How to use facial tonic and whether it should be washed off with water after use - advice from cosmetologists

Do you want to be proud of healthy and well-groomed skin at 30? Then you should not neglect care products, starting from adolescence. To maintain PH balance, prevent clogging of pores, excessive dryness and premature aging, cleansing, toning and moisturizing the epidermis is necessary daily. Unfortunately, applying facial toner is often ignored. Why it is recommended to use tonics, how to choose the right one and how to apply it correctly will be discussed in the article.

What are they needed for

It is not for nothing that cosmetologists advise not to skip the daily stage of skin toning. When selected correctly, a facial product performs several functions at once:

  1. Cleans on a deeper level. Please note: even after removing makeup with lotion/milk and washing with foam, a little oil and dirt remains on the face. To make sure of this, just swipe with a cotton pad soaked in tonic. It is necessary to achieve complete cleansing.
  2. Restores healthy complexion. Professional cosmetics (and even more so low-quality analogues) “eat up” the natural shade. The skin looks dull, there is no shine or blush, dry or oily areas are clearly visible. Tonics solve such problems: they saturate the components with essential minerals, promote accelerated recovery, and eliminate factors that increase the irritability of the epidermis.
  3. Normalize the acid-base balance. Violation of pH occurs constantly. Exposure to sunlight, exposure to tap water, poor environment, stressful situations - any of these factors leads to loss of attractiveness. Facial tonics contain substances that protect against negativity. Active components “block” harmful factors and normalize the PH balance.
  4. Improve the effect of moisturizing/rejuvenating/nourishing creams and serums. In addition, deep cleansing, thereby promoting better absorption of active components, increases efficiency, acting as a kind of “conductor”. The ingredients of a cream or serum are better absorbed and act faster.

Need proof? Carry out the experiment and use the facial toner for a month. After 27-30 days, the result will be obvious: problem areas will disappear or become less noticeable, the color will become more even, and excess dryness/oilyness will disappear. Small facial wrinkles will also become invisible.

What it is

This is a liquid transparent skin care product, it comes in different shades depending on the intended purpose. Pinkish - soothes, green - relieves inflammation, blue - refreshes and tones. Someone removes makeup with it, using it instead of special milk. But it cannot completely wash away makeup products; it was created to consolidate cleansing and even out the acid-base balance. The latter allows the stratum corneum to renew itself, regulates the functioning of enzymes, improves energy metabolism and hormone production, and protects pathogenic flora.

If the cells become excessively oxidized or alkalized, they will quickly die. With a high acid content, tissues become more sensitive, irritated, dry or tight. When there is a lot of alkali in them, acne and inflammation begin to appear, the pores expand, producing a large amount of sebum or sebum. Cleansing cosmetics often disrupt the pH balance in the epidermis, irritating it, which weakens its protective functions and exposes the body to harmful bacteria.

Effect of tonics

Thanks to the active ingredients, toning cosmetics remove makeup residues and saturate the facial skin with essential nutrients (depending on the composition).

Ekaterina, expert cosmetologist:

“Tonic, unlike foam, cream, serum, micellar water, lotion, “cleans” not only the surface of the face, but also penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis. Thus, cosmetics in this category protect from the inside, reduce high acidity, and nullify the effect of alkalis.”

Why is it necessary to use facial toner when cleansing the skin?

You may think that once you remove your makeup, you can apply night cream and go to bed. This is not enough - particles of decorative and cleansing cosmetics usually remain on the surface, which causes the pores to become even more and deeper dirty. Try wiping it with a tonic composition - you will see product residues and understand how important it is to complete the washing procedure.

How effective are the balms you use? Do you want to improve their performance? A lotion will help, preparing for the absorption of active substances and prolonging their results, thus ensuring good nutrition. The dermis also needs constant hydration, which it will also help with. When applied, an almost imperceptible coating is formed that retains moisture inside and prevents drying out.


The skin of the face will be healthy, and age-related changes will be invisible if the product is selected in accordance with its specific type. Depending on the physiological characteristics, it can be:

When to use a toner with a lifting effect

The lifting effect includes:

  • hydration;
  • toning;
  • satiety and nutrition;
  • lightening and removal of age spots;
  • relaxation of facial muscles.

Positive effects from using products with a lifting effect.

Anti-aging products usually contain hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, and peptides. Some manufacturers produce separate lines of moisturizing creams with hyaluronic acid. All of these ingredients are relatively safe for any skin over 18 years of age. But manufacturers recommend abandoning tightening drugs until the age of 25-30, since only by this age the main stages of epidermis formation are completed.

