Plastic surgeon Sergei Kulagov: “Nobody knows what beautiful is”

The desire for an ideal appearance and getting rid of complexes can hit your pocket hard. However, all the money spent is worth it to overcome shortcomings and become more self-confident. We talk about the most expensive plastic surgeries.

Otari Gogiberidze
, plastic surgeon, founder of the Beauty Time clinic


Cost: from 300 thousand rubles
Rhinoplasty is rightfully considered the most popular plastic surgery. Not everyone is born with an ideal nose from the point of view of the golden ratio, so this part of the face causes many complexes and, as a result, a strong desire to change it.

Due to the high demand for rhinoplasty, unscrupulous plastic surgeons are actively offering to perform this operation for 150-200 thousand rubles. However, patients who are greedy for cheap prices may become victims of the work of an unprofessional doctor, and will need to undergo a second operation to correct the problems. Therefore, a high-quality operation under the guidance of an experienced specialist will not cost you a lot: the full cost includes the work of not only the surgeon, but also the medical staff, legal registration of responsibility for the patient’s health, consumables, a comfortable room and many other little things that you don’t even know about.

“I had two days to live”

In the summer of 2022, many noticed that Alice began to cover her nose with her hand in photographs. Suggestions have emerged: he is hiding the consequences of unsuccessful rhinoplasty. However, Arshavina stated that she had developed autoimmune necrosis.

“I got to the operating table on time, when there were from two hours to two days left. And there would be sepsis. We performed two operations on the head, on the sphenoid sinus. The doctors cut out everything they could. There were literally millimeters left to the brain,” Alisa said in a television interview. She has had four surgeries, including one in March for pancreatitis. Alice spent eight days in intensive care, four of which were in an induced coma.

plastic surgeon told KP . - It all depends on who operated. Nowadays there are many people who don’t even know what rhinoplasty is - they think that you need to stick a chisel in there and hit it. If an inflammatory process such as osteomyelitis of the nasal septum has begun there, then this can happen. If during the operation the main vessels are damaged, which it is advisable not to touch, then necrosis may occur after this. For example, surgeons performed several operations on Michael Jackson, which disrupted the normal blood circulation of the tip of the nose and it became dead. Outwardly, it looks like a black area of ​​​​fabric. Then they cut it out, try to stick something there, make an artificial version, like a prosthesis. Then Jackson had to make some artificial attachments.

The tip of Michael Jackson's nose became dead after an unsuccessful plastic surgery. The King of Pop wore a false prosthesis until the end of his life. Photo: Colin KNIGHT/Global Look Press


Cost: from 450 thousand rubles
Despite the fact that small breasts have long been “not a death sentence,” many girls struggle with a complex from childhood, dreaming of mammoplasty. Breast surgeries can have a different nature and, accordingly, different costs: from changing the shape of the nipples to breast enlargement or reduction. Complex mammoplasty, for example, lifting and increasing breast volume with silicone implants, will cost the most.

The approach to such operations should be strictly individual. A professional surgeon will study your wishes and suggest the technique that is right for you. Carefully study the clinic you have chosen for the operation: good materials for mammoplasty and high-quality work of a plastic doctor cannot be cheap.

Broke two families

Alice came to fame in 2013, when she charmed star football player Andrei Arshavin. The athlete then lived with his common-law wife Yulia Baranovskaya, who was expecting her third child.

Alisa was already scolded by many, but she was unperturbed. She said that for the sake of Arshavin she left her wealthy husband, with whom she lived in prosperity for ten years (“I drove a Bentley, visited expensive resorts”) and raised two children. The first husband, Alexey Kazmin, was the general director of Stroytransgaz-M LLC. After his divorce from Alisa, he married Alla Usova, Ksenia Sobchak’s cousin.

What Yulia Baranovskaya failed to do - marry Arshavin - Kazmina succeeded. For her wedding in 2016, the athlete gave her Cartier bracelets worth 12 million rubles. In February

In 2017, Alisa gave birth to a daughter, Yesenia, from Arshavin. And already in October of the same year she said that she intended to divorce the football player because of his infidelities. They finally separated in 2022.

Alice says she lost her nose due to an autoimmune disease. Photo: Russia 1 Channel

Buttock surgery

Cost: from 300 thousand rubles
An expressive butt like Kim Kardashian and Cardi B is blowing up the Internet. Building your buttocks to such volumes in the gym is difficult and time-consuming, and even the most active workouts do not always help you achieve the desired volumes. Therefore, plastic surgery becomes a solution to the problem.

There are different methods of buttock augmentation: gluteoplasty using implants, lipofilling, injections. The optimal result is achieved by a combination of several techniques, for example, endoprosthetics with silicone implants plus lipofilling.

