Anastasia Lisova before and after plastic surgery + Photo and Biography - She broke all the stereotypes of the TV project! From an ordinary English teacher to a scandalous participant in the TV project “House 2” in a week +Video

In a scandalous show

Anastasia Lisova was invited to the television production as an English teacher. In 2015, the girl became the personal teacher of Evgeny Rudnev, who was building love with a foreigner, Kpadonu.

After some time, Anastasia decided to enter the project as a participant, and not as a teacher behind the scenes. The beautiful girl managed it easily. Anastasia Lisova got involved in the project when Rudnev and his wife began having serious problems in their marriage.

The couple was on the verge of breaking up, and held on only through rare reconciliations. It was repeatedly discussed in the clearing that the man had repeatedly cheated on his wife, but Rudnev denied everything. After the evidence emerged, the couple filed for divorce, and Rudnev could no longer restrain himself and tried to build relationships with two participants in the project in front of his ex-wife.

Anastasia Lisova appeared on the project in 2015

Anastasia Lisova was outraged by such actions and decided to take revenge on the man.


It took Nastya several days to attract Rudnev's attention, and he began to court her. Anastasia convinced the man that she was really interested in him, and the couple was offered a place in the Seychelles. But in the clearing, Anastasia Lisova said that she was completely uninterested in the man and had never liked him. So Nastya took revenge for the girls with whom Rudnev acted dishonestly.

The girl nevertheless flew to the Seychelles, and on the night before departure Nastya had sex with another participant in the project, Sergei Katasonov, who had broken up with the girl the day before. None of them considered the events of the night to be anything serious: the young people understood perfectly well that a good relationship would not work out, so they simply forgot about what happened.

New flirting

In the Seychelles, Anastasia began flirting with another man, Nikita Kuznetsov. He was in a relationship with a girl, but Nastya was not embarrassed. She took advantage of the fact that Nikita’s lover flew to Moscow for a session and threw a party. Both drank heavily, and the man could not resist the beautiful girl.

The intimate video instantly spread across the Internet. It was leaked online by Anastasia’s ex-boyfriend Yegor Khalyavin. Soon Nikita and Anastasia declared themselves a couple whose relationship was built solely on passionate feelings.

Nastya dreamed of the future, and Nikita declared: he didn’t need a girl to live together. The couple's life was not calm - frequent quarrels, fights and shouting. Anastasia had an impulsive disposition, and she had conflicts with almost all the inhabitants of the television set; it even came to fights with girls.

Anastasia got the worst of it from the man - Nikita dragged the girl around the house by her hair and threw her into the pool. Nastya endured until the organizers asked the aggressive man who had poor anger control to leave the project.

Beautiful departure from the project

Nastya came to the project in a rather original way, and chose to leave in the same way. In November 2015, Anastasia announced that she was leaving the television set because she had found love outside its perimeter. On the last day of her stay on the program, Nastya invited her chosen one to sit in the clearing, proving that she had a man.

Note: Anastasia’s departure was loudly discussed on the project. It turned out that her lover was an actor whom the girl invited to gracefully leave the project.

Nastya said that she wanted to leave the show immediately after returning from the Seychelles to Russia - it brought her too many negative impressions, tension and emotional exhaustion. The girl took a long vacation, after which she stayed on the project, but decided to leave.

Anastasia's husband is much older than her

Plastic surgeries that Lisova kept silent about


No matter how much the girl denies the contribution of plastic surgeons, with the wave of a magic wand her breasts cannot turn from size 1 to size 3. After a short recovery, Nastya arranged a piquant photo shoot. Lisova allegedly had implants implanted through her armpit; the postoperative scar is clearly visible in the photo.


Fans of Lisova believe that she had mammoplasty several times due to dissatisfaction with the quality of the implants. There is no confirmation of this information.

Additional rhinoplasty

Photos of Lisova's plastic surgery confirm rhinoplasty - the girl's nose was rougher and asymmetrical. According to the girl, nose surgery has ennobled her face. There were definitely several rhinoplasties - the shape of the nose was constantly changing, in recent years it has become even smaller, and the tip has become completely thinner.


Lisova advertised a plastic surgery clinic on her Instagram. She confirms that she had rhinoplasty done by the famous plastic surgeon Babayan Gaik Pavlovich. She filmed the entire operation process on camera and subsequently posted the permitted information on social networks.

Fans worried about the girl’s pain and wished her a speedy recovery. There were also those who ridiculed the girl’s behavior. Many wondered if she wanted to remove her nose completely? Or be like Michael Jackson?


Without a doubt, Lisova repeatedly pumped out excess fat. While still filming in House 2, she could go to Moscow for a short while, having previously gained considerable weight, and return refreshed and without an ounce of excess fat. Such weight loss is impossible in such a short period of time. It seems that in some operations the girl does not see boundaries. The last time with liposuction, she clearly went too far.

Lip surgery

Lisova constantly turns to her favorite cosmetologist - the girl gets fillers every 3 months, due to which her lips become plumper and sexier.

