How to even out your complexion. Masks that even out complexion

Under the influence of external and internal factors, facial skin often loses its freshness, healthy tone and attractiveness. Sometimes even a thick layer of powder or foundation cannot hide such problems. It is necessary to take care of your face at any age. There is no need to buy expensive cosmetics, because there are many natural ingredients from which it is easy to prepare masks to improve your complexion at home. In terms of effectiveness, they are in no way inferior to professional procedures.

Causes of uneven skin color

Many girls buy expensive creams, go to salons and often have no effect, because a lot depends on the cause.
First of all, you need to understand what causes uneven skin tone. Perhaps by changing your lifestyle and some rules, you can already noticeably improve your situation. The most common factors that influence skin heterogeneity are:

  • Poor nutrition . Consumption of harmful preservatives has a negative effect not only on the stomach, but also on the entire body as a whole. Fatty, spicy and sweet foods retain water, cause acne and, of course, affect the complexion. The same thing is caused by a lack of fruits, berries and vegetables.
  • Water balance . Water is vital for the skin, because it is responsible for many metabolic processes. Its deficiency can also spoil the color of the epidermis, as well as add peeling and many other troubles to its owner.
  • Lack of sleep . Overnight, skin cells are renewed and the body receives new energy. We need to sleep at least 7-8 hours. In addition, you also need to go to bed not late, because after 12 o’clock at night, every hour is equal to minutes of rest. Constant lack of sleep affects not only fatigue, but also the skin.
  • Ecology and climate . If there are many factories in your city, then every day a considerable share of impurities containing toxins floats in the air. They linger in our body and “stick” to the skin. The monotonous climate has no less negative impact. A small number of sunny days deprives the skin of necessary and beneficial vitamins, as well as a good mood, which also affects the appearance.
  • Stomach problems . Diseases of internal organs never go unnoticed. Gastritis or ulcers cause particular damage to the face. They often give acne and an unhealthy complexion to the face. You should not be lazy, go to the doctor and do regular examinations, because some people have stomach pain “silently,” affecting only the external condition.
  • Genetics . Many problems and illnesses are inherited. This is why bags under the eyes and uneven skin tone are so difficult to remove if they have been present since birth.
  • Bad habits . It has long been known that smoking and alcohol cause severe damage to the skin of the face. Many people note that people who abuse bad habits look sick and tired.
  • Lack of fresh air . With the advent of computers, the problem of a sedentary lifestyle has worsened. People have stopped taking regular walks, and many travel exclusively by car. This is one of the most striking reasons that has a strong impact on skin color.
  • Incorrect care . Improper cleansing, inadequate moisturizing or poor-quality cosmetics are the enemies of a beautiful complexion.

What ingredients will help even out skin color?

Smoking, nervous stress, and a disrupted daily routine have a negative impact on the condition of the epidermis. Insufficient fluid intake or poor nutrition can cause a gray, dull, lifeless complexion, or the appearance of redness. Lack of UV protection causes age spots, an overall yellowish tint to the skin.

Homemade masks for evening out complexion allow you to restore an attractive appearance to your skin without leaving home. The ingredients for their base will depend on the type of problem:

  • Masks with parsley, kefir, lemon juice, or the pulp of any sour berries, cucumber, mint will help whiten your skin by one or two tones.
  • Mixtures with ascorbic acid and potatoes will help reduce redness caused by dilated capillaries.
  • Compositions with carrot juice, pumpkin, tomatoes, coffee grounds or cocoa powder will help restore a healthy glow to the skin.

In addition to evening out the complexion, masks help reduce inflammation, moisturize the epidermis, and nourish it with vitamins and beneficial microelements. They will make your skin smooth and even, and all the necessary components can be found at home.

In ancient Rome, pallor was considered a sign of aristocratic origin. Women used various formulations to lighten their skin. The easiest way is to wipe your face with fresh donkey milk.


It is very important to first figure out what is causing the uneven tone and try, if possible, to eliminate it. The following factors can affect the skin and its appearance:

  • Nutrition. What a person eats sooner or later affects his appearance. Therefore, it is important to review your diet and exclude harmful foods, for example, fried, salty, spicy, fast food, soda. The color of the skin can be positively influenced by foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits (especially green and yellow), lean meats and fish, liver, eggs, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, and seafood. It is very useful to even out the tone by drinking juice from carrots, beets, and citrus fruits.
  • Fluid intake. It is very important to drink enough water per day. For example, a healthy person is recommended to consume 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. It is better to drink still water.
  • Quality sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, over time the body begins to become exhausted, and this, of course, changes the complexion. To get an even tone, it is not enough to just sleep all day. But if you go to bed at 10 pm, and not later, positive changes can be seen within 2 weeks.
  • Ecology and sun. It is quite difficult to hide from environmental pollution, as well as from ultraviolet radiation, but it is quite possible to minimize their negative impact. To do this, you need to remember to daily cleanse your facial pores of impurities and use sunscreens with a high SPF level.

Causes of uneven facial tone

  • Diseases of the digestive system. They also negatively affect the skin and complexion. Stomach problems will turn your face grayish or yellowish. Dark circles under the eyes indicate skin diseases.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Bad habits, for example, smoking, drinking alcohol, strong coffee, also lead to changes in facial tone.

Nutrition to improve complexion

Our appearance is a consequence of the lifestyle we lead, and especially our diet. Skin is the first and most important indicator of the internal state of the body.

