Masks that help improve complexion: a review of effective remedies

An even skin tone is uniform when there are no freckles, spots or pimples on the skin. If we talk about makeup, here you can achieve an even shade with the help of correctors, base creams, and foundations. In cosmetology, there are many products that can improve the shade of the skin and get rid of various defects.

To get the desired result, experts recommend working in different directions at the same time - makeup, care, healthy lifestyle. And for each of these points there are recommendations. If you stick to them, you can ensure your ideal skin tone.

What can harm the skin?

There are certain factors that can make our skin not very beautiful:

  • cosmetics are not of very good quality, they can cause allergies and clog pores;
  • cream that is not suitable for your skin type;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics for skin care;
  • procedures that were incorrectly carried out in the salon;
  • passion for solarium, lack of sunscreen during a beach holiday;
  • eating smoked, spicy, fatty foods;
  • bad habits;
  • lifestyle, if sedentary;
  • disrupted hormonal levels, as well as improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stressful situations that are constantly present in a person’s life, inadequate sleep and rest.

All this harms our skin, as a result of which it does not look very aesthetically pleasing, and also loses its shade. To restore an even skin color, you can use different methods.

Nutrition and hydration

At this stage, it is important to understand that before you can make your facial skin perfect on the outside, you need to nourish it from the inside. It is very important to provide the skin with moisture from the inside, which depends on the activity of transdermal water exchange. To do this, cosmetologists advise drinking more fluids, introducing green tea into the diet (it is better absorbed biologically), and limiting the consumption of caffeine-containing products.

It is also very important to ensure that the cells are saturated with useful substances; nourishing masks and creams that solve 2 problems at once are suitable for this. The first is the introduction of moisture into the upper layers of the epidermis and the method of retaining it in these layers. The second is the introduction of moisturizing components into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis and, again, enhancing the ability to retain it.

Care is selected depending on the type of epidermis. To simplify this process, we have compiled a table for different types of epidermis with suitable procedures.

Skin typeMasksCreams
Oily skinMasks with blue clay and honey will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Products containing tea tree essential oil are excellent for relieving inflammation. After cleansing and caring procedures, a light nourishing cream should be applied to it. It is recommended to buy cosmetic products with an airy structure: foams, fluids.
DryFor intensive nutrition, a mask based on natural yogurt and banana is suitable. It will improve hydration and saturate cells with vitamins and mineral compounds. To feed it, it is most convenient to use dense formulations. Priority is given to products whose ingredients contain hyaluronic acid.
CombinedIt needs special care, so it is recommended to make masks from kaolin, milk or herbal decoctions. It is recommended to wipe your face with cucumber lotion. To nourish the skin, you can use the same fluid creams or mousses as for oily skin.
ProblematicRemedies made from honey, clay mixtures, egg whites and yeast will help reduce inflammation and level out redness. To cleanse pores, a mask based on oatmeal and kefir is recommended. To further strengthen the fibers of the epidermis, as well as nutrition, it is important to use light moisturizing compounds. These can be serums or mousses. It is better not to experiment with thick creams.
NormalThis type of skin does not require specialized care, the main thing is to maintain its condition. You should use fruit and vegetable products, recipes with clays and other restorative masks. Any cream with a nutritional base is suitable. In the warm season, it is better to give preference to moisturizing products with vitamin supplements.

How to quickly restore skin in 7 days:

  • Wash regularly with antibacterial soap, which relieves inflammation and eliminates redness;
  • Every morning, every other day, use scrubs with soft abrasives (for intense peeling, use large ones);
  • Stop using cosmetics for a while and give your skin a rest. Instead of classic foundation, it is better to use regular cream. Or any available batter;
  • You should wash off cosmetics and creams only with special products designed for this purpose. In the morning it is better to simply wipe your face with micellar water or an ice cube;
  • Make cleansing masks with nourishing ingredients twice a week. An excellent option is clay with aloe or honey;
  • Do not expose your face to aggressive environmental influences. Protect your face from wind, ultraviolet rays and snow;
  • Diversify your diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, reduce the amount of fatty, salty and smoked foods. Completely eliminate refined sugar, fried foods and fast food from your diet.

