Check-lifting, its features and differences from conventional facial plastic surgery

from 280,000 rub.

Cost of the operation

Cheek lift is an operation aimed at eliminating sagging soft tissues of the middle zone of the face, allowing to restore the tone of the muscle complex of the cheeks, emphasize the contour of the cheekbones, smooth out nasolabial folds, and restore youth and freshness of appearance. The check-lift also provides correction of age-related defects such as:

  • painter (zygomatic) bags,
  • pronounced nasolacrimal grooves,
  • dark circles and bags under the eyes (skeletalization of the orbital rim).

Age-related changes in the skin, as a rule, lead to ptosis of the soft tissues of the entire middle third of the face. Therefore, it is necessary to act not only on the area where bags form under the eyes, but also on the entire periorbital region and on the cheek area. To do this, it is necessary to combine check-lifting with eyelid surgery.

Carrying out these two operations at the same time slightly complicates the procedure, especially since both eyelid surgery and midface lift (check-lift) are performed through one access - a short longitudinal incision located under the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid.

In some cases, the purpose of a check-lift is to eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful classical blepharoplasty. Such defects as “round eye effect”, “short eyelid”, as well as inversion of the lower eyelid are subject to correction.


Under the influence of various factors, the skin becomes less elastic. It stretches and sags. As a result of this process, nasolabial folds, bags under the eyes, wrinkles become stronger, and the natural outflow of lymph is disrupted, leading to the formation of swelling and bruising.

Check-lifting is effective not only for the listed indications, but also for:

  • Growth of fatty tissue around the eyes;
  • Hernias of the eyelid;
  • Drooping of the outer corners of the eyes;
  • Fat bags on the cheekbone;
  • Dropping and flattening of the cheekbones;
  • Pronounced nasolacrimal grooves;
  • Eyebrow ptosis;
  • Drooping of the corners of the lips;
  • Double contour of the lower eyelid;

The procedure is also carried out as a way to correct mistakes after unsuccessful blepharoplasty and to prevent deformation of the palpebral fissure.

Preparing for surgery

Like any surgical intervention, check lifting surgery is performed only after special preparation. The first thing you need to do before a check-lift is to undergo a full medical examination, take a series of tests, and consult a cosmetologist.

You will also have to put a little effort into preparing for this procedure on your own. The main requirement is to give up bad habits, including addiction to alcohol and cigarettes. You should not take drugs that affect blood clotting or hormonal medications.

You will learn more about what check lifting is from the video:

Combination with endotins

Endotins are miniplates implanted subcutaneously to tighten sagging areas. They consist of hyaluronic and polylactic acids. On the base of the material, teeth are applied at an angle, which secure the tissue in a higher position. There is a protrusion on one side that attaches to the bone tissue.

Over time, the fixatives dissolve, and in their place connective tissue is formed, which maintains the result in the desired direction.

The structures are inserted through an incision in the lower eyelid. Damage to the tear ducts is impossible.

Types of endotins

Separate plates have been created for each area of ​​the face, differing in size (prostheses 2.5-4 mm long and up to 2 mm thick are mainly used):

  • For the forehead area, Forehead and Tripple are used - a triangular shape with 3-5 teeth.
  • When correcting cheekbones and cheeks, Midface is used - an elongated strip with teeth at one end.
  • Ribbon, a form of thin tape with teeth along its entire length, helps restore the contour of the face and neck.
  • TransBleph is installed on the eyebrow line - an elongated rectangle with 3 teeth.

Forehead braces are the most effective. The result lasts up to 8 years.

Benefits of Endotins

The use of special materials during check-lift allows you to extend the effect of the operation up to 10 years. Due to the fact that the tissues are fixed in a certain position, they do not move, and there is no possibility of asymmetry.

Among the main advantages of fixing plates, surgeons emphasize:

  • Minimally invasive.
  • Self-resorption after 6-9 months.
  • Hypoallergenic material.
  • Impossibility of rejection.
  • Minimum number of cuts.
  • Low risk of scarring.
  • Uniform tension.