Therefore, in order to improve our complexion, the first step is to critically reconsider everything that we eat and drink - this is the first and main step. And to make it easier for you to do it, below we will tell you which products you should definitely include in your diet, and which you should immediately and forever forget about.

Essential nutrition for skin:

  1. Water. This is the first and main commandment of any person striving to be healthy. Very often on various websites they say that the required amount of water consumption per day for an adult is 2 liters, but this is not entirely true. Each body is individual, so you should drink as much as your body requires, that is, as much as you want. And you need to check by the color of urine, when the body does not lack clean, living water, it is not colored and has an almost transparent color.
  2. It is necessary to eat live foods: fruits and berries (citrus fruits, grapes, cherries), vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, etc.), as well as nuts and seeds.
  3. Iron is a very important substance for health and beauty; it is found in large quantities in liver, carrots, spinach, sea fish, dairy and fermented milk products, red meat, as well as green leafy vegetables.
  4. Vitamin C is found in the following foods: citrus fruits, cabbage, bell peppers, and many berries.
  5. Vitamin E: in vegetable oils, avocados, wheat, seeds and nuts.
  6. B vitamins are very important and necessary for the female body. Particular attention should be paid to them, since a huge part of them is spent by the woman’s body during menstruation. Direct products: vegetables, fish, brown bread, soybeans, legumes, tomatoes, nuts, seeds, animal products, etc.
  7. It is also worth paying attention to two products such as lemon and kiwi. They have a cleansing effect and remove toxins from the body.
  8. Various cereals also have a positive effect on health and beauty.

Skin smoothing methods

You can even out your facial tone not only by eliminating the above reasons. Every day, many girls are saved by the right makeup, and for some, good effective masks. For those looking for quick results, salon treatments are suitable.

It is worth saying that an integrated approach will help best. The combination of all the rules will help deal with the problem quickly and efficiently. You can also use some methods that have proven themselves for a long time:

  1. It is worth carrying out skin care procedures twice a day. Particular attention should be paid to thoroughly cleansing the skin. Even if you haven't left the house, dust and grease will still form on your skin, so simply rinsing with water won't be enough. Also, we must not forget about hydration after the procedure. Use multi-step care.
  2. After about a day, you need to use face masks that even out the tone and are suitable for your dermis type. Only constant nutrition and deeper cleansing will allow you to achieve the long-awaited beauty.
  3. Remember to remove dead skin cells. Use peels and scrubs several times a week. They remove flaking and make the epidermis smoother and more even. Particularly popular now are “rolls,” which cleanse the skin more delicately and evenly than scrubbing particles.
  4. Spend detox days, because they remove toxins from the body. On detox days you need to consume a lot of vegetable and fruit juices.

Measures to improve skin condition

To improve the condition of the skin, a set of measures must be taken.

First of all, we need to identify the cause. Why has my skin condition gotten worse? Maybe the reason lies in chronic fatigue or poor lifestyle.

Proper care will help keep your skin in good condition. Cleanse your face daily with mild products, and then moisturize your skin with creams suitable for your type.

Before going to bed, be sure to wash off your makeup. During the week, you can take steam baths with medicinal herbs 2–3 times. To do this, you can brew 1 tablespoon of chamomile or mint in a small saucepan. Wrap your head in a towel and hold your face over the steam for several minutes.

You can also use a scrub 1 – 2 times a week.

How to even out your complexion at home?

The procedure for applying a mask to the face
The main basis in caring for your appearance is daily cleansing of your facial skin, preferably twice a day. It’s better not to skimp on cleansers, because they are the key to youthful and beautiful-looking skin. Cleansing should include removing cosmetics, degreasing tissues and, if necessary, disinfecting. Then apply a little cream or serum. This will avoid thickening of the stratum corneum and dull and pale facial skin.

After each wash, the skin should be wiped with ice cubes, which will prevent the problem of skin redness. It is very useful to make such compositions based on herbal decoction; in addition to improving skin color, it will also have a nutritional effect.

Several times a week it is recommended to make masks tailored to your skin type, taking into account your needs, be it rejuvenation or whitening. With regular use of homemade masks, the effect will not be long in coming.

It is very useful to peel the facial skin at home (peeling with fruit acids has a good effect). In terms of effectiveness, homemade scrubs are not inferior to salon scrubs, and their undoubted advantage is that this procedure is carried out in a comfortable environment and at any time convenient for you. The benefit is that the skin tone becomes uniform and roughness and unevenness on the surface are removed.

It is advisable to visit the bathhouse, provided that the temperature there does not exceed 70 degrees. This is the best option for restoring your complexion without cost or extra effort.

Evening out facial skin with folk remedies

Applying a mask with natural products to the face

You can verify the miraculous power of natural self-care by using homemade masks. To prepare them you only need natural products and a little time. Masks can be applied only after preliminary cleaning.

Cucumber mask Helps refresh and brighten the face. You need to take cucumber and lemon juice in a 2:1 ratio. Apply and rinse after 10-15 minutes.

Coffee mask Helps instantly even out tone. To prepare it, take strong coffee and zucchini juice in equal proportions. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.

Oatmeal mask An effective remedy for achieving smooth, silky skin with an even color. Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 1 tsp. Spoon of honey and 4 tbsp. spoons of hot milk. The mask should be cooled before applying. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

Carrot mask You will need to grate a couple of small carrots, add the juice of half a lemon, an egg yolk and a little olive oil. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. The skin receives the necessary nutrition and acquires a noble color.

