Breast enlargement with essential and fatty oils.

Many girls often wonder what determines breast size and how essential oils affect breast enlargement and firmness. The main role in this is given to the natural factor. You should also take into account the fact that inheritance of traits occurs on the maternal and paternal lines. Therefore, as a result of a combination of genes, a child can develop his own individual characteristics. But still, in most cases, the daughter’s breast size will be the same as that of women who are her close relatives.

Factors determining breast size in women

The second factor that determines breast size is a woman's weight. After all, the mammary glands consist mainly of adipose tissue. Accordingly, if a woman gains weight, then her breast size will also increase. And vice versa, if a woman loses weight sharply, her breasts also become smaller. Based on this, we can conclude that you need to eat right. Weight should correspond not only to height, but also to age, as well as to the person’s physique. For every kilogram of weight gained, your breasts increase by twenty grams.

A girl's breasts begin to grow at the age of twelve or thirteen. Its intensive development continues until the age of eighteen. If during this period a girl loses a lot of weight, this may be the reason that even if she reaches a normal weight, her breasts will remain less voluminous. In addition, a woman’s physique also affects breast size. Petite and fragile girls usually have small breasts. If a girl has a massive chest, then her breasts are lush.

Playing sports

Push-ups promote breast elasticity.
The size of the mammary glands is also affected by playing sports. It is worth noting that the chest is not a muscle, so it is impossible to increase its size through exercise. But if you strengthen your pectoral muscles while playing sports, your bust will be toned. As a result, the breasts will become higher and much more attractive.

Effect of hormones

Hormones contained in some medications can promote breast enlargement. Breast enlargement acts as a side effect. Remember, there are no hormonal drugs in the world that would specifically enlarge your breasts. There are medications whose main purpose is breast enlargement, but they should be taken with caution, after consulting with your doctor first.


Probably every girl has heard that cabbage can affect breast size. Therefore, many people eat this vegetable in large quantities. Some women brew and consume a decoction of hops, believing that this “miracle remedy” will increase their breast size. But these and many other methods do not bring any results.

Many women believe in the existence of various diets, thanks to which they can supposedly enlarge their breasts by several sizes. However, these are all myths. There is also an opinion that cosmetic oils can make breasts firm and firm, as well as increase their size. Let's talk about their effectiveness in more detail.

Essential oils for breast enlargement

Degrees of mastoptosis

The norm is the position of the nipple at the level of the skin fold at the base of the mammary gland. The gland itself should start from the 3rd rib, its side width should be about 1/3 of its length. A small chest may be equal in width to ¼ of its length.

There are 1, 2 and 3 degrees of breast ptosis:

  • first degree - the breast flattens, the nipple begins to fall below the skin fold under the mammary gland;
  • second - the nipple is located 4 cm below the fold, but is located on the front of the mammary gland;
  • third - the nipple is located on the lower surface of the gland, facing downwards.

Separately, there is pseudoptosis of the breast, in which the mammary gland sags and falls below the skin fold. However, the nipple remains at the level of the fold or slightly above it.

How to do breast massage correctly

How to properly massage your breasts
First, make one movement on the top, and the next on the bottom of the chest, and the third on the sternum. Then repeat the same thing, but with the second breast. The massage should be carried out for ten minutes.

If you perform it only with oil, then at the end of the massage you should not immediately wash it off with water. The remaining product can be blotted with a paper napkin. In the case when you make a mask, you will need to remove it with a towel, after first moistening it in warm water and squeezing it thoroughly.

This way, all the beneficial elements of the oil will remain on your skin and will have a beneficial effect on it. Try to apply cosmetic oil to your skin after you take a shower or bath. This will increase the beneficial effect of cosmetic oils.

Oil exposure methods

Since the penetration of the components of the chosen product through the skin is often required, you should know that oils act quickly when used externally. And in order to increase efficiency, techniques such as rubbing them into the desired area (in this case, the décolleté area), or using them as an additive to a base oil (for example, flaxseed) during massage can be used.

Maximum effectiveness is observed when using the selected type of product on the chest area after thermal procedures. A sauna or steam bath perfectly cleanses and steams the skin, opening the pores and allowing the oil to be absorbed most deeply. Complexes based on a specific type of chosen product receive good reviews.

As a mandatory component when using oils, you should perform a number of exercises. They will also help stimulate improvement in breast condition, increased muscle tone and overall increase in volume.

What oils are used for breast firmness?

Flax oil and seeds

The most important product that can enlarge breasts and give them firmness is flax seed oil. It was used for these purposes by our ancestors. Flax seeds have a dense texture, making the oil more viscous. This is its main feature. Based on these properties, cosmetologists recommend using flax seed oil as a base component for masks.

It is good to mix it with various cosmetic products, such as lotion or cream. For a breast massage, only 1 tbsp will be enough. l. flax seed oils. Cosmetic masks based on flax seed oil are also useful, which can make the breasts more toned and firm. Here is one such mask that you can make at home.

Mix in equal amounts, 2 tbsp. l. heavy cream and flax seed oil. Add to it one tablespoon of fresh yeast and one teaspoon of sugar. Mix everything well and then heat to a temperature of 36-37 degrees in a water bath. The composition should be applied to the skin of the chest in an even layer and left for half an hour, and then rinsed off using a towel soaked in warm water. After the procedure, the skin will need to be moisturized with cream.

Flaxseed oil can also be taken orally. To do this, you need to drink one tablespoon on an empty stomach. This must be done within one month. This will improve the condition of not only your breasts, but also your hair.