Trust your body only to a professional surgeon - in pursuit of profit, some doctors set a cheap price for surgery, which then leads to serious complications. High-quality buttock surgery will cost a significant amount, but the result will be stunning.

Complete face and neck lift

Cost: from 500 thousand rubles
Restoring visual youth to the face and neck is the dream of many women after 40-45 years. There are many methods for lifting different areas of the face that give good results, but for truly high-quality rejuvenation, you need to solve not individual problems, but approach the problem comprehensively.

Full face lifting in modern approaches includes not only redistribution and removal of excess skin, but also work with deep layers of muscles - this is called SMAS lifting. Facial muscles lose tone and sag under the influence of gravity, forming ptosis, jowls, deep wrinkles and making the face haggard. The surgeon first sutures and returns the facial muscles to their place, creating a reliable frame on which the skin is then fixed.

The same manipulations are carried out in the platysma area - the neck muscles. Weakening over the years, it causes the formation of those very “rings of Venus” that betray age. An integrated approach allows you to create a young, toned face without visual signs of aging, and also maintain the effect much longer than after a conventional circular or coronal lift. You can consolidate the result with the help of injections and hardware cosmetology, which will increase the cost of rejuvenation, but will help maintain the effect.

Figure correction: liposuction + lipofilling

Cost: liposuction - from 50 thousand for one zone, lipofilling - from 150 thousand for one zone
Beautiful expressive contours in photographs of stars are most often the result of an integrated approach to creating a figure. The combination of liposuction (removal of excess fat) and lipofilling (injection of fat into certain areas to create additional volume) allows you to create the perfect silhouette of almost any figure.

There is a myth that liposuction is only needed for those for whom neither exercise nor diet helps. However, people who are not overweight often resort to this procedure, and not only women, but also men. Even with the right lifestyle, fat traps can form on a person’s body, which can only be removed with liposuction. Most often they are found in the abdomen, thighs, knees and armpits, even the chin.

Lipofilling is a change in body shape using the patient's adipose tissue. Unlike implants, using natural human fat helps achieve softer shapes in both appearance and feel. Lipofilling is used on the face and body both to increase volume and to get rid of unevenness. The main advantage is that your own fat does not cause allergic reactions or complications.

At first glance, the procedures are simple, but they have many pitfalls that only an experienced surgeon can know and be able to work with. Therefore, when choosing a doctor, you should not save money if you want to get a beautiful body.

Plastic surgeon Sergey Kulagov

His ideas about beauty, as well as the accuracy of the formulation of wishes regarding changes in appearance, depend on the patient’s psychotype. This opinion is shared by plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences Sergei Ivanovich Kulagov. The specialist has been working at the famous Beauty Institute on Arbat for more than 30 years. Sergei Kulagov is known for being one of the first to develop and apply the computer modeling method. Moreover, his list of achievements includes co-authoring two books on plastic surgery, as well as developing inventions in the field of maxillofacial surgery. In an interview with the portal’s correspondents, Dr. Kulagov spoke about his professional path and the special techniques that he uses in his practice.

Corr.: Sergey Ivanovich, hello! Please tell us how you became a plastic surgeon? How did the Beauty Institute on Arbat understand?

Sergey Kulagov: Hello! To be honest, I didn’t strive for either the first or the second, everything happened by chance. Although, if you look at the past now, I think that this is rather fate.

My specialty was dentistry, I graduated from a specialized institute. Then it was time for residency, which I did in oral and maxillofacial surgery. My mentor was the chief dentist of the USSR, Professor Ermolaev. However, unfortunately, he did not live long, so I was left without a teacher. But thanks to my friend Igor Vulf, I ended up at the Beauty Institute on Arbat, where he invited me.

At that time, the aesthetic direction of surgery was something new for me; I did not have any great desire to do just that. But when I came, began to observe and delve into the intricacies of the work of an aesthetic surgeon, I realized that I was interested in this. Unlike conventional surgery, there is a different level of responsibility and independence. It is up to the plastic surgeon to plan the operation, choose the technique, and manage the patient. This is not the case in a regular hospital. There, the patient is first examined by a resident, then by a doctor, and then by the head of the department, who makes the final decision. Another working method won me over, and I agreed to work here. Although, if you think about it, it was very difficult to get on the staff of the Institute back then. In any case, I have never regretted my decision.

Corr.: Today, the specialty “plastic surgery” is officially established; many symposiums are held annually. This did not happen in the Soviet Union. How did you learn new techniques and improve your skills?