Ice rubdowns will help instantly give your face freshness and saturate it with valuable moisture. You just need to freeze the decoction of medicinal herbs.

Scrubs help well in achieving a uniform tone. The ingredients for their creation are always at hand.

Scrub with raspberries A handful of oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder must be combined with raspberries (half a glass). Add 4-5 tablespoons of kefir. Shake well and apply to face. After 5 minutes, rinse off.

Coffee scrub Mix 2 teaspoons of ground coffee with the same amount of rice flour and add 4 tbsp. spoons of kefir. Apply and hold for 5 minutes, then rinse.

Corrective makeup to create an even color

What other ways are there to help even out your complexion?

Express methods include the use of decorative cosmetics. If before leaving the house you notice that your complexion is dull, then apply cosmetics in this order:

  1. Primer with reflective particles.
  2. Face corrector.
  3. Foundation.

Using cosmetics in this order will help you get a beautiful complexion.

Proper care

Naturally, not only limiting some foods and introducing others, but also caring measures will help to quickly improve your complexion. An important role is played by the normalization of blood circulation; this process is responsible for the distribution of beneficial substances throughout the epidermis and giving blush to the cheeks.

To enjoy a beautiful matte shine, just wipe your face with an ice cube every morning. You can freeze both mineral water and herbal infusions, green tea. This morning activity will not only help you wake up faster, but also close your pores and remove oily shine.

Don't forget to cleanse the top layer of skin. In order to give it radiance, you need to regularly do color-improving peels, scrubs and masks. Soft oatmeal peeling is incredibly effective. It exfoliates dead cells evenly without scratching the skin.

Photo – Face mask

To prepare it, mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, a spoonful of flower honey and a drop of coconut essential oil. Apply the mixture to your face and distribute over its entire surface. Afterwards, walk through each problem area with soft circular movements for 3 minutes.

A stiffer sugar scrub works well. It not only improves blood circulation to the face, but also deeply cleanses the pores. For a spoonful of sweet product, you will need 5 drops of any essential oil for the skin. It could be castor oil, almonds, coconut, olive. Use in the same way as oatmeal peeling.

Be sure to try other types of peelings, to find the one that suits you, you need to try several types of this procedure. Once a month you can also go for professional cleaning: diamond, laser or ultrasonic.

Video: How to improve your complexion: tips

The effect of food on skin color

Any food gives the body not only a feeling of fullness, but also useful substances, some microelements. This is why consuming the right foods is so important.

Seafood, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese and many other dairy products have a great influence on the epidermis. Any vegetables and fruits are irreplaceable and very healthy. For a healthy complexion, it is recommended to eat more beets, carrots, citrus fruits, apricots, broccoli and tomatoes.

As for drinks, freshly squeezed juices in moderate doses have an extremely positive effect on the body. Good green tea also has benefits. But it is better to avoid coffee, carbonated lemonades and packaged juices.

We also recommend excluding smoked foods of unknown origin, mayonnaise, processed foods, chips and a lot of fried, spicy foods from your diet.

Rules for using masks

To get the maximum result from masks to even out the tone of the face, they (like any other cosmetic masks) must be used, following certain rules:

  • prepare only from fresh ingredients immediately before application;
  • do not prepare the mixture in reserve, do not store it for reuse;
  • apply the beneficial composition to previously cleansed skin;
  • be sure to wipe the skin with tonic before applying the mask;
  • distribute the mask in an even layer, avoiding the area around the eyes;
  • keep the composition on your face for no more than 15–20 minutes;
  • rinse off the mask with warm boiled or filtered water (you can use a herbal decoction, for example, chamomile, for these purposes);
  • if the composition is difficult to wash off, you can use a soft sponge, but you must act carefully, without rubbing or stretching the skin.

After the mixture is washed off the face, it is wiped with toner again, and then a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied according to your skin type.

Color Uniformity Factors

A healthy complexion indicates that a person is feeling well. In this case, the use of leveling cosmetics is not required. If the shade is uneven, then the condition of the skin needs to be improved. The reason for this phenomenon may be:

  • Weather
    . During frost and strong winds, the skin must be treated with a protective serum, otherwise there is a risk of uneven color appearing. The film covering the face prevents harmful influences from penetrating;
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation
    . You should not exclude sunbathing; you just need to constantly use protective creams. Then the skin of the face will always have a uniform tone;
  • Bad habits
    . Due to excessive alcohol consumption, the vascular walls become weak, and smoking leads to their spasm. If you eliminate bad habits, the even complexion will return;
  • Poor nutrition
    . The complexion becomes uneven due to the consumption of fatty, spicy foods. Due to such food, blood flow increases, which affects the appearance of an unhealthy complexion;
  • Medical factors
    . You need to visit your doctor regularly for examination. If you have diseases, you should not delay their treatment.

Don't neglect these simple recommendations. First you need to eliminate the cause, otherwise no cosmetic products will help completely solve the problem. As a result, the skin takes on an unhealthy appearance.

What does peeling skin mean?

  • This type of irritation can be caused by a number of reasons, from poor circulation to an infectious or immune disease.
  • The provocateur of peeling is sometimes a viral or fungal infection, allergies, helminth infestation, subcutaneous mites.
  • The skin also indicates the possible development of diseases such as diabetes, vitamin deficiency, ichthyosis, adrenal insufficiency, psoriasis, lichen, secondary syphilis, lupus erythematosus.
  • Peeling can occur due to exposure to external factors: sun, wind, cold. Pregnancy and lactation have similar symptoms in their manifestation.


