the sessions, small wounds remain on the skin, which then disappear. A similar method is used to treat small areas (armpits, neck) and the face (the area where the beard, mustache, sideburns grow).


This method of hair removal for men is similar to using wax, but has a more gentle effect that gently and painlessly affects the intimate area. Sugar paste effectively destroys and causes almost no allergic reactions, and is easily washed off. The disadvantages of this procedure include pain during treatment, fragility and a high risk of hair ingrown into the skin.

Removing nasal hair with wax for men

Cosmetic wax removes unaesthetic hairs quickly and effectively.
The process is quite painful, especially on the mucous membrane. This method removes even black and thick hairs, so it is also suitable for men. Cosmetic wax removes unaesthetic hairs quickly and effectively. The process is quite painful, especially on the mucous membrane. This method removes even black and thick hairs, so it is also suitable for men.

You need to buy special wax for depilation of the nose or face. You can get by with a universal one, which has everything you need (wax, strips and applicator). It is better to take film wax - it is enough to heat it to 40°C, while other types - up to 55°C.

Sequence of operations:

  • Melt the wax for removing nose hair to the desired consistency.
  • Wait until it is at a suitable temperature (hotness is felt especially strongly on the mucous membrane).
  • Apply to strips of paper using an applicator (the inner surface of the nostrils is uneven, it is better to add a little more wax than for the face).
  • Press the prepared strips onto the area to be cleaned and wait a few minutes - the wax will become hard and slightly warm. With a sharp movement, tear the paper out of the wings.
  • This method allows you to forget about unwanted nasal hair for almost a month.
  • After the procedure, the treatment area can be disinfected with chlorhexidine or miramistin.

Indications for use

  • Epilation is necessary for those men who have a professional need for hair removal (dancers, artists, athletes);
  • To maintain hygiene levels;
  • In case of excessive sweating, hair in the armpits and bikini area is removed, which reduces the unpleasant odor and wet spots on clothes;
  • Sensitive skin and irritation after shaving, inflammation and rash. Thus, depilation becomes the main solution with which the male half of humanity can solve their problem;
  • The desire to correct the shape of the face by removing hair from some areas of the face (in the area of ​​the upper lip, parts of the cheeks, chin);
  • Not all men like excess hair on their legs and chest. Many of them try to get rid of it in any way.

Possible complications

  • Redness and irritation. Mostly they pass within a few hours. For sensitive skin, it may last a couple of days.
  • Burns are possible when using wax that is too hot.
  • Hair may break off at the skin level, which leads to rapid growth. As a rule, it is a consequence of a violation of the technique of the procedure.
  • Repeated treatment of one area sometimes causes severe redness and irritation.
  • The appearance of bruises and abrasions is mainly associated with male sugaring, when the skin is not stretched or fixed during removal of the frozen sugar mass. Bruising also occurs in clients with fragile blood vessels.
  • Ingrown hairs can happen if you don’t use a scrub after the procedure.
  • Folliculitis, pustular rash - occur when antiseptic rules are not followed, as well as due to ingrown hairs

Contraindications for use

You should not depilate if the following problems occur:

  • If a person has a fever;
  • When the normal temperature rises;
  • In case of varicose veins appearing in the area where it is necessary to remove hair;
  • If a person has various kinds of abrasions, scratches and wounds;
  • For intimate hair removal;
  • Presence of warts, acne and moles in the treatment area;
  • The presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • Diabetes;
  • Various fungal, bacterial, viral infections;
  • Intolerance to individual components used during hair removal;
  • Taking certain types of medications.

Preparation for the procedure

Hair removal for men requires preliminary preparation, which should not be neglected. Here are some steps you can take to make the hair removal experience for men more enjoyable and less painful:

  • When preparing for a session, you should avoid beaches or solariums;
  • The day before the procedure, it is not prohibited to apply a scrub to the body, which will reduce ingrown hairs and facilitate their destruction;
  • Before the procedure, you should avoid using various cosmetics;
  • You should make sure that the hair reaches the desired size (5-6 mm). In this case, they can be easily grabbed, and the pain during removal is reduced;
  • If the length of the hairs is greater than expected, then their removal is marked by increased sensitivity, which also has an adverse effect (the pain becomes stronger);
  • Since the pain threshold increases in the evening hours, it is best to make an appointment at this time. All irritations and redness that occur on the skin will disappear overnight, so the likelihood that complications will arise from contact with the material or fabric is minimal;
  • If male hair removal is carried out for the first time, it is necessary to choose the most skilled specialist who will assess the situation and recommend the best option for removing hair from the body, carefully and carefully approach the task, which will make it comfortable. You can ask your loved ones for advice or look at reviews on the Internet.