Service cost

The price for a check-face lift directly depends on the chosen clinic, the type of surgical intervention, the doctor’s competence, the chosen city, for example, in Moscow the cost will be higher. Such an operation costs from 50 thousand rubles if the minimum complexity of the work is selected. In case of severe options, you will have to pay about 180-200 thousand rubles. Often, clinics offer a price that includes the cost of consultation, testing, hospitalization, etc. But some medical institutions do not include these services. Therefore, it is recommended to clarify the information with the doctor from the very beginning so that you do not have to pay more later.

If a person decides to correct defects on the face, then it is worth going to a specialist who specializes in this area. The fact is that a doctor who does an excellent job of breast correction may not do a good job, for example, with a check-lift.


The operation begins with the patient being put under anesthesia. Anesthesia is selected individually. If general anesthesia is contraindicated, local anesthesia is used. The latter is appropriate if one or two zones are being processed.

Next, the face is disinfected and markings are applied to it. This stage is especially important during local anesthesia, since the tissues relax more and change shape.

One incision is made along the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid. An endoscope is used to monitor the entire process.

If there is excess tissue under the eyes, fatty tissue is removed, after which the muscle fibers of the cheeks are tightened. Then, if necessary, endotins are administered.

The manipulations are completed by applying sutures and a sterile bandage. The duration of the operation is an hour and a half.

Question answer

This operation is also allowed for young girls if there are congenital developmental disorders of the eyelids.

Indeed, some manipulations can improve the condition of the skin, help eliminate swelling and bruises faster. These are ultrasound, microcurrent therapy, laser. You can also go for mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

Sutures are removed by the end of the first week. But absorbable threads are often used. In this case, you should wait until they dissolve, after which the doctor will eliminate the threads that stick out.


With general anesthesia, you need to spend a day in the hospital. On average, recovery takes about a month, which is an advantage compared to a traditional facelift. The pain lasts up to four days. It can be treated with mild painkillers. The swelling subsides on the seventh day.

After 5-7 days, the stitches are removed. They become completely invisible after 2-3 months. For the first 5-7 days you need to limit facial expressions, drink and eat through a straw. After two weeks, the use of contact lenses and light makeup is allowed.

The doctor’s general recommendations boil down to the following actions:

  • Avoid temperature changes. In winter in severe frost or in summer in heat, you should not go outside for the first seven days after the procedure.
  • Do not bend down or make sudden movements.
  • Sleep in a semi-sitting position, face up. Sleeping on your side can cause your seams to come apart.
  • Avoid active sun, as well as visiting a solarium, otherwise pigment spots may worsen.
  • Drink less water to reduce swelling.

To speed up the recovery process after removal of sutures, it is recommended to enhance tissue healing with various cosmetic procedures to choose from. For example:

  • Microcurrents. They increase the elasticity and tone of the soft layers.
  • Fractional thermolysis. Promotes the resorption of scars.
  • Ultrasonic massage. Accelerates blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on lymphatic drainage.

All about check-lifting

Check-lifting has long been a classic of plastic surgery. This operation is especially recommended for women in adulthood, as it gives amazing results and is performed with minimal interference in the natural structures of the face.

In the “star” crowd they say that the eternal youth of some ladies of cinematic Olympus is directly related to the fact that they once had a check-lift. True, it is not customary for such a public to reveal specific identities, so we will leave the names behind the scenes.

Check-lifting is a method of lifting the middle third of the face using special holding materials. This area is more susceptible to withering, since a lot of muscle tissue is concentrated in it.

Manipulations are carried out with the adjacent tissues of the upper layer from the eyebrow line to the line of the tip of the nose. At the patient’s request, the procedure is combined with canthopexy, an operation to change the corners of the eyes.

Today, the popularity of plastic surgery among men is increasing. Representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by the location of the seams not behind the ears, but in the natural folds of the skin. Because of this, many men, after rejuvenating the middle third of the face, do not worry about the visibility of scars with a short haircut.