The right makeup will make your facial skin perfect.
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Cosmetical tools

  • Foundation. This is a cream that can even out the tone of the face. They come in different types, some are more delicate and others are denser. If we talk about the foundation palette, there are more than 10 shades, starting with porcelain and ending with chocolate. The main thing is to choose products that do not make the skin too dry;
  • Makeup base. This is a base that is applied after cream and before applying foundation. The surface of the skin is leveled with the help of the foundation, so the shade becomes equal, and it seems that the skin is perfect;
  • Corrector. In makeup, it is an additional tool. This is a paste and quite dense, which can have any shade. The corrector is applied to the skin point by point to those areas that are problematic. Thus, a person can easily disguise the veins of capillaries and redness;
  • Concealer. This is a foundation pencil that can lighten the skin. With its help, dark circles that are located under the eyes, as well as marks left after acne, are ideally masked.


In modern conditions, for a complexion that indicates health and youth, it is not enough to simply wash your face. A whole range of caring measures is needed to maintain the dermis in good condition. Face masks will be effective in combination with proper nutrition, exercise, sleep and other important components of a healthy lifestyle. External beauty always indicates internal health. Healthy skin is a sign of a healthy person.

Here is another useful video recipe for improving skin color:

Cosmetology procedures

  • Mechanical skin cleaning. This procedure is classic; it can be used to cleanse pores of impurities and remove sebum. The specialist removes dead skin cells and comedones, and for this he uses special tools. As soon as the skin is restored, it becomes smoother and cleaner. The result is a healthy and bright look;
  • Biorevitalization. This is a course that consists of hardware procedures. Its goal is to improve skin health. After such procedures, wrinkles and age spots become smaller, the skin is tightened and smoothed. As a result, the skin tone is evened out and takes on a natural look;
  • Peeling. This is a procedure during which dead epidermal cells are removed. For this purpose, products containing beneficial acids are used. The skin becomes smooth, has a radiant appearance, and is easier to apply makeup on.

How to improve your complexion at home

To maintain a fresh look and delicate skin, it is important to pay attention to it at home and follow the recommendations of dermatologists.

Daily care

As cosmetologists themselves say, no specialist can help if you neglect home care. Products are selected according to skin type, but always take place in three stages:

  • Morning ritual: cleansing - toning - moisturizing
  • Evening ritual: cleansing - toning - nutrition

Proper diet and vitamins

Fermented milk products improve the condition of the intestinal microflora, and this, in turn, has the most favorable effect on the condition of the skin.

It is also useful to eat berries, fruits and vegetables - they contain a lot of fiber, which acts as a brush for the intestines, cleansing it of toxins and waste. And a healthy intestine, as we said above, means healthy skin.

Rejection of bad habits

It's no secret that smoking always affects your condition and color. Don't want to have a sallow complexion? Throw away the cigarettes! Intense tanning, excessive use of solariums and fast food can also have a negative impact.


Drink plenty of clean water. Without it, the epidermis becomes duller, and wrinkles and pores become more noticeable. Skin moisturized from the inside becomes firm, elastic and fresh, it is less susceptible to the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

Do not forget to monitor the air humidity - it should not fall below 60-70%. A humidifier or wet towels hung around the room can help with this.

Folk remedies and masks

  1. Carrot mask : grate the carrots on a fine grater and mix it with half the yolk, a spoonful of oatmeal and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Mix well and apply to cleansed face. After 20 minutes, rinse off with cool water and enjoy your fresh face.
  2. Badyagi mask : dilute dry badyagi powder with boiling water to the consistency of sour cream and apply to a cleansed face for 15 minutes. Don't worry, there will be a slight tingling sensation during the procedure. But after it you can immediately see how the skin is tightened and smoothed, the complexion has improved, and post-acne spots have become less noticeable.
  3. Berry masks - anything you have on hand will do here - strawberries, currants, raspberries - just mash the berries to a puree consistency and apply to your face for 15 minutes.
  4. Cucumber mask - mix finely grated cucumber with a spoonful of nourishing cream. Wrap the resulting mixture in a gauze napkin and apply it to your face for 15-20 minutes.

Healthy lifestyle

To have an even skin tone, you not only need to use the right cosmetics and do certain procedures, you must always do physical exercise and watch your diet. Experts recommend walking more in the fresh air and taking care of your own intestines. After all, this immediately affects the cleanliness of the skin and immunity.