Can men shave their groin?

We have already examined society’s attitude towards shaving men’s intimate parts in sufficient detail and it seems that we did not find a single argument against it; on the contrary, we even learned that most men take care of their hair there in one way or another, and most women only support this. Therefore, the answer to the question “Can men shave their hair in the intimate area” is unequivocal - yes. But whether a man needs to shave his groin and whether it is necessary to do so is, of course, not necessary and only you can decide; in this you should rely only on personal preferences.

At the same time, it is also worth raising the issue of safety: is it harmful for men to shave their intimate area? The answer is no, if you follow the basic rules.

First, maintain hygiene:

- Ideally, always use a separate, clean razor for shaving your groin area. If you have one razor for the face, for the armpits and for intimate places, then at least before and after each shave, wash the razor with any antiseptic

- Never shave in unsanitary conditions. We hope that you are unlikely to get the idea of ​​shaving your groin while hiking in the forest near a stream, but you never know... If this happens, then remember our advice - postpone shaving for a more favorable environment until you return home, where there is a shower, hot running water and all necessary shaving products.

Secondly, be careful, take your time:

— When shaving your genitals, you can accidentally injure yourself. In these places the skin is quite delicate, and the slightest wrong movement can lead to a cut. If this happens, don't worry, wash the wound with warm water and soap, then treat it with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Necessary painkillers

Women sometimes need painkillers, because many of them do not tolerate pain well. Men's hair removal is not much different from women's, only in that men have thicker hair, and this factor is decisive during the procedure. Therefore, clients are often offered anesthesia before the start of the session, the price of which is included in the price list of services. Here are the main substances that masters use to relieve their clients' pain.

Cream "Emla"

The substance consists of two components: prilocaine and lidocaine. It is designed specifically for application to the skin. After this, you should apply a special bandage or film, which after application should be left for two hours. As soon as the client begins to feel the effect of the painkiller, the specialist begins to work. The anesthesia lasts for an hour, which is enough to complete the procedure. The substance should not be applied to damaged areas of the skin, because an allergic disease can quickly develop.

You can buy special Emla patches yourself, the price of which can be easily found in a pharmacy or store. It is not scary to do such anesthesia, because they are small in size, so the best solution would be to apply three patches at once (but no more!) to the armpits - the most painful area.


Male depilation can be easily carried out using a lidocaine solution. It is applied to the skin or injected into the body. It is better to use the second option; experts consider it more effective, because the drug works within 15 minutes after administration.

"Light Dep"

This cream is a new development by scientists, which is also applicable for allergic reactions, regardless of the location of the spread of the disease (armpits, head, intimate area, legs, etc.). Used in cases where the client has a reaction to Emla. “Light Dep” is produced in two versions: 15 ml packaging and 30 ml packaging. The cost of the product should be checked with sellers.


As a rule, men's hair removal is more expensive due to the characteristics of the hair: its thickness, as well as the rigidity of the shaft and the deep location of the bulb make hair removal a rather complex and lengthy process. In addition, material consumption increases. Average prices in metropolitan clinics are as follows:

Treatment areaCost of waxing (in rubles)Cost of sugar depilation (in rubles)Session duration
Stomach1700150040 minutes
Back2000180040 minutes
Full legs2500230030 minutes
Shin1400130020 minutes
Hands1200110015 minutes
Armpits50050010 minutes
Breast2000180040 minutes
Bikini1600150040 minutes
Pain relief using Emla cream300300

Combination of painkillers

To obtain a more pronounced analgesic effect, you should combine an anesthetic cream and lidocaine. Masters consider this method to be the best and most often use it.

Today, a consumer can easily afford to carry out the hair removal procedure either at home on their own or in a beauty salon, relying on the skills and knowledge of competent specialists who will offer a line of painkillers for the skin, as well as methods of hair removal. They will be able to carry out this procedure as comfortably and naturally as possible for the client, and the client, after reading this article, will get rid of fear and prejudice and undergo hair removal.

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