Typically, a lifting tonic acts as a booster, that is, it enhances the effect of basic skincare medications. Therefore, using it separately without creams, serums and masks is ineffective. At the same time, it is necessary to include a tonic at the stage of intense exposure of beneficial substances to the dermis.

We recommend that you read in more detail about what a facial moisturizer is in this material.


What all tonics have in common is that they necessarily contain purified water with a neutral pH. The choice and quantity of active components depends on the purpose of the product. The main types of modern tonics:

  • Hyaluronic facial toner. An anti-aging option that softens the skin, makes it elastic and resistant to aging processes.
  • Contains alcohol. The amount of alcohol compounds can vary from 10 to 50%, but no more. They have drying and antimicrobial properties and are recommended for oily and problem skin.
  • Water-glycerin. Softening the stratum corneum, protecting against negativity from the external environment and gentle cleansing is the task of drugs with this composition. Glycerin is a good component for increasing elasticity, and in combination with oils and plant extracts, its properties improve.
  • Aquatic. The most common composition, where neutral liquid occupies up to 78% of the composition. Aqueous solutions of oils, extracts, decoctions, amino acids have a wide spectrum of action (heal microtraumas, promote rapid regeneration, narrow pores, whiten, etc.), but, most importantly, do not change the acid-base balance of the epidermis.

In addition to the listed composition options, combinations of alcohol-containing tonics with mattifying components and a high content of minerals (for example, zinc, which regulates the secretion of fat and prevents the appearance of blackheads on the face) are possible.

Criteria by which we evaluate tonics of each brand

  • Toning.
    And generally performing functions. The condition of your facial skin should improve after 2 weeks of daily use.
  • The basis.
    Of the 3 possible options: alcohol, glycerin, water - the last one is most preferable, the other 2 can harm the skin. However, glycerin-based toners are rich in oils, so they have their place but require caution.
  • Compound.
    There are no exceptions here: the more natural ingredients, the better.
  • Smell.
    Should be neutral or unobtrusive, soft.
  • Price.
    A quality product can be inexpensive.

Point system:

By quality:

  • 1 point for improved skin condition after 2 weeks;
  • 1 point for water base;
  • 0.5 points for glycerin base;
  • 1 point for natural composition;
  • 1 point for neutral or light aroma.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 400 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 400 to 800 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 800 to 1,200 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 1,200 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 3 points for more than 2,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 1,000-2,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 1,000 queries in Yandex per month.

After we talk about each of the 5 best facial toner brands and assign points, we will collect all the data in a common table.

When collecting information about products, we used: sites with reviews of real customers, personal sales statistics of KrasotkaPro, open data from the Yandex search engine.

Application: how to apply correctly

Even when choosing a tonic that is ideal for your type, it is problematic to achieve the desired effect if you use it incorrectly. Cosmetologists recommend using the following to apply tonic:

  1. Cotton pad. The material perfectly absorbs and retains surface contaminants and is suitable for cleaning any type of skin. For effective toning, it is enough to apply a few drops of the product to the center of the disc and wipe the face with movements from the center to the edges: from the nose or chin along the cheekbones to the ears, from the center of the forehead to the temples. There is no need to press on the cotton pad; the active components will penetrate deeper if applied with light massage movements, reminiscent of stroking.
  2. Gauze or cloth napkin. Skin with increased sensitivity reacts even to gentle movements with a cotton pad. To avoid a negative reaction, cosmetologists advise using masks made from tonic applied to a napkin. A cloth or gauze soaked in a cosmetic product must be placed on the face for 20-30 seconds to achieve a moisturizing, cleansing, softening effect.

Remember that the effectiveness is higher if used both after removing makeup and before applying decorative cosmetics. There is no need to rinse off: it leaves no greasy shine or dirty areas of the face. Moreover, the tonic enhances the effect of creams and nourishing masks that are applied at night or under makeup.

How to use at home: how often to wipe your face

Cosmetologists recommend using a tonic every day up to 2 times. The procedure is most conveniently carried out during morning and evening face washing. In the early hours, this allows you to prepare the skin for applying makeup, and in the late hours, it allows you to remove remnants of cosmetics and enhance the effect of using a night care cream. The tonic does not provide any lifting effect. Find out more about what you need a facial toner for here.

If you need to apply makeup several times a day, it is recommended to apply each procedure using a toner. In summer, it is permissible to increase the number of applications or add a refreshing tonic, which eliminates dirt, greasy shine and sweat.