The procedure differs from other types of face lifts in the absence of long scars, low likelihood of complications and side effects, and a shortened rehabilitation period.

Check-lifting is combined with platysmoplasty and cervicoplasty.


There are different types of access to soft tissue. In this regard, check-lifting is carried out:

  • Through the temporal region. Rarely used as it leaves marks and scars. The indication for choice is the presence of large skin folds and accumulations of fat that need to be resected.
  • Through the eyelid. The method is most practiced due to the hiding of stitches and scars.

Depending on the correction area, check-lifting can be:

  • In the area around the eyes.
  • In the area of ​​the corners of the lips.
  • In the cheekbone area.
  • Combined.

During the examination, the plastic surgeon determines the location of the problems and selects the most appropriate technique.

Photos "before" and "after"

Many photographs have been circulated on the Internet. Patients can independently draw a conclusion about the degree of rejuvenation using this method. In addition, surgeons have a portfolio of work that can be evaluated.

Indications and contraindications

Check-lifting is designed to correct bags, bruises and swelling under the eyes, and eliminate nasolabial folds. The procedure successfully deals with stretched and sagging skin, which is formed due to disruption of the natural outflow of lymph and blood.

In addition, plastic surgery is performed to eliminate the following changes in the skin of the face:

  • Puffiness of the eyes, unrelated to heart and kidney diseases.
  • Loss of elasticity, decreased tone of the epidermis.
  • Increase in the quantitative content of fatty tissue in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids.
  • "Pierrot" look. A sad look resulting from drooping of the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Presence of eyelid hernias.
  • Protrusion of cheekbones with deep-set eyeballs.
  • Eye wrinkles and other localizations of varying depths.
  • The presence of fat deposits in the area of ​​the cheek bones.
  • Flat cheekbones.
  • Descent of soft tissues in the cheekbone area.
  • Downward displacement of the cheeks.
  • Pronounced nasolacrimal grooves.
  • Increased eyebrow ptosis.
  • Floating contour of the lower eyelids.
  • Ptosis of the corners of the lips.
  • Drooping eyelids, weighing down the gaze.

Often, check-lifting is performed to eliminate errors that have arisen after blepharoplasty, or as a preventative measure for age-related deformation of the palpebral fissure.

Plastic surgery is recommended between the ages of 35 and 45, when the above-mentioned shortcomings are very noticeable, and the ability of tissues to maintain their original position decreases. However, it does not have strict age restrictions.

It can be done at a young age if there is an accumulation of fatty tissue. After the age of 50, lifting does not give the planned result due to a decrease in tissue contractility.

Contraindications are divided into absolute and relative. The absolute restrictions on surgical intervention are:

  • Age up to 21 years. Up to this point, bone structures and muscles are still in the process of growth.
  • Pathologies of the heart muscle (heart rhythm disturbances, hypertension, condition after myocardial infarction).
  • Diseases of blood vessels, kidneys, liver.
  • Acute illnesses of the respiratory system.
  • Low weight and lack of muscle mass.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, incl. epilepsy.
  • Diabetes mellitus of the decompressed stage.
  • Oncological pathologies.
  • Endocrine gland problems.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.
  • Low blood clotting.
  • Intolerance to products that make the procedure painless.

Relative prohibitions to a facelift are:

  • Exacerbation of somatic diseases, incl. presence of a runny nose.
  • Infectious or viral processes.
  • Purulent rashes.
  • Open wounds, scratches, inflammation in the facial area.
  • Recently completed a course of rejuvenation injections.
  • Increased body temperature, regardless of cause.
  • Herpes rash.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • The period of menstruation, as well as the four days before and after it. During this period, the risk of major blood loss increases.
  • Impossible withdrawal of corticosteroids and glucocorticoids.

If these contraindications exist, the procedure should be postponed for some time.

Preparation for plastic surgery

The preparatory stage is divided into two parts. First, the surgeon issues a referral for a comprehensive examination. After interpreting the results, if no restrictions are identified, the second part of the preparation for invasive intervention begins - examination of the body.