Olive oil

Olive oil is considered another useful remedy for breasts. It can not only enlarge your breasts, but also make them more toned. Unlike flaxseed oil, its structure is lighter, so olive oil can be used as a stand-alone product without adding additional components.

For an olive oil mask, we need two tablespoons of this component, heated to body temperature, to which you can add five drops of any essential oil you like. You can easily buy it at any pharmacy. The composition can be used both for breast massage and as a mask; it must be washed off with warm water and a towel.

Among the oils that allow you to enlarge your breasts, you can also highlight hop oil, almond oil, and wheat germ oil.

Essential oils for breast firmness

Essential oils for breast rubbing
Essential oils can be used as an additional ingredient to basic cosmetic oils. Due to their properties, esters can quickly and deeply penetrate the skin, thereby, as it were, “pushing” the way for the base oils, which were already mentioned above.

They can be mixed with moisturizing creams and added to masks for the décolleté and chest areas. Among them are the oils of ylang-ylang, rose, cumin, as well as anise and verbena.

Oils have a cumulative effect. Therefore, in order to get the maximum effect from using them, massages and masks need to be done several times or at least once a week.

Ready-made skin care products

There are many cosmetics on sale that, according to manufacturers' promises, will make your breasts grow by leaps and bounds. Don’t rush to believe everything, first study the composition of any product, reviews of those who have already tried it, certificates for the product offered, rule out the presence of contraindications to the use of this or that product. Let's name some breast care products that you can pay attention to.

  • Api bust oil for breast growth - contains a rich set of essential oils (rosemary, geranium, patchouli, ylang-ylang and others) based on three basic ones - primrose, almond and wheat germ. It also contains extracts of ginseng root and honey. The product has certificates and a quality certificate, as well as instructions for use. The approximate price of the product is 2,500 rubles per 100 ml bottle.
  • Wise Ways Herbals is a balm for breast skin care based on evening primrose, calendula, castor, olive oils, as well as echinacea extracts, essential oils of lavender, neem tree, geranium and other ingredients. The cost is about 700-800 rubles per jar of 112 g.
  • Breast cream with cocoa butter and biocomplex from Palmer's increases elasticity, strengthens the skin of the bust, maintaining the level of collagen and elastin, and also reduces stretch marks. The product has been tested by dermatologists and does not contain phthalates or parabens. Estimated cost is about 400-500 rubles. for 125 g.
  • Weleda massage oil with a natural composition based on almond oil and arnica extract can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Helps maintain the elasticity of the skin of the chest and abdomen, strengthens it and prevents stretch marks. Price – just over 1000 rubles for a 100 ml bottle.

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The most effective oils for increasing bust volume

Among the variety of essential oils, it is worth highlighting those that have a stimulating effect specifically on this area. After all, a woman’s breasts, being mostly adipose tissue, are a very delicate and sensitive area. And she requires the most careful attitude towards herself. Products that are too harsh and cause discomfort on the skin can negatively affect the bust area, so it is necessary to control their use.

The most effective essential oils if you have a goal to increase bust volume include:

  • geraniums
  • ylang-ylang
  • evening primrose
  • linen
  • patchouli
  • sage

Fennel has also long been considered an effective remedy that has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the décolleté area. Therefore, fennel can also often be seen in preparations that can be used in complex work to obtain additional size.

What is the benefit

There are ways to enlarge breasts using special drugs. The most useful and effective means for this are natural oils.

Their benefits are undeniable, and they consist of the following:

  • natural oils are produced by cold pressing, as a result of which they retain as much as possible all the beneficial substances that the breast skin absorbs.
  • oils, thanks to their light oily texture, smooth out wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity, and resist stretch marks;
  • the moisturizing and nourishing effect of oils, phytoestrogens (in fact, plant analogs of the hormone estrogen, one of the most important hormones responsible for the beauty and health of a woman) contained in them, give tone and elasticity to the skin of the mammary glands, preserving their youth and beauty;

Its effect on sexuality

This oil has long been classified as an aromatic adaptogen, being a natural aphrodisiac, actively influencing libido. It is not for nothing that in Indonesia they practice the ritual of covering the newlyweds’ bed with the petals of this tree, but for the most part it is practiced as a component of high-quality, luxury perfumes. In everyday life, it can be used as aromatic oil, thereby creating a unique aroma in the house, erotic surroundings and atmosphere.

But the oil is best known as a powerful intimate remedy when frigidity in a man or woman has a high threshold. It is not for nothing that it is considered an erotic oil, which greatly increases sexual desire, but even here you should be careful not to get dizzy. The essential oil has a fairly thick and quite rich aroma, which is why it can cause headaches, and you should use it quite carefully and little by little from the very beginning.

Flax and castor extracts

Flaxseed oil for bust enlargement is famous for its effectiveness. It helps a woman adjust her hormonal levels, strengthen and tighten the skin of her breasts. It is also capable of treating mastopathy in the early stages, as it is a source of estrogen. It is only important to learn how to use it correctly. Every day for a month, it is recommended to take a small spoon an hour before meals. You can drink it with water. It is also an excellent dressing for salads and vegetable dishes. This oil can also be used externally by rubbing in lightly every evening before bed.

It is not recommended to take both internally and externally at the same time.

Thanks to castor oil, elasticity increases. It is obtained from the fruits of castor bean trees. It has a very dense, viscous structure. Before use, you must first warm it slightly. It contains a lot of vitamins that are beneficial for a healthy and youthful body. Makes breasts softer, younger, gives firmness, and prevents the formation of stretch marks.

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