How to even out your complexion using cosmetics

If you are just starting to deal with this problem, then the right makeup will help you at first. You should choose cosmetics based on your skin type. If you have peeling, then pay attention to a moisturizing tone, and if you have oily skin, then to mattifying products.

Additionally, a base can even out your complexion and smooth out your skin. Do not use it every day, as a large amount of silicones can clog your pores over time. Therefore, carefully remove it when removing makeup.

Next, you need to apply foundation or BB or CC cream. Here a lot depends on the number of problems on the face. Still, the foundation is the densest. You need to distribute it over your face with a kabuki brush or beauty blender.

Those who suffer from dark circles under the eyes will also need concealer. It will also help remove age spots, acne marks, pimples themselves and rosacea. You can dust your face a little on top to set your makeup. Next, you can already make up your eyes, eyebrows, lips and whatever you want.

This makeup will perfectly hide all imperfections and make your complexion more even and rested. An important point is the quality of the products themselves. Don’t save money on this, because the face quickly “absorbs” both bad and good components.

Nutrition and vitamins

Improving vitamins for facial skin are your little irreplaceable helpers in the fight for youth and beauty. They will not help you get rid of any specific problems (age spots, acne, open pores), but will greatly facilitate the fight against imperfections using other means. Also, taking vitamins immediately affects the condition of not only the skin, but also hair, nails and even mood.

Signs of vitamin deficiency:

  1. The skin has lost its elasticity;
  2. The complexion has become pale or has a grayish tint;
  3. Extensive flaky areas have appeared, most often in the area of ​​the nose or cheeks;
  4. The face took on a sickly appearance, and some imperfections appeared: spider veins, circles or bags under the eyes.

Photo - Healthy complexion
Combating a lack of nutrients is as easy as shelling pears: start taking vitamins for women. Many complexes also include acids and fats, which are necessary to improve tone, hair growth, improve vision and the condition of the nail plates.

In addition to taking supplements, you should definitely reconsider your diet. We do not encourage proper or separate nutrition; with the modern rhythm of life this is not always possible. Just try to limit the following :

  1. Coffee. Caffeine negatively affects the vascular system of the body, resulting in various problems (bruises under the eyes, redness of the whites);
  2. Alcohol. With regular drinking of alcoholic beverages, the skin becomes grayish-white, swells and loses elasticity.
  3. Nicotine. Under the influence of cigarettes, the face becomes an unpleasant yellowish color, earthy, pores open, wrinkles and other signs of premature aging appear.

Cosmetics as a means to even out complexion

One of the main conditions for a uniform complexion is good blood circulation, which is responsible for delivering nutrients to skin cells. This will ensure proper skin care. The following mandatory steps are distinguished:

  1. Start every morning by washing your face with cold water. This will help the skin wake up, close the pores and remove the oil that has been released overnight. It is very useful to prepare cubes of frozen herbal decoction (chamomile, mint) or green tea in advance and wipe your face with them.
  2. Cleanse your skin using special products to remove dirt and grease. This could be a cosmetic soap, lotion or cleansing gel.
  3. Wipe the skin with a tonic that will restore the natural acid-base balance, relieve inflammation, dryness, and eliminate skin redness.
  4. The final stage of daily facial skin care is its nutrition and hydration. In the cold season, cosmetologists recommend applying a nourishing cream in the morning and a moisturizing cream in the evening, and in the warm season - moisturize the skin in the morning and nourish it in the evening. Thus, the skin receives a sufficient amount of moisture every day, as well as all the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

This care is necessary for the skin, both morning and evening. Cosmetic products must be selected according to age and skin type. It is advisable to contact a qualified specialist for help in order to accurately determine your type and choose the right cosmetics.

In addition to daily care, do not forget to do it once or twice a week.

. To do this, use exfoliating products. This cleansing of the top layer of facial skin will ensure a uniform color throughout its entire surface. A scrub made from oatmeal, ground coffee, sugar or salt will do the job perfectly. Choose the most suitable peeling for yourself.

At home, you can use various products to improve your complexion, but masks made from natural ingredients are especially popular among them. They are easy to use, you just need to first steam the skin with a steam bath and clean it with a scrub - this is necessary so that the active components can penetrate deeply into the cells and start metabolic processes in the upper layers of the epidermis. After removing the mixture, it is recommended to treat your face with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Egg mask with orange juice for oily skin

This product helps to tighten pores, eliminate oily shine, and give the skin a matte and natural glow.


  • 1 egg white;
  • 50 ml low-fat yogurt or curdled milk;
  • 20 ml natural orange juice.

Preparation and use:

  • Beat the egg whites until foamy and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your face with cool filtered or simply settled water.

Oatmeal mask with strawberries for dry skin

This mask evens out the complexion, gives the skin a boost of energy, fills it with moisture and vitamins.


  • 30 g oatmeal;
  • 150 ml hot milk;
  • 20 g glycerin;
  • 2-3 strawberries.
  • Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, pour hot milk over it and let the mixture brew for a while.
  • Mash the strawberries into a puree with a fork.
  • Mix oatmeal porridge with berry puree and glycerin.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture to your face for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your face with cool water.

DETAILS: Facial skin care after 30 years at home

Potato mask with yolk for aging skin

This mixture helps improve complexion, eliminate fine wrinkles and restore skin elasticity.