Diagnosis of the body Aimed at identifying contraindications to plastic surgery. First of all, the patient visits a therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist. To study the clinical picture, a set of examinations and laboratory tests is prescribed:

  • General blood and urine analysis. The presence of an inflammatory process is checked.
  • Advanced biochemical blood test. The functioning of the liver and kidneys is studied, and the Rh factor is determined.
  • Blood test for coagulation (coagulogram).
  • Study for hidden sexually transmitted infections. Hepatitis of various groups, syphilis, HIV are reasons for refusal.
  • ECG. Checks the functioning of the heart.
  • Radiography.
  • Determination of blood sugar levels.
  • Fluorography.

In some cases, when there is pathology of any organs, additional research is prescribed. For example, cardiac ultrasound or Holter monitoring.

An anesthesiologist is then consulted. The doctor studies the medical history and selects the best method of anesthesia, taking into account the characteristics of the person being operated on.

Preoperative preparation In order to prevent complications and negative consequences during the procedure, you must follow the surgeon’s recommendations and prepare the body by following the following recommendations:

  • Prohibition or maximum restriction of tobacco consumption. Nicotine thins the blood and prevents rapid regeneration.
  • Complete ban on alcohol consumption. Anesthesia is not comparable to alcohol.
  • Following a diet for 10-14 days for the purpose of unloading. This rule does not apply if local anesthesia is intended.
  • Limiting the intake of medications such as hormonal drugs, oral contraceptives, aspirin, vitamin E and other drugs that reduce blood clotting.

8 hours before, you should dine on light foods that do not cause flatulence and increased gas formation. No food or water is allowed on the day of the event.

You are allowed to take a sedative tablet at night.

In the morning, you need to leave jewelry, earrings, piercings, and contact lenses at home. You should come to the clinic with a clean face, no makeup, and washed hair.

Operation technique

At first, lifting was performed without the use of special plates with spikes at the ends. The muscle and connective tissue were secured in the new position with several sutures. The results of such plastic surgery lasted no more than two years. After this, the check-lifting technology was improved.

Today, endotins are used - thin fixatives, the thickness of which does not exceed 4.4 mm. They are made from biodegradable materials that are skin-compatible.

Over time, biodegradable endotins are absorbed, and the bone frame is overgrown with new muscle tissue and connective cords. Thanks to this, the results of plastic surgery are preserved for a long time.

Check-lifting technology involves the use of an endoscope - a device that transmits an image from the thickness of the muscles to a computer screen. Thus, the accuracy of the surgeon’s manipulations increases and the likelihood of damage to facial nerves decreases.

Operation stages

Check-lifting is carried out as follows:

  • Fixing the hair in a bun and putting on a cap.
  • Eye protection with special contact lenses.
  • Degreasing, disinfection of facial skin with antiseptic agents.
  • Marking. This step is especially important if a large volume of local anesthesia is used. The tissues change shape, and the drawn lines help the surgeon navigate.
  • Administration of painkillers. As a rule, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is rarely used when one area is being corrected, since involuntary head movement can cause complications. In this case, anesthesia is applied several times.
  • Making the cut. It runs along the eyelash edge along the lower eyelid or near the temple. The wound is about 0.5 centimeters long.
  • Insertion of an endoscopic tube and separation of soft tissues in the problem area. The condition of the treatment area is displayed on the monitor and controlled by the surgeon.
  • Removal of excess fat under the eyes.
  • Tightening of the muscle frame and connective tissue through the introduction of endotins. They fix soft tissues to the bone structure and do not allow them to sag again. Attaching one end to the muscles and the other end to the cheekbone avoids over-tension of the skin. The load is distributed evenly to selected points.
  • Resection of excess sagging, inelastic skin.
  • Treatment of the wound with an antiseptic solution.
  • Cosmetic stitches.
  • Dress with a sterile bandage.

The entire procedure takes no more than three hours.


Upon completion of the lifting, the patient remains in the clinic for one day. Medical staff are monitoring the condition. If no side effects develop the next day, you can go home.