Sergey Kulagov: My professional journey began back when plastic surgery was performed by maxillofacial surgeons. We had books for training, but many of them were devoted specifically to reconstructive plastic surgery, for example, how to restore a person’s face after war injuries. Only a couple of pages were devoted to the topic of aesthetic correction. In our country there were no printed publications dedicated specifically to aesthetic plastic surgery. Yes, such books were available abroad, but they cost hundreds of dollars - such sums were simply unaffordable for a Soviet specialist. Moreover, even then no one from foreign surgeons came to us, the authorities were not very happy to let us go abroad either.

In the Soviet Union there were no printed publications dedicated specifically to aesthetic plasticity

Therefore, we learned from each other, you can call us self-taught. Operations and techniques were analyzed and compared. This was our advanced training. Perhaps we lacked technical equipment, but almost everyone had “golden” hands.

Corr.: Do you think there are many truly outstanding plastic surgeons in Russia today?

Sergey Kulagov: There are not very many such specialists everywhere, no matter what profession we are talking about. You can operate well, or you can operate brilliantly. In general, I would not give a low rating to the surgeons working today. There are a lot of really worthy candidates, ready to learn something new and not afraid of responsibility.

Sometimes I hear the opinion that a surgeon who specializes in only one area, for example, rhinoplasty, is not qualified enough. This is not true, because, like any specialist, a plastic surgeon may have his own “favorite” operations; perhaps, it is in this area that he has achieved perfection. Yes, such a specialist will not be able, for example, to reconstruct a face after a serious injury, but he will not take on such a case; he will recommend a worthy colleague. I don't see anything wrong with this. But for me personally, I love working with difficult cases. This is a kind of challenge to professional skill, as well as an opportunity to help a person who may have been rejected by many.

Corr.: Do you use any innovative technologies?

Sergey Kulagov: If necessary, then yes, we at the Institute use one or another technique if we see indications for it. However, I will say right away that endoscopic techniques are not used in our clinic. With their help, you can correct only a small part. Almost no one at the Beauty Institute uses thread techniques. To get an excellent result, the surgeon must have tremendous experience, and this work is carried out not on some animals, but on people. We don't take that risk. Mistakes by plastic surgeons can bring a lot of regret to the patient.

Therefore, the classic is a technique when the risk of errors is very low. And aesthetic surgery should beautify a person, and not injure him, both physically and psychologically.

Corr.: Today, many patients follow fashion trends; a “doll” nose, for example, is still “in trend.” Do you change your patients' appearance exactly the way they want?

Sergey Kulagov: The patient’s desire, in principle, is initially for plastic surgery. However, when planning, we discuss the reasons for plastic surgery and options for a future new appearance. I don’t make “fashionable” corrections; the patient and I find an option that suits him. Moreover, fashion exists today, but not tomorrow. Once upon a time, the Greek nose was considered the standard of beauty, but today they don’t even think about it, much less ask for it.

Each psychotype is characterized by a certain type of appearance, which the patient considers ideal

If I don’t see any indications for plastic surgery, then I won’t do it. Why change a person’s appearance if everything is fine with him? I believe I was the first to use computer modeling. This method is very helpful in showing roughly what to expect. It can also be used to easily resolve any misunderstandings if, for example, a patient insists on a certain type of correction, and the surgeon understands that such an operation will only spoil a person’s appearance.

Corr.: Sergey Ivanovich, tell us about your method of influencing the psychotype on the chosen type of operation?

Sergey Kulagov: For the last 10 years of my work, I have been using the theory of psychiatrist Jung, which examines different psychological types of people. Already during the consultation, I understand what psychotype the patient is sitting in front of me.

Those who are logicians do not want fundamental changes. If the patient is a sensory person, then you can expect specific instructions from them, for example, a request to make the tip of the nose 3 mm higher. And if you make 4 mm, then conflict is inevitable. For this category of patients, the most detailed and accurate description of future changes is required. Ethical people are susceptible to fashion trends and often show photos of celebrities to show what kind of nose or chest they want to see on themselves. Well, the last category is intuitives. They are a little more difficult to work with. The fact is that they have very imaginative thinking and for them to clearly explain the desired changes is not an easy task.

Of course, each patient has several psychotypes, but one still predominates. Years of work have allowed me to formulate my own hypothesis that each psychotype is characterized by a certain type of appearance, which he considers ideal. Using this approach, when the patient’s psychotype is taken into account during the operation, reduces the risk of psychological and aesthetic problems. I have published a paper on this topic.

When I share my opinion with my colleagues, they like my approach and appreciate it. But the difficulty is that formal knowledge of psychotypes is not enough. To correctly identify them, you need to feel people.

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