  • 1 young potato, boiled in its jacket;
  • 1 raw carrot;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 20 ml olive oil.
  • Peel the carrots and grate them on a fine grater.
  • Mash the potatoes (peeled) into a puree.
  • Mix carrot pulp with mashed potatoes, add beaten yolk and butter.
  • Mix everything and distribute the finished mass on your face.
  • After 30 minutes, wash your face with cool water.

Beer mask with potato flour for problem skin

A mask prepared according to this recipe perfectly refreshes the complexion, eliminates greasy shine and effectively fights acne.


  • 50 ml light beer;
  • 1 raw carrot;
  • 30 g potato flour;
  • 1 egg white.
  • Grate the peeled carrots on a fine grater.
  • Mix the resulting slurry with flour and whipped egg whites.
  • Pour the finished mixture with beer, mix and apply to the skin.
  • Wait about 20 minutes and then rinse your face with warm water.

Apple mask-compress for normal skin

This easy-to-prepare product perfectly tones the skin, gives it a healthy and radiant appearance and evens out the complexion.


  • 1 large apple;
  • 100 ml of cold mineral water;
  • 50 ml cold milk.
  • Grate the apple (along with the peel) and squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp.
  • Mix juice with milk and water.
  • Soak a piece of gauze in the prepared solution and apply it to your face.
  • Cover the compress with a plastic bag and lie in a comfortable position for 30–40 minutes.
  • After the specified time has passed, remove the compress and rinse the skin with water.

By following the above rules and regularly carrying out cosmetic procedures using home or commercial products, you can not only improve your complexion, but also get rid of poor health, as well as strengthen your immune system and prevent the occurrence of various health problems. A balanced diet, fresh air, physical activity and quality self-care are the main components of the beauty of any woman.


If you need to become irresistible in just a few hours, decorative cosmetics will be your best assistant. Only the effect of its use is short-lived, and it is not able to thoroughly solve the problem.

Carefully study the main stages and enjoy the magnificent transformation:

  • wash, cleanse your face with foam, milk or scrub;
  • wet the skin, apply moisturizer, wait 5 minutes until completely absorbed. You can use a foundation that matches the tone with an ultraviolet filter, which is equal to 15;
  • use a primer. It will visually smooth the skin, hide minor defects and wrinkles. There are nuances here too. For example, a mattifying agent will prevent the appearance of oily shine, while a radiant primer will make the face more rested and well-groomed. A moisturizer will remove flaking, green will disguise red spots, and lilac will normalize the shade of a sallow complexion. Therefore, choose a primer depending on the problem you want to solve. After using the product, wait 2-3 minutes;
  • apply foundation. It will make the skin uniform, hide enlarged pores and dryness. You can use a little trick and adjust the oval. To do this, a light shade of the product should be applied to the central part of the face, and a dark tone should be distributed pointwise along the sides and under the cheekbones. Shade the borders with a brush;
  • Use concealer to disguise age spots and pimples. The product requires targeted, dosed application, so be very careful;
  • Apply highlighter to the highest points of the cheekbones, above the contour of the upper lip, a thin strip along the bridge of the nose and precisely to the inner corners of the eyes.

Now you have an even, radiant, but rather pale tone. To complete your makeup, apply bronzing powder over your cheeks, forehead and nose, and then apply a little blush from the center of your cheeks to your cheekbones. Fix the perfect result with powder. Admire your own beauty and try not to ruin everything with inept makeup. With such perfect skin, all you need to do is apply a little mascara to your eyelashes, light eye shadow and lip gloss.

Use a color-correcting primer, long-lasting concealer, or blur-effect product. They smooth the skin, disguise enlarged pores and reflect light, hiding all imperfections.

It would be useful to purchase special serums. The effect of the concentrate is aimed at removing toxins, stimulating cell renewal, improving blood circulation and evening out skin tone. They effectively lighten pigmented areas, smooth out the microrelief, eliminate the “senile” complexion, and increase the elasticity of the skin.

If you have dark circles, puffiness under your eyes or a pimple, don't worry, makeup can hide many blemishes.

We already talked about peeling, but how to hide pimples? To do this, we will use concealer as an addition to foundation. It should be applied exactly to the pimple, driving into it with light movements.

Next, the face covered with foundation needs to be given volume. With one toning product, your complexion will turn out to be too pale, and with blush applied incorrectly, you can get an unsightly effect.

It is recommended to apply blush not only to the cheekbones, but also to the forehead and nose, best with a professional brush. You will immediately see how your face will glow and look younger. To set your makeup, brush your face with powder using a thick, fluffy brush.

In the meantime, on your way to perfect skin, use cosmetics to disguise imperfections:

  • start with a makeup base, a fairly new product in the beauty world. Choose an individual product for your epidermis type.

For example, there are foundations designed to fill enlarged pores, mattifying for oily skin, and moisturizing for dry skin.

Apply a thin layer to a clean face; if the product is colored, it is recommended to select a shade lighter than the foundation;

  • foundation. It will make your face the same color and hide minor imperfections.

It is important to choose a foundation that matches your skin tone. It looks very ridiculous when the shade is chosen incorrectly;

  • corrector or concealer. Spot masking of more serious problems that foundation cannot cope with.

It perfectly masks bruises and bags under the eyes, pimples, age spots. It comes in different textures and colors;

  • blush. With the previous means, we hid all the natural shadows, created a smooth canvas, now we need to draw everything again. Using blush you can create volume;
  • powder. Fixing makeup, for oily skin, this stage is simply necessary, since cosmetics “come off” quickly.