You can get an even skin tone by:

  • diet;
  • fitness;
  • complex containing vitamins;
  • walks in the open air;
  • rest, it should be complete;
  • absence of bad habits.

All these points affect the condition of the skin. Following these simple rules will only help make your skin healthier.

Why does the face become dull?

  1. Ultraviolet irradiation - be it natural sun rays or an artificial solarium - are the main causes of premature skin aging and uneven coloration (hello, age spots, freckles and rosacea)
  2. Lack of water
  3. Poor cleansing and insufficient skin hydration
  4. Bad habits - cigarettes and alcohol
  5. Improper lifestyle - physical inactivity, lack of sleep, nervous exhaustion and stress
  6. Compliance with diets and strict dietary restrictions leading to vitamin and mineral deficiencies


Many people undergo a procedure called microdermabrasion. It does not cause allergic reactions or pain. In addition, such sessions can be performed on almost all people.

Here, the skin is exposed to aluminum oxide microcrystals, which are transmitted through a special tip of the device. Thanks to them, the skin is polished and skin cells are exfoliated. As a result of this procedure, the skin becomes smoother and more even. Additionally, patients remove fine wrinkles, reduce age spots, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

The result will already be noticeable after the first procedure. But in order to achieve the full desired result, it is worth completing the course. It may consist of 4-6 sessions.

It is important to remember that each procedure should be performed by a professional. After all, he knows how to carry it out correctly, what are the contraindications, side effects, and whether a certain procedure will help your skin. Initially, you should always consult with a specialist, and then decide which method you will use to even out your skin tone.

Contraindications, possible negative consequences

The main contraindication for using a particular mask is individual intolerance to any of its components. Allergies can be caused by ingredients of both organic and synthetic origin. To avoid unpleasant consequences, do a test in advance by rubbing a little product into the skin on the inside of your forearm. If after 30–40 minutes there is no itching, burning sensation, rash, redness, or swelling, feel free to apply the mask to your face.

Regular antihistamines will help cope with allergies on the face after applying the mask; Of course, use of the product must be stopped immediately

A temporary contraindication is the presence of not fully healed abrasions, wounds, scratches, burns, etc. on the face. They can easily become infected, causing further inflammation and suppuration.

Learn to manage stress

Stress causes damage to the entire body, including the skin. This harm can be clearly traced. Thus, in a classic study The response of skin disease to stress: changes in the severity of acne vulgaris as affected by examination stress, conducted with the participation of students at Stanford University, scientists found that during exams, students who were more nervous than others developed acne and rashes much more arose than among their calm comrades.

Stress is a 10 SKIN CARE SECRETS FOR HEALTHIER‑LOOKING SKIN trigger for skin diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis (eczema). It also aggravates existing skin problems, worsening its appearance.

In general, try to be less nervous. Or at least learn to reduce your stress levels to make your face look healthier.

Features of anti-aging after years

After 45 years, a woman faces a new and final hormonal stage - menopause. At this time, estrogens begin to be produced in minimal quantities, which means that the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin is further reduced, the protective functions of the skin are minimized, the renewal process of epidermal cells slows down, and the skin becomes drier, more sensitive, and dehydrated. The neck and décolleté area suffer the most. They have a minimal number of sebaceous glands, which means they give away age first.

From the age of 35 you can already buy products labeled anti-age. The substances they contain are aimed at neutralizing damage and maintaining hydrolipid balance. To smooth out the effect of hot flashes on the skin, pay attention to special night products with a cooling effect. They will reduce swelling and reduce the feeling of heat.

At the age of 40, wrinkles already begin to spread across a woman’s face, the oval becomes less clear, pigmentation appears, and the corners of the mouth slowly droop. To slow down the aging process, it is worth starting to prepare the skin for cosmetic procedures. Pay attention to the medium chemical peel. Trichloroacetic acid will help exfoliate the skin and remove all minor age-related changes from its surface.

You can then continue working on the area of ​​the face, neck and décolleté using mesotherapy or biorevitalization. These procedures will deliver the most important element of hydration - hyaluronic acid - into the skin layers, activate cellular renewal, improve complexion, smooth out wrinkles and reduce sagging skin.

As for home methods, you can use massage, face-building (a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the face and neck), as well as homemade masks made from natural ingredients.

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