Tips for choosing

The main recommendation is to purchase a product that suits your face type. There are no universal tonics with “all-round” action, there are only neutral ones that will not cause harm, but the expected effect will be lower. Also, before purchasing and using, make sure that:

  • the composition of alcohol does not exceed 50%, a larger amount is a violation of the norm and is harmful to the face;
  • there are no chemicals among the components - high-quality cosmetics are made from natural ingredients;
  • the effect is exactly what is needed: moisturizing, nourishing, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, etc.
  • certificate: its presence confirms that the tonic has passed clinical trials and will not cause health problems.

Just in case, we remind you that tonic is a cosmetic, it has a certain expiration date, after which the beneficial properties disappear and the product can become dangerous. Check the release date on the packaging before purchasing so as not to risk your beauty and health.

Is it possible to wipe the skin around the eyes: advice from a cosmetologist

If toner is used as the main cleanser, it is necessary to select a product with the most neutral composition. Makeup is rarely limited to foundation and lipstick. Eye shadow, mascara and eyebrow gels must also be removed. Aggressive skincare products can cause irritation, allergies, itching, burning, conjunctivitis and other disorders.

Therefore, it is necessary to remove eye makeup:

  1. Special products for delicate eyelid skin. They may be included in one line of drugs or sold separately. When purchasing, you also need to carefully study the composition. It is recommended to select only hypoallergenic tonics. After using the product, it is advisable to apply cream to the skin around the eyes.
  2. Milk labeled “suitable for the skin around the eyes.” There are more and more products of this type on the market, so to save time, shelf space and money, you can give preference to them.

The delicate dermis of the eyelids is most susceptible to mechanical and chemical damage, so you need to apply the product to it with light movements of your fingers or soft napkins. Before first use, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test.

The best tonics

Modern cosmetic formulations of tonics for all skin types. If you have not yet decided on “your” brand, we recommend to your attention affordable and effective, tested by our experts:

  • Bloom face toner from the Vilenta cleansing series. Feature of the product: it simultaneously cleanses and mattifies, hiding visual defects (oily shine, enlarged pores, uneven color). Deep cleansing is achieved thanks to peeling components: fruit acids, tangerine flower extract. By using it twice a day, you can be sure that the cells will receive enough air for normal regeneration, and the skin will be hydrated and protected from toxins. The product has a pleasant, unobtrusive tangerine aroma, which calms the nervous system and improves mood. There is no alcohol, so excess dryness is excluded.
  • Tonic HYALURONIC ACID PRO. Multifunctional toner with cleansing, moisturizing and soothing effect. The peculiarity is instant action without a feeling of tightness. Light texture, vitamin PP, Ultra-lift complex, hyaluronic acid and seaweed help heal small wounds, slow down aging, saturate with minerals, and prevent the formation of comedones. The product is suitable even for sensitive and dehydrated skin, since it does not contain alcohol, and cleansing and moisturizing occurs without discomfort or irritation.


Before you go to the store, you need to do a little preparation and understand what types of products there are. And, in fact, there are a huge number of them, so it won’t be difficult to get confused in them. We present a small educational program on tonic cosmetics so that you can choose the right one for yourself.


First, let's decide why we need this tool and what we want to fix with its help. Accordingly, here's what facial toner is used for:

  • matting and narrowing pores - salvation for oily types;
  • moisturizing - for dry;
  • calming - relieves redness and irritation in sensitive individuals;
  • destruction of bacteria - suitable for problematic epidermis. The product dries and removes rashes;
  • nutrition - suitable for off-season use, when the immune system is weakened and the skin lacks vitamins;
  • tones - relieves fatigue, gives energy;
  • whitens - necessary for girls with a high level of pigmentation;
  • refreshes - useful in the summer, when the skin dries out and is exposed to sunlight;
  • cleanses - gets rid of blackheads, especially in combination with other versions from the same line;
  • improves complexion.

But there are also bottles that have “Face Tonic” printed on them. This means that they are intended for those who do not have significant problems and primarily need care.


The classic version is a liquid that has no tint or odor, but you can also find other formats of this product that adapt to a specific skin type:

  • Cream. Softened, light emulsion with a bright tonic effect. Suitable for those who spend most of their time outdoors. After all, then the epidermis is more exposed to the action of an environment that does not benefit it.
  • Serum. This is a unique variety, differing from others in its huge concentration of active particles.
  • Gel. Application is a little more difficult as it has a viscous texture. Because of this, the product is not completely absorbed into the skin, so excess must be removed.
  • Spray. It is convenient to apply because the liquid is distributed in doses. But during operation, splashes may get into your eyes.