Good masks to improve complexion

Skin is our main indicator of health. Any person, especially a girl, should have smooth, velvety skin, a pleasant color and a slight healthy glow. What to do if you see a reflection in the mirror with a sad face. The first wrinkles appeared, dark circles under the eyes, and that attractive radiant skin tone disappeared.

Of course, you can go to a beauty salon and in a couple of hours your former attractiveness will be restored, but for this you will have to shell out a “tidy” sum. Believe me, you can improve your complexion at home with minimal time.

Causes of problems

Before you take any action, you need to find out the reason for your dull complexion. You can count a huge number of them, from digestive problems to banal improper hygiene. Let's look at the most likely reasons:

  • Insufficient water balance in the body means that you do not consume enough water during the day, which the body needs. And here the first inflammations, dryness and peeling, pigment spots appear.
  • Intestinal function is disrupted. If you suffer from frequent constipation, inflammation on your face is your faithful friend for life. Our body must remove feces outside, otherwise they begin to decompose and harmful toxins with the blood are again absorbed inside, forming inflammation, primarily on the face. Hence the gray complexion without blush.
  • Oxygen is our friend in the fight against complexion, we must get as much oxygen into the body as possible so that it functions well and the blood does its job. Go into the fresh air and a healthy glow will immediately appear on your cheeks.
  • Nutrition has a tremendous impact on your complexion; every unhealthy product or greasy bun will be reflected on your face in the form of redness or darkening.
  • With a lack of sleep, our body gets tired and does not have enough strength to work with the skin of the face; hated circles under the eyes and dark spots appear under the eyes.
  • Bad habits also affect complexion, for example, smoking affects the lungs, which provide us with oxygen, as we discussed above. Alcohol damages the liver, causing a yellow complexion.
  • Hormonal imbalances are what cause the first wrinkles to appear, since hormones are responsible for the regeneration of our cells, especially on the face.
  • Lack of physical activity leads to obesity and “fatigue” of the body. It is important to understand that everyone must do physical exercise so that all organisms and muscles actively work, so that accumulated energy is used up.

Not everyone can afford cosmetics, or maybe they just don’t have the time to buy them. But you don’t want to go to an event with a dull face. What to do in such a situation? It is worth turning to folk remedies.

Back in Ancient Egypt, Cleopatra took milk baths . This is where the recipe for quickly improving complexion came from. It’s enough just to wash your face with a dairy product – milk or kefir – instead of water. Your skin will become noticeably whiter and have a pleasant, even complexion.

Cucumbers are the right solution for “sad” skin. You can make a cucumber mask or simply apply round cucumbers to your face and leave for a while. The complexion will become more even, the skin will be more elastic, and dark circles will disappear.

Also, when preparing a salad, do not throw away the cut “butts” of cucumbers, but pass them along the massage lines of the face. After some time of regular procedures, you will see a noticeable effect.

A contrast shower will also help your face acquire a healthy color. You need to wash your face with cold or hot water, repeating several times. ATTENTION! The water should not be too cold or hot, as this can cause burns. There needs to be a balance.

Ice cubes will get rid of redness or dull color. They are quite easy to prepare. Just pour the desired mixture into an ice tray and place in the freezer. If you dilute water with ground coffee, in addition to a boost of energy, you will get a free tan.

If you dissolve chamomile infusion in water, it will help get rid of unpleasant inflammations. Pieces of ice should be passed along the massage lines in the morning. Do not overuse this procedure; you may harm your skin.

To wake up, add a drop of orange-based oil to the cream and use as usual. Vitamin C will awaken the skin from the inside and start blood circulation, which will give the face a pleasant, healthy color.

There are a huge number of recipes from grandma’s suitcase; you can experiment endlessly. The main thing is that the ingredients are natural and do not cause allergic reactions.

Nutrition: foods that improve complexion

It is worth remembering that our beauty directly depends on the internal state of the body. Therefore, if you notice signs of fatigue on your face, you should pay attention to your diet. The diet should be balanced, fried, fatty, spicy, sweet foods should be avoided.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. First of all, you need to love oatmeal, which removes toxins from the body throughout the day. Fruits and vegetables that affect complexion - carrots, apples, garlic, mint, mushrooms, etc.

It is also worth eating foods rich in vitamins, for example, Vitamin E (seeds, avocados); Vitamin C (citrus fruits, sauerkraut); Vitamin A (carrots, eggs, liver), etc. Don't forget about fats, such as Omega 3, which is responsible for cell repair. It is found in fatty river fish, seeds and dairy products.

Salon treatments

If you decide to get professional help, then take a closer look at these procedures:

  1. Laser cleansing (skin cell renewal occurs, post-acne and age spots are removed)
  2. Oxygen peeling (dead epidermal cells are exfoliated, and new ones are saturated with oxygen; blood vessels are strengthened and blood circulation is improved)
  3. Cryomassage (removes stagnant spots, tightens pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, adjusts metabolic processes)
  4. Diamond peeling (removes dead skin cells, strengthens blood vessels, makes the epidermis more elastic)
  5. Microdermabrasion (deep cleansing of the skin in several procedures, renewal of dermal cells and getting rid of post-acne)

We advise you to contact cosmetologists only after you have tried to get rid of the causes of uneven skin tone and tried several popular tips. Otherwise, expensive sessions will show an absolutely short-lived effect.