Typically, the postoperative period lasts two weeks, which is an advantage compared to the circular lift technique. After 5-7 days, the stitches are removed. If self-absorbable suture material was used, the ends of the protruding threads are trimmed.

For two to seven days, there are bruises, swelling, pain when touching, talking, or eating. This is normal after surgery. Symptoms subside on their own. To relieve pain, you are allowed to take a painkiller tablet, for example, Ketorol.

Prohibitions during this period:

  • You should not drink water for the first 24 hours, so as not to worsen the swelling.
  • Thermal effects on the body are prohibited for one month. You cannot visit a bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna, sit in the front seat of a car, near a fire, take a bath with warm and hot water, etc.
  • There is no need to bend down so as not to increase blood flow to the face.
  • You cannot engage in sports or active training.
  • The application of creams and cosmetics should be postponed for one week.
  • There is no need to massage your facial skin.
  • It is forbidden to be in direct sunlight or ultraviolet rays in a solarium for a year. This process accelerates the pigmentation of scars.
  • Sleep in such a way that your head is higher than your torso.
  • You cannot wear contact lenses.
  • You should not strain your muscles. It is worth keeping the facial tissues at rest.
  • There is no need to eat solid food, so as not to lead to a shift in endotins.

Every day it is necessary to treat punctures several times with antiseptics prescribed by a doctor.

When inflammation and swelling go down and bruises heal, it is possible to accelerate tissue regeneration with physical sessions. Ultrasound, microcurrent therapy, and fractional thermolysis procedures bring tangible benefits. It is worth remembering that you must first consult a surgeon.

To enhance the effect, you can use injection rejuvenation techniques, for example, mesotherapy or biorevitalization.


The lift provides a pronounced lifting effect, which is expressed in:

  • eliminating sagging and sagging skin;
  • reducing signs of increased swelling;
  • cell regeneration;
  • smoothing the nasolacrimal groove;
  • smoothing wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial triangle;
  • eliminating dark circles under the eyes;
  • reducing bifurcation of the lower eyelid;
  • removal of hernias under the eyes;
  • strengthening muscles;
  • tightening the outer corners of the eyes;
  • emphasizing the cheekbone line.

The final result is assessed two months after the lift. The effect of the procedure lasts for about five to eight years.


Since check-lifting is a minimally invasive procedure, adverse reactions are extremely rare.

Among the rare specific side effects, surgeons identify:

  • Slow resorption. If after six months the retainer is palpable, it must be removed.
  • Impaired blood flow. It is fixed in the area where the plate is attached to the bone. Subsequently, thinning of the dermis and hair loss are noticed. The deficiency is corrected through the movement of endotin.
  • Overgrowth of connective tissue. Gradually, rough scars form.

If the doctor does not comply with hygiene measures during the intervention, infection may begin. In this case, antibacterial therapy will be needed. Hematomas that do not go away within one week are a reason to contact the clinic.


Having decided on the procedure, the patient will receive the following results:

  • Reduces folds and wrinkles.
  • Clarity of facial contour.
  • Increased turgor and elasticity.
  • Reduction of hernias and bags in the cheekbones and eyes.
  • Strengthening facial muscles.
  • Correction of the tear trough.
  • Raising the cheekbones.

The main advantage of the technique is the absence of such possible risks as a round eye and lower eyelid inversion.

Author: Mamedov Elchin Velievich Plastic surgeon, associate professor of medical sciences He is considered one of the founders of endoscopic facial rejuvenation in the Russian Federation. He has performed many operations on endoscopic facelift, otolasty, rhinoplasty, platysmoplasty, liposuction and abdominoplasty.

Possible consequences

Patients often tolerate the procedure easily. This is a safe operation that does not cause complications. The only thing that may appear are the following unpleasant consequences:

  1. Swelling. If any surgical intervention is performed in the facial area, swelling should be expected. But they disappear after a while. After the swelling disappears, you can fully evaluate the result.
  2. Bruises. They also appear after any operation.
  3. Infection. To avoid such a consequence, specialists often prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics, which are used before and after the intervention.
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