Home Recipes

If you have the spirit of an experimental cosmetologist, you can create recipes for tonic cosmetics yourself. The main thing is to remember to check how your skin reacts to them before using them. Before applying to your face, drop a little on the crook of your elbow and make sure there is no redness or irritation. At home you can use:

  • Proven mineral water, “Narzan”, “Esentuki”, have properties that normalize the acid-base balance, remove toxins, and saturate with microelements. Remember that “bubbles” in mineral water are carbon dioxide harmful to the epidermis, so before applying such a home remedy, let the gas escape or use still water.
  • Hydrolates. Aqueous solution of essential oils. Such “mixtures” are suitable for normal face types, as they have a slight moisturizing tonic effect. You shouldn't expect miracles from self-made products - you won't be able to achieve the correct consistency at home.
  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs. A plant-based solution can resist microbes, relieve irritation, and slow down aging, but to also cleanse, you need to add alcohol. Alas, it is problematic to mix alcohol-containing components and herbal decoctions at home without causing harm. In this case, preliminary testing is mandatory!

We offer several harmless home recipes for tonic preparations that have a moisturizing and refreshing effect:

  1. Refreshing for aging skin:
    • pink petals 12 g
    • lime zest 3g

  2. rose oil 5-7 drops
  3. The petals are brewed like regular tea, crushed zest is added to the decoction, and the mixture is infused for half an hour. Oil is added to the cooled product.

  4. For oily skin (with mattifying effect)
    • oat flakes 12 g
    • calendula oil 5-7 drops

  5. milk 50 ml
  6. Mix the flakes with milk and bring to a boil. Strain the mixture, add oil. Effect: narrowing of pores and normalization of fat secretion.

  7. Moisturizing for dry skin
    • mineral water 70 ml
    • cucumber 30-50 g

  8. avocado oil 20-25 drops
  9. Cut the cucumber into small circles or grate it on a coarse grater, pour in mineral water and add oil. Recommended for applying toning masks.

If the “home laboratory” is not your thing, we recommend using products from trusted cosmetic brands. It is not necessary to “buy” into an advertised name; the composition of most tonics is identical, so finding a drug of the required composition for a reasonable price is quite possible.

Review of tonic products

We offer several variations for different skin types from the most famous brands.


  • Weleda - has a natural composition;
  • Natura Siberica - suitable for oily skin.


  • Secretkey - soothes sensitive skin;
  • Aravia AHA Glycolic - contains acids that have an active effect.


  • "Rose water" from Garnier - calming effect;
  • One hundred beauty recipes - the best price.

How is tonic different from lotion?

Lotions and tonics have a lot in common: the drugs remove impurities and normalize pH. That is why the products are often considered identical. In fact, cosmetics have different purposes. Unlike lotion, tonic:

  • serves for final cleaning, as it removes contaminants that milk, foam or lotion could not remove;
  • moisturizes and tones thanks to active ingredients;
  • multifunctional: the function of the lotion is hygienic; in addition to cleansing, the tonic relieves inflammation, normalizes color, and provides a mattifying and anti-aging effect;
  • can be alcohol-free, that is, more gentle on dry and sensitive skin;
  • have a more delicate effect on the skin, without irritating it in problem areas.

Ekaterina, expert cosmetologist:

“It is not recommended to mix lotions and tonics. Pharmacy combination products are suitable only for normal skin. The skin that is prone to dryness, increased oil production or aging needs thorough cleansing and saturation with the necessary components, so a special toner is needed for it.”

What can be used instead of toner: hydrolate, gel or lotion

This is not the only means for effective toning and preparation for moisturizing. As an alternative, use lotion, gel or hydrosol that has a similar consistency and composition. Find out the difference between a tonic and a lotion by following the link.

If you do not trust industrial cosmetics, you can replace them at home with the following analogues:

  • green tea;
  • decoction of chamomile;
  • a mixture of lemon and grapefruit juice;
  • cucumber water;
  • herbal infusion.

There is a wide range of similar products on the market, from which you can choose the composition for any skin.


Is it possible not to use toner? Of course you can. If you are ready to spend more time and effort on maintaining facial beauty at the age of 30+. The opinion, “Our mothers and grandmothers managed without such means” is irrelevant today. 20-50 years ago the environment was different, women did not experience so much stress, nutrition was better. And decorative cosmetics were natural and were used less often. The skin of modern women is exposed to external influences every hour, and any factors can cause harm: nature, radiation from a computer or mobile gadgets, vehicle exhaust.