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Hardware methods

Almost every cosmetology salon will tell you how to even out your complexion using hardware methods. The advantage of these techniques is that it is possible to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and cope with other skin problems, for example, acne, blackheads and others. Consequently, the effect of such manipulations will delight you for a long time. To improve the color and structure of the skin, effective hardware methods are used.


This procedure is suitable for those who have not encountered the problem of acne or have already dealt with it. Cryomassage effectively removes spots on the face left after acne, fights oily shine, tightens pores, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

During the manipulation, the face is treated several times with liquid nitrogen, as a result of which the metabolism in the cells is normalized. After the procedure, slight hyperemia may occur. As a rule, it disappears on its own after a few hours.

A cryomassage session lasts no more than 10 minutes. 10 days after the procedure, it is recommended to apply sunscreen to the skin before going outside.

Laser cleaning

This method is quite effective and at the same time absolutely painless. It can not only cope with age spots, but also eliminate small scars and scars. During the manipulation, only a slight tingling sensation is felt.

A thin laser beam destroys pathological areas and simultaneously activates the process of cell division. In addition, collagen production improves, which helps reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate.

Oxygen therapy

This method allows you to improve your complexion and eliminate acne by replenishing the lack of oxygen in the cells. The substance is introduced into tissues by injection, which improves intracellular metabolism and resolves small scars. The keratinized epithelium is also exfoliated.


This manipulation is a type of mechanical peeling. First, the skin is deeply cleaned, then an exfoliating cream is applied to it and dead cells are removed. As a rule, the last stage is carried out manually, but at the same time it allows you to achieve a good effect.

The number of procedures depends on the complexity of the problem and the desired effect. If there are blackheads or pigment spots, the color can be evened out in 2-3 sessions. But you can get rid of scars in at least 10 procedures.

Diamond peeling

Such mechanical cleansing of the face also helps eliminate dead cells, which are often the main cause of uneven or dull complexion. After manipulation, blood flow in the tissues improves, skin elasticity increases, which helps improve its appearance and tone.

Video: Diamond peeling as a means of evening out complexion

Sometimes, to maintain healthy skin, especially very tired skin, you should combine these techniques or carry them out in courses.

An even complexion will always be an integral part of beautiful makeup, so it is important to learn how to deal with the problem correctly. Which method of evening out the complexion to prefer depends entirely on personal choice htm

Professional methods for beautiful skin color

Age-related changes on the skin of the face
In salons and beauty parlors you can be offered very effective procedures, such as:

  • laser cleaning (a fairly safe and painless procedure, thanks to which dead cells are burned and stimulated to produce new ones);
  • oxygen peeling (as a result, cells are regenerated and saturated with oxygen);
  • peeling with liquid nitrogen (a safe procedure that eliminates redness and strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • diamond peeling (a light massage effect occurs and gets rid of dead cells).

For greater effect, it is recommended to undergo such procedures in courses.

If you don’t have time to undergo salon procedures, then you can achieve a noticeable effect at home. After all, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not have expensive creams or plastic surgery. But natural cosmetics helped them maintain a beautiful complexion and have elastic skin.

Purchased funds

Homemade masks are not the only way to even out your skin tone at home. For these purposes, you can also use purchased products, especially since specialized stores offer a wide range of products designed to suit every taste and budget. It is almost impossible to choose the best, since the result depends not only on the quality of the mask, but also on many other factors, including the needs and individual characteristics of the skin.

Several products that are in high demand and have earned positive reviews from experts and users:

  • Mineral peeling mask “Double Radiance” from Vichy;
  • Timewise mask from Mary Kay;
  • Steaming face mask against blackheads “Clean Skin” from Garnier;
  • Special Mask from Holy Land Cosmetic;
  • Peeling mask for skin renewal “TRI-active” from Floresan;
  • Clear Turn by Kose Cosmeport;
  • A mask that deeply cleanses pores and improves skin condition, Clarifying Clay Masque from Skin Ceuticals.

To get the best results, each mask should be used according to the included instructions.

Why the skin color on the face may be uneven

Having found out the exact reasons, you can determine what specific action or factor provoked the deviation from the norm. It is worth noting that the causes of all types of uneven color are listed here - from redness to the appearance of age spots. Consider exactly what difficulty you are facing in order to accurately calculate the pathology yourself. You can't figure out how to even out your skin tone until you know what exactly you're struggling with.

  • Impaired performance of the gastrointestinal tract. Waste and toxins in the body contribute to disruption of the level of melanin, a pigment that causes the appearance of moles and spots.
  • Hereditary predisposition. Often, uneven skin color is passed on from parents to children or even from grandparents to grandchildren. Find out what caused the disorder in your ancestors.
  • Lack of proper nutrition of the skin. A possible reason is the low efficiency of the circulatory system. The skin does not get enough vitamins, minerals and even oxygen.
  • Dry skin. Most often, uneven complexion occurs in people with problematic dry skin types. It is necessary to regularly moisturize the skin with additional products or provoke activation of the sebaceous glands. This is especially true in winter, when the skin is regularly chapped and can be exposed to low temperatures for a long time.
  • Exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. This reason, on the contrary, is more common in the summer. Many patients notice that, for example, after a vacation and regular sunbathing on the beach, the skin becomes blotchy. The tan fades over time, but the unpleasant formations remain. This also indicates a violation of melanin in the dermis.
  • Bad habits and nutrition. This creates the preconditions for disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. And smoking and alcoholism clog the circulatory system itself with toxins. It is advisable to give up such habits and pay attention to healthy foods. Perhaps after this the question of how to even out the tone of your face will disappear on its own.
  • Lack of routine for a long time. Your skin may become blotchy if you don't get enough sleep or only sleep during the day. Carefully monitor your daily routine and try to sleep from 7 to 9 hours.
  • Hormonal imbalance. The cause is most common in adolescents, during puberty and pregnant women. Hormones are released unstably, which affects the pigments in the skin.
  • Consequences of dermatological diseases. The tone level or even the texture of the skin may be affected due to any disease. For example, patients often notice that the dermis becomes mottled after complete recovery from acne. At the same time, the formation of post-acne and other types of scars on the dermis is also quite possible. Therefore, to eliminate it, it is necessary to use the most effective means.