And here the opinions of the fans are divided - half call the girl a beauty and advise her to use fillers more often, the rest call her another duck.

Removing Bisha's lumps

After the operation, the girl’s face became much more slender and elongated; this effect is achieved through surgery - removal of Bish’s lumps. The doctors overdid it with the amount of fat tissue removed, and the girl’s face began to look like the face of a person starved to death. Apparently due to the unsuccessful result, the girl denies this particular operation, reducing everything to a grueling diet before filming.

It was after this operation that Lisova lost a large number of her fans; they cannot come to terms with the way she disfigures her appearance.

Cheekbone correction

Bisha Lisova had to stop at removing the lumps; it seems that she completely lacks a sense of proportion. By injecting a small amount of fillers, Lisova corrected the situation a little, and her cheekbones became more prominent for a while.

It seems that these are not the TV personality’s last operations; she has become so into the taste of plastic surgery that she has never decided what her real appearance should be. In addition to surgery, the girl constantly tattoos her eyebrows, puts tattoos on her body, and gets eyelash extensions.

Personal life

Anastasia does not talk about her personal life, as well as about her childhood. Fans did not know that Anastasia had a lover until a short video appeared on her microblog, from which it became known that the girl was getting married. The video appeared on the wedding day.

Subscribers reacted to the news violently: they were looking for the reason for the sudden marriage. Many assumed that Nastya was pregnant and wrote comments on Instagram, but the girl did not react to them. What added zest to the situation was that at the ceremony Anastasia was not in a white wedding dress, but in a light black sundress with red flowers.

It was a marriage registration, the wedding ceremony took place on the island of Koh Samui, which Anastasia talked about on her blog and shared her excitement before the long-awaited wedding. On the day of the celebration, Anastasia posted a lot of photos and videos on Instagram - from moments when she was doing makeup and hair styling to cute videos with her future husband.


Anastasia said that she met her lover at the end of 2016 while filming music videos. He immediately began to court the girl, but Nastya did not take it seriously. Later, after several dates, I became convinced that the man’s intentions and feelings were sincere. The couple got married in 2022 at the beginning of August in one of the Moscow registry offices, without arranging loud celebrations or holidays.

Little is known about Anastasia’s wife. The man's name is Mikhail, he has his own business and works as a television operator. He is 20 years older than the girl, but the age difference does not bother Nastya - the main thing is not how old she is, but what is in a person’s soul and head.

Lisova has said more than once that she and her husband are perfect for each other; Anastasia does not feel the age difference at all. Before Anastasia, Mikhail was married; his wife had a child from his previous marriage.


A year after the marriage was registered, Anastasia gave birth to a girl, who was named Miroslava, and recently the girl posted on Instagram confirmation of her second pregnancy - a photo with a rounded belly and joked that she missed pregnancy until toxicosis began.

Anastasia Lisova with her daughter Miroslava

Fortunately, it passed quickly, which Anastasia reported. Before their second pregnancy, the couple was seriously thinking about buying an apartment in the center of the capital. Anastasia, who leads an active life online, shared this with her subscribers.

Fans recommended purchasing a country house, but the girl just wanted an apartment. But with the news of the imminent birth of their second child, the couple had to reconsider their priorities, and they recently purchased a luxurious country house.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Lisova was born on June 15 (zodiac sign - Gemini), 1990. Many Internet portals write that she was born in Moscow. In fact, the hometown of the ex-reality participant is Cheboksary. She spoke about this more than once during online video broadcasts in the Periscope application.

Lisova did not talk about her childhood and parents in any of the interviews. Her biography is a complete blank spot. What is known for certain is that the girl graduated from 11th grade, and before leaving for Moscow she entered the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev, planning to get an education as a translator in the field of professional communication, and also managed to work as a model.

Captured by plastic

Anastasia began to transform her appearance immediately after leaving “House 2”. According to her, she didn’t have any strong problems or complexes, she just thought one day that a slightly improved appearance would be beneficial. The girl started small - numerous haircuts, coloring, changing looks and style. Then came the turn of dramatic changes.

Note: Anastasia found a surgeon based on friends’ recommendations and had rhinoplasty – she changed her original nose to a beautiful “Hollywood” version, small and neat. I photographed the healing process every day and published it on my blog so that subscribers could observe the changes.

The girl was not shy about photographs with a swollen face, bruises under the eyes and without makeup, but then she proudly demonstrated the final result of the plastic surgery, which she was very pleased with.

Anastasia Lisova before and after plastic surgery

Later, the girl resorted to fillers, injecting them into her cheekbones. The injections changed her face, and a wave of criticism fell on Nastya. Fans were indignant that the girl’s already beautiful face had deteriorated, and now she looked like all operated women, having completely lost her uniqueness. Many subscribers suspected Anastasia of pumping up her lips.

Anastasia Lisova now

Now Anastasia spends most of her time on her family. Raising two children and decorating a country mansion (the Shakhijanovs bought a house at the beginning of 2022) takes up a lot of her time.

Despite this, Nastya finds time to post on Instagram and record videos for Tik Tok. She did one of these right in the ward of the maternity hospital, performing a funny dance on the occasion of the birth of the baby. In the background of the blogger you can see the bed on which her newborn daughter is lying, and Shakhijanova herself is dressed in a white nightgown.

Interesting Facts

  • In addition to “House 2”, Anastasia took part in the projects “Instagram Girls”, “Let’s Get Married” and “Talking and Showing”.
  • Anastasia has her own clothing line - a collection of business suits. The girl developed the sketches herself.
  • Nastya worked as a model for a short time, but now she is completely focused on the role of wife and mother.

Anastasia had to go through difficulties: there was practically no money for housing, she had to rent a terrible room in an apartment, and her neighbors were drug addicts. One day, the girl’s router froze and she had to call a technician to fix it. The specialist recognized Nastya, asked to be photographed, and Anastasia did not refuse.

The photos ended up on the Internet, and rumors spread that Nastya was living in a drug den. Memories are a real nightmare for Nastya, and the girl is glad that she was able to escape from there and achieve her goals.

Participation in the Instagram project

In the Instagram show project, Lisova participated in one episode – the eighth. There, her rival was Mila Blum, a spectacular blonde from the scandalous show “Holidays in Mexico,” so the confrontation was heated.

The main task of Anastasia Lisova in Instagram was caring for an elderly man. According to the jury, the girl did not cope with the task very well, sometimes she even slacked and tried to shift her responsibilities to other people. Whether this is true or not can be understood by watching the program. In the opinion of the girl’s fans, she tried very hard and fit into the image of an “ordinary person” well.

To see how hot the release of this program was in terms of the confrontation between the two “goddesses of Instagram,” you should watch the broadcast of the Instagrammer with Lisova.

In social networks

Anastasia Lisova is happy to post photos on social networks. Advertisers actively cooperate with the girl: Anastasia is a popular blogger on Instagram. The feed is full of constant updates, and Nastya has also acquired a channel on YouTube where she uploads videos.

The first were numerous videos from the wedding, prepared together with her husband and promoted on her microblog, when the excitement from the news about the wedding was at its peak. After this, activity on the channel does not subside.

Family photo of Anastasia Lisova (now Shakhidzhanova)

The couple became travel bloggers: they publish videos from their joint travels, where they show the sights of different countries and talk about the difficulties faced by an inexperienced traveler.

Anastasia moved away from filming projects, preferring to remain in the role of wife and homemaker, but leads an active social life. Nastya continues to make sketches for a collection of business suits of her own clothing line, and is making plans for the future in this direction.

Biography of Anastasia Lisova

The future star was born on June 15, 1990 in the city of Cheboksary. Anastasia’s family is the most ordinary, average, but the girl always knew that she would succeed. To achieve her goals, she did well in school and was even able to graduate with a gold medal. Then in Anastasia’s life she received two higher educations at once, which is not at all expected from a beauty with such an on-screen image. In addition, Anastasia Lisova speaks several foreign languages. Before the project, she worked as an English teacher and also worked as a translator. True, a girl with such a chic figure and tall stature quickly attracted the attention of model managers. So, Nastya began to storm photo shoots and perform at shows. Dancing has always been another passion in the girl’s life. From a young age she studied choreography and even taught for a short time. Anastasia’s dance group took prizes at intercity competitions and festivals.

Popularity and earnings on the Internet

The young blogger gradually turned into a popular person. The plots of the videos became more complex and entertaining. The description of the channel states that visitors will not be bored; the girl skillfully and constantly maintains the interest of subscribers.

Lisova releases new videos almost every day. At the same time, it has mostly positive reviews; the petty malice of ill-wishers bypasses it. Despite the rapid development of blogging and the constant emergence of new channels, subscribers remain faithful to Alice.

The girl attracts with her enviable positivity, bright smile, and ability to find joy in simple activities that are accessible to everyone.

With humor and laughter, Lisova unpacks goods, presents funny videos from TikTok and Like and comments on them.

Gradually, the girl’s fame became so significant that Alice was able to fulfill her dream - to launch the release of goods with her own image in anime style. Fans are happy to buy up the designer's merchandise - T-shirts, dishes, and other small items with Alice's anime portrait.

The phenomenon of Lisova’s success can be explained simply - the public is drawn to bright personalities, from whom they are charged with a good mood and do not receive negativity. In some stories, the blogger pays attention to the problems of teenagers, unpleasant and scary life situations. But he talks about them without the rancor and bitterness typical of many Internet personalities.

Alice does not become the hero of dirty stories, squabbles and scandals, which is what subscribers to her channel like. The blogger is constantly developing her success, the number of YouTube channel subscribers has exceeded 2.5 million, and the number of spaces is more than 200 million. According to some reports, Alisa earns about $1.2 on YouTube for every 1000 views, which is more than 200 thousand rubles per month.

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