Toning is a simple and safe way to protect yourself from negativity without tedious cosmetic procedures. It is not difficult to apply twice a day: before make-up and after removing makeup, and the effect with regular use will not take long to appear. Moreover, you can choose the effect yourself: with their help you can achieve ideal hydration, get rid of blackheads and pimples, rejuvenate the skin, even out its color and texture.

Is it necessary to apply face cream after toner?

Toning is one of the stages of comprehensive care. After using this product, you need to use a moisturizing or nourishing cream. For what? This allows you to prevent drying of the skin, as well as adjust the water balance and restore the mineral composition of cells.

The choice of cream depends on age, skin condition and time of the procedure. In the morning it is advisable to use light day creams, and in the evening it is optimal to apply a night care cream with a thick and dense consistency.

Regardless of the type and condition of the skin, regular care includes three mandatory stages - cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

Is there an alternative

To replace a cosmetic product, you need to take into account all the nuances, understand how the tonic works and works. All drugs presented on store shelves have different effects on the epidermis and have different purposes. Very often, lotion is used as a replacement, but it is important to note that it always contains a percentage of alcohol and is more suitable for combating acne and eliminating oily sheen. It will relieve its owner from excess production of sebaceous glands and dry out the top layer of the epidermis. As a result of washing with it, a feeling of some tightness may appear, which is neutralized after using a moisturizer.

Tonics are designed to cleanse and restore water balance in cells. They prepare the skin for further application of serum and maximum absorption of nutrients. From this we can conclude that these two cosmetic products do not replace each other, but only complement.

To restore freshness and restore vital energy, you can use mineral water. The buyer always knows about its origin and can be sure that there are no fragrances or parabens. At the same time, cosmetologists give preference to well-known brands that carefully monitor product quality:

  • "Evian";
  • "Perrier";
  • Borjom;
  • Essentuki;
  • Narzan.

Also, as an alternative, it is permissible to use hydrolates - a product obtained after the production of essential oil. This liquid contains a huge amount of nutrients, but, unfortunately, it is not suitable for everyone, but only for those with healthy and normal skin.

What to look for when studying the composition

Most cosmetic cleansers include:

  • pure thermal water;
  • matting components;
  • essential and vegetable oils;
  • medicinal herbs, plants and flowers;
  • salicylic acid.

More recently, alcohol was included in almost every tonic product, however, today it is used to solve problems with oily skin. A 50% alcohol solution together with matting ingredients will eliminate excess fat and normalize sebum production after just a few uses. Oily substances derived from cocoa, grape seed or olive provide nutrients and moisture. Medicinal plants have a wound-healing effect, prevent the development of the inflammatory process, and salicylic acid is aimed at combating the most unpleasant rashes.

Subtleties of choice and content

Professional cosmetologists advise purchasing cleansing and toning products from one manufacturer. This way their action will be much more effective.

However, if you purchase diverse options, then take into account your skin type and the problems you want to solve.

For fatty

Such a tonic should contain the following components:

  • An alcohol base (nowadays less common, more often water-based) - it will dry the epidermis and destroy bacteria. But you shouldn't use them excessively. The effect also depends on the percentage of alcohol content. As a rule, this is 20%, but for those who are sensitive it is better to stop at 10.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Matting agents prevent shine.
  • Peach oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, cocoa oil.
  • Plant extracts.

The most effective formulas will take control of the release of fatty components and sebum instead of removing them, and also normalize the process of cellular repair.

For dry

These facial toners have moisturizing properties. But you should not choose those that are based on alcohol. Otherwise, severe drying cannot be avoided. The products contain glycerin and hyaluronic acid.

For hydration

In addition to the glycerin component, it includes witch hazel and chestnut extract, as well as vitamin complex A and E. But there should absolutely be no ethyl alcohol.

It is recommended to purchase for those with sensitive and dry skin, since, in addition to the cleansing and moisturizing effect, the toner saves from redness.


With constant use for 3 or 4 weeks, it will significantly improve the tone of the face, and also remove dead skin cells and “erase” blemishes from rashes like an eraser.

Bottles are often labeled “for radiant skin.” This is achieved due to the presence of fruit and salicylic acids.


Contains essential components in the form of an alcohol base, as well as plant extracts. The tonic removes oily shine, heals pimple spots, and also dries and removes acne itself.

If the purchased product contains 20% alcohol, then it should be applied topically, that is, directly on the acne. Because when the face is too dry, sebum begins to be produced in double volume.


It has a rejuvenating effect, promotes cell renewal and tightens the epidermis. Contains peptides, collagen and elastin.

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