What does dry skin mean?

  • This process occurs gradually, on average, regeneration takes from 28 to 50 days.
  • The duration of regeneration depends on the person’s age and state of health.
  • Differs from the norm - characteristic peeling and excessive sensitivity. The dermis has an increased reaction to allergic irritants - regular rashes and redness.

Briefly about what dry skin means:

  1. Lack of moisture is one of the most common reasons leading to dryness. Often the symptoms described above are accompanied by a crunching sound in the joint area, which confirms a lack of water in the body. If both of these conditions are present, you need to drink more fluids to improve skin elasticity. The minimum daily dose of water for an adult is 1.5 liters. It is necessary to understand that only pure water is considered normal fluid: tea, coffee, juice and other drinks have the opposite properties that help remove fluid from the body.
  2. An imbalance in the hormonal system is a slowdown in metabolic processes due to an insufficient amount of estrogen. Low estrogen content is not able to retain moisture in the layers of the skin. Special preparations – phytoestrogens – help regulate the production of missing hormones. However, they should be used only if there is a slight deviation from the norm. If the level of violations is many times too high, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Evening out complexion using cosmetic procedures

No, not the advertised BB-glow. By the way, the procedure is just a marketing ploy. At first the effect is really visible.

A couple of months pass and the skin color may acquire a gray or even greenish tint.

Let's talk about methods that actually work, and, most importantly, with a positive outcome.


What to do if you have an uneven complexion with redness - go for an ice massage. Or rather, liquid nitrogen. Although both are cold. Low temperatures eliminate acne, wrinkles and age spots, and also tighten pores. And without chemicals.

In general, get into the habit of wiping your face with an ice cube every morning.

A. You will wake up instantly.

B. Skin tone and elasticity will increase, wrinkles will smooth out. And you no longer have to type “even complexion cosmetology” into a search engine.

It is carried out using injections or laser. The procedure is based on hyaluronic acid. The component retains moisture in the dermis, due to which an even tone is achieved. Moisturizing, elasticity and antiage effect included.

There are many varieties - from diamond to light chemical. In the case of the first peeling, the skin is thoroughly exfoliated using attachments sprayed with diamond chips, while in the second peeling, the skin is exfoliated using a chemical burn. It just sounds scary. Light chemical peeling affects only the upper layers of the epidermis and the skin quickly recovers. Even despite such aggressive influence.

Just check out the contraindications. And it’s better to sign up for a salon.

How else can you improve your complexion?

You can return an even shade to your skin if you follow some rules:

  • Eat a balanced diet - fruits, vegetables, fish, cereals, dairy products, nuts.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure still water per day. Drinking plenty of fluids cleanses your skin of toxins.
  • Limit consumption of coffee and strong black tea.
  • Regularly care for your facial skin using homemade or professional cosmetic products suitable for your epidermis type and age.
  • Use sun protection, even in winter.
  • Wipe your face with ice cubes prepared in advance. You can add herbal decoctions to the water before freezing. Washing with cold water and compresses are also useful.
  • Walk more in the fresh air, try to avoid places with heavy gas pollution and smoke.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Only if you follow these recommendations can you keep your skin healthy and radiant for a long time.

Home "military" arsenal

The process of evening out facial tone on your own begins with choosing the right cosmetics. First, avoid regular soap for washing your face; it only dries out the outer epidermis, causing it to age prematurely. Choose special foams and gels for your skin, taking into account its type and problems.

Be sure to get into the habit of using a peeling mask. The product effectively removes dead skin particles and various impurities. And massage during the procedure will restore blood flow to the face, which will launch restoration processes at the cellular level. You need to please yourself no more than twice a week, otherwise thorough cleansing will harm the epidermis.

Remember the algorithm of action for healthy skin:

  • Cleansing – twice a day (in the morning and before bed).
  • Toning – tightens pores and saturates the skin with vitamins.
  • Moisturizing – nourishes the skin.

What does oily facial skin mean?

It is distinguished by the presence of skin rashes, acne, blackheads, enlarged pores and increased greasiness. The provoking factor that oily facial skin tells us about is an excess of the male hormone - testosterone. This type of skin is more resistant to stress and does not lose elasticity for a long time. However, it requires regular cleansing and control of sebaceous secretions. Special medications prescribed by a dermatologist help regulate this process.

It is important to take into account the fact that such skin tends to react to the release of adrenaline into the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce irritability and aggressiveness to a minimum - not to provoke the production of male hormones. It’s easy to check whether your skin is too oily: you need to blot your forehead with a clean napkin and repeat the procedure after a few minutes. Oily skin will constantly leave greasy stains on the napkin.

Diseases that have oily skin as symptoms: endocrine dysfunction, menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal diseases. Also, sebaceous glands in women appear during pregnancy and lactation.

